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I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland Development Committee will be held


Meeting Room:

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Reception Lounge
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street

Auckland Development Committee

Deputy Chairperson

Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse

Cr Chris Darby
Cr Anae Arthur Anae
Cr Cameron Brewer
Mayor Len Brown, JP
Cr Dr Cathy Casey
Cr Bill Cashmore
Cr Ross Clow
Cr Linda Cooper, JP
Cr Alf Filipaina
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO
Cr Denise Krum
Cr Mike Lee

Member Liane Ngamane

Cr Calum Penrose
Cr Dick Quax
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM
Member David Taipari
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE
Cr Wayne Walker
Cr John Watson
Cr Penny Webster
Cr George Wood, CNZM

(Quorum 11 members)
Tam White
Democracy Advisor
3 September 2015
Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8156


The reports contained within this agenda are for consideration and should not be construed as council policy
unless and until adopted. Should members require further information relating to any reports, please contact
the relevant manager, Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.


This committee will lead the implementation of the Auckland Plan, including the integration of
economic, social, environmental and cultural objectives for Auckland for the next 30 years. It will
guide the physical development and growth of Auckland through a focus on land use planning,
housing and the appropriate provision of infrastructure and strategic projects associated with these
activities. Key responsibilities include:

Unitary Plan

Plan changes to operative plans

Designation of Special Housing Areas

Housing policy and projects including Papakainga housing

Spatial Plans including Area Plans

City centre development (incl reporting of CBD advisory board) and city transformation

Tamaki regeneration projects

Built Heritage

Urban design


All powers necessary to perform the committees responsibilities.


powers that the Governing Body cannot delegate or has retained to itself (see
Governing Body responsibilities)


where the committees responsibility is explicitly limited to making a recommendation



Approval of a submission to an external body


Powers belonging to another committee, where it is necessary to make a decision prior to the
next meeting of that other committee.


Power to establish subcommittees.

Exclusion of the public who needs to leave the meeting

Members of the public
All members of the public must leave the meeting when the public are excluded unless a resolution
is passed permitting a person to remain because their knowledge will assist the meeting.
Those who are not members of the public
General principles

Access to confidential information is managed on a need to know basis where access to the
information is required in order for a person to perform their role.
Those who are not members of the meeting (see list below) must leave unless it is necessary
for them to remain and hear the debate in order to perform their role.
Those who need to be present for one confidential item can remain only for that item and must
leave the room for any other confidential items.
In any case of doubt, the ruling of the chairperson is final.

Members of the meeting

The members of the meeting remain (all Governing Body members if the meeting is a
Governing Body meeting; all members of the committee if the meeting is a committee meeting).
However, standing orders require that a councillor who has a pecuniary conflict of interest leave
the room.
All councillors have the right to attend any meeting of a committee and councillors who are not
members of a committee may remain, subject to any limitations in standing orders.

Independent Mori Statutory Board

Members of the Independent Mori Statutory Board who are appointed members of the
committee remain.
Independent Mori Statutory Board members and staff remain if this is necessary in order for
them to perform their role.


All staff supporting the meeting (administrative, senior management) remain.

Other staff who need to because of their role may remain.

Local Board members

Local Board members who need to hear the matter being discussed in order to perform their
role may remain. This will usually be if the matter affects, or is relevant to, a particular Local
Board area.

Council Controlled Organisations

Representatives of a Council Controlled Organisation can remain only if required to for

discussion of a matter relevant to the Council Controlled Organisation.

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015



Declaration of Interest

Confirmation of Minutes


Public Input

Local Board Input

Extraordinary Business

Notices of Motion

Reports Pending Status Update


Summary of information memos and briefings - 10 September 2015



Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16



Consideration of Extraordinary Items


Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public



Confidential Reports Pending Status Update



Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submissions - Council position for

Mediation and Hearing - Puhinui Rural Urban Boundary



Stormwater Land Acquisition - Hugh's Way, Flat Bush



Compulsory acquisition of easements for stormwater purposes


Page 5

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Apologies have been received from Mayor LCM Brown, Cr CM Casey, Chairperson PA
Hulse and Cr GS Wood.

Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making
when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external
interest they might have.

Confirmation of Minutes
That the Auckland Development Committee:

confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday 13 August 2015,
including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.

