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SITUATION: Immunization is necessary in order to save lives, not only for children but also for the mother.

Tetanus vaccination is given to the mother. How many years will TT4 last?
A. 3


B. TT5

C. TT3

D. TT4

B. 2713

C. 2325

D. 2332.5

B. Measles

C. Tetanus Toxoid

D. Hepatitis B



D. Oral

Christina receives DPT 3 during infancy. The first TT vaccination for her will provide:
A. 5 years protection
B. 10 years protection


D. 99%

TT administration uses what route?



C. 90%

Which of the following is an inactivated toxin?



B. 80%

In a population of 77,500. What is your estimate of the population of pregnant woman needing
tetanus toxoid vaccination?
A. 2712.5


D. Life

What TT gives protection to all infants born to that mother who received that specific vaccination?
A. TT2


C. 10

TT1 will give how many percent protections to the mother?

A. 75%


B. 5

C. 3 years protection
D. No protection until the second TT vaccination

Measles vaccination provides atleast how many percent of protection in children age 9 months?

A. 50%

B. 75%

C. 80%

D. 99%

The most common fatal complication of measles is usually associated with:

A. Pneumonia

B. Diarrhea


D. Seizures

10. Which of the following immunization is a plasma derivative?


B. Measles

C. Tetanus toxoid

D. Hepatitis B

SITUATION: Diagnostic examinations performed in pregnant clients are useful in determining the
health of the unborn child. The following questions refer this.
11. Instruction to the mother prior to amniocentesis includes:
A. Ask the woman to void
B. Tell her that 30 ml of amniotic fluid will be taken
C. Ask the woman to drink
D. Instruct to lie in left lateral position
12. Amniocentesis can be done as early as:
A. 6-8th week

B. 11-12th week

C. 14-16th week

D. 18-20th week

13. The rationale of voiding prior to amniocentesis is to:

A. Prevent puncture to the vagina
B. Prevent puncture to the bladder

C. Prevent vena cava syndrome

D. Promote comfort during the procedure

14. After the procedure, the woman is instructed the rest quietly for a period of:
A. 8 hours

B. 30 minutes

C. 15 minutes

D. 4 hours

15. If Amniocentesis reveals a low value, the physician might suspect genetic or chromosomal
abnormality such as Down syndrome. Genetic testing is another viable option for the family. The
nurse should know that genetic testing should only be done if:
A. Both parents want it performed
B. It is in the best interest of the child

C. It is necessary for the child to survive

D. No one objects

16. Francis is admitted in active labor. The nurse locates fetal heart sounds in the upper left quadrant of
the mothers abdomen. The nurse would recognize which of the following?
A. Francis will probably deliver very quickly and without problems]
B. This indicates Francis will probably have a breech delivery
C. The fetus is in the most common anterior fetal positions
D. this position is referred to as being left anteriopelvic
17. Maybelle is scheduled to have an ultrasound examination. What instructions would you give her
before her examination?
A. The intravenous fluid infused to dilate your uterus does not hurt the fetus
B. you will need to drink at least 3 glasses of fluid before the procedure
C. void immediately before the procedure to reduce your bladder size
D. you can have medicine for pain for any contractions cause by the test

18. At 17 weeks gestation, a type 1 diabetic undergoes an ultrasound examination. What information
about the fetus at this time in pregnancy would be the results of this examination provide?
A. Placental maturity
B. Estimated fetal weight

C. Gestational age
D. Fetal lung maturity

19. Fetal lung maturity is depicted by an L:S Ratio of:

A. 2:1

B. 1:2

C. 3:3

D. 2:2

20. Genetic counselling can also be performed. The ideal time for genetic counselling is:
A. When the first born child exhibit defects or malformation
B. After marriage
C. At the first trimester of pregnancy
D. Before the first pregnancy
SITUATION: Two children were brought to you. One with chest indrawing and the other had diarrhea.
The following questions apply:
21. Using Integrated Management and Childhood Illness (IMCI) approach, how would you classify the 1 st
A. Bronchopneumonia
B. No pneumonia: cough or cold

C. Severe pneumonia
D. Pneumonia

22. The 1st child who is 13 months has fast breathing using IMCI parameters he has:
A. 40 breaths per minute or more
B. 50 breaths per minute

