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ISO (International Standards Organization)

Standards Definition
Standards are agreements that have been documented in which comprised, among
others, regarding the technical specifications or criteria accurately used as rules,
guidelines, or definitions particular to ensure the goods, products, processes, or
services in accordance with which has been declared. One example is the
determination of the size and format of the standard credit cards, or cards "smart"
(smart) others who have followed the ISO international standards and can be used in
a variety of automated teller machines (ATMs) across the world, and many examples
other. Thus the international standards has helped human life becomes easier, and
further improve the reliability and usability of goods and services.

Understanding of ISO
International Standards Organization (ISO) is a global association composed of
national standardization bodies consisting of no less than 140 countries. ISO is an
organization outside of government (Non-Government Organizations / NGO) which
was founded in 1947. The mission of ISO is to support the development of
standardization and related activities in the hope to help international trade, and also
to help the development of a global partnership in the fields of science, technology
and economic activity. The main activities of ISO is to produce international
agreements which were subsequently published as international standards.

Name of ISO
Many see the existence of a mismatch between the full name of "International
Organization for Standardization" with for short 'ISO', where 'iOS' is considered more
appropriate. This assumption is true if the determination was based on the name for
short. Truth, the term ISO is not an acronym, but is the name of the international
organization. "ISO" is derived from the Latin (Greek) "isos" which mempaunyai
meaning "equal" (equal). Word prefix "iso" also encountered for example in the word
"isometric", "isomers", "isonomy", and so on.
From the word "equal" (equal) to the "standard" here "ISO" was chosen as the name
of the organization that is easy to understand. ISO as the name of the organization as
well in order to avoid condensation for short when translated into other languages of
the member states, for example IOS in English, or oin (Organisation Internationale de
normalization) in French, or OSI (the Organization for International Standardization)
in Indonesian. Thus whatever the language used, the organization name remains ISO.

Needs International Standards

By the standards are not harmonized to the same technology from several different
countries or regions, would be able to cause a kind of "technical barriers to trade
(TBT)" or "technical barriers to trade". Exporting industries have long felt the need
for approval to the world standards which can help to overcome these obstacles in the
process of international trade. From the onset of this problem ISO organization
originally established.
International standardization set up for a variety of technologies that includes a
variety of fields, including the field of information and telecommunications, textiles,
packaging, distribution, energy generation and utilization, shipbuilding, banking and
financial services, and many more. This will continue to grow for the benefit of
various sectors of industrial activity in the times to come.

This development is expected to increase rapidly among others because of the

following matters:

Progress in free trade worldwide

Penetration of technology between sectors
The communication system around the world
Global standards for technology development
Development in developing countries

Industry standardization is a reality that is needed in a particular industry sector

where the majority of goods and services produced must meet a standard that has
been known. Such standards should be drawn from the agreements through consensus
of all parties involved in the sector, particularly on the part of producers, consumers,
and often also the government. They agreed on a variety of specifications and criteria
to be applied consistently in selecting and classifying goods, means of production,
and the requirements of the services offered.
Standard setting goal is to facilitate trade, exchange, and transfer of technology

Improved quality and conformity of production at a decent price level

Improved health, safety and environmental protection, and waste reduction
Suitability and reliability of inter-operating better than the various

components to produce goods or services that better

Simplifying the design of products to increase the reliability of the usefulness

of goods and services

Improved efficiency of product distribution and ease of maintenance

Users (consumers) have more confidence in the goods and services that have earned
the assurance in accordance with international standards. Assurance of conformity
can be obtained either from the statement of producing goods or through examination
by an independent agency.

Type of ISO
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is a quality management system and the management system requirements
of the most popular in the world. ISO 9001 has undergone several revisions and the
most recent revision is ISO 9001: 2008. One feature of the application of ISO 9001 is
the implementation of a process approach. This process approach aims to improve the
effectiveness of the quality management system. This approach requires an
organization to identify, implementation, management and conduct continuous
improvement (continual improvement).
ISO 14001
In contrast with the ISO 9001 standards relating to quality management system, the
ISO 14001 standard contains requirements for environmental management systems.
The concept is used in ISO 14001 in principle the same as ISO 9001, ie only
continuous improvement in ISO 14001 is to manage the environment.
Companies that implement ISO 14001 should be able to do the identification of
environmental aspects and impacts caused by the activities or operations of the
company's environmental aspects. In this case not only to the management of waste
or pollution, but also including creative efforts to save energy consumption, water
and fuel.

