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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

14 March 2010 4th Sunday of Lent Year C

A Heart Always Ready to Welcome Back

C onversion from a life of sin is a long

journey back to the home which we left
in the deceitful attempt to assert our
freedom against all rules. Often, we have to
our hearts, we did not feel sure that God is a
loving and forgiving Father who is still will-
ing to accept us. Today Jesus reminds us that
God, indeed, is a merciful Father who is not
reach the bottom of deprivation and alien- only ready to accept us back in his house,
ation, before we realize the loss incurred and but even runs to embrace us as we journey
feel the urge to break away from that self- back to Him. This is what He does in every
inflicted slavery. Eucharist, the splendid banquet He has pre-
But the realization of our miserable situa- pared to celebrate our return.
tion would only lead us to despair if, deep in

ness to welcome us, let us everlasting life.

INTRODUCTORY pause for a moment and real- All –Amen!
RITES ize how much we need his
forgiveness. (Pause) Opening Prayer
Entrance Antiphon P –Father of peace, we are
(To be recited only when no En- P –For the times we have
trance Hymn is sung.) proudly abandoned you joyful in your Word, your
to follow our disorderly Son Jesus Christ, who recon-
Rejoice, Jerusalem! Be ciles us to you. Let us hasten
glad for her, you who love passions, Lord, have
her. Rejoice with her, you who mercy! toward Easter with the eager-
mourned for her, and you will All –Lord, have mercy! ness of faith and love.
find contentment at her con- P –For the times we have We ask this through our
soling breasts. misused your gifts and Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
betrayed your trust, who lives and reigns with
Greeting Christ, have mercy! you and the Holy Spirit, one
P –Blessed be God, the lov- All –Christ, have mercy! God, forever and ever.
ing Father who is always P –For the times we have All –Amen!
ready to welcome those who rejected your invitation
return to Him. May His love to come back to you in LITURGY OF
and peace be with you all! humility and sorrow, THE WORD
All –And also with you! Lord, have mercy!
All –Lord, have mercy! 1st Reading Jos 5:9a.10-12
Penitential Rite P –May almighty God The celebration of the first
P –With gratitude to the have mercy on us, forgive Passover in the Promised
Lord for his constant readi- us our sins, and bring us to Land was a memorable event
because it showed that the * Look to him that you may Gospel Lk 15:1-3.11-32
Lord had fulfilled the prom- be radiant with joy, and your Jesus’ teaching on God’s
ise He had made to Moses to faces may not blush with merciful love is vividly dra-
bring the Israelites to a land shame. When the poor one matized in the parable of
flowing with milk and honey. called out, the Lord heard, “The Forgiving Father” – a
It was now time for them to and from all his distress he parable that is, to a great
live as “People of the Prom- saved him. R. extent, the story of our life.
ise” by honoring their terms
of the Covenant. 2nd Reading 2 Cor 5:17-21 P –A proclamation from the
In the passage we are holy Gospel according
R –A proclamation from the about to hear, St. Paul em- to Luke
Book of Joshua phasizes God’s initiative in All –Glory to you, Lord!
the work of reconciliation;
The Lord said to Joshua, the vicarious role of Christ in Tax collectors and sinners