At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.

Public Input
Standing Order 7.7 provides for Public Input. Applications to speak must be made to the
Democracy Advisor, in writing, no later than one (1) clear working day prior to the
meeting and must include the subject matter. The meeting Chairperson has the discretion
to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders. A
maximum of thirty (30) minutes is allocated to the period for public input with five (5)
minutes speaking time for each speaker.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public input had been received.

Local Board Input

Standing Order 6.2 provides for Local Board Input. The Chairperson (or nominee of that
Chairperson) is entitled to speak for up to five (5) minutes during this time. The
Chairperson of the Local Board (or nominee of that Chairperson) shall wherever practical,
give one (1) days notice of their wish to speak. The meeting Chairperson has the
discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing
This right is in addition to the right under Standing Order 6.1 to speak to matters on the
At the close of the agenda no requests for local board input had been received.

Page 7

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as
amended) states:
An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if(a)

The local authority by resolution so decides; and


The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the

The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a
subsequent meeting.

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as
amended) states:
Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,(a)


That item may be discussed at that meeting if(i)

That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local
authority; and


the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time

when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting;

no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item

except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further

Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.

Page 8

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Item 9

Reports Pending Status Update

File No.: CP2015/18300


To update the committee on the status of Auckland Development Committee resolutions

from February 2015, requiring follow-up reports.

Executive Summary

This report is a regular information-only report that provides committee members with
greater visibility of committee resolutions requiring follow-up reports (Attachment A). It
updates the committee on the status of such resolutions. It covers committee resolutions
from February 2015 and will be updated for every regular meeting.


This report covers open resolutions only. A separate report has been placed in the
confidential agenda covering confidential resolutions requiring follow up reports.


The committees Forward Work Programme 2015/2016 is also attached for information
(Attachment B).

That the Auckland Development Committee:

receive the reports pending status update.




Auckland Development Committee - Reports Pending Status Update - 10

September 2015


Auckland Development Committee - Forward Work Programme




Tam White - Democracy Advisor


Jim Quinn - Chief of Strategy

Reports Pending Status Update

Page 9

Attachment A

Item 9

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Reports Pending Status Update

Page 11

Attachment B

Item 9

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Reports Pending Status Update

Page 13

Attachment B

Item 9

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Reports Pending Status Update

Page 14

Attachment B

Item 9

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Reports Pending Status Update

Page 15

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Item 10

Summary of information memos and briefings - 10 September 2015

File No.: CP2015/18500


To receive a summary and provide a public record of memos or briefing papers that may
have been distributed to committee members since 13 August 2015.

Executive Summary

This is a regular information-only report which aims to provide greater visibility of information
circulated to committee members via memo or other means, where no decisions are


The following presentations/memos were presented/circulated as follows:

1 September 2015: Development Auckland location analysis
30 August 2015: memo tree legislation changes.


These and previous documents can be be found on the Auckland Council website, at the
following link:


at the top of the page, select meeting Auckland Development Committee from the
drop-down tab and click View
Under Attachments, select either HTML or PDF version of the document entitled Extra

Note that, unlike an agenda report, staff will not be present to answer questions about
these items referred to in this summary. Committee members should direct any
questions to the author.

That the Auckland Development Committee:

receive the summary of information memos and briefings 10 September 2015.



Memo : tree legislation changes (Under Separate Cover)

Development Auckland location analysis presentation (Under Separate




Tam White - Democracy Advisor


Jim Quinn - Chief of Strategy

Summary of information memos and briefings - 10 September 2015

Page 17

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Item 11

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

File No.: CP2015/16690


This report includes


an update on pending Special Housing Area (SHA) requests.


recommended refinements to the SHA establishment criteria.

Executive Summary

The criteria used by the council in making SHA recommendations were adopted by the
Governing Body (CP2013/22237) on recommendation from the Auckland Development
Committee (ADC) in September 2013 (Attachment A).


A set of additional considerations were agreed to by the Auckland Development Committee

on 16 April 2015 (CP2015/03932) to be used in conjunction with the principal criteria during
the remainder of 2015 (Attachment B).


