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Quality of deciding, controlling or achieving an outcome, firmness of

iGenda 1

NOTE: All of today’s assignments are to be completed individually…

not in teams or with a partner. Another words, during class today, it is
to be quiet and focused on completing these Learning Tasks.

Devotion & Prayer…Learning Task

 Look up the word DETERMINATION
 Once you have found the meaning, answer the following
question in at least five (5) sentences:
○ In the last six months, identify one area in your life that
you have displayed DETERMINATION and experienced its

English 9
Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” Learning Task One
 Individual Learners are to pull-up their electronic version of
“Romeo and Juliet”
 Individually read Act One: Scene Three
 Write an eight (8) sentence Synopsis (a brief summary) of Scene
Three (20 pts.)
Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” Learning Task Two
 Each learner is to identify four (4) specific examples or quotes
from “Romeo and Juliet” Act One: Scenes One through Three
 Analyze and explain how each example or quote defines
DETERMINATION through the characters and their relationships
and the action that takes place (20 pts.)

These TWO Learning Tasks need to be uploaded to your iFolio

Posterous for a completion check. Credit on assignments will be
assessed and given 9AM, Tuesday, March 2, 2010.

World Geography WebQuest Learning Task (30 pts.)

This assignment is due Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 9AM
 Go to
 Under Course Content…Web Codes…insert mjk-0015 then
press Go
 Left hand side of the page…under Course Content…click onto
 Select Infoplease Resources
Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DETERMINATION iGenda 1
Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator Quality of deciding, controlling or

achieving and outcome, firmness of purpose
Ms. R. Muffler, Monday Facilitator World Geography: Poland, Czech,
Baltic States, and Russia
○ Scroll down to Atlas
○ Find each of these countries located on this link
 Central Europe and Northern Eurasia
○ Spans two continents in the Northern Hemisphere
 Poland/Czech and Slovak Republics, and Hungry
 Balkan Peninsula/Baltic States
○ Baltic states and border nations along Russia’s western
edge were once republics within the Soviet Union.
 Russia
○ The world’s largest country…it stretches across ten (10)
time zones.

Answer the following questions:

1. Which capital cities are located on the Danube River? Budapest,

Vienna, Belgrade.

2. What capital city is located at 50 degrees N latitude?

3. Which two rivers serve as Poland’s western border? Oder, Neisse

4. How did World War II change the ethnic diversity of Poland?

Since there were many Jews in Poland during WWII a great
majority of their population was lost, during that time.

5. How have political and economic conditions in the Czech

Republic changed since the 1980’s? Communist rule ended and
Vaclav Havel was elected president.

6. How have Romania’s economic activities changed since the end

of Communist rule?

7. What natural resources have given Hungary an advantage in

establishing itself as an independent nation? Bauxite

8. How does Hungary differ from the Czech and Slovak republics?

9. List the Baltic States and border Nations.

10.How has location affected the history and economies of the

Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia?

Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DETERMINATION iGenda 1

Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator Quality of deciding, controlling or

achieving and outcome, firmness of purpose
Ms. R. Muffler, Monday Facilitator World Geography: Poland, Czech,
Baltic States, and Russia
11.How did economic concerns contribute to civil war in the

12.Which river flows through Poland’s capital?

13.In Russia, which city is farther north, St. Petersburg or Moscow?

14.How do location and climate affect ecosystems in Russia?

15.In 2014, what special event is going to be hosted in Sochi,


16.What line of longitude runs through the Ural Mountains and how
have they affected Russia?

17.Why did the Russian people start a revolution in 1917?

18.How did the end of Communist rule lead to changes in Russia?

Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DETERMINATION iGenda 1

Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”

Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator Quality of deciding, controlling or

achieving and outcome, firmness of purpose
Ms. R. Muffler, Monday Facilitator World Geography: Poland, Czech,
Baltic States, and Russia

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