“Today I have removed the the expiation of sins; and the were all drawing near to listen
reproach of Egypt from you.” instrumental role of the to Jesus, but the Pharisees
While the Israelites were apostles in making reconcili- and scribes began to com-
encamped at Gilgal on the ation available to all. plain, saying, “This man wel-
plains of Jericho, they cel- comes sinners and eats with
ebrated the Passover on the R –A proclamation from the them.”
evening of the fourteenth of Second Letter of Paul to So to them, Jesus ad-
the month. On the day after the Corinthians dressed this parable:
the Passover, they ate of the “A man had two sons, and
produce of the land in the Brothers and sisters:
Whoever is in Christ is a the younger son said to his fa-
form of unleavened cakes and ther, ‘Father, give me the
parched grain. On that same new creation: the old things
have passed away; behold, share of your estate that
day after the Passover on should come to me.’ So the fa-
which they ate of the produce new things have come.
And all this is from God, ther divided the property be-
of the land, the manna ceased. tween them. After a few days,
No longer was there manna who has reconciled us to him-
self through Christ and given the younger son collected all
for the Israelites, who that his belongings and set off to a
year ate of the yield of the us the ministry of reconcilia-
tion, namely, God was recon- distant country where he
land of Canaan. squandered his inheritance on
ciling the world to himself in
The Word of the Lord! Christ, not counting their a life of dissipation.
All –Thanks be to God! trespasses against them and When he had freely spent
entrusting to us the message of everything, a severe famine
Responsorial Psalm Ps 34 reconciliation. struck that country, and he
R –Taste and see the goodness So we are ambassadors for found himself in dire need.
of the Lord! Christ, as if God were appeal- So he hired himself out to one
ing through us. We implore of the local citizens who sent
R. M. Velez him to his farm to tend the
you on behalf of Christ, be
' Eb Cm Ab
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reconciled to God. swine. And he longed to eat
! For our sake he made him his fill of the pods on which
to be sin who did not know the swine fed, but nobody
Taste and see the goodness sin, so that we might become gave him any.
' Bb Eb the righteousness of God in Coming to his senses, he
!" & # #
him. thought, ‘How many of my
father’s hired workers have
The Word of the Lord! more than enough food to eat,
of the Lord! All –Thanks be to God! but here am I, dying from
hunger. I shall get up and go
* I will bless the Lord at all Verse before the Gospel to my father and I shall say to
times; his praise shall be ever him, “Father, I have sinned
in my mouth. Let my soul All –(Glory and praise to you,
Lord Jesus Christ!) against heaven and against
glory in the Lord; the lowly you. I no longer deserve to be
will hear me and be glad. R. I will get up and go to my
Father and shall say to called your son; treat me as
* Glorify the Lord with me, him: “Father, I have you would treat one of your
let us together extol his name. sinned against heaven hired workers.” ’ So he got up
I sought the Lord, and he an- and against you.” and went back to his father.
swered me and delivered me (Glory and praise to you, While he was still a long
from all my fears. R. Lord Jesus Christ!) way off, his father caught

