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September 2015
Cheshire Academies Trust
Together Everyone Achieves More


Welcome back! I do hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday and are ready to
begin the next academic year. New books, new start, but the same high expectations, great
teaching, exciting fun activities and visits. Most importantly: the same care, attention and
dedication to ensure all the children at Boughton Heath Academy receive the best possible
education we can deliver. Governors and staff are determined that we will continue to make
improvements in our school from simple little things to challenging the way we do things on a
much larger scale.
We value parents input and this will not change. So when we ask for your opinions and
thoughts please do write back. We had over 100 parental questionnaires returned to us last
year. This is the most we have ever had and from the majority of parents these were
extremely positive. Thank you.
The full analysis has yet to be finalised but this will be distributed to parents along with our
responses. You will notice an immediate improvement on diary dates and communication.
Although not bad, this could have been better and we have worked hard over the summer
holidays to improve and set dates which will not change. It is obviously important to parents
that we get this right and we agree fully with your views. Communication between parents
and school is vital. We have agreed all initial diary dates and the list can be seen at the end of
this newsletter and will be reprinted on each newsletter which follows. Dates can also be seen
on the school noticeboard, through Twitter updates, on the school website in the same format
and on the blackboard outside the school gate (all synchronised and therefore stopping any
confusion). Please verify your Parentmail accounts via the text you were sent if you
have yet to do so as we are migrating to their new improved service.
I am so excited about the way in which the school, as part of our Trust, is progressing. We
have so many exciting and innovative projects coming up. From school councils working
together, to staff working closely to improve the quality of teaching, to setting our 11 by 11
entitlement in each school. You can read below which final 11 experiences were chosen.
Thank you once again for your support. We will continue trying to improve the way in which
we do everything on a daily basis because we care deeply about the education your children

Steve Ellis


At the start of each year, in order that all members of our school community are clear about
the systems that are in operation to support positive behaviour, I would ask all parents to read
the home /school agreement carefully as well as discuss our moral compass with your children
again. We believe the ethos of our school, which is a caring, happy, family community that
Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane,
Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

values and respects the views and actions of all, is fundamental to the good behaviour in our
school. Values based upon respect for others, for property and the environment; honesty;
trust and fairness; tolerance and compassion and the virtues of self-respect, form the
cornerstones of our behaviour policy.
With these principles in mind our intention in implementing this policy is to promote and
reward positive behaviour amongst all of our children. We will continue to ensure that our
childrens entitlement to be taught in a safe, calm, ordered environment is achieved and so
providing them with a place in which they are ready to and are able to learn in.


Reading and writing are two of the most important life skills and at Boughton Heath we aim to
support you and your child to become enthusiastic and fluent readers and writers. The
overwhelming majority of parents want to help their children and increasingly, the partnership
between home and school has a significant impact upon the raising of awareness and
standards. With this in mind we are relaunching our home school reading procedures and
We will continue to provide your child with a variety of reading material which will develop
their imagination and encourage them to become confident writers. Most recently we have
purchased new guided reading materials. These will be used in group sessions by the teacher
to develop childrens comprehension skills.
To keep a record of the wealth of material across different genres (e.g. fantasy, fiction,
adventure, non-fiction, fables, biographies, riddles) that your child reads, we have introduced
new Reading Journals in all classes. We would like you to record their reading homework in
this. You and/or your child will be expected to continue to log the date and the name of
the reading book each time they read. As they read to you or talk about the text, we
would be grateful if you could initial the reading record too. This does only take a minute
Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane,
Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

and we would be grateful for parents cooperation and support. In the journal there are also
pages which provide opportunities to respond to their reading through tasks. Please feel free
to use these and add to them as you think of new ideas. This will help us to monitor the
quantity and quality of reading that your child is choosing and age appropriate material.
Each time your child reads in school in a Guided reading session we will stamp their Reading
Record book. Therefore this Reading record book must be returned to school daily so that
we can support each other in communicating their reading progress. This will be a vital
record of your childs reading journey and something which they can feel proud of. We will be
praising and rewarding their reading achievements which will be recorded in the Reading
Record book in our Fridays Celebrating and Achieving Assemblies.
Your child should now have a reading bag to keep school letters, homework and belongings in
and are responsible for bringing this with them daily. If you have not yet purchased one of
these please could you do so. You can purchase these from the school office or School Style
website where you would normally purchase uniform. This will be necessary so that they can
keep their Reading Record and book clean and available for use every day.
Summary and Update of Information relating to the reading procedures in Key
Stage 1

Reading book/diary/bag will be needed every day in school. This will then go home
each night.
Please encourage your child to read to you each night as part of their homework.
Discuss the story with them to help them engage with the text.
Be positive about their efforts.
It will encourage your child to read more if they see you reading at home. You can
share your responses with them.
Your comments about your childs reading may be entered in their reading diary.
Encourage your child to respond to their book by writing or drawing in their reading
record book.
When you think your child is ready to change their book, make sure that they know and
they can change this first thing in the morning.

