Radiant Floor for Heating and Cooling - New Type of Displacement Ventilation Air-conditioning System in the Beijing Area Feasibility Analysis _Engineering_Engineering Construction Papers_Free Papers

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Radiant floor for heating and cooling - new type

of displacement ventilation air-conditioning
system in the Beijing area Feasibility Analysis
Posted:2005-11-22 17:49:00 Browse:24477 Times

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Abstract: The project for the Beijing Construction Engineering College of heat, Gas Su
pply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering Key Laboratory of research: radiatio

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n for heating and cooling - new type of displacement ventilation air-conditioning system

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in the Beijing area of the feasibility study. This paper describes the layout of the experi

Risk | Industry | English Teaching | English

ment station system, the form describes how to solve the floor radiant cooling for sum

Learning | Environmental | Summary |

mer air-conditioning condensation when the people's worries, pointing out that the intr
oduction of a displacement ventilation system, not only through the cold air into the dry
In the cold floor of the lake formed on the surface layer of the air and reduce the cold s
urface of the floor of the dew-point temperature, increase its cooling capacity, while its

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elf can take a certain amount of cooling load. An analysis of the system is used for hea

Marketing | Travel | Wireless | Structure

ting and cooling of the feasibility of the Beijing area, and the winter operation of the sy

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stem has done a preliminary test and analysis, and practice proved that the system is

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used to good effect to use in winter heating, saving energy consumption, indoor comfo

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rt moreWell.
Key words: radiation for heating and cooling - temperature of the feasibility of displace
ment ventilation

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1 Introduction

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Low temperature radiant heating, is a use within the building floor, walls, top or other s

Development | Urban Transport | Green

urface heating systems to radiant floor heating is most commonly used. Because of its

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surface area of radiation and indoor use basically the same size, so you can evenly to

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the entire heating, so room temperature uniformity. In our northern regions, low-temper

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ature hot water radiant floor heating systems in their health conditions in the high, com
fortable, good temperature uniformity, ease of use of natural energy and energy savin

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g advantages of cold and heat source such as widely used. The same set of systems s

Agriculture | Scientific concept of

uch as can be used for both summer cooling will reduce the initial investment in equip

development | Social Development |

ment to increase their efficiency, while the floor for the warm and cold - displacement v

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entilation, air-conditioning system in the complex energy-saving, comfort, indoor harmf

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tems can not match advantage. Floor cooling with displacement ventilation combined c

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ondensation problems can be solved, but in different regions, different weather conditi

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of financial accounti

t be locally studied. To this end, we have built in Beijing Institute of Technology campu

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s for the construction of a radiation heating - displacement ventilation system, new airconditioned laboratory bench, to be further study of characteristics of the system and c
arry out experimental analysis, so that the floor at the same time cooling technology an
d equipment to further mature, to promote the use of.

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2 Experimental program

school to add infri

2.1 Experimental Conditions

Water permits and water rights between

Experimental rooms are located outside the Beijing Construction Engineering College,

the nature and Analys

Beijing Xizhimen a two-story school's ground floor, indoor use of an area of 32 O, co

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nstruction area is about 35 O. Experimental room walls on both sides something to 3

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7 bricks; north and south walls of 24 brick wall, next door to not heating the room. Singl

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e-layer glass windows, steel window. After load calculation, to be experimental room, th

examine the system

e total cooling load of 114W / O, wet load of 0.956Kg / h, the latent heat load of 610


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floor for heating and cooling -

e total cooling load of 114W /Radiant
O, wet load of 0.956Kg / h, the latent heat load of 610
W. Cold-shoulder the load all of the floor of the cooling load for the obvious, plans for t
he 42W / O, fan coil cooling load required to undertake for the 2.3kW, in which the la
tent heat load of 610W.
2.2 Floor Pipe Layout
The laying of pipe at the end of the first high-performance thermal insulation materials

distinction betwe
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of the room; D-loop: Same as B circuit, set in the middle of the formation of C spacing
100 mm; A, C loop between the loop and the outer wall of the room also maintained be
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2.3 The winter and summer air-conditioning treatment options

Use of air-source heat pump system, hot and cold as the source, because of its ease o
f use of natural energy resources, the system thermal efficiency is greater than 1, with
energy-saving advantages, rational use, reduce energy consumption and operating co
sts. The system flow chart shown in Figure 2, summer cooling, dehumidifying operation
, the cut-off valve A closed, cut-off valve B opens, from the cold water first passes thro
ugh the fan coil units, the temperature rise after the backwater compared with the cold
floor mixed, as the cold water supply in the floor. As the wet load all be borne by the fa
n coil, fan coil inlet temperature requirements so low, about 7 or so, if one is consi
dering a heating rate of 5 , then the fan coil of the water temperature around 12
, the If the floor control directly for the temperature, the temperature is still too low,
significantly lower than the dew point temperature of the summer in Beijing, will cause t
he cold floor surface condensation. The literature recommended floor cooling water te
mperature is 18 ~ 20 , so the water fan coil should be mixed with the cold floor of t
he backwater and then supply the cold floor, the floor pipes by setting the water tempe
rature to control the amount of water mixed with three-way valve. Direct water to the flo
or in winter to the tube, this time cut-off valve B closed, A cut-off valve to open. Runnin
g does not require mixing with water in winter when the two pumps shut down.
Because of financial constraints, the project failed to purchase new equipment, accordi
ng to current needs, using existing equipment, a larger margin. Experiment with the he
at pump units with good air-conditioner plant in Suzhou Taiwan produced air-cooled he
at pump units, rated heat capacity 19.5kW, rated cooling capacity of 16.3kW, comes wi
th pump rated flow 6.3m3 / h, Head 20m, power 0.6 kW; Heat Pump total input power of
7.5 kW. Fan coil units are used in artificial environments Tsinghua Tongfang Co., Ltd.
product of horizontal installation of fan coil units, model: FP-6.3, air flow 671m3 / h, coo
ling capacity 3500W, Thermal 5763W, input power 32W.
3 for the radiant floor heating - a new displacement ventilation of the feasibility and sup
eriority of the air-conditioning systems
Is well known for its low temperature radiant floor heating means comfort, energy efficie
ncy, and good sanitary conditions, have been rapidly across the country to promote thi
s will not repeat them; while the same set of systems, such as can be used for both su
mmer cooling will reduce the equipment initial investment, to enhance its efficiency, an
d therefore has been more and more attention. However, due to fears that the floor co
ndensation, thermal comfort issues, as well as the cold floor of the cooling capacity, en
abling the application of floor cooling under certain restrictions, such as radiant floor h
eating is not as rapid popularity.
Indeed, when the cold water temperature of the lower floor or indoor humidity, the cold
surface of the floor may be condensation, limiting the cold floor of the cooling capacity
can not meet the comfort requirements. However, if combined with displacement ventila
tion system can solve the above problems. By displacement ventilation system into the




Radiant floor for heating and cooling -

air through the cooling dehumidification, because of its high density and deposited on t
he cold surface of the floor, forming a layer of air lake, thereby preventing heat and m
oisture of air in direct contact with the cold floor to reduce the cold surface of the floor
of the dew point temperature, can guarantee the water temperature low enough to imp
rove the cooling capacity of the cold floor. Meanwhile, the displacement ventilation syst
em itself can also bear some of the cooling load, and the combination of radiant floor c
ooling system, you can reach a higher comfort requirements. Furthermore, for people
concerned about thermal comfort issues, studies have shown that the floor temperatur
e was controlled at 18 ~ 20 within the framework of the summer does not produce
the feeling of cold feet with the combination of displacement ventilation systems, you c
an take All indoor cooling load.
Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http://www.hi138.com
4 Winter operation
4.1 Heat Pump Operating Parameters
As the structures laboratory bench and other reasons, the test of time mainly in late Fe
bruary 2004 and the beginning of March. Although the weather has been warmer, but
still feel that chill of early spring, indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity produc
ed by Tsinghua Tongfang temperature and humidity of self-recording instrument collec
tion, automatically recorded once every half an hour. Calorimeter cooling system is inst
alled, flow meter, heat pump unit installed in a separate meter, used for measurement,
statistics and operational control. Heat Pump Thermal power consumption and heat me
ters by meters and measurement, to show that, due to excessive margin unit, using an
effective volume of 300 liters of storage water tank to adjust in order to avoid frequent
compressor start, set the maximum water temperature 45 , temperature adjustable
rate raised to 15 , the actual operation of Starting and stopping time than about 0.
2:1. To this end, the actual COP group of computers, we should deduct pump power c
onsumption. Testing period, outdoor temperatures most of the time in between 6 ~ 10
, outdoor minimum temperatures -2 , the general minimum temperature is bet
ween 4 ~ 7 . After repeated measurements, in continuous operation for 50 hours,
reaching a steady state, the measured average power consumption unit is about 1.04k
W / h, less pump power consumption of 0.6kW / h, the power consumption of 0.44kW /
h; the average heat capacity of about 1.53kW / h, calculated COP value of about 3.5.
4.2 The room temperature experimental results
In order to study for the radiant floor heating - the use of displacement ventilation resul
ts, the laboratory temperature and inner surface of the envelope structure were measu
red at room temperature. Envelope inner surface temperature measured by thermal im
aging devices, taking the average of multi-point measurement; room temperature with
Tsinghua Tongfang produced temperature and humidity measured by self-recording in
strument, the average of several tests in Table 1.
Floor temperature, surface temperature inside the building envelope and indoor air te
mperature gauge 2




Radiant floor for heating and cooling -

As can be seen in the test floor radiant system, with the surface temperature, indoor s
urface temperature is higher, an area weighted average temperature close to room te
mperature. In addition, because the body's comfort is radiation and convection combin
ed effect of two kinds of heat transfer can be used to indicate the role of the temperatu
re. According to the literature introduced in the indoor wind speed is very low, the role
of the temperature structure of the surface of the envelope can be considered equival
ent to the average temperature and indoor air temperature, on average, that is, in floo
r radiant heating system, radiation and convection heat transfer in two ways comfort on
the human body has the same effect.
5 Preliminary Conclusions
(1) radiation for the heating and cooling - a new air conditioning system for displaceme
nt ventilation in Beijing winter heating, fully able to meet demand at room temperature.
(2) As the heat pump's own energy efficiency, than the use of electric boilers and other
equipment to save energy and operating expenses on the obvious advantages.
(3) The floor cooling system combined with displacement ventilation by displacement v
entilation system to take over all the latent cooling load and the indoor part of the signi
ficant cooling load, cold floors bear the significant cooling load, fully meet the summer
cooling requirements.




Radiant floor for heating and cooling -

(4) The project unit margin due to too much, the pump with the rated flow and head is t
oo large, causing the pump energy is too large, wasting some energy. Actual use, the
choice of units do not have to keep a larger margin.
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[2] Wang Kai, air-source heat pump for residential radiant floor heating experimental st
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s reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http://www.hi138.com

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