GLOSSARY: • Gilgal: A place near Jericho, in the Jordan Valley, where Joshua erected twelve (12) commemorative stones (one for each
tribe of Israel) to recall the halting of the waters of the Jordan River when the Israelites crossed into the Promised Land. • Passover: The
annual Jewish feast celebrated to commemorate the sparing of the Israelite first-born children during the Tenth Plague, as well as the
liberation of the whole people of Israel from its condition of slavery in Egypt. This feast had its culmination in the eating of the Paschal lamb,
during the Passover meal. • Manna: The miraculous food sent by the Lord to his people during their forty years’ march through the desert.

14 March 2010
sight of him, and was filled of the Holy Spirit and born of ment to Christ the Good
with compassion. He ran to his the Virgin Mary. He suffered Shepherd so that they may
son, embraced him and kissed under Pontius Pilate, was lead with pastoral love the
him. His son said to him, ‘Fa- crucified, died and was bur- flock entrusted to their care.
ther, I have sinned against ied. He descended to the Let us pray!* R.
heaven and against you; I no dead. On the third day, he
longer deserve to be called C –For all of us: May we
rose again. He ascended into discover anew the grace that
your son.’ But his father or- heaven and is seated at the
dered his servants, ‘Quickly comes from our faith in the
right hand of the Father. He love of the Hearts of Jesus
bring the finest robe and put will come again to judge the
it on him; put a ring on his and Mary and be trans-
finger and sandals on his feet. living and the dead. formed into a people with
Take the fattened calf and I believe in the Holy Christian morality and integ-
slaughter it. Then let us cel- Spirit, the holy Catholic rity. Let us pray!* R.
ebrate with a feast, because Church, the communion of
saints, the forgiveness of C –Let us pray in silence for
this son of mine was dead, and our personal intentions.
has come to life again; he was sins, the resurrection of the
body and the life everlasting. (Pause)
lost, and has been found.’ Let us pray! R.
Then the celebration began. Amen!
Now the older son had P –Lord God, we stand in
been out in the field and, on Prayer of the Faithful front of You like prodigal
his way back, as he neared the P –Today’s Gospel passage children who have disap-
house, he heard the sound of reminds us of both our sinful- pointed and hurt You so
music and dancing. He called ness and God’s forgiveness. many times and in so many
one of the servants and asked Full of trust in the Divine ways. Accept us once again
what this might mean. The Mercy, let us present our with love and make us mer-
servant said to him, ‘Your humble petitions for all the ciful towards those who have
brother has returned and sinful members of human- offended us. We ask this
your father has slaughtered kind as we say: through Christ our Lord.
the fattened calf because he All –Amen!
has him back safe and All –Merciful Lord, hear our
sound.’ He became angry, prayer!
and when he refused to enter LITURGY OF
C –For the Catholic Church: THE EUCHARIST
the house, his father came out May she always be an agent
and pleaded with him. He
said to his father in reply, of reconciliation with God Preparation of the Gifts
‘Look, all these years I served among the peoples of the
world. Let us pray! R. P –Pray, brethren . . .
you and not once did I disobey All –May the Lord accept the
your orders; yet you never C –For our spiritual and po- sacrifice at your hands, for
gave me even a young goat to litical leaders: May they have the praise and glory of his
feast on with my friends. But the humility to acknowledge name, for our good and the
when your son returns, who their faults and the courage good of all his Church.
swallowed up your property to atone for them through
with prostitutes, for him you their commitment to promote Prayer over the Gifts
slaughter the fattened calf.’ the common good. Let us
He said to him, ‘My son, P –Lord, we offer you these
pray! R. gifts which bring us peace
you are here with me always;
everything I have is yours. But C –For our youth: May they and joy. Increase our rever-
now we must celebrate and learn from the prodigal son in ence by this Eucharist, and
rejoice, because your brother the parable not to squander bring salvation to the world.
was dead and has come to life their gifts of nature and We ask this through
again; he was lost and has grace; and if they fall, may Christ our Lord.
been found.’ ” they never doubt God’s im- All –Amen!
The Gospel of the Lord! mense love for them. Let us
All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus pray! R. Preface of Lent I
Christ! C –For our community: P –Father, all-powerful and
May we learn from the father ever-living God, we do well
Homily always and everywhere to
in the parable to keep our give you thanks through
Profession of Faith hearts open to accept with Jesus Christ our Lord.
All–I believe in God, the Fa- encouraging trust former Each year you give us
ther almighty, Creator of convicts and other offenders this joyful season when we
heaven and earth. who are determined to start a prepare to celebrate the pas-
I believe in Jesus Christ, new life. Let us pray! R. chal mystery with mind and
His only Son, our Lord. He C –For all priests: May they heart renewed. You give us a
was conceived by the power grow daily in their commit- spirit of loving reverence for
4th Sunday of Lent (C)
you, our Father, and of willing Prayer after Communion and never squander
service to our neighbor. As P –Father, you enlighten all them through a life of sin.
we recall the great events that who come into the world. Fill All –Amen!
gave us new life in Christ, you our hearts with the light of P –May you rejoice in the
bring the image of your Son your Gospel, that our Lord’s mercy toward
to perfection within us. thoughts may please you, sinners and mirror it in
Now, with angels and and our love be sincere. your attitude toward
archangels, and the whole Grant this through Christ those who have of-
company of heaven, we sing our Lord. fended you.
the unending hymn of your All –Amen! All –Amen!
praise: P –May your steps lead you
All –Holy, holy, holy . . .
CONCLUDING to God as you walk in
Acclamation RITE charity and peace.
All –Amen!
P –Let us proclaim the
mystery of faith. P –The Lord be with you! P –May almighty God bless
All –When we eat this bread All –And also with you! you: the Father, and the
and drink this cup, we P –Bow your heads and Son, and the Holy Spirit.
proclaim your death, pray for God’s blessing. All –Amen!
Lord Jesus, until you (Pause) P –Go in peace to love and
come in glory! May you value the pre- serve the Lord.
ciousness of God’s gifts All –Thanks be to God!
RITE When Mercy and Misery Embrace