Rather than having two sets of criteria sitting alongside each other it is proposed that the
SHA criteria be consolidated. Having consolidated criteria removes unnecessary duplication
of the existing criteria. Additionally, a series of questions and answers accompanying the
criteria makes it easier for the Housing Project Office (HPO) to apply and easier for the
public and SHA requesters to understand the criteria. For reference, the HPO has prepared
a spreadsheet showing the existing criteria, the refined and consolidated criteria and
guidance as to the application of the criteria (Attachment C).


If the refined and consolidated criteria and guidance are adopted by the Auckland
Development Committee and endorsed by the Governing Body then the HPO will publish the
refined and consolidated criteria and guidance (Attachment D) on the councils website and
communicate this to interested parties. Having communicated the refined and consolidated
criteria to existing requesters we will give these people an opportunity to provide further
information on their request before the HPO makes its final recommendation to the ADC.


The HPO propose to apply the refined and consolidated criteria from the day following the
Governing Body meeting on 23 September 2015.


In addition to the refinements to the criteria, this report also recommends two significant
process changes to streamline decision-making on SHA requests:
That the committee exercise its delegated authority to make recommendations on behalf
of council to the Minister of Building and Housing, rather than referring its
recommendations to the Governing Body, unless the timing of committee meetings or
special circumstances requires the matter to go before the Governing Body.
That the committee endorses that the HPO may decide not to refer to the Committee for
consideration SHA requests that do not satisfy the criteria 1 3 in Attachments C and D,
which relate to section 16(3) of the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Act
2013. The HPO would still report to the committee on those requests that are supported,
or where HPO takes the view that the request does not satisfy one or more of the
councils criteria, other than criteria 1 3 in Attachments C and D.


There are currently 41 SHA requests under consideration by the Housing Project Office.

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 19

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

That the Auckland Development Committee:

note that on 10 September 2013 the Governing Body endorsed criteria for the
definition and establishment of Special Housing Areas (SHA) in accordance with the
Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Act 2013 and the Auckland Housing
Accord (10 September 2013, item 12, resolution number GB 2013/93).


note that on 16 April 2015 the Auckland Development Committee agreed to a special
housing area programme for the remainder of 2015 that applies the existing SHA
establishment criteria with additional considerations (16 April 2015, item C3,
resolution number AUC/2015/75).


note that these additional considerations were communicated to individuals and

organisations on the Housing Project Offices list of SHA requesters and developers.


agree that the SHA establishment criteria and additional considerations would be
improved by refining and consolidating the criteria in a single document, and adopting
the following format:

presentation of the criteria in question and answer form


adopting guidance to explain how each criterion can be applied.


adopt the refined and consolidated criteria and explanatory guidance for assessing
SHA requests in Attachment D, to be endorsed by the Governing Body and applied
from the day following the Governing Body endorsement, likely to be on 24
September 2015.


agree that the refined and consolidated SHA critieria will be communicated to
interested parties and put on the councils website.


agree that those with pending SHA requests will be invited to provide additional
information to supplement that already provided to the HPO.


note that the criteria are non-exhaustive and that the council has the discretion
whether or not to recommend a SHA.


note that clause 3.1 of the Governing Body Terms of Reference provide that the
Auckland Development Committee has responsibility for SHA designations.


agree that the Auckland Development Committee exercise its delegated authority to
make recommendations on behalf of council to the Minister of Building and Housing
on the designation of SHAs unless timing of committee meetings or special
circumstances exist, that justify the matter to go to the Governing Body.


agree that the HPO may decide not to refer to the committee for consideration SHA
requests that do not satisfy the criteria 1 3 in Attachments C and D, which relate to
section 16(3) of the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Act 2013. The HPO
would still report to the committee on those requests that are supported, or where the
HPO takes the view that the request does not satisfy one or more of the councils
criteria, other than criteria 1 3 in Attachments C and D.


note that on 26 August 2015 there were 41 SHA requests under consideration by the
Housing Project Office.

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 20

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Proposed refinements and consolidation of SHA establishment criteria


The Housing Project Office (HPO) has worked with internal and external legal advisers to
refine and consolidate the existing SHA criteria to make it easier for the HPO to apply the
criteria to SHA requests and for the public to understand the criteria.


The intent of the refined and consolidated SHA establishment criteria in this report is to:




Bring the original criteria and the additional considerations from the 16 April Auckland
Development Committee meeting into one document;


Eliminate duplication between the original criteria and the additional considerations.