ISO 22000
Food or beverage companies are required to pay attention to aspects of health and
safety of its customers, so that should improve the control of its internal controls,
especially in the production process.

ISO 22000 is a standard that contains the requirements for food safety management
system. This standard focuses on the control of the system and the process of
production of food products and beverages. Every kind of good food or beverage
products should be made a plan and control processes. Basically ISO 22000 does not
vary much with ISO 9001, which distinguishes it contained in clause 7: planning and
realization of products and clause 8: validation, verification and improvement of the
ISO / IEC 27001
Advances in information technology, better known by IT has brought tremendous
change in the business world. Starting with the adoption of the Internet in the
business world such as the website, email to the use of other social networks. These
changes make known the existence of on-line transactions, data and information in
the form of computer files and so on.
In 2005, the International Organization for Standardization published a standard that
familiar with ISO / IEC 27001 ISO / IEC 27001 is an information security
management system standard also known as the Information Security Management
System (ISMS). ISO / IEC 27001 has now been widely adopted by companies that
are using IT applications in their business activities.
ISO / TS 16949
I'm sure you already know the kinds of two-wheeled motor vehicle or four with
famous brands. The motor vehicles produced by the automotive companies are
currently growing rapidly in Indonesia. In an effort to keep the "image" of its brand in
the eyes of the customer, the automotive company must maintain the quality of its
products. Efforts automotive company in maintaining the quality of products one by
applying the ISO / TS 16949. Basically, ISO / TS 16949 is the Technical
Specification issued by the ISO as a quality management system for the automotive

industry. As the types of standards issued by the International Organization for

Standardization, ISO / TS 16949 has the concept of continuous improvement, control
of the supply chain, corrective and preventive actions.
ISO / IEC 17025
ISO / IEC 17025 is a standard that contains the requirements to be implemented by an
agency or laboratory testing. Keywords are controlled in this standard is the
competence of testing and calibration laboratories. The existence of this standard is
particularly important to ensure the validity and accuracy of test results relating to
health, trade, production to safeguard customers.
Laboratory testing and calibration is usually required to implement ISO / IEC 17025
in the process of accreditation activities to be done. ISO / IEC 17025 for a laboratory
test or calibration institutions will increase customers' confidence in the results of the
test or calibration of issuance.
ISO 28000
Acts of terrorism that had occurred a few years ago has contributed to the business
system. So it is necessary a security management system that can ensure security in
the supply chain (supply chain). ISO has published the ISO 28000 series of standards
in the form of requirements for supply chain security system. This standard is applied
mainly to companies that have a relatively high threat security risk such a public
facilities, banks, logistics, hotel, until the oil refinery or other vital facilities.

ISO 50001
ISO 50001 is a standard for energy management systems. The standard aims to assist
organizations in developing systems and processes to improve the performance,
efficiency, and energy consumption. The standard applies to all types and sizes of

organizations. ISO 50001 is designed to help organizations to better use its energy
assets, to evaluate and prioritize the use of energy-saving technologies, as well as to
promote the efficiency of the entire supply chain. ISO 50001 is also designed to be
integrated with other management standards, particularly ISO 14001 (Environmental
Management System) and ISO 9001 (Quality Management System).


Standards can bring the benefits of technology, economic and social. Standards help
to align the technical specifications of products and services that make the industry
more efficient and improve the competitiveness of international trade. Compliance
with Standards help convince consumers that the product is safe, efficient and good



Standardization is one of the instruments technical regulations that can protect

national interests of consumers and at the same time domestic producers. Through
technical regulations based standardization can be prevented circulation of goods
which are not qualified in the domestic market especially in relation to health,
security, safety, and environment conservation. Through the same instrument, can be
prevented entry of imported goods junky who distort the domestic market due to the
low value.
Industry Act that passed the House of Representatives (DPR) on December 19, 2013
states that the breach in the field of industry will be subject to legal sanctions.
Violations involving SNI (Indonesian National Standard) may be subject to (sanction)
What is SNI?
Indonesian National Standard (SNI abbreviated) is the only national standards
applicable in Indonesia.

