Data Collection

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Methods of Data Collection in Quantitative Research

Data gathered through any research design is broadly classified as primary data and
secondary data. Primary data refers to the data gathered from first hand sources while the
secondary data corresponds to the data extracted from secondary resources. Majority of the
researchers prefer to integrate primary data within their studies since it allows them to generate
findings that are based upon the direct responses of the participants. This ascertains that the data
is presented by the actual target population and is not the replication of the findings of the
information presented by the participants to any another researcher. Taking into amount the
immense significance of primary data, the researcher utilized this form data to generate the
findings and results of the study. The primary data was carried through surveys that were
performed with a target large population.
Ethical Considerations
Prior to the commencement of any study, it is essential to observe the research ethics. The
premise of this claim is based on the grounds that ethical considerations are the crucial aspect of
the research that acquires a central position throughout the course of the study. The term research
ethics corresponds to the ethical, logical and tentative attributes of the employment of data by
other researcher in the manner does not lead to it manipulation. This observable fact is allied
with the qualities of reliable research that concentrates on the strength of legitimate
consequences and attentiveness that ought to be established by the researcher while performing a
research. Since the findings and results of this study were based upon the quantitative research
design, there were several ethical considerations that were taken into account. Initially the
researcher obtained an ethical approval from the Institutional Review Board that affirmed the
execution of this study. Another issue that must be taken into account to adhere with the research
ethics is the confidentiality of the participants. In order to address this issue, the identity of the
participants and their personal information was kept confidential and researcher ensured that the
interpretation of the responses was not performed in the manner that reveals the identities of the
participants in any manner. It has been ascertained by the researcher that information attained by
the participants will not be utilized in future for any other purposes.

Limitations of the Study

There were several limitations confronted by the researcher during the course of this
study. The first limitation was the limited availability of time for completing the entire research.
Limited time was available to the researcher to perform the survey; therefore, he was unable to
target a wide variety of participants. Secondly the survey was conducted online through an online
survey websites, therefore, the response rate of the participants was relatively low. Although
conducting surveys through online survey websites consumes less time and costs, it limits the
ability of the researcher to interact directly with the participants and avert their attention towards
the attributes of the study. The sample size was also a limitation of the study since it was too
small to represent the practices of all the airports worldwide.

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