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Sponsorship Programme

3 Month Agreement Contract

Trojan Shield Gaming

Outlaws Esports


This agreement is made by and between Trojan Shield Gaming (or "TSG" in short) and Outlaws Esport (or
"OE" in short).
With this agreement, OE agrees to perform services for TSG on the following terms and conditions.

Definition of work and services

The services that OE will perform for TSG are as the following:

Compete in amateur and professional esport tournaments in Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Regularly compete in practice skirmishes in Counter Strike: Global Offensive, with a high ranking
member of TSG overseeing

When OE becomes aware that OE is unable to complete the services states above, OE will immediately
notify TSG. TSG and OE can agree on a new time and date to complete the above services. If OE is unable to
complete the services repeatedly for, and TSG and OE cannot agree on a new time, TSG can decide to
terminate the contract between TSG and OE within 4 weeks of the 3 month contract ending.

Compensation and expenses

After TSG has approved the work resulting from the services performed by OE, TSG agrees to pay OE 95% of
the total tournament winnings and bonus if OE wins tournaments on any suitable date agreed betwee TSG and
All amounts in this agreement are excluding deductible VAT (value added tax). OE will send invoices to receive
payment(s) from TSG, after which TSG will make payment by Steam or Paypal within 30 days of receiving an
invoice. OE will be responsible for all expenses made while performing the services under this agreement.
Because OE is not an employee of TSG, OE is not entitled to worker's compensation, insurance or other benefits
afforded to employees of TSG.

Rights and obligations

OE has the following rights.

OE has the right to request to cancel or extend the sponsorship programme contract 4 weeks before the
contract ends
OE has the right to be compensated for their work
OE has the right to receive team jerseys after 15 tournament wins and a small deposit on their behalf.

OE must oblige to the following rules set by TSG in favour of a set relationship.

OE must change their public name while performing the services defined in the definition of work and
services of this agreement to TSG.Outlaws. OE must also change their steam display pictures to the
ones offered by TSG
OE must refer to themselves as part of TSG while under the contract and not their previous team name.
OE must not break the rules set in this agreement within the first 2 months, if any form of disagreement
is found, refer to in case of disagreement section
OEs tournament winnings must be to TSG, then in which TSG will deduct 5% as part of compensation
and royalties
OE is obliged to agree to new terms and agreements that TSG sends out.


Confidential information
OE agrees not to disclose or use any confidential information of TSG without TSG's written permission, both
during and after the term of this agreement. Confidential information is defined as information that TSG has not
made public.

In case of disagreement
Both TSG and OE cannot end the agreement without a good reason. In case of a disagreement, TSG and OE will
do their best to respectfully resolve the disagreement. If TSG and OE cannot find an immediate solution for their
disagreement, and TSG or OE wants to end the agreement, they need to give a seven day deadline to get to a
solution. During the time that TSG and OE try and resolve a disagreement, they cannot stop performing the
obligations from this agreement they do not disagree about.
If TSG and OE did their best to resolve the disagreement during these seven days but could not come to a
solution, this agreement can be ended. In case this agreement is ended because of a disagreement, any rights
that TSG already paid for before the disagreement stay with TSG, and TSG and OE can come to an additional
agreement about any rights that TSG has not yet paid for.
The laws of Australia govern this agreement and legal disputes can only be resolved in Australia

TSG and OE have both signed every page of this agreement, and each have their own copy of the signed
agreement for future reference. This agreement starts on the latest date that TSG or OE signs and ends on the
latest date signed 3 months later.


Ethan Gonzaga General Manager of TSG

Date: 6/09/2015





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