Summary and Update of Information relating to the reading procedures in Key

Stage 2

Your child will have selected a home reader from the junior library which should go
home each night.
They should read for 20 minutes each night as part of their homework. It is important
for an adult to share this in order to support and develop fluency. Once fluent, it is just
as important to develop comprehension by discussing what they have read.
Every child has a new Junior Reading Record in which they should record their reading.
Your initials are required and are important to encourage your child.
The reading book and Junior Reading Record should come back into school daily. When
your childs teacher does a Guided Reading session with them, the Record will be
Children are encouraged, with guidance, to select their reading book independently
from the library. Sometimes they might want a comfortable read and other times want
to choose a more challenging book to read with an adult at home.

As part of our drive to enhance reading and therefore improve childrens writing we are
looking to provide children with opportunities to read regularly on a one to one basis in school.
Parental / grandparental help has previously been very successful and we would appreciate
the support from anyone on a regular basis to hear readers throughout school.
If you are interested in supporting the school please email or come into school and express your
Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane,
Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

interest. We are looking for parents/grandparents to help listen to readers, help in

class or support teachers. Any help would be gratefully received.


It is my pleasure to announce that Mrs Woods (Year 3 teacher) is pregnant. All of the staff and
governors at the school are delighted and wish her a smooth and sleep filled transition to
being a mum. Mrs Woods will be leaving to begin her maternity leave near Christmas but as
with all pregnancies we are not exactly sure of the timing. The school will be advertising for a
suitable and highly qualified and talented teacher to replace Mrs Woods for two terms. We will
be holding the potential candidates to the highest possible standards to ensure the quality of
teaching in Year 3 continues for the entire year.


An introduction to the New Academic Year - A Meeting for Parents with Teachers
Teachers will again be holding a Meet the Teacher evening. They are an important way for
parents to understand procedures and policies within school. They will include:
Arrangements for the curriculum at Boughton Heath from September 2015
Reading procedures - use of reading diaries/journals
Use of writing books, VCOP strategies and mathematical approaches used in school
Homework timetables in each class
Spelling procedures at home and school
Personal and Social Development programmes, including behaviour codes and sex and
relationships education
Communication between home and school
Topic / curriculum outline for the term
Childrens targets
WALT & WILF strategies: WALT - We are learning to. WILF - What Im looking for.
Questions and answers session
I am very grateful to the staff for setting aside the time to organise these meetings in the
evenings for parents convenience and feel sure that you will find them valuable in helping you
to support your child/ren this year. Please do come along. This meeting will not provide an
opportunity to discuss personal or child specific issues. If you have any specific concerns that
you would like to discuss with your childs class teacher, please make an appointment at
another mutually convenient time to discuss these confidentially in the usual way.
Reception: 5.30pm
Year 1 and Year 3: 6.00pm
Year 2 and 4: 5.30pm
Year 5-6: 6.00pm

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane,
Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.


Parents can help support school by following the simple styles below.

Reception and Year 1

Year 2 onwards

A a Bb Cc D d E Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk L l M m Nn O
Pp Q q R r S Tt Uu Vv Ww X Yy Z z

Cheshire Academies Trust

11 by 11 Entitlement

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane,
Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

The teachers, support staff and governs of Boughton Heath Academy, Mill View Primary
School and Kelsall School met together on Tuesday 1 st September to finalise the 11 by 11
entitlement in our schools. I am pleased to announce below the finalised 11 experiences.
Thank you to all of the parents who emailed their suggestions. Many of them you will see
match experiences that were suggested. We will be publishing these across our many
websites and correspondence in the coming year.

1. Visit London
2. Learn to swim and water safety
3. Camp under stars, cook on a fire and look at the stars
4. Learn First Aid
5. Do something for charity
6. Plant it, Grow it, Eat it.
7. Learn the basics of cooking
8. Perform on stage
9. Play a Musical Instrument
See the sea
Learn to ride a bike and road safety


This year all the proceeds from our Harvest Festival on Wed 30 September will be donated to
Save the Family. We will be collecting before and after the festival with all the donations
being sent on Friday 2nd October. Please give can or dried food to this good cause. We will be
collecting from the very start of term.