C. 30 breaths per minute or more

D. 60 breaths per minute

23. Nina, the 2nd child has diarrhea for 5 days. There is no blood in the stool. She is irritable, and her
eyes are sunken. The nurse offered fluids and and the child drinks eagerly. How would you classify
Ninas illness?
A. Some dehydration
B. Dysentery

C. Severe dehydration
D. No dehydration

24. Ninas treatment should include the following EXCEPT:

A. Reassess the child and classify him for dehydration
B. For infants under 6 months old who are not breastfed, give 100-200 ml clean water as well
during this period
C. Give in the health center the recommended amount of ORS for 4 hours.
D. Do not give any other foods to the child for home treatment
25. While on treatment, Nina 18 months old weighed 18 kgs. and her temperature registered at 37
degrees C. Her mother says she developed cough 3 days ago. Nina has no general danger signs.
She has 45 breaths/minute, no chest in-drawing, no stridor. How would you classify Ninas
A. No pneumonia
B. Severe pneumonia

C. Pneumonia
D. Bronchopneumonia

SITUATION: There are other important basic knowledge in the performance of our task as Community
Health Nurse in relation to IMMUNIZATION, these include:
26. The correct temperature to store vaccines in a refrigerator is:


Between -4 deg C and +8 deg C

Between 2 deg C and +8 deg C
Between -8 deg C and 0 deg C
Between -8 deg C and +4 deg C

27. Which of the following vaccines is not done by intramuscular (IM) injection?
A. Measles vaccine

C. Hepa-B vaccine
D. Tetanus toxoids

28. This vaccine content is derived from RNA recombinants.


Tetanus toxoids

C. Hepatitis B vaccines

29. This is the vaccine needed before a child reaches one (1) year in order for him/her to qualify as a
Fully immunized child.

B. Measles

C. Hepatitis B


30. Which of the following dose of tetanus toxoid is given to the mother to protect her infant from
neonatal tetanus and likewise provide 10 years protection for the mother?

A. Tetanus toxoid 3
B. Tetanus toxoid 2

C. Tetanus toxoid 1
D. Tetanus toxoid 4

31. The nurse instructs the caregivers of a newborn to notch the diapers or fold them in such a way as
to expose the cord. The major purpose of exposing the cord is to:
A. Remind caregivers to do cord care
B. Keep the diaper from rubbing the cord

C. Provide air circulation for the cord

D. Allow visualizations at all times

32. The level of health of an individual, family, group, population, or community is called:
A. Health assets
B. Health status

C. Quality of life
D. Health needs

33. The nurse is teaching a group of expectant mothers about the prevention of diaper dermatitis. The
nurse explains that one of the preventive measures is the use of:
A. Absorbent disposable diapers
B. Baby powder or cornstarch

C. Plastic panties over diapers

D. Cloth diaper

34. The Code of Nurses


Delineates all obligations and responsibilities of the nurse

Is a binding oath, which tells nurses how to make ethical decisions
Assists the nurse in formulating a personal belief system
Supports the concept of respect for all persons

35. The obligation to correctly perform ones assigned duties is:

A. Delegation
B. Assignment

C. Responsibility
D. Accountability

SITUATION: You are working as a Pediatric Nurse in you own Child Health Nursing Clinic. The following
cases pertain to ASSESSMENT AND CARE OF THE NEWBORN AT RISK conditions.
36. Theresa, a mother with a 2 year old daughter asks, at what age can I be able to take the blood
pressure of my daughter as a routine procedure since hypertension is common in the family? Your
answer to this is:

At 10 years old you may

As early as 1 year old
When shes 3 years old
When shes 6 years old

37. You typically gag children to inspect the back of their throat. When is it important NOT to elicit a
gag reflex?
A. When a girl has a geographic tongue C. When a child has symptoms of epiglottitis
B. When a boy has a possible inguinal hernia
D. When children are under 5 years of age
38. Baby John was given a drug at birth to reverse the effects of a narcotic given to his mother in labor.
What drug is commonly used for this?
A. Naloxone (Narcan)
B. Morphine Sulfate

C. Sodium Chloride
D. Penicillin G

39. Why are small-for-gestational-age newborns at risks for difficulty maintaining body temperature?

They do not have as many fat stores as other infants

They are more active than usual so throw off covers
Their skin is more susceptible to conduction of cold
They are preterm so are born relatively small in size

40. Baby John develops hyperbilirubinemia. What is a method used to treat hyperbilirubinemia in a

Keeping infants in a warm and dark environment

Administration of cardiovascular stimulant
Gentle exercise to stop muscle breakdown
Early feeding to speed passage of meconium

41. The nurse manager wishes to implement a new way of determining the vacation schedule for the
staff. The senior staff opposes the change while the newer staff seems more accepting of the
change. An effective strategy for resolving this difference in acceptance would be to:
A. Explain that the change will occur as designed, regardless of the staffs preference
B. Tell the staff that if they really do not want the change, it will not be implemented
C. Provide extensive and detailed rationale for the proposed change
D. Encourage each side to share their views with each other
42. The following are the duties of the Public Health Nurse EXCEPT:
A. Leave to the BHW the responsibilities of educating the community
B. Provision of nursing care to the sick and well individuals
C. Provision of technical and administrative support to rural health midwives
D. Conduct of pre and post consultation conference for clinic patients
43. An 8 month old has fast breathing if he has:
A. 40 breaths per minute
B. 55 breaths per minute

C. 38 breaths per minute

D. 45 breaths per minute

44. The following are the concerns of the Public Health Nurse on the third trimester of pregnancy
A. Advice for the mother to take oral contraceptive
B. Where to give birth
C. Proper timing in the separation of mother to other siblings
D. Type of feeding

45. When a child with persistent diarrhea returns for follow-up visit after 5 days, the nurse should ask
the mother if the diarrhea has stopped when:

A. The child has less than 3 loose bowels per day

B. The child has 4 semi formed stool
C. The child has 5 formed stools
D. The child has 3 loose stools/day
46. In barangay Y, one of the identified problems is unavailability of toilet facility for the residents. The
appropriate intervention is:
A. Secure donations in the form of toilet bowls
B. Ask help from local government
C. None of the above
D. Conduct a community assembly and discuss the consequences of this problems
47. A home visit is a professional interaction between the community health nurse and his patient or
the family. Where could the nurse get available information about the patient or the family to be
A. Document files
B. Records and reports

C. Doctors office
D. Family health record

48. In planning a home visit, the nurse considers the individual needs. Which of the following is a
A. Needs of all family members
B. Needs recognized by the family

C. Follow-up of medication and treatment

D. Clinic schedules after home visit

49. Which of the following is the FIRST action of the nurse during a home visit?
A. Greet the client or the household members
B. State the purpose or objective of the visit
C. Give necessary health teaching
D. Inquire about welfare and health condition of the client
50. Which factor must be considered by the nurse as vital to determine frequency of the home visit?
A. Available resources
B. Policy of the agency

C. Acceptance of the family

D. Past nursing services

SITUATION: In the toddler period, enormous changes take place in a child and, consequently, in a
family. As a nurse, we must support the childs growing independence with patience and sensitivity and
learn methods of handling the childs frustrations that arise from the quest for autonomy. The following
questions are about the care of the toddler patient.
51. Which assessment finding is an early sign of heart failure in a toddler?
A. Increased respiratory rate
B. Increased urine output

C. Decreased weight
D. Decreased heart rate

52. The physician prescribes digoxin (Lanoxin) elixir for a toddler with heart failure. Immediately before
administering this drug, the nurse must check the toddler's:
A. Serum sodium level.
B. Urine output.
C. Weight.
D. Apical pulse.
53. A 2-year-old child with a low blood level of the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine comes to a
liver transplant clinic for her appointment. The mother says the child hasn't been vomiting and