All –Our Father . . . he young man had reached a dead end – a situation of humiliation he
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . never thought he would find himself in. Ending up as a guardian of pigs was
All –For the kingdom, the surely the last thing he could have envisioned on the day he left the house of his
power, and the glory are father with an unquenchable yearning for freedom and happiness.
yours, now and for ever. For a time he really thought that money and friends would have lasted for ever,
and that they would have made him happy . . . . Then, gradually he had come to
Sign of Peace realize how “dear” (expensive!) friends can become, and how selfish their “close-
Breaking of the Bread ness” can be. When there was nothing more to be sucked, they vanished.
All –Lamb of God . . . Betrayed, cheated, humiliated, abandoned by all and disgusted with himself, the
young man was on the verge of despair. But the loving figure of his father and the
Communion thought of the tranquil atmosphere of his home dawned on his mind. He realized that
there could still be hope for him.
P –This is the Lord Jesus He rose and staggered homeward, famished and covered with tattered rags, at
who reconciles us with the times running, at times crawling . . . sometimes hesitating, gripped by the fear that he
Father and one another. He is might be rejected as he had rejected his father the day he had left home. Many of
the Lamb of God who takes those he met on the road sneered at him or shouted to his face what a fool he was if
away the sins of the world. he imagined that his father would still take him back . . . .
Happy are those who are But every time, hope had prevailed, and he had kept inching his way home-
called to his supper. ward, till he finally experienced the fondest and most sincere embrace in his life. He
All –Lord, I am not worthy to was back home, happy in his father’s arms. He was there to stay, as a son. The
receive you, but only say the bondage of a life of sin, alienation, shame, and fear was over!
word and I shall be healed. There may be a good deal of the “prodigal son” in each one of us. Often victims
of our own ambitions and pride, we may have found ourselves broke and without
Communion Antiphon friends, rejected by all (after having been exploited by all), a shadow of what we
(To be recited only when no Com- used to be, tempted to conclude that we had reached a point of no return . . . .
munion Hymn is sung.) Today’s parable should remind us that the Father is always ready to embrace us
My son, you should re- with love. And, unlike the elder son of the parable, our Kuya Jesus will not be the one
joice, because your brother to grumble. Actually, he is the one the Father Himself sends to us in our dejection to
was dead and has come back make us “come to our senses,” to break the chains of the enslavement to sin and lead
to life, he was lost and is us back home, back to Him where we belong.
found. With Jesus by our side, all temptation to lose courage and all fear to be rejected
by the Father should vanish. In fact, “is it possible that He who did not spare His own
N.B. After Communion, we pray the “Prayer
Son, but handed him over for the sake of us all, will not grant us all things besides . . .”
for the Year of the Two Hearts.”
(Rom 8:32), especially the grace to reaccept us as His children?

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
WORD & LIFE Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
PUBLICATIONS Tel. Nos. 894-5401; 894-5402; 892-2169 • Telefax: 894-5241 • E-mail:, • • Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu,
G. Ramos, V. Dumanacal, M. Caquilala, D. Daguio, V. David • Illustrations: S. Fabris,
B. Cleofe • Circulation Team: S. Cheng, F. Edjan

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