Vester Flanagan Pawnshop Rant

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i i THE PURPOSE OF THIS LETTER IS **NOT** TO GET ANYONE IN TROUBLE THE PURPOSE IS TO INSPIRE CHANGE!!!! Mr. Vester Flanagan 3015 Ordway Drive NW Apt. J Roanoke, VA 24017 Mr. John Markell (Owner, Roanoke Firearms 3312 Cove Rd NW Roanoke, VA 24017 Dear Mr. Markell, | am currently in the market for several items, including a firearm. However, I'd like to bring to your attention an incident that happened a while ago at your store... an incident that is causing me to rethink my plan of possibly giving you more business as well as recommending it to others. | purchased an item in the $100 range. | was quite offended when the cashier/clerk did not thank me for my purchase. | was actually considered returning it but | could only imagine that you guys make the process of returning something hell for your customers...that’s my gut feeling, 'n fact, | actually called your location to get your name but the man who answered the phone was quite unhelpful...bordering on combative. He refused to give your name and was very unprofessional. | guess he didn’t imagine that perhaps | could google you? Your name is all over the internet, But you what? | shouldn't have had to google you. I'M YOUR CUSTOMER! Hind the way he treated me and the fact was not thanked by the woman who helped me to be shocking, upsetting, surprising, rude, unprofessional and downright unacceptable. Let's be honest. The reason companies are in businessis to make money. Additionally, moneys the reason they STAY in business. How many people would work for free? How many businesses would survive with no money coming in? Money is to businesses what air and blood are to humans. It’s vital and essential in order for a business to prosper and to keep the lights on-- and doors open. Acustomer should be treated the same way a guests treated in someone's home: with respect, courtesy, appreciation, kindness, tact, decency and with a warm welcome that shows their presence is welcomed, Do you care that you could lose business due to something so basic... so fundamental... something that is $0 easy to do? | will NOT make purchases at businesses where | am not thanked. | will take my business **my money, that is** elsewhere. At the end of the day, your pawn/gun shop is not the only option. There are a tons of shops not only in Roanoke but also in surrounding communities, RANT IS THIS A RANT? YA BETCHA IT IS. AT THIS POINT, ARE YOU BORED? ARE YOU DEFENSIVE? DO YOU THINK | AM JUST A CRAZY LUNATIC? ** If not, keep reading, | am not finished yet*™* 'm not expecting a fire alarm to go off. However, there should automatically be an underlying sense of importance or sense of urgency when someone forks over money Do employees and managers forget what "this" is all about? Money—that is. Why don't you understand the importance of money and respect those who give it to you? Without adequate finances, detriment and devastation will follow! When you think of YOUR life and all of YOUR life goals... getting married? A wedding costs money as does a divorce. College? That costs money! Kids? No comment! When you're planning for retirement, money is at the forefront, You NEED money, From your birth, to your funeral—and all points in between-- money is so crucial, yet it is taken for granted? Is money seen as insignificant? I'm here to tell you that you need to acknowledge it as do your employees. What | am giving you... and what other customers give you MONEY — will affect and determine what EVERY aspect of your life will be ike. where you live (and where you cannot), where you go to school (and where you cannot) and $0, SO, $0, $0, $0 much more. AND LEAVE!!! {5 this Is @ rant? It may just be and rightfully so. | have a right to feel this way. What has happened is so inappropriate and just plain wrong—I find it disgusting actually. 'm dumbfounded...'m shocked... | can't even think of the most fitting adjectives to use right now. | go to great lengths to preserve my credit~-your response to moneylincome should mirror the urgency | have in my own personal life. Without income, my credit will take 2 nose dive. Again, it's all related to MONEY! I'm not holier than thou! |'m just asking for the bare minimum-- you don't have to be overly cheerful... | don't need a back rub or foot massage. All | expect and desire is a professional demeanor and a “thank you.” Is that too much to ask for? am an imperfect being just like you and everyone else on the planet. But at this point, this is SO rampant and so commonplace, it is very disturbing and it can't be accepted because of bologna excuses YOUR PAYCHECK IS SIGNED BECAUSE YOU'RE PERFORMING A DUTY if you fail to uphold your end of the bargain, is that not a breach of contract? Is saying “thank you" @ part of your job or is it not a requirement? The issue of failing to say thank you should not be overlooked and it should not be addressed in a nonchalant manner; that's simply unacceptable! EXCUSES? Employees must not be allowed to use the same lame, overused bogus excuses we hear all the time...l’m tired... I'm having