hasn't had diarrhea, but she admits that her daughter doesn't like taking the liquid medication.
Based on knowledge of the drug, which of the following would the nurse instruct the mother to do?
A. Let your daughter take her medication only when she wants it; it's okay for her to miss some
B. Offer the medication diluted with regular milk, chocolate milk, or orange juice to
make it
more palatable.
C. Insert a nasogastric (NG) tube and administer the medication using the tube as ordered by
the physician.
D. Give the ordered dose a little bit at a time over 2 hours to ensure administration of the
54. A toddler is hospitalized with multiple injuries. Although the parent states that the child fell down
the stairs, the child's history and physical findings suggest abuse as the cause of the injuries. What
should the nurse do first?
A. Refer the parent to a support group such as Parents Anonymous.
B. Report the incident to the proper authorities.
C. Prepare the child for foster care placement.
D. Restrict the parent from the child's room.
55. The mother of a hospitalized 3-year-old girl expresses concern because her daughter is wetting the
bed. What should the nurse tell her?
A. "It's common for a child to exhibit regressive behavior when anxious or stressed."
B. "Your child is probably angry about being hospitalized. This is her way of acting out."
C. "Don't worry. It's common for a 3-year-old child to not be fully toilet-trained."
D. "The nurses probably haven't been answering the call button soon enough. They will try to
respond more quickly."
56. A 2-year-old child is brought to the emergency department with a history of upper airway infection
that has worsened over the last 2 days. The nurse suspects the child has croup. Signs of croup
include a hoarse voice, inspiratory stridor, and:
A. A barking cough
B. A high fever

C. Sudden onset
D. Dysphagia

57. A toddler with bacterial meningitis is admitted to the inpatient unit. Which infection control measure
should the nurse be prepared to use?
A. Reverse isolation
B. Strict hand washing

C. Standard precautions
D. Respiratory isolation

58. An 18-month-old male child is admitted to the pediatric unit with a diagnosis of celiac disease.
What finding would the nurse expect in this child?
A. A concave abdomen
B. Bulges in the groin area

C. A protuberant abdomen
D. A palpable abdominal mass

59. A toddler with a ventricular septal defect (VSD) is receiving digoxin (Lanoxin) to treat heart failure.
The nurse should monitor the child for early signs of digoxin toxicity, which include:
A. Dradycardia
B. Tachycardia
C. Hypertension
D. Hyperactivity

60. For a child with a circumferential chest burn, what is the most important factor for the nurse to
A. Wound characteristics
B. Body temperature

C. Breathing pattern
D. Heart rate

SITUATION: Elvira is asking questions during labor and delivery.

61. Elvira didnt recognize for over an hour that she was in labor. A sign of true labor is:
A. Sudden increase energy from epinephrine release
B. Nagging but constant pain in the lower back.
C. Urinary urgency from increased bladder pressure.
D. Show or release of the cervical mucus plug.
62. Elvira asks you which fetal position and presentation are ideal. Your best answer would be:
A. Right occipitoanterior with full flexion
B. Left transverse anterior in moderate flexion

C. Right occipitoposterior with no flexion

D. Left sacroanterior with full flexion

63. Elvira is having long and hard uterine contractions. What length of contraction would you report as
A. Any length over 30 seconds
B. A contraction over 70 seconds in length

C. A contraction that peaks at 20 seconds

D. A contraction shorter than 60 seconds

64. You assess Elviras uterine contractions. In relation to the contraction, when does a late
deceleration begin?
A. Forty-five seconds after the contraction is over.
B. Thirty seconds after the start of a contraction.
C. After every tenth or more contraction.
D. After a typical contraction ends.
65. Elvira has an amniotomy. After this procedure, which of the following would be an important
nursing assessment?
A. Ask her if her pain level is tolerable postprocedure.
B. Assess maternal heart rate to detect possible bleeding.
C. Assess fetal heart rate to detect possible cord prolapsed.
D. Document the amount of amniotic fluid that has been lost.
SITUATION: Donna is a client in labor
66. Donna asks you what is the purpose of a doula in labor. Your best answer would be:
A. She times contractions and keeps them from becoming too lengthy.
B. She can cook for a woman in labor to keep her from becoming dehydrated.
C. She can serve as a support person and coach during labor.
D. She replaces the husband as a womans support person.
67. Donna asks you if she could use warm-water tub bathing during labor. Your best answer would be:
A. No. No one is allowed to tub bathe during labor.
B. Yes, as long as her membranes are not ruptured.
C. No, because warm water can diminish labor contractions
D. Yes, as long as the warm water doesnt raise her temperature.
68. Donna chooses to have epidural anesthesia. What are the two risks associated with this?
A. Hypotension and prolonged second stage of labor.
B. Severe headache and coldness of all extremities.
C. Continued back pain and short first stage of labor
D. Hypertension and a reduced red blood cell count.