The additional considerations agreed by the committee on 16 April 2015 were:


application of the agreed basis (3 December 2014, item C1, resolution number
AUC/2014/183) for SHAs on Maori-owned land / Maori special purpose land / treaty
settlement land outside the Rural Urban Boundary;


a preference for brownfield SHA opportunities, pending completion of a Future Urban

Land Supply Strategy;


a preference for requests that are strategically important, at least 50 dwellings in yield
or exemplary with regard to the Auckland Plan, the outcomes and objectives of the
Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan and the objectives of the Auckland Housing Accord;


particular regard to the spatial priorities and infrastructure programme enabled by the
proposed and final Long-term Plan and the need for greater certainty about funding of
any required local public infrastructure;


advice on the future programme for SHA establishment following the joint ministerialmayoral meeting scheduled for 15 April 2015.

Following the decisions of the committee and endorsement by the Governing Body, the HPO
will communicate the criteria to interested parties, place the criteria on the councils website
and apply the criteria in its assessment and recommendations regarding SHA requests and
all subsequent SHA recommendations to the committee.

Current SHA requests


There are currently 41 SHA requests under consideration by the HPO. In accordance with
the councils 16 April 2015 additional considerations the council has a preference to await
the finalisation of the Future Urban Land Supply Strategy before recommending new SHAs
in Future Urban Zone areas.


Other SHA requests relate to live-zoned greenfield land or brownfield land. The HPO will
give priority in the Tranche 8 report to making recommendations on requests previously
considered by the ADC but deferred for a number of reasons.


The HPO will aim to complete its consideration and make appropriate recommendations to
the committee on pending SHA requests by as soon as practicable following the Governing
Bodys endorsement of the committees decisions arising from this report.


The HPO also expects to make recommendations in October regarding the remainder of
SHA establishment programme in general, through to the end of the Accord, including
proposed dates after which council will no longer be able to accept new SHA requests,
having regard to the time required to submit plan variation and consent applications.

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 21

Item 11


Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Item 11

Local Board Views

The refined and consolidated criteria includes the consideration of whether the local board is
supportive of the area being made a SHA.


The HPO is working with Local Board Services to improve the way in which information is
shared with and feedback received from local boards regarding SHA requests. The HPO
acknowledges the relatively short timeframes for decision making on SHA requests creates
difficulties so is seeking to provide other channels for the exchange of information in addition
to reports on business meeting agendas, while having regard to the importance of
maintaining the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information.


Local boards will be made aware of the committees decisions arising from this report.

Maori Impact Statement


The refined and consolidated criteria includes the consideration of whether the relevant
mana whenua groups are supportive of the area being made a SHA.


In considering this criterion the HPO will work with mana whenua groups, the Independent
Maori Statutory Board and Te Waka Angamua to establish and refine the process for the
HPO obtaining mana whenua views on confidential SHA requests.


Following input from mana whenua groups and advice from appropriate council staff, if it is
established that a proposed SHA raises issues of significance for a mana whenua group, the
council will likely engage directly with that mana whenua group.


The views of mana whenua will be taken into account when council decides whether or not
to support a SHA request.

Implementation Issues

The HPO propose to apply the refined and consolidated criteria from the day following the
Governing Body endorsement of these, likely to be on 24 September 2015.


If the recommendations in this report are agreed to by the Committee the HPO will ensure
relevant interested parties are made aware of the refinements to the criteria and the process
for establishing future SHAs. It will also initiate more direct engagement with iwi on SHA


The recommendations do not trigger any requirement for consultation or councils

significance policy.




Extract from Governing Body meeting minutes 10 September 2013


Extract from Auckland Development Committee meeting minutes 16 April



Existing and refined criteria


Refined criteria and guidance



David Clelland - Manager Growth & Infrastructure Strategy


Ree Anderson - Project Director for Housing

Dean Kimpton - Chief Operating Officer
Jim Quinn - Chief of Strategy

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 22

Extract from the extraordinary meeting of the Governing Body held on Tuesday, 10 September
Was item 12: Criteria and process for establishing Special Housing Areas under the Housing
Accords and Special Housing Areas legislation (HASHA)

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

That the Governing Body:

a) endorse the following criteria for the definition and establishment of Special Housing Areas
(SHAs) in accordance with the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas (HASHA)
legislation and the Auckland Housing Accord:
1. Auckland Housing Accord
(a) Achieves a mix of brownfield and greenfield locations
(b) Zoned as Mixed Housing Suburban, Mixed Housing Urban, Terrace Housing and
Apartment Building, Mixed Use, Special Purpose (Maori land) or is contained within a
precinct, or any other urban zone where the qualifying development will contribute
to the purpose of the HASHA legislation.
2. Auckland Plan and Notified Unitary Plan
(a) Consistent with Auckland Plan principles and intent for quality development
(b) Optimises infrastructure investment and supports a rational land release programme
(c) Located inside the notified Rural Urban Boundary (RUB) or an existing applicable
(d) Compatible with Unitary Plan provisions (e.g. heritage and special character; Treaty
Settlement Land).
3. Infrastructure availability and readiness
(a) Sufficient and appropriate infrastructure (physical and social) will be provided to
support the development
(b) Compatibility of that proposed infrastructure with existing infrastructure
(c) Compliance of proposed infrastructure with relevant infrastructure standards
(d) Capacity of proposed infrastructure and any existing infrastructure to support
(e) Infrastructure provider views (e.g. waste water, water supply, stormwater, transport,
parks and open spaces, telecommunications, energy, healthcare, education).
4. Iwi requests and/or views:
(a) Direct requests where an iwi is the land owner, or
(b) Views of iwi on other locations including views expressed as part of a previous
planning stage.
5. Land owner requests and/or views: Direct requests from a land owner and their views
regarding the desired timing and benefits of being in an SHA.
6. Location: Having reasonable access to employment and essential services.
7. Local board views gained through discussion with each local board.
8. Demand to build: Motivated developer ready to go, and likely to achieve early consent
activation and the intended yield of sites/dwellings within the Accord period.
9. Demand for housing: Evidence that new homes in an SHA will meet an existing need.
10. Affordability: Contribution to housing affordability either in terms of overall housing
supply or pricing of the intended housing product.
b) endorse the communication of these criteria to interested or affected parties and their
placement on the councils website along with other information on the HASHA legislation
and the Accord.
c) approve the periodic reporting, generally on a quarterly basis, of potential SHAs for
approval to the relevant committee.

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 23

Attachment A

Resolution number GB/2013/93

Resolution number AUC/2015/75

That the Auckland Development Committee:
note that Auckland Housing Accord monitoring indicates that:
the first Accord year target was met, progress is on track to meet the second year
target, but the third year target remains a significant challenge
Special Housing Areas (SHAs) established from this point forward will have less
likelihood of contributing to the year three target than existing SHAs
there are over 40 SHA requests that have not yet been fully assessed or reported for
a final decision, as listed in Attachment 1, and more can be expected throughout the
Accord period
in addition to the existing criteria, in 2014 the Auckland Development Committee has
also defined the basis for SHAs to be established on Maori owned land, Maori
purpose land and Treaty Settlement land.
agree to a special housing area establishment programme for the remainder of 2015 that
applies the existing Special Housing Areas (SHAs) establishment criteria but with the
following additional considerations:
application of the agreed basis (3 December 2014, item C1, resolution number
AUC/2014/183) for SHAs on Maori-owned land / Maori special purpose land / treaty
settlement land outside the Rural Urban Boundary
a preference for brownfield SHA opportunities, pending completion of a Future
Urban Land Supply Strategy.
a preference for requests that are strategically important, at least 50 dwellings in
yield or exemplary with regard to the Auckland Plan, the outcomes and objectives of
the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan and the objectives of the Auckland Housing
particular regard to the spatial priorities and infrastructure programme enabled by
the proposed and final Long Term Plan and the need for greater certainty about
funding of any required local public infrastructure
advice on the future programme for SHA establishment following the joint
ministerial-mayoral meeting scheduled for 15 April 2015
note that groups of new Special Housing Areas will be identified as follows: December
2014 decisions are Tranche 5; April and May 2015 decisions will be Tranche 6, and June
2015 decisions will be Tranche 7.




agree that requests received following 16 April 2015 will not be reported with
recommendations to this committee until July or August at the earliest, noting that this
does not prevent interested parties continuing to bring Special Housing Areas requests to
the Housing Project Office
support the Housing Project Offices intention that appropriate actions are taken to
maximise the success of existing Special Housing Areas, including an assessment of
reasons for inactivity or slow activity in existing Special Housing Areas and a willingness
to explore with developers and landowners ways to generate or accelerate activity in
agree that the report and attachments regarding the Special Housing Area Programme for
2015 remain confidential until all due processes have been concluded; and that the
Mayor/Deputy Mayor be delegated responsibility to release information on the Special
Housing Areas as may be required.
express appreciation of all the work completed by the Housing Project Office, and the
quality of work undertaken.

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 25

Attachment B

Extract from the Auckland Development Committee meeting held on 16 April 2015.
Was item C3:
Special Housing Area Programme for 2015

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 27

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 28

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 29

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 30

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 31

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 32

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 33

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 34

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 35

Attachment C

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 36

Attachment D

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 37

Attachment D

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 38

Attachment D

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 39

Attachment D

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 40

Attachment D

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 41

Attachment D

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 42

Attachment D

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 43

Attachment D

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 44

Attachment D

Item 11

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Special Housing Area programme for 2015/16

Page 45

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information

and Meetings Act 1987
That the Auckland Development Committee:

exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for
passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of
the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution
This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or
section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the
proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:

Confidential Reports Pending Status Update

Reason for passing this resolution

in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where


Ground(s) under section 48(1) for

the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of

the meeting would be likely to
result in the disclosure of
information for which good reason
for withholding exists under
section 7.

s7(2)(b)(ii) - The withholding of the

information is necessary to protect
information where the making available of
the information would be likely
unreasonably to prejudice the
commercial position of the person who
supplied or who is the subject of the

The public conduct of the part of
the meeting would be likely to
result in the disclosure of
information for which good reason
for withholding exists under
section 7.

In particular, the report contains

commercially sensitive information
regarding development proposals.
s7(2)(c)(i) - The withholding of the
information is necessary to protect
information which is subject to an
obligation of confidence or which any
person has been or could be compelled
to provide under the authority of any
enactment, where the making available of
the information would be likely to
prejudice the supply of similar information
or information from the same source and
it is in the public interest that such
information should continue to be
In particular, the report contains
commercially sensitive information
regarding development proposals.


Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Submissions - Council position for Mediation and
Hearing - Puhinui Rural Urban Boundary

Reason for passing this resolution

in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where


Ground(s) under section 48(1) for

the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of

the meeting would be likely to
result in the disclosure of
information for which good reason
for withholding exists under
section 7.

s7(2)(g) - The withholding of the

information is necessary to maintain legal
professional privilege.


Public Excluded

In particular, the report contains legal


The public conduct of the part of

the meeting would be likely to
result in the disclosure of
information for which good reason
for withholding exists under
section 7.
Page 47

Auckland Development Committee

10 September 2015

Stormwater Land Acquisition - Hugh's Way, Flat Bush

Reason for passing this resolution

in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where


Ground(s) under section 48(1) for

the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of

the meeting would be likely to
result in the disclosure of
information for which good reason
for withholding exists under
section 7.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the

information is necessary to enable the
local authority to carry on, without
prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations
(including commercial and industrial


In particular, the report contains

information regarding the valuation of the
propopsed land to be acquired.

The public conduct of the part of

the meeting would be likely to
result in the disclosure of
information for which good reason
for withholding exists under
section 7.

s7(2)(j) - The withholding of the

information is necessary to prevent the
disclosure or use of official information for
improper gain or improper advantage.
In particular, the report contains
information regarding the valuation of the
propopsed land to be acquired.


Compulsory acquisition of easements for stormwater purposes

Reason for passing this resolution

in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where


Ground(s) under section 48(1) for

the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of

the meeting would be likely to
result in the disclosure of
information for which good reason
for withholding exists under
section 7.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the

information is necessary to enable the
local authority to carry on, without
prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations
(including commercial and industrial


In particular, the report contains

information which could impact on
property values and negotiations with

Public Excluded

The public conduct of the part of

the meeting would be likely to
result in the disclosure of
information for which good reason
for withholding exists under
section 7.

Page 48

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