Egypt Travel and History

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The best of Egypt tours

Egypt is the cradle of a deep-rooted civilization whose history goes back to more than
five thousand years . It is the museum of history and the melting pot of the greatest
civilization throughout the ages . On its land the pharaonic ,Greek , Roman, Christian
and Islamic civilization flourished. Every inch on its land tells a tale or a legend and
leaves a riddle that perplexes scientists and thinkers throughout time. On its land there
lie treasures which reveal everyday one letter of the alphabet of civilization and
mysteries of human miracles in all fields a=such as mummification and astronomy. In
its land arts grew , sciences flourished and holy religions found a safe haven away
from persecution , and received a warm embrace of the monotheism until they took
root and blessed the world with the light of faith.
Tourist attractions that Egypt possesses have placed it in the vanguard of world
countries and the most attractive to tourists by virtue of the plenitude the tourist longs
for, where he finds a vast tourism variety , including :
Culture Tourism:
Represented in its deep-rooted heritage of monuments uncontested by any other
country as it enjoys one third of the world monuments.
Religious Tourism :
Egypt abounds in religious sites frequented by thousands of the followers of the three
holy religions , there are Jewish synagogues , Christian monuments, monasteries and
Islamic monuments like mosques and citadels.
Recreational Tourism
Recreation on the golden beaches with their soft sands extending along the coasts of
Mediterranean sea and the red sea with its crystals clear waters and unique colored

coral reefs and rare fishes .Water sports such as diving ,skiing , windsurfing and
fishing can be practiced there.
Safari and Adventure Tourism
Available in the Oases and Sinai ,Where practicing mountains climbing is possible
Is possible especially the mountains around Sharm Al-Shiekh ,Saint Catherine and
Moses Mountain.
These areas are considered the most suitable places for camping.
For lovers of bird watching in the national parks and of contemplating natural scenery
especially in Sinai ,The oases and the Red sea.
Therapeutic Tourism
Egypt is considered one of the richest environments of therapeutic value by virtue of
its natural resources represented in the dry, warm weather, besides many sulphurous
and mineral springs and black sands of special therapeutic qualities especially in
Safaga on The Red Sea ,Aswan, The Oases and the Sinai peninsula.
Sports Tourism
Where the tourist can practice his favorite sport in the clubs widespread all over the
country like golf, horse-riding, water sports and rowing .
Egypt with its nature , sunshine and generous hospitable people welcomes its visitors
and invites them to spend vacations full of joy , rich in culture and knowledge together
with unforgettable memories on the banks of the Nile.

Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa . A cosmopolitan city that
blens charm of the east with a Mediterranean flavor which accommodates 26 % of the
Egyptian population .

It is a melting pot where antiquities of pharaonic dynasties ,Graeco-roman civilization

,Christians and Islamic land mark co-exist .
A dynamic city proud of its warm and friendly people known for their traditional
hospitality .
On the Mokatam hills extending on the east bank of the Nile rises Salah Al-Din
Citadel towering and owe inspiring .At its base extended hundreds of splendid
mosques and Islamic monuments .
On the western bank of the Nile and on top of the Giza plateau rise the colossal
pyramids and the mysterious Sphinx ,two of the most glorious contribution of
pharaonic heritage.
Between the pyramids and the citadel modern Cairo with its network of roads ,squares,
gardens ,clubs, amusement parks ,luxurious hotels, skyscrapers .
A Cairo visitor cannot miss sailing in a felucca at sunset.

Pharaonic Monuments
Egypt abound in many pyramids beginning with Giza pyramids, Abu Rawash
pyramids, and extended southward along the western desert for 70 KM. Ruins of Al
Lahoun pyramis can be located near the fayoum entrance.
Giza Pyramids
On the west bank of the Nile facing Cairo and on top of Giza plateau rise the three
pyramids erected by Cheops , Chepren and Mycerinus ,guarded by the mysterious
sphinx which is a mythical statue with the body of a lion and a human head.
The Three pyramids the sphinx are considered one of the seven wonders of the world
and the most important tourist site in Egypt .
Solar Boats of Cheops
They are made of cedar wood to be at the King's disposal on his last journey to the sun
god "Ra" in the world .
A solar boat has lately been discovered and assembled , it is now exhibited in special
museum south of Cheop's pyramid.

Memphis and Saqqara Areas

Memphis: considered the most ancient capital Of Egypt established By King Mina. Of
its monuments :
- The colossal statue of Ramses II exhibited in the museum .
- - The Alabaster statue of the sphinx for King Tuthmosis .
- The Serapeaum : temple of mummification of Apis , The sacred bull.
Saqqara: is the ancient site of Memphis city ,hence it abounds in monuments
,antiquities and tombs .It is the most ancient burial ground in ancient Egypt
.Situated on a desert plateau crowned by Zoser step pyramid and its funerary
complex including temples and tombs distinguished by glamorous wall
engravings established by the architect Imhotep for King Zoser (III dynasty ).
It is the most ancient stone building in the world . The most important place to
visit in Saqqara is the pyramid of Unas , The Serapeum and mastabas which are
known as the tombs of Nobles , the most famous of which is the tomb of ptah
Hotep , The tomb of Kagemni and the tomb of Mereruka.
Al- Matareia Obelisk Al-Mataria area occupies the ancient site on which was
built the pharaonic city of Oun which the Greeks called Heliopolis .
The only left monument of the antiquities of that city is the famous obelisk
known as " Al- Matareia Obelisk ".

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