69. There is no reason to think that Donna will need a general anesthetic. If she did, what type of drug
is usually prescribed to minimize the risk of aspiration of vomitus?
A. An anticonvulsant such as diazepam (Valium).
B. A nerve relaxant such as Phenobarbital.
C. Metoclopramide (Reglan) to speed gastric emptying.
D. Oxytocin to increase the effectiveness of labor
70. Donna reports in early labor she isnt having much pain. You assess that her contractions are also
not strong. What position usually promotes efficient uterine contractions in any labor?
A. Sitting or standing
B. Lying supine

C. Lying prone
D. Side-lying position

SITUATION: Angelo is 2 year old boy you see at a pediatric clinic. His mother tells you that he has
changed completely in the past 6 months from an easy-to-care-for a baby into a monster who refuses
to do anything she asks. The only word he says anymore is no. He has a temper tantrum every night
at dinner over some type of food. She tells you this has changed parenting from fun to a real chore.
Angelo has a sister, Celina, a toddler.
71. What kind of sentence should Angelo, a 2 year old, have mastered?
A. Red ripe tomatoes
B. Daddy come

C. Old McDonald
D. Please, please

72. Angelo answers every request of his mother by saying No! How can she minimize this?
A. Tell Angelo she doesnt want him to say no anymore.
B. Answer all Angelos questions by saying, No!
C. Reduce the number of questions she asks Angelo.
D. Explain he is not using good communication skills.
73. Angelos mother uses timeout for punishment. What is a good rule for this?
A. The child should sit still for as many minutes as his age.
B. The child should sit still for as many minutes as he misbehaved.
C. Timeout activities can include quiet play or reading books.
D. Children are not ready for timeout until schoolage.
74. Celina asks constant questions. How many does a typical 3-year-old ask in a days time?
A. Less than 50

B. 100-200

C. 300-400

D. 1,200 or more

75. Celinas parents want to know how to react to her when she begins to masturbate while watching
television. What would you suggest?
A. They give her time out when this begins.
B. They refuse to allow her to watch television.
C. They remind her some activities are private.
D. They schedule for a health check up for vaginal disease.
SITUATION: Nursing research is the term used to describe the evidence used to support nursing
practice. Nursing, as an evidence based area of practice, has been developing since the time of
Florence Nightingale to the present day, where many nurses now work as researchers based in
universities as well as in the health care setting.
76. Mr. DSJ Plans to undertake a research of Community 1 and 2 on how they manage their health
using Primary health care after an organization and training seminars. This type of research is:
A. Experimental
B. Historical
C. Descriptive
D. Basic
77. The independent variable is:

A. Primary Health Care

B. Community 1 and 2

C. Organization and training seminars

D. Management of their health

78. In this design, the variable that is being manipulated is

1. Independent
2. Organization and training seminars
A. 1, 2

3. Dependent
4. Management of Primary Health Care

B. 1, 4

C. 2, 3

D. 3, 4

79. In general, the research process follows the ff. ordered sequence:
1. Determination of design
2. Statement of the problem
3. Definition of variables
A. 2, 5, 3, 1, 4
B. 3, 5, 4, 1, 2

4. Collection and analysis of data

5. Review of related literature

C. 2, 5, 3, 4, 1
D. 2, 5, 1, 3, 4

80. Studies done in natural setting such as this one, posses difficulty of controlling which variable?
A. Independent

B. Dependent

C. Extraneous

D. Organismic

SITUATION: Kiko, 7 weeks old, was brought by his mother to the health center because of diarrhea
occurring 4 to 5 times a day.
81. Your assessment revealed that Kiko has sunken eyes and he is restless and irritable. What will be
your diagnosis?
A. No sign of dehydration
B. Some dehydration
C. Severe dehydration
D. You need to asses him further to be able to make a diagnosis
82. Based on your diagnosis, which of the following is best done for Kiko?
A. Accompany Chico to the nearest facility where IV fluids can be given
B. Give Chico 200 to 400 ml. Oresol in 4 hours
C. Give Chicos mother instruction in home management
D. Keep him in your health center for close observation
83. In Kikos assessment, what other problems do you have to consider?
A. The presence of blood on his stools
B. Severe undernutrition

C. Fever or hypothermia
D. All of these

84. Kikos mother says Chico has been having diarrhea for 6 days now. You will decide that Kiko has:
A. Acute diarrhea
B. You cannot be certain