a bad day. If those are valid excuses there sure are a lot of tired people in the world and bad days are ‘more common than ants. Jeez! Perhaps some employees should seek employments in areas where their moods won't affect the income stream of the businesses they work for, Stressed a true professional learns how to camouflage his/her emotions. Learn some relaxation exercises, It’s not your customer's fault that you're having a bad day. \'ve worked in LOTS of stressful positions. Employees didn’t know it would be stressful when they applied for the job? How much would your respect a police officer, a teacher, a pilot, an ambulance driver etc if that Person’s job performance was affected due to stress? YOUR life would be impacted due to them not dropping the ball. YOUR FAMILY AND LOVED ONES could be impacted. Would THAT be OK because someone is having a bad day? Seriously? Forgot: you “forgot” to say “thank you?" Really? DID YOU “FORGET” to collect my money from me? Did you FORGET to DEPOSIT my money into your bank account? | doubt it! | also doubt that you forgot to spend time texting or Facebooking, Busy: if you weren't “busy” you wouldn’t be making money. You're too busy to take ONE SECOND of your time to say “thank you?” AM LJUST AN ANGRY JERK? Angry? Yes. But disappointed is a better word. YES, | have empathy for employees. | walk in their shoes too. | have worked for many ‘companies and | know NONE of them are perfect, not one! However, again, it goes back to something that takes 1 second or less to say ‘wake up tired some days too. | know what it’s like to have a down day. Employees should call in on those days. Sure, no one likes to do that but we ALL need a “me day” from time to time Take one! GOTO BEDI! | can't count how many times someone says they're tired at work. GO TO BED!!! That's what a responsible adult does. You KNOW what time you have to be at work...days...weeks...months...and sometimes YEARS in advance. GO TO BED!!! It’s not that hard. These people who claim they're so tired | wonder if they're “tired” when they go see their favorite artist in concert. | wonder if they're “tired” when they wake up in the wee hours of the morning to camp outside and stand in line in the cold for a Black Friday sale © Excuses are tired! WHATS **YOUR** OPINION 2? lose your eyes. Now, imagine you're at the counter at, let's say, a sandwich shop. You place Your order, the cashier takes your cash and prepares your meal. She/he hands your items te You and either says nothing at all or “Have a nice day.” Now, maybe | am missing something. Is that OK? Maybe it is. Maybe | didn’t get the memo as they say. ‘Am | fighting a losing battle here? ‘SERIOUS TONE When | think of money | think of armored trucks... security guards...bullet proof glass. Images of extreme protection come to mind. Money is the reason the U.S.A is a superpower. Are any 3° world countries superpowers? When it comes to money, a “serious tone” or at least a strong appreciation should be automatic, Do you stop to think you could lose a customer... lose profits all because of two words that take a second to say? Is that OK with you? You should be treated as if you are a guest in someone's home. Do you care that you're losing business? {will NOT make purchases at businesses where | am not thanked. | will take my money... elsewhere. Your business is not the only one to choose from. isn’t this a bit ridiculous? WHY DID | TAKE THE TIME TO WRITE ALL OF THIS??2722277222272277? Because companies don’t seem to be doing an effective job of enforcing a “MUST THANK" policy, | have decided to make this my life mission. And, | am very, very serious about this. Think of the serious tone you fee! when you enter a bank... when an armored truck arrives. when you visit Fort Knox. There is a serious tone because?????? Because money is IMPORTANT! It’s valuable!!! MY BANK IS THE **ONLY** BUSINESS WHERE EMPLOYEES SAY- “Thank you Mister Flanagan...we value your business.” Wow, wow, wow!!! What a great impression they leave No wonder | have been with them for 20+ years!!! They treat me SO well. | would NEVER leave them!!! FINAL THOUGHT HERE: PLEASE HAVE YOUR EMPLOYEES WEAR NAME TAGS THAT CAN BE EASILY READ!!! Many name tags are hidden by jackets (I can understand that if it's cold) ...well, then again, have employees put their name tags on their jackets! Also, keep in mind many People may have vision issues so the letters need to be large and bold enough to read, Thank you ie i [eedback. That was certainly my intention. | know you have a tough job but with 3 few changes your business will prosper greatly I You would like to contact me, | can be reached via U.S. mail, hone @ 540-685-3231 or via email ester flanagan@ Thank you for your attention regarding this matter. PS. “Have a nice day" is NOT sufficient. This isn’t about how my day is going, My friends and family can ask me; | know they're sincere. A stranger commenting on my days does nothing for me. | want te bron my money is appreciated. What | want is a show of GRATITUDE. End of story Sincerely, Veste? Fratagan

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