SNI is formulated by the Technical Committee and determined by the National

Standardization Agency (BSN).
SNI formulation based on law in PP 102 of 2000 on National Standardization.
In order SNI gained wide acceptance among stakeholders, the SNI is formulated to
meet the "WTO Code of good practice" in which SNI development must meet a
number of norms namely:

Openess and impartiality
Effectiveness and relevance
Development dimension

So that all the norms of standard development can be applied properly, then BSN:

Strengthening Standards Development Technical Management function

(MTPS) is a non-structural elements BSN function as the National Standards
Body and has the task to give consideration and advice to the Head of BSN in
order to establish policies to facilitate the management of development

activities SNI.
Strengthening the position of Indonesian Standardization Society (MASTAN)
is a non-governmental organization that is required to provide a container and
drain the widest possible for stakeholders to participate in the standardization
process .In SNI development process, particularly in the implementation
phase and phase poll RSNI approval. so that the participation and
implementation of the consensus can berkentingan increasingly widespread

Based on the record of Industry Research Journal Vol. V, 2, 2011 that the number of
SNI is growing continuously, until mid-2009 has reached more than 6,500 around
4100 ISO with industry standards, and continued to increase reaching 4250 ISO at the
end of 2010.

Based on the record of the Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry), throughout

2013 have been prepared in draft SNI (RSNI) as many as 91 pieces.
Meanwhile, over the last 4 years, has compiled 394 pieces RSNI, for the 18 industry
groups. The group industi a.l. machinery, agricultural machinery, and household
eletronika, highway vehicle engineering, automotive components, ship building and
marine construction, and textiles and textile products.
What are the benefits determination SNI?
Determination of SNI done for health, safety, the safety of humans, animals and
plants, environment conservation, healthy competition, increased competitiveness,
and / or increase the efficiency and performance of the industry. As well as facing the
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) or the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
which will take effect in December 2015, the SNI is needed to improve the
competitiveness of domestic products.
SNI enforced compulsory?
Application of SNI is essentially voluntary. However, for the purposes of protecting
the public interest, state security, national economic development and environment








SNI must be done through the issuance of technical regulations by government

agencies that have the authority to regulate the activity and distribution of the
products (regulator). In this case, the activities and products that do not comply with
the provisions of SNI be forbidden.
Thus the application of SNI needs to be done carefully to avoid a number of impacts
as follows:

impede fair competition;

(B) inhibiting innovation; and
(C) inhibits the development of SMEs.

The best way is to limit the application of SNI for activities or products that have a
fairly high level of risk, so setting activities and the circulation of products is


SNI shall be supported by the market surveillance, both pre-market surveillance to

establish the activities or products that have complied with the mandatory SNI and
post-market surveillance to monitor and correct the activities or products that do not
comply with the SNI.
If the function of conformity assessment with the regional voluntary confession, then
for SNI mandatory conformity assessment is one of the requirements that must be
met by all parties concerned. Thus conformity assessment functions as part of the pre
market surveillance conducted by the regulator.
Given that the application of technical regulations in a country also apply to imported
products, it is to avoid the barriers to international trade / WTO member countries
including Indonesia have agreed on the Agreement on Technical Barrier to Trade
(TBT) and the Agreement on Sanitary and Phyto Sanitary Measures (SPS). Efforts to
reduce trade barriers will go well if each country in enacting mandatory standards,
applying the Good Regulatory Practices.
Based on the above reasons, the Ministry of Industry has imposed a mandatory
application of some of the SNI.
Related products hereinafter referred to as Mandatory SNI products.
SPPT-SNI is a requirement whether a product should be circulated to the Mandatory
SNI markets.

Head of the Climate Assessment and Industrial Quality (BPKIMI) Ministry of

Industry said it is targeting 71 SNI could be passed before 2015. AEC (KONTAN,
Thursday - 11/04/2013). SNI compulsorily imposed include 636 HS or description of
goods, especially of electronics, toys, until the garment.
Some examples of enforcement of SNI is compulsory:

Regulation of the Minister of Industry (Permenperin) No. 35 / M-IND / PER /

4/2007 dated April 17, 2007 on the Enforcement of Indonesian National
Standard (SNI) Cement compulsory and shall take effect six months after the

date of enactment.
SNI shall be complied with manufacturers and importers of fertilizer
following the issuance Permenperin No. 19 / M-IND / PER / 2/2009 on the

enforcement of SNI Fertilizer compulsorily.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of
Industry, issued the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number: 24 / MIND / PER / 4/2013 About The Indonesian National Standard (SNI) Baby
compulsory. However, since its creation in October 2013, only 2% importers
that label their products with SNI label. Whereas the government has issued
Ministerial Decree No. 24/2013 regarding the enforcement of SNI Baby

What are the main obstacles faced by manufacturers in the application of SNI?
According to the Journal of Industrial Research Vol. V, 2, 2011 that the main
obstacles facing producers in the application of SNI include limited human resources,
the difficulty to calibrate laboratory equipment and production, the distortion of sub
standard products in the market, the cost of certification is relatively expensive, and
consumer concerns to standards are still lacking.

What are the sanctions for those who violate the regulations SNI compulsory?
During this time, the offenders shall SNI regulation only subject to administrative
sanctions in the form of a written warning, administrative fines, temporary closure of
the business, industrial business license suspension and / or revocation of business
licenses industry.
By Industry Act recently passed in December 2013, the Indonesian government will
implement tougher sanctions for any abuse of the rules SNI with the threat of
imprisonment shall be punished. In the new Industry Law Article 120 stated on
criminal sanctions for those who commit the offense. Under this law, criminal
offenders who threatened not only those who intentionally commit the crime, but also
for those who are proven to be negligent or intentionally.
First, any person who knowingly produce, distribute goods, services that do not meet
the SNI industry, technical specifications, guidelines ordinance compulsorily applied
in industry as defined in the Market 53 paragraph (1) letter b, shall be a maximum of
five years and maximum fine of Rp 3 billion.
Secondly, every person who because kelalaiannnya manufacture, import, distribute
goods, services that do not meet the SNI industry, technical specifications, guidelines
ordinance compulsorily applied in industry as referred to in Article 53 paragraph (1)
letter b, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment three years and a fine of Rp 1
Furthermore, Article 53, paragraph 1, letter b is meant is that every person is
prohibited to produce, import, and / or distribute goods and / or services that do not
meet the SNI industry, technical specifications, and / or guidelines ordinances
If the violation committed by the Corporation?


In the case of a criminal offense referred to in Article 120 made by the corporation,
and the imposition of criminal charges levied against the corporation and / or its

Ecolabel is one of the means of delivering information accurate, 'Verifiable' and not
misleading to consumers about the environmental aspects of a product (goods or
services), a component or packaging. Provision of information are generally intended
to stimulate demand and offer environmentally friendly products on the market that
also encourage sustainable environmental improvement.
Ecolabel may be a symbol, label or statement engraved on the product or product
packaging, or in product information, technical bulletins, advertising, publicity,
marketing, Internet media. In addition, the information presented can also contains a
more complete and quantitative information to certain environmental aspects
associated with such products.
Ecolabel can be made by manufacturers, importers, distributors, businessman 'retail'
or any person who may acquire benefit from it.
What are Ecolabels?
Ecolabels are seals of approval given to products that are deemed to have fewer
impacts on the environment than functionally or competitively similar products.The
rationale for basic labelling information at the point of sale is that it links fisheries
products to their production process.
The goal of ecolabelling initiatives is to promote sustainably managed fisheries and
highlight their products to consumers. Product claims associated with ecolabelling
aim at tapping the growing public demand for environmentally preferable products.
Ecolabels generally rely on life-cycle assessment to determine the environmental
impact of a product from cradle to grave. Usually claims appearing on a product

must be preceded by a chain of custody exercise that documents that the product was
derived from, for example, a fishery certified as being sustainably managed.
Prior to certification, a set of sustainability standards or criteria against which a
fishery is to be evaluated must be developed. Achieving and identifying
sustainability in fisheries is a complex process. The acceptance and credibility of
standards is closely related to how the standards were developed, the standards
themselves, and the accrediting or certifying process by which organizations are
evaluated against the standard.
Ecolabelling programmes usually fall into one of the following categories:
1. First party labelling schemes: These are established by individual companies based
on their own product standards. The standards might be based on criteria related to
specific environmental issues known to informed consumers through the media or
advertising. This form of ecolabelling can also be referred to as self-declaration.
2. Second party labelling schemes: These are established by industry associations for
their members products. The members elaborate certification criteria, sometimes by
drawing upon external expertise from academia and environmental organizations.
Verification of compliance is achieved through internal certification procedures
within the industry, or employment of external certifying companies.
3. Third party labelling schemes: These are usually established by an initiator (public
or private) independent from the producers, distributors and sellers of the labelled
products. Products supplied by organizations or resources that are certified are then
labelled with information to the consumers that the product was produced in an
environmentally friendly fashion. The label (seal) is typically licensed to a producer
and may appear on or accompany a product derived from a certified fishery or
producer. Producers are usually expected to track the chain of custody of their

products in order to ensure that the products derived from the certified fishery are in
fact those that are so labelled.
In some instances the initiator accredits other organizations to be the certifier. An
accrediting body provides some degree of assurance that the certifier has been trained
by an accredited training programme and is qualified to perform an evaluation against
a specific set of criteria in a given field. While the criteria may be established through
a negotiation process among the various interested parties, they are often motivated
by the objectives of the initiators of such schemes. Environmental organizations and
consumers generally prefer ecolabelling schemes of this type because of the
heightened confidence that private commercial interests will not compromise the
criteria applied to the schemes and strict compliance with them based on verifiable
and impartial certification procedures.
Environmental labels can be either mandatory or voluntary. Mandatory labels are
government-backed and could act as a trade restriction for foreign producers (i.e.,
imports may be rejected if they do not comply). Imports of products that do not
comply with voluntary labels are not restricted. In the case of voluntary labels, it is up
to the manufacturer to decide whether or not to apply for certification of the product,
and the consumers choice whether to buy (or import) an ecolabelled product.
Voluntary ecolabelling programmes may be funded and supervised by the private
sector. Some, however, are government sponsored.

Eco-labels and Green Stickers are labeling systems for food and consumer products.
Ecolabels are voluntary, but green stickers are mandated by law; for example, in
North America major appliances and automobiles use Energy Star. They are a form of
sustainability measurement directed at consumers, intended to make it easy to take
environmental concerns into account when shopping. Some labels quantify pollution

or energy consumption by way of index scores or units of measurement, while others

assert compliance with a set of practices or minimum requirements for sustainability
or reduction of harm to the environment. Many ecolabels are focused on minimising
the negative ecological impacts of primary production or resource extraction in a
given sector or commodity through a set of good practices that are captured in a
sustainability standard. Through a verification process, usually referred to as
"certification", a farm, forest, fishery, or mine can show that it complies with a
standard and earn the right to sell its products as certified through the supply chain,
often resulting in a consumer-facing ecolabel.
Ecolabelling systems exist for both food and consumer products. Both systems were
started by NGOs, since then the European Union have developed legislation for
conduct of ecolabelling and also have created their own ecolabels, one for food and
one for consumer products. At least for food, the ecolabel is nearly identical with the
common NGO definition of the rules for ecolabelling. Label trust is an issue for
consumers because as manufacturers and manufacturing associations have set up
"rubber stamp" labels to greenwash their products with fake ecolabels. High trust
levels can be created when ecolabels apply for Governmental recognition as formal
Certification Marks [recognized by logos or names with 'CTM', CM or 'CertTM'].
Typically this means schemes approved as a Certification Mark, have had the
Government Department responsible declare that the scheme has a standard and
certifies that they are 'Competent to Certify'. The highest trust levels would be a
government recognized certification mark that was also compliant with key ISO
standards especially ISO 14024- Type 1 Ecolabels that undertake ISO 14040
compliant life cycle analysis as part of their assessment.
ISO Participation
The last few years have seen two key trends in the ecolabels space. There is an
explosion in the numbers of different ecolabelling programs across the world and