C. Persistent Diarrhea
D. Sub-acute diarrhea

85. After your management of Kikos condition. Your assessment revealed that he has no more sign of
dehydration. What instruction will you give to Kikos mother?
A. Continue breastfeeding him frequently
B. Give him Oresol 50-100ml after every loose stool
C. Observed him for danger sign


D. All of these instruction

SITUATION: Ear infections are the most common cause of deafness in low income areas. The nurse
should be able to assess early signs and symptoms of ear infection in order to prevent hearing loss,
which in turn, leads to learning problems.
86. Among the following, the most serious complication of an ear infection is:
A. Hearing loss
B. Mastoiditis

C. Pain
D. Deafness leading to Learning problems

87. Which of the following behavior best suggests that the child is experiencing ear pain?
A. Frequent tugging of the ear
B. Sleepiness

C. Voracious appetite
D. Irritability

88. An ear infection of 15 days is classified as:

A. Acute otitis media
B. Chronic otitis media

C. Mastoiditis
D. Subacute otitis media

89. If the child presents with swelling and tenderness behind the ear, how would you classify this child?

Urgent referral plus a dose of antibiotic and paracetamol
Treat with the same 5 day antibiotic treatment as pneumonia
Dry the ear by wicking

A. 1, 6

B. 2, 5

C. 3, 4

D. 1, 4

90. All of the following are danger signs that needs to be routinely checked in all children except:
A. Convulsions
B. Lethargy

C. Blood in the stool

D. Vomiting

91. Nursing is to assist an individual sick or well in the performance of activities that contributes to
health and recovery is a definition based on the theory of:
A. Virginia Henderson
B. Dorothea Orem

C. Madeleine Leininger
D. Faye Abdellah

92. Which of the following questions by the nurse would be best fit the philosophy of the nursing
mutual participation model of care (NMPMC)?

Have you brushed your childs teeth today?

How does your child look to you today?
Where have you been all morning?
Do you think your childs color is worse?

93. There are numerous definitions of the word health. Which definition below is from Florence

A state or a process of being and becoming an integrated and whole person

The state of being free from illness or injury
Being well and using every power the individual possesses to the fullest extent
A state of complete physical, social, and mental well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity
94. Informal communication takes place when individuals talk and is best described by saying the



Are involved in a preexisting informal relationship

Talk with slang words
Have no particular agenda or protocol
Are relaxed

95. Tertiary care by the home health nurse is directed toward children with:
A. Problems in mobility
B. Short-term needs

C. Minor problems
D. Clinically apparent disease

96. The endometrium thickens during which phase of the menstrual cycle?
A. Secretory phase
B. Menstrual phase

C. Proliferative phase
D. Ischemic phase

97. The nurse is preparing to auscultate fetal heart tones in a pregnant client. Abdominal palpation
reveals a hard, round mass under the left side of the rib cage; a softer, round mass just above the
symphysis pubis; small, irregular shapes in the right side of the abdomen; and a long, firm mass on
the left side of the abdomen. Based on these findings, what is the best place to auscultate fetal
heart tones?
A. Right lower abdominal quadrant
B. Right upper abdominal quadrant

C. Left upper abdominal quadrant

D. Left lower abdominal quadrant

98. A measurement tool to articulate the nursing workload for a specific patient or groups of patients
over a specific period of time is called:
A. Staffing pattern
B. Skill mix

C. Benchmarking
D. Patient classification

99. The mother of a 9 month-old infant is concerned that the head circumference of her baby is greater
than the chest circumference. The BEST response by the nurse is:

These circumference normally are the same, but in some babies this just differs.
Perhaps your baby was small for gestational age or premature.
This is normal until the age of 1 year, when the chest will be greater.
Let me ask you a few questions, and perhaps we can figure out the cause of this difference.

100. Karen, A 28 year old post hysterectomy client has come to the health center. She inquired about
BSE and asked you when BSE should be performed. You answered her that BSE Is best performed:
A. 7 days after menstruation
B. At the same day each month

C. During menstruation
D. Before menstruation

Study. Study in earnest. If you are to be salt and light, you need knowledge. Or do you
imagine that an idle and lazy life will entitle you to receive infused knowledge?



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