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Financial Performance:

3.1-Audit balance sheets of the last 05 years
-Net worth calculated as the difference between total assets and total
liabilities should be positive for all the last 05 years
3.2Average Annual Construction Turnover
-Minimum average annual construction turnover of USD 200 million as total
certified payments received from contracts in progress and/or completed
within the last 05 years as single entity.
In case of JV must meet 25% of the requirement for each and/ or one member
with 40% of the requirement

General Construction Experience:

4.1 Applicant (Single entity or JV member) shall have minimum one Civil
Works Overseas contract experience with minimum USD 40 million
(1) Of contract value that have been satisfactorily completed
(2) As a prime contractor (Single entity or JV member) or management contractor
(3) Between 1st January, 2005 and application submission deadline

Specific Construction Experience:

4.2a Applicant (Single entity or JV member) shall have minimum one
(4) Contract experience with minimum USD 30 million
(1) Of contract value in Transport Sector (railway, Highway and bridges,
Airport and Port Sector)
(5) By Japanese ODA that have been satisfactorily completed
(2) As a prime contractor (Single entity or JV member) or management
(3) Between 1st January, 2005 and application submission deadline
4.2b Applicant (Single entity or JV member) shall have following experience as
a prime contractor (single entity or JV member) that have been satisfactorily and
substantially (6) completed between 1 st January, 2005 and application submission
- One (1) contract costing more than USD 20 million (7) of a
MRT/HSR/Intercity Railway/ Railway depot structures. (8) The applicant (Single

entity or JV member) shall have following experience as a prime contractor (single

entity or JV member) that have been satisfactorily and substantially (6) completed
between 1st January, 2005 and application submission deadline.
-At least (1) contract of minimum value USD 15 million (7) of construction
of commercial buildings/ building structural works/ Industrial buildings/Multistoried
Apartments of 6 stories and above including finishing works, building services, MEP
works and water proofing
Two (2) separate contract each costing more than USD 10 million (7) of construction
of commercial buildings/buildings Structural Works/ Industrial buildings/Multistoried

Notes for applicant:





In case of a JV, the value of contracts completed by ite members shall not be
aggregated to determine whether the requirement of the minimum value of a
single contract has been met. Instead, each member shall satisfy the
minimum value of a single contract as required for single entity
Satisfactorily completion shall be based on 100% of the works completed
under the contract, completion certificate issued by as employer shall be
An EPC is a firm which takes on the role of contract management as a
general contractor of sort could do. It does not normally perform directly
the construction works associated with the contract. Rather, it manages the
works of other (Sub) contractors while bearing full responsibility and risk for
price, quality and timely performance of the work contract.
The phasing project in serial form (i.e. highly continuous and adjacent
projects in same line/highway) should be regarded as one single contract.
The project experience must belong to the transport sector (Railway, Highway
and bridges, airport and port). The project experience must include railways
or roads or bridges or highways or airports/airport terminal buildings or port
construction works as a substantial component of the project respectively.
The project experience for other sectors which partly include the above
construction component are not eligible
Substantial completion shall be based on 805 or more of the works completed
under the contract.
For contracts under which the applicant participated as a JV member, only the
applicants, share by value, shall be considered to meet this requirement.
The experience projects, as a minimum, must include workshop building
scum rail trucks for MRT or HSR or Intercity railway or Conventional railway or

other similar type of railway workshop facilities. The experience for

LRT/AGT/Monorail workshop facilities is not eligible.

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