York Barbell Courses Summary - Old School Strength Training, Weightlifting

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from http://danjohn.org/cj.

“York Courses” Workouts (6/2000 & 7/2000 Dino Files)

When you started training on the old York courses, you did ONE SET of each exercise in Course No. 1. You did 6 reps for the upper
body exercises and 8-12 reps for the lower body exercises. You did the same number of reps in the following session. In the third
session you did 7 reps for the upper body and an extra rep on each of the lower body moves. You repeated this in the fourth
session…and then added another rep in the fifth session…and so on…until you were handling your original weight for approximately
double the original amount of reps. Then you added a little bit of weight to the bar, reduced the reps, and worked back up again.

York Course No. 1 York Course No. 2

Warm-up…Light Power Snatch Warm-up…Light Power Snatch
1. Two Arm Curl 1. Reverse Curl
2. Two Arm Press 2. Press Behind Neck
3. Deep Knee Bend on toes 3. Deep Knee Bend with Feet Flat
4. Two Arm Pullover 4. Two Arm Press-in Wrestler’s Bridge Position
5. Stiff-Legged Deadlift 5. Bent Legged Deadlift
6. Supine Press 6. Sit -up
7. Side Bend with Barbell on Shoulders 7. Bent-Over Barbell Row
8. Straddle Lift (Jefferson Lift) 8. Leg Press w/Barbell (Ed note: do Front Squats or Overhead Squats)
9. Rise on Toes (Barbell on Shoulders) 9. German “Goose” Step with Barbell on Shoulders
9a. Straddle Hop (Barbell on Shoulders) 10. Supine Press
10. Shoulder Shrug

Straddle Hop – like jumping jacks with the bar on the shoulders as if doing a squat.
Wrestler’s Bridge – Start with bodyweight only.
German “Goose” Step – a “marching in place” exercise with bar on shoulders.
Straddle Lift (Jefferson Lift) – A squatting movement. Straddle the bar, squat down, grab it with one hand in front of the body and one
hand behind…keep back very straight (this is critical)…and do a squatting exercise.

York Course No. 3 (The Repetition Weightlifting Course)

Warm-up…Light Power Snatch
1. One Arm Repetition Jerk with Barbell
2. One Arm Snatch with Barbell
3. Two Arm Press
4. Deep Knee Bend (on flat feet)
5. Holding Barbell Overhead with One Hand, Squat to Low Position (i.e., One hand Overhead Squats)
6. High Pull (to belt height)
7. Press Behind Neck
8. Two Arm Dead-Hang Snatch
9. Two Hand Jerk
10. Two Hand Dead-Hang Clean

Simplified System of Barbell Training (Better Athletes Through Weight Training version) (One set:10-15 reps on each exercise)
Warm-up…Light Power Snatch
1. Barbell Curls
2. Standing Behind Neck Barbell Presses
3. Upright Rowing
4. Standing Barbell Side Bend
5. Barbell Clean and Press
6. High Pulls (Clean or Snatch Grip)
7. Deep Knee Bend and Press Behind Neck
8. Power Snatches
9. Standing Barbell Press
10. Barbell Bent-Over Row
11. Deadlift
12. Squats

Notes: Whole program is done standing on your feet. Try to use the same weight for the first four exercises. Then add weight and use
the same weight for the second four exercises. The exercises are grouped together to reduce weight changes. Add weight to each of the
last four exercises.

Deep Knee Bend & Press Behind Neck – Position bar behind neck, go down to a full squat, when you start to rise press the weight
from http://danjohn.org/cj.pdf
overhead (almost a behind the neck push press as you come out of the squat).
Ed. Note: You can do one of the Old York Courses, alternate two of them, or alternate three of them. Whatever works and interests
you. When you do one of the courses, such as No. 3, do all of the exercises in one session, with one set per exercise. If you need a
warm-up on one or two of the heavier movements, such as squats or deads, that’s fine. Course No. 3 done 3 x per week is a ball-

York Course No. 4 (The Weightlifting Course) OR **York Course No. 4 (The Weightlifting Course)
1. Two Hand Barbell Clean & Military Press 1. One Hand Snatch
2. Two Hand Barbell Snatch 2. One Hand Clean & Jerk
3. Two Hand Barbell Clean & Jerk 3. Two Hand Barbell Clean & Military Press
4. Two Hand Barbell Snatch
5. Two Hand Barbell Clean & Jerk
6. Bent Press (Side Press)

** Subject: York No 4
Posted By: Brooks D Kubik - Administrator
Posts: 268
Posted At: (8/22/01 12:01:58 pm)
One hand snatch, one hand clean and jerk, two hand clean and military press, two hand snatch, two hand clean and jerk, bent press.
These were the five lifts used in competition in the 20's and early 30's, plus the bent press, a lift Hoffman enjoyed doing. Later, the 3
Olympic lifts (two hand clean and press, two hand snatch and two hand c& j) became the core of the program, since they were the
"competition" lifts from the mid thirties on. In the 30's and 40's, Hoffman described the training of the York lifters and how many of
them did nothing but the three lifts in their training, or how they devoted the lion's share of their effort to the Olympic three. So really,
if you train two hand clean and press, two hand snatch and two hand clean and jerk, going heavy on each, you are doing "course no.

Notes: Course No. 4 had no sets/reps outlined in it. You were supposed to do a session of heavy weightlifting exercises, and what you
did was up to you. In my case, Mike has me do lots of heavy singles in the power snatch, followed by lots of heavy singles in the
clean and press. Then I do gut work and bridging. (Brooks from 7/2000 Dino Files, p.4.)


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