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Smarter, Faster, Better.

A Readers Guide for Groups A Note from the

Get the most out of your next meeting with a guided discussion. Author
I am delighted to see this
In her breakthrough leadership guide go out to strong women
book, Smarter, Faster, Better; leaders that will help get the
Strategies for Effective, Enduring, message out about how to
and Fulfilled Leadership (Jossey- excel in this new Age of
Bass, 2006), acclaimed Interdependence.
entrepreneurial CEO and As the world changes
executive coach Karlin Sloan rapidly, it becomes even more
offers a variety of strategies, self- important that we build our
assessments, sustainable smarts by activating our
curiosity, that we help our
practices, and habits leaders can
companies move faster by
use to become what today’s
slowing ourselves down, and
marketplace demands: smarter, that we make the leadership
faster, and better. She shows what commitment to better others
it takes to become a leader who rather than just ourselves.
can grow the bottom line and still
I look forward to meeting
contribute to stakeholