Why Religios Parties Fail

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Why Religious Parties Fail?

Author: Muhammad Abbas Shad,

Islamic ideology comprises of Islamic law (Shariat), purification of human soul

(Tareeqat) and political strategy (Siasat) for implementation of Islamic teachings.
Islam is an advocate of troubled humanity and is against all sorts of exploitation
and oppression. Religious parties hold a substantial position in our political and
social spectrum along with political, reformist and so called revolutionary
parties. However, failure of Islamist parties is a big question mark over their
thought process and practical implementation. Failure of religious leadership
around the world is attributed to some common reasons which are listed below.
1. First reason is their limited and static view about religion. Instead of
systematically adopting religion as a way of life, they confine themselves to
the fulfillment of few rituals. As a result of their narrow mindedness, they fail
to understand the linkage between different aspects of human life like
politics, economics, morals and social attitudes. Their sole aim is to
introduce partial religious reforms in the already established system. Such
isolated and partial reforms are destined to fail. Holy Quran states: O you
believers! Embrace Islam as a whole (instead of following only a particular
portion of Islam while neglecting other portions) and do not follow the path
of Sheitaan. Verily, he is your greatest enemy. (Surah Al-Baqra, Ayat-208)
2. Second reason is their lack of political awareness. Many religious outfits
consider participation in political struggle as an evil and worldly act
which should be avoided. Due to their inability to understand importance
of politics in social life and how it can be utilized for the betterment of
society, they unintentionally serve the objectives of imperialist and local
exploitative powers. Shah Saeed Ahmed Raipuri (R.A) rightly highlighted
that biggest curse for any society is the unawareness of its religious scholars
about political affairs.
3. Third reason is their support and cooperation for global capitalist system in
return for few personal and short term benefits. For the attainment of their
corporate and strategic objectives, international powers exploit religious
parties by using the name of Islam. Global imperialism hosts welcome
parties at the White House in the honor of such religious leadership. While
working for imperialist objectives, these religious leaders intentionally or
unintentionally believe that they are serving the cause of Islam. So called
Afghan Jihad is the most obvious example of this mindset. Holy Quran
categorically states: Do not assist anyone in the acts of sin and injustice.
(Surah Al Maida, Ayat-2)
4. Fourth reason is their ignorance towards contemporary needs and
challenges faced by society due to which they are isolated from real life
issues. In our glorious past, it had been a hallmark of religious leadership to
acknowledge and fulfill the needs of their respective times. However, our
present religious leadership has neglected this aspect by presenting a






discouraging and conservative attitude towards science, technology and

contemporary knowledge of different fields related to human life. This
attitude is drastically opposite to the teachings of our beloved Prophet
Muhammad who said: Beware of the foresightedness of a true believer as
he perceives in the guidance of Almighty.(Tirmizi)
Fifth reason is their sectarian and factional mindset. Islam provided unity
and centralization to the tribal society of Arabs in the medieval times. On
the contrary, these parties divide the society into different sects and
groups. Every sect self-proclaims to be on the right path while considers all
others as mislead and lost. Consequently, the whole fabric of society is
deteriorated into fragments. This behavior is strictly against the teachings of
Islam which states: People divided the religion and created sects. Every
sect is happy with its own portion of Islam.(Surah Al Rome, Ayat-32) Hold
the rope of Allah steadfastly and do not create divisions. (Surah Al e
Imran, Ayat-103) Do not quarrel with each other. You will become coward
and you will lose your strength over your enemy. (Surah Al-Anfal, Ayat-46)
Sixth reason is their attitude of intolerance and extremism. True religion
teaches patience, mutual coexistence and respect of humanity to its
followers. But sectarian mentality promotes prejudice, intolerance, narrowmindedness and disintegration in the society. Difference of opinion which
was regarded as a blessing for society is transformed into fierce enmity.
Consequently, ideological and practical harmony which is essential for the
success of every nation becomes a rare commodity.
Seventh reason is their violent approach to preach and implement religious
teachings. Due to their extremist and irresponsible behavior, they consider
the whole society as their permanent opponent. Islam is the religion of love
and forbearance which attracts its audience with logic and respect.
Quran states: Invite people towards your Lord with wisdom and
compassion. (Surah Al-Nahl, Ayat-125)It is an undeniable reality that no
system can win the hearts of people with sheer force and violence. Rather,
it will permanently repel the hearts of those who are in search of truth and
Eighth reason is the political misuse of religion for their personal and
factional interests. Islam is an inseparable constituent of every Muslims life.
Even if there are many deficiencies in Muslims, still they are spiritually and
emotionally linked with Islam. Implementation of political, economic and
social system of Islam in the society is the ultimate aspiration of every
Muslim irrespective of the country he belongs to. Instead of utilizing this
passion for the construction of society, these selfish leaders exploit the
name of Islam as a mere rhetoric slogan. Allah says in Quran: And do not
sell my commandments for worldly gains and fear from me. (Surah Al
Baqra, Ayat-41)
Ninth reason is their hypocrisy and double standards. Due to their
exaggerated claims and religious rhetoric, people tend to associate huge
expectations from these parties. However, testing times reveal the reality of
these false claims which leads to frustration among its followers and

general public. Quran highlights this hypocrisy by stating: Why you say
something which you do not act upon? (Surah Al-Saff, Ayat-2)
10. Tenth reason is there effort to establish a system of religious and intellectual
monopoly in the society (like Christian Church and Hindu Brahamanism).
Religious leadership conceals religious knowledge to their limited circle and
present themselves as the true interpreters of religion. Compassionate
teachings of religion based on justice, equality and human rights are
deceitfully misinterpreted to serve the interests of a particular class. Thus,
religion becomes a tool for the oppression of masses used by the ruling
class. Quran describes this problem in the following words: O you
believers! (beware that) there are many religious scholars and saints who
tactfully loot money of common people and detract them from the path
of Almighty. (Surah At-Taubah, Ayat-34)
In the present circumstances, there is a dire need to abstain from conventional
religious parties and develop a consciousness in the society about the economic
and political systems of Islam. Next step is to transform this consciousness into a
collective effort based on sincere relationship with the Almighty and compassion
for human beings which will ultimately liberate mankind from oppression and
injustice. This will pave the path to reconnect humanity with its compassionate
Creator which is the ultimate goal of Islam.

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