across business sectors and secondly the proliferation of umbrella labeling programs.
The International Organization for Standardization ISO has created standards for
labeling practices within the ISO 14000 schema. ISO 14020 to 14025 series deals
with environmental labels and declarations.
Environmental governance
Consumer desires for sustainable consumption is driving the global marketplace with
desire to regulate product production. The globalization of economies is shifting
control of sustainability away from traditional command and control measures
imposed by governments towards market governance which is a self-regulatory new
environmental policy instrument, ecolabelling.
Eco-labeling standardization is a new form of regulation which is voluntary in nature,
but impose upon large companies market forces in order to harmonize production of
goods and services with stronger ecological practices. Recently, it has turned into a
new form of non-state authority at both national and international levels. This idea of
entrepreneurial democracy based on the success of the ISO 14000 standards on the
management of environmental quality and the ISO 9000 standards on quality
production control. Once an industry sector decides to get this certification, it has to
provide evidences of documented proof of compliance required. In terms of ISO
14042 standard, it is obligatorily for all applicants to respect environmental
legislation and related legislation; breaching of any laws may result in licensing
Sustainable Initiatives
During the UN Earth Summit Conference in 1992, an international consensus was
generated to integrate environmental issues into manufacturing procedures. The idea
was to manipulate consumption patterns in order to achieve sustainable development.
The result of this is as follows.

Currently in the developed world: Eco-labels and green stickers have evolved to play
a vital role. They provide a verifiable link between products and informed consumer
wishes. This approach applies market pressure on industries to minimize their
environmental impact; this is evidenced by growth in population of informed
consumers. Marketing strategists are responding with Green Certifications and its
abuse, Greenwashing.
Currently in the developing world: First consumers became concerned about the
quality, safety and environmental sustainability of food and supported demand for
green foods, then focused on the environmental effects of agriculture and
globalization of food production, which lead to the exposure of globally controlled
food regimes. Consumer advocate groups responded with a call for [Alternative Food
Networks]. This gives a new dimension to consumer demands and corporate
competitiveness. Australian Consumer Association CHOICE confronted corporate
interests with their concerns about growing interests in green consumption, food
production, use of pesticides, organic production, and genetic modification, etc...
Green Stickers on consumer goods have been evolving since the 1970s. The main
drivers have been energy and fuel consumption. These stickers first started appearing
on major appliances after government agencies in the United States and Canada
legislated their requirement. Manufacturers are also required to meet minimum
standards of energy use. The automobile industry in North America is required to
meet a minimum emissions standard. This led to fuel efficiency labels being placed
on new automobiles sold. The major appliance manufactures were required to use
standard testing practices and place clear labels on products. The International








environmental labelling with the ISO 14000 family which grew out of ISO's
commitment to support the objective of sustainable development discussed at the

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, in Rio de Janeiro, in

Green Labelling worldwide is moving beyond traditional country borders. Most of
these initiatives are voluntary Eco-labels, however there is an initiative under way in
North America to broaden the scope of Green Stickers to include other consumer
Programs by region
Governments of many countries have environmental protection agencies. These
agencies are mandated watchdogs of industry and regulate releasing chemical
pollution into the environment. Some of them administer labelling standards; other
set minimum requirements for manufacturers.
The Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) run by the Department of Natural Resources
Canada regulates both the automobile and appliance manufacturers. EnerGuide label
for vehicles found on all new passenger cars, light-duty vans, pickup trucks and
special purpose vehicles not exceeding a gross vehicle weight of 3855 kg (8500 lb).
The label shows the city and highway fuel consumption ratings and an estimated
annual fuel cost for that particular vehicle. Federal law in Canada, under Canada's
Energy Efficiency Regulations,requires that the EnerGuide label be placed on all new
electrical appliances manufactured in or imported into Canada and that the label
indicate the amount of electricity used by that appliance. This information is
determined by standardized test procedures. A third-party agency verifies that an
appliance meets Canada's minimum energy performance levels.

United States
All major home appliances must meet the Appliance Standards Program set by the
US Department of Energy (DOE) on cooperation with the US Federal Trade
Commission. Manufacturers must use standard test procedures developed by DOE to
prove the energy use and efficiency of their products. Test results are printed on
yellow EnergyGuide label, which manufacturers are required to display on many
appliances. This label estimates how much energy the appliance uses, compares
energy use of similar products, and lists approximate annual operating costs.
Appliances that meet strict energy efficiency criteria set by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency are eligible for the blue Energy Star label. The Energy Star label is
also available on energy-efficient televisions, computers, audio visual equipment and
electronics, office equipment, heating and cooling equipment, and many more
products. Energy Star is also available on energy efficient homes and buildings in the
United States. American automobile manufacturers are required to use certified U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency fuel economy test results and cannot use any other
fuel mileage results to advertise vehicle fuel efficiency. The state of California has
green sticker license plates issued to OHVs is introducing green stickers for all new
automobiles in 2009.
European Union
The EU Ecolabel was established in 1992 by the European Commission. The EU
Ecolabel helps to identify products and services that have a reduced environmental
impact throughout their life cycle. Recognised throughout Europe, EU Ecolabel is a
voluntary label promoting environmental excellence which can be trusted. It is the
only pan-European Type I official ecolabel. The EU Ecolabel is awarded according to
ecological criteria agreed on by experts, industry, consumer organisations and
environmental NGOs and verified by independent third parties. The implementation
of the EU Ecolabel is set through the Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European
Parliament and of the Council.

Northern Europe
The Nordic swan is the official ecolabel in Nordic countries. It uses a system of
standards, applications for licenses, and independent verification.
In Asia ASEAN is moving towards adopting the ISO's TC 207 environmental
management system. Anyone can contribute verifiable sources substantiating it's
adoption and implementation by member countries as this information is not easily
Hong Kong SAR (China)
One ecolabel established by Hong Kong Green Building Council is the Hong Kong
Green Building Product Labelling (HKGBPL). The HKGBPL assessment criteria
looks at building product life cycle environmental performance.
A number of ecolabels operate in Australia and New Zealand mostly as separate
schemes operating in one country only. Global GreenTag operates and is recognised
in both countries as is GECA whereas GECNZ operates only within NZ. All 3
ecolabels are ISO 14024 compliant. GreenTag is also an Australian Competition and
Consumer Commission (ACCC) approved Certification Mark.

Environmentally friendly, environment-friendly, eco-friendly, nature-friendly,
and green are marketing terms referring to goods and services, laws, guidelines and
policies that inflict reduced, minimal, or no harm upon ecosystems or the
environment. Companies use these ambiguous terms to promote goods and services,
sometimes with additional, more specific certifications, such as ecolabels. Their
general use as euphemisms can be referred to as greenwashing.

The International Organization for Standardization has developed ISO 14020 and ISO
14024 to establish principles and procedures for environmental labels and
declarations that certifiers and eco-labellers should follow. In particular, these
standards relate to the avoidance of financial conflicts of interest, the use of sound
scientific methods and accepted test procedures, and openness and transparency in the
setting of standards.
In recent years, terms like "going green" and "eco-friendly" have become buzz words
on talk shows, commercials and product packaging. The term "eco-friendly" has been
used for so many different products and practices, its meaning is in danger of being
lost. By understanding the true meaning of eco-friendly, you can implement the
practices that will lead to healthier living for the planet and its inhabitants, big and
Eco-friendly literally means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment (see
References 1). This term most commonly refers to products that contribute to green
living or practices that help conserve resources like water and energy. Eco-friendly
products also prevent contributions to air, water and land pollution. You can engage
in eco-friendly habits or practices by being more conscious of how you use resources.
Product Qualifications
Making a truly eco-friendly product keeps both environmental and human safety in
mind. At a minimum, the product is non-toxic. Other eco-friendly attributes include
the use of sustainably grown or raised ingredients, produced in ways that do not
deplete the ecosystem. Organic ingredients or materials are grown without toxic
pesticides or herbicides. Products with "made from recycled materials" contain glass,
wood, metal or plastic reclaimed from waste products and made into something new.

Biodegradable products break down through natural decomposition, which is less

taxing on landfills and the ecosystem as a whole. (See References 3)
Practice Examples
You can develop eco-friendly habits to help you use less and make the most of what
you have. Turn off lights in empty rooms and use a programmable thermostat so
you're only heating or cooling your home when it's occupied (see References 2).
Businesses can also institute such practices, in addition to bigger initiatives, such as
company-wide recycling programs to conserve natural resources and telecommuting
for employees, which decreases air pollution and fuel consumption by eliminating
daily travel to work.
Companies sometimes label their products "eco-friendly" or "environmentally
friendly" without them truly being so. Called "greenwashing," marketing campaigns
perpetuate this practice, aimed at helping companies increase their product sales by
appealing to ecologically conscious buyers. To avoid purchasing "greenwashed"
products, look for products approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Energy Star program or an ecologically conscious consumer-advocacy group such as
the Green Good Housekeeping Seal.

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