Children are taking part
in tag rugby and
basketball at the
moment. These are both
outdoor games and as
such children should
have clothes to keep
them warm enough. Use

We would like to remind
parents of the restriction in
place due to the conditions
within the planning
permission. Children and
parents are allowed to
use the adventure


This year all the proceeds
from our Harvest Festival
will be donated to Save
the Family. We will be
collecting before and after
half term with all the
donations being sent on
Friday 2nd October. Please

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane,
Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

of a school jumper for P.E.

is not acceptable. Please
ensure all items are
clearly named.

playground only till

4.15pm after school and
no children should be on
school site during
weekends or holidays




Parents are reminded

that the school car park
is not to be used to stop
and drop off children. It
causes congestion and is
unsafe for children to be
walking across to reach

give a can or dried food to

this good cause.

Parents are reminded that this

club begins at 7.45am at a cost
of 1.50
There is no need to book in

Diary Dates- 2015-2016
Additional diary dates will be provided throughout the term. N.B It is inevitable that changes may occur. We will
endeavour to keep you informed as early as possible. Please visit our website
Thank you

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane,
Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

Wednesday 2 September
Wednesday 9th September
Monday 14th September
Monday 14th September
Tuesday 15th September
Wednesday 16th September
Friday 25th September 9.30
Friday 25th September 8.50-9.20
Wednesday 30th September
Monday 5th October
Tuesday 6th October
Thursday 8th October
Thursday 22nd October 9.15-11.45 and 1.15-2.45pm
Friday 23rd October
Friday 23rd October
Monday 2nd November
Tuesday 3rd November
Wednesday 4th November
Wednesday 11th November
Week beg: 16th November
Tuesday 17th November- 3.30pm 6pm
Thursday 19th November 4.30pm 7pm
Monday 23rd November am
Monday 30th November
Friday 27th November
Wednesday 9th December 10am and 6pm
Thursday 10th December 10am
Monday 14th December 9.30am
Thursday 17th December 7pm
Friday 18th December
Monday 4th January
Tuesday 5th January
Wednesday 6th January 2016
Thursday 7th January
Friday 29th January
Friday 12th February
Monday 22nd February
Friday 26th February
Tuesday 1st March
Thursday 10th March
Monday 14th March Wed 16th March
Tuesday 22nd March Thursday 24th March
Thursday 24th March
Friday 25th March
Monday 28th March
Tuesday 29th March 4.30pm 7pm
Thursday 31st March 3.30pm 6pm
Thursday 31st March
Friday 28th March
Friday 1st April
Monday 18th April
Tuesday 19th April
Tuesday 19th April
Friday 22nd April
Friday 22nd April
Monday 2nd May
Wednesday 4th May
Monday 9th May- Thursday 12th May
Thursday 26th May
Friday 27th May
Friday 27th May
Monday 6th June
Friday 10th June
Thursday 16th June
Tuesday 21st June
Friday 24th June
Friday 24th 26th June
Monday 27th June
Tuesday 28th June
Friday 1st July
Tuesday 12th July 1.30pm and 7pm
Wednesday 13th July 1.30pm
Thursday 21st July

Year 2 visit Hilbre Island- Note late return to school 5pm
Clubs Begin
Year 3 and Year 4 circus day
Meet the Teacher Reception: 5.30pm
Year 1 and Year 3:
Meet the Teacher Year 2 and 4: 5.30pm
Year 5-6: 6.00pm
New Parent Coffee Morning to follow share learning
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Harvest Festival (Children only)
Year 1 to Delamere Forest TBC
Year 3 to Pizza Express
Year 5 to Jodrell Bank (Late return of 4pm)
OPEN DAY (Prospective families)
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
School Closed INSET day
Year 3 and Year 4 trip to Liverpool World Museum
Year 5 DT day- Making tree houses
Anti-Bullying Week 2015
Parents Evening
Parents Evening
Individual & Family Photographs
Majority of Clubs Finish for Autumn Term
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
KS1 Christmas Production
KS1 Christmas Production
KS2 Practice at Northgate Church
KS2 Christmas Performance at Northgate Church
School Closed INSET day
School Closed INSET day
School Reopens 2016
Year 6 DT day
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
School CLOSES for Spring Half Term
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Year 1 DT day
Year 5 Class Assembly
Year 3 Residential
Year 4 Residential
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Good Friday- School Closed
Easter Monday- School Closed
Parents Evening
Parents Evening
Year 2 Class Assembly
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
School Closed INSET day
Scholastic Book Fair in School
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Year 4 DT Day- Making the Iron Man
Year 4 Class Assembly
Year 6 SATs Week
Year 1 Class Assembly
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
School CLOSES for Half Term
Tempest Class Photos
Year 3 Class Assembly
Sports Day Infants- morning Picnic Lunch JuniorsAfternoon
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Y6 Residential to Robinwood Centre
Year 2 DT day- Swing Bridges
Reception Class- Design Technology day
Reserve Sports Day
Year 6 Leavers Production
Year 6 Leavers Production

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane,
Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

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