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J-113, Hall -07
IIT Kanpur

Mob: +919889408321

I ultimately seek a career with an institution/organization, demands creativity, and innovation. I am an
enthusiastic postgraduate, motivated to work hard, willing to accept challenges, look at problems
differently, and ability to work amicably in groups at all levels and adapt to new methods and technology.

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, July 2012(Expected)
Major: Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Master of Technology, Civil Engineering, July 2009
Major: Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering
Cumulative CPI: 8.75/ 10.0
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
Bachelor of Technology, Civil Engineering, May 2007
Cumulative CPI: 8.51/ 10.0

Relevant Course Work:

Postgraduate: Viscous Flow Theory, Programming and Numerical Method, Engineering Hydraulics,
Hydrologic analysis and design, Ground water hydrology and pollution transport, Finite element methods
in engineering design, Optimization, Advanced mathematics for civil engineers including Numerical and
Statistical Methods , fluid mechanics lab, Earth and environment.
Undergraduate: Hydraulics, Water resource Engineering, Design of hydraulic structures, Computational
technique, Water power engineering, Analysis and design of concrete structure, Soil mechanics,
Construction management, Advanced Structural analysis, Advanced Hydrology, Watershed management
,Remote Sensing, Transportation engineering, Surveying, etc.

Academic Project Profile:

M.Tech: Parameter Estimation from Breakthrough Data, under the esteemed guidance of Dr..
Rajesh Srivastava and Dr. Ashu Jain, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur (M.Tech Thesis)
Interlinking of rivers in India, under the esteemed guidance of Dr. Tarun Gupta, Department of
civil engineering, IIT Kanpur.
Term Project: Finite element modeling of concrete dam, under the esteemed guidance of Prof.
N.N. Kishore. Department of mechanical engineering, IIT Kanpur.
Term Project: Finite element thermal analysis of piston, under the esteemed guidance of Prof.
N.N. Kishore. Department of mechanical engineering, IIT Kanpur.

B.Tech: Analysis and design of 6 storey high building using STAAD.Pro., under the esteemed
guidance of Dr.V.P.Mittal, Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh muslim University, Aligarh.
Summer Intern: Analysis and design of RCC framed structures by finite element modelling
successfully using commercial software STAAD PRO, under the esteemed guidance of Mr. M.S.Jafri
(May,2006 July,2006). Department of Civil engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

Computer Skills:
Programming Languages- C, MATLAB, HTML
Soft Computing Skills: Genetic Algorithm, Artificial Neural Network, Numerical Methods
Operating Systems- Window 98, XP, Vista
MS Office

Extra-curricular Activities:
Member, Senate Post Graduate Committee (SPGC), IITK
Member, Mess Committee Hall-7 IIT Kanpur (2009-10)
Senator, Students' Senate IIT Kanpur (2008-09)
Maintenance Secretary Hall-7 IIT Kanpur (2008-09)
Member, Anti Ragging Squad Hall-7 IIT Kanpur (2008-09)
Member of Constitution Committee, Hall-7 IIT Kanpur
Member of Society of Civil Engineers (SOCE) IIT Kanpur
Student Guide, Counselling Services IIT Kanpur

Recipient of MHRD Institute Assistantship in M.Tech. Programme, IIT Kanpur.
First position in Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering M.Tech. Programme, IIT Kanpur.
District topper in class 10th.
Selected for DAAD-IIT sandwich model scholarship for M.Tech. thesis at University of Stuttgart,

Personal Profile:
Marital Status
Languages Known
Permanent Address


English, Hindi, Urdu.
S/O Md. Ibrar Ahmad
Near khankah masjid
Line muhalla Chatra,
Jharkhand (INDIA)- 825401

Dr. Rajesh Srivastava
Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
Kanpur, India-208016.
Dr. Ashu Jain
Associate Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
Kanpur, India-208016.

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