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ew Gilead Friends Good News!

! “Your Word gives wisdom to the simple.” Psalm 119: 130
March 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3

Let’s Celebrate Highlights

~Good News for the Believer!~
Steady obedience to God’s Word ushers in at least two unmistakable from Community Meal!
sustaining provisions for the Believer: Wisdom and Peace. Here at Gilead Friends Church the last Wednes-
Outside of obedience to God’s Word there is no true wisdom. day of each month means something special to
And outside of obedience there is no real peace! all who have participated in Community Meal.
—and ahh!—God’s peace... you gotta love God’s peace!!! Over the past 2 years specifically, we have seen
We are cautioned in 1 Corinthians, chapter 1 that knowledge puffs up, over 126 different faces come through the doors
while love edifies. Simply gaining knowledge of His Word does not to share dinner together in the Fellowship Hall.
make one wise. Reading, obeying, reading, obeying, and reading, Over 95 different people from Gilead Friends
obeying—that is the rhythm. have come to help greet and welcome folks,
Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will obey My commands”— prepare and serve food, carry meals to shut ins,
Obedience to Him is the test of our love for Him. and visit families. We know of at least 5 that
(John 14:21,23 & 15:10&14) have prayed to receive Christ’s salvation
If you don’t walk in this rhythm through this ministry.
—what’s hindering you? ~~~
Start today. Read His Word today. “One of the most encouraging things we do
If you don’t know where to start, try the New Testament Gospel of is pray for those who come with needs—
John for a good look at the heart of Jesus. sitting around together and sharing comfort
Before you read, pray and tell the Father that you intend to obey and really connecting with hearts. And just
His Word. Ask Him to “enlightened the eyes of your understand- look at how many items we’ve been able to
ing,” (from Ephesians 1:17-23) and pray “that He would strengthen your give out each month- anything from canned
inner man with might and that Christ may dwell in your heart through goods and meat to bed sheets and dish-
faith.” (from Ephesians 3:16-19). Humble yourself and ask the Divine washing liquid!”
Author for help and grace to obey what His Word says—then as —Sandy Henry, coordinator
your heart is moved in conviction— It’s more than just a meal!
don’t delay obedience!! Walk it out… obey His Word. Sometimes the meal prepared is very simple,
Wisdom and peace will follow. other times a more elaborate fare, but
(Read Psalm 119—pay close attention to verses 9,98-100,130,165) always—it is served with love and smiles!
Each monthly Community Meal is served on
the last Wednesday of each month at 6pm
Happy1st Anniversary to the with the exception of Thanksgiving—of course,
Morrow County served on that Thursday evening at 5:00 p.m.
24/7 Prayer room When New Years Eve landed on the last
Wednesday of the month a couple years ago,
March 6th marked the official one year anniversary!
we served the meal followed by a
“Since its inception there has been God-honoring movie and popcorn-party!
someone praying in the 24/7 Prayer Room The hope and mission of this ministry is to
every single week!” express the love and friendship of Jesus Christ
—Robin Stuttler, Prayer Room Coordinator with a hot meal and lots of care.
Now that’s Good News!! Anyone can come, anyone can help, and
EVERYONE will be blessed!
If you have never visited the prayer room located at the If you’d like to lend a hand or donate food—
Methodist Church on Church Street in Mt. Gilead, please call Sandy Henry at 419-947-6142
please do! It is open 24/7!
Let’s Celebrate...A collective Gilead Friends Good News! March edition, page 2
testimony to “faithful prayer” and “team
unity” from the Winter Jamaica Team Hey GFC Body, Let’s Celebrate!
The Team walked and ministered in unity. This Please read the following testimony
submitted by: Glenda Morgan
unity was a resulting fruit from the steady prayer
times together in the months leading up to the Parenting is the single most powerful tool we can use
mission. Frank Carter, Jamaica Field Director, to impact our culture.
spoke about this to the team and to Pastor Ron on There is no greater calling in life than that of a parent.
several occasions: These kinds of statements inspire us to take
“Your teams always come so prepared. It’s our God-given role as parents seriously!
quickly noticeable to see when other groups
come and treat this mission like it’s just a Last year about this time Shawn and I were asked by Pastor Mark and
vacation, Your church teams come trained and Diane Googins if we would be interested in becoming Youth Ministry
prayerful and ready to minister Parent Coordinators. We were not sure what all this would entail, but
to the people.” we were sure it was a call from the Lord as well as a fulfillment of a per-
Unity is derived from time spent together with the sonal prophecy we had received five years earlier. Shawn was already
Father. It is a byproduct. It takes keen effort, ministering to parents and teens through his job as a school guidance
counselor, but the opportunity to serve together in this type of ministry,
commitment, and a willingness to focus.
and to our church family sounded very exciting to us!
Looking back on 2008 Vessels of Hope Board
We started last summer by hosting three different parent meetings.
meeting in preparation for the 2009 Summer Team The response was encouraging and we quickly saw the value in meet-
to be sent: We had gotten word that there had ing together. These Ignite Parent Meetings (as we called them) were
been no more revival meetings or nightly ser- geared primarily toward parents of Jr. and Sr. High kids. The teenage
vices held in Zion because the crime was so bad years are undoubtedly some of the most challenging, but feedback
it had become dangerous for the people to at- from our GFC parents revealed that this ministry should also include
tend at night time. This “word” did not set well parents of our younger children. Helping parents establish a solid
in the hearts of the Board members. It “didn’t foundation early could prevent some of the challenges and problems
feel right.” And so we stopped the meeting and we face when our kids are teenagers. So now “Ignite Parenting” refers
called upon God in unity—complete unity— that to all parents, not just those who have kids in youth group!
this decision be overturned and that God would The Lord has allowed Shawn and I the privilege of starting a
provide angelic protection and for nightly Sunday school class for parents this January! So far it has been an
services to be reinstated at Zion. Something excellent way for parents to connect with each other on a weekly basis.
shifted in the heavens! We knew God had heard We like to think of it as more of a parent support group than a “class.”
and was answering our prayers. Attendance has ranged anywhere from 15-30 people. We are cur-
rently enjoying the humorous wisdom of Dr. Kevin Leman through a
The answer was not seen, however, until one week
DVD series entitled, “Raising Rock Solid Kids in a Pleasure Driven
before the 2010 Winter Team departed for Jamaica.
World.” The greatest blessing for us has been listening to other parents
The Zion Church asked the team to come and hold
share their struggles and victories. I think most of us would agree that
nightly services!!! Jamaican men attended these it’s just nice to know we’re not alone.
services!!! And then these same men showed up to If you are someone who takes your calling as a parent seriously, or
the job sites during the daytime to work with the want to take it a little more seriously, we would love fro you to join us
GFC men...forming a real connection between Jesus on Sunday Mornings at 9:30 in room 202. We guarantee you will
and everyday life! —excerpts from the 2010 come away blessed! -Shawn and Glenda Morgan
Winter Team and Vessels of Hope Board
Thank you to ALL the teams that have
walked in unity and prepared the soil all Good News on the Prayer Front!
along the way!!! GCS school staff and GFC members
The VOH Board along with the Outreach and joined in prayer to lift up the American
Stewardship Commissions are in prayer concerning the
timing of the next Jamaica Team to be sent.
college campuses from sea to shining sea on the
Watch for details in the Sunday Bulletin! National Collegiate Prayer Day, Feb. 25th!

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