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Wireless Sensor Network - Energy Efficiency Algorithm

Introduction - The wide utilization of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is obstructed
by the severely limited energy constraints of the individual sensor nodes. This is the
reason why a large part of the research in WSNs focuses on the development of
energy efficient routing protocols. In this paper, a new protocol called Energy aware
routing protocol and energy-efficient multi-hop routing protocol, which pursues
energy conservation is proposed. The performance evaluation of these algorithm is
carried out through simulation tests, which evince the effectiveness of this protocol in
terms of network energy efficiency when compared against other well-known

Recent technological advances have enabled the inexpensive mass

production of sensor nodes, which, despite their relatively small size, have
particularly advanced sensing, processing and communication capabilities. A WSN
consists of spatially distributed sensor nodes, which are interconnected without the
use of any wires [1,2]. In a WSN, sensor nodes sense the environment and OPEN
ACCESS Algorithms 2013, 6 30 use their communication components in order to
transmit the sensed data over wireless channels to other nodes and to a designated
sink point, referred to as the Base Station (BS). BS collects the data transmitted to it
in order to act either as a supervisory control processor or as an access point for a
human interface or even as a gateway to other networks [3,4]. Through the
collaborative use of a large number of sensor nodes, a WSN is able to perform
concurrent data acquisition of existing conditions at various points of interest located
over wide areas.

Multi-hop energy efficient algorithm

Energy is a precious resource in wireless networks. For many multi-hop networking
scenarios, nodes are battery-operated, thus requiring efficient energy management
to ensure connectivity across the network. Even when wireless networks are
connected to power outlets, due to interference between active links the network
may demand excessive energy per unit time (Power) so that the overall performance
is reduced. Since energy efficiency is directly connected to the network life-time or
network capacity, there have been many efforts to study energy-efficient networks in
the wireless network community. In the case of multi-hop wireless networks efficient
routing algorithms are critical for network performance. The energy efficiency of
multi-hop wireless networks is also receiving increasing attention due to its
increasing importance of sensor networks in smart grids.

Disadvantages of Multi-hop energy efficient algorithm :

A disadvantage of this approach is that the server may become a bottleneck in large
networks and that the trusted intermediary must be online whenever key
establishment is desired.
Transitory Keys: : if a node is compromised during the initialization period, the entire
network may be compromised and (2) the low-end sensor hardware must ensure
that the master key is erased from memory such that recovery is not possible.
Preamble Sampling : disadvantage of preamble sampling is that broadcast, which is
commonly used in wireless communication, requires a large preamble transmission.
In particular, the preamble must be slightly longer than a beacon interval (which is at
least on the order of tens of milliseconds and longer if less energy consumption is
desired). This is the only way to ensure that all of a nodes neighbors are able to
detect the preamble. By contrast, in our protocol, the overhead for a wake-up signal
is slightly longer than the time to reliably carrier sense the channel (e.g., typically on
the order of tens of microseconds) for both unicast and broadcast packets.
Carrier Sensing : The increased hardware complexity and cost to provide an extra
wake-up channel. Also, the wake-up channel requires extra bandwidth to avoid
interference with the data channel. Finally, the wake-up channel must be designed
such that its monitoring does not consume much energy. Obviously, the wake-up
channel is of little use, from an energy perspective, if it consumes a large amount of
energy idly listening to the channel while the data radio is saving energy by sleeping.

Energy aware routing algorithm

Recent advances in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and low
power and highly integrated digital electronics have led to the development of microsensors. These sensors are small, with limited processing and computing resources,
and they are inexpensive compared to traditional sensors. These sensor nodes can
sense, measure, and gather information from the environment and, based on some
local decision process, they can transmit the sensed data to the user. The sensing
circuitry measures ambient condition related to the environment surrounding the
sensor and transforms them into an electric signal. Processing such a signal reveals
some properties about objects located and/or events happening in the vicinity of the
sensor. The sensor sends such collected data, usually via radio transmitter, to a
command centre (sink) either directly or through a data concentration centre.
The basic geographic routing does not use any data structures stored locally
on a node apart from the neighbour table. Thus, no information is stored locally. The
sending component does not differentiate between the source of the message and
an intermediate node on its route. The receiving component needs to handle two
different types of messages; one that says that the node is the destination, and the
other that specifies the node to be an intermediate node for relaying the message.
Both messages are handled in exactly the same way, without any form of distinction.
The nodes are connected to a larger network like the Internet via a gateway so that
users or applications can access the information that is sent from the sensor nodes.
The dotted circle shows the area where sensor nodes are scattered to sense the
specific task and then route the sensed processed data to the gateway.
The main focus is on sensor field area and this research has proposed an
Energy efficient scheme for inter-sensor nodes communication where information
relay between these sensor nodes. Proposed algorithm will provide simple and
efficient path to nodes for forwarding their messages which will further conserve total
energy of the entire network.

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