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The complete personality assessment

Product Information



The complete personality assessment

PAPI is a simple, scientifically proven process that helps
employers to assess the behaviour and preferred work
styles of individuals at management, professional and other
It is an ideal tool for both recruitment and development
situations and provides vital insights to support the
information on which a selection decision is made.
Originally designed by Dr Max Kostick, Professor of
Industrial Psychology at State College, Boston, USA in the
early 1960s, PAPI is an instrument that :

Has a sound theoretical base

Is simple to administer, complete and score

Can be used by non-psychologists

Avoids clinical terminology and interpretation

Comprehensively covers aspects of personality relevant

to the workplace


PAPI explores a broad range of personality dimensions.

These dimensions are split between Role and Need scales.
The Role scales measure the individual's perception of
themself in the work environment and look at areas such
as leadership, work style and planning.

The Need scales probe the deeper inherent tendencies of

an individual's behaviour such as the need to belong to
groups, the need to be noticed and the need to be



Line managers and HR staff log complete a job

profiling questionnaire which automatically
generates an ideal job profile

A candidate is sent an email containing a unique

access code to the Cubiks Online Web site.
The candidate enters this and completes a
questionnaire that is designed to elicit their typical
behaviours at work

The candidate profile is created by the Cubiks

Online system. Line managers and HR staff can
view the candidate profile prior to the interview
and save vital preparation time by generating a
PAPI interview guides and candidate feedback

The candidate and interviewer take part in a frank,

objective and open feedback discussion. For the
employer, the feedback discussion provides the
opportunity to explain and explore their profile; for
the candidate it provides the chance to verify or
refute the hypotheses generated by the profile


PAPI can also play a key role in increasing the efficiency of

staff development initiatives. In particular, it can be used to
pinpoint what needs to be done to improve an individual's
effectiveness in their role, to develop their skills to enhance
future performance, and provide remedial action if an
individual is under-performing.

By overlaying the profiles of individual team members on to

one PAPI wheel, team leaders and HR professionals can:

Quickly assess the strengths and weaknesses of the


Understand why problems arise between people

Highlight ways to re-engineer a team for optimum


Honestly discuss issues of concern in a methodical and

reliable framework.


PAPI has been used across the globe for over 30 years
and is currently used by over 5000 professionals
worldwide. The PAPI questionnaire is available in over 25
languages and as such, allows multi-national employers to
develop a common assessment language and apply
consistent assessment standards wherever they do
Training can be offered anywhere in the world and
companies can be supported either locally or centrally
depending on their requirements.

Critically, extensive trials have taken place to cater for local

differences in culture and business practice. Consequently,
users can be safe in the knowledge that PAPI will deliver
accurate and reliable results, wherever it is used.

Users are trained through a short, focused course that

gives assessors everything they need to begin using PAPI
in a competent and confident way.

After the course, comprehensive support is provided to

users on an on-going basis, including user days, consultant
visits and a help desk. This support is included in a single
annual licence fee that is linked to the number of users
within the client company. This approach ensures a
continuing partnership, and support wherever it is needed.
For further information email:

Cubiks Ranger House, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4UL

T +44 1483 544 200 F +44 1483 544 230 E W

Cubiks is a specialist HR consultancy with offices in nine European countries and an established international network of licensed distributor operations.
Principal national offices in: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Licensed distributor operations in: Greece, Indonesia, India, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand (also covering Australia), Pakistan, Peoples Republic of China, Poland, Singapore, South Africa and Spain.

All rights reserved Cubiks Intellectual Property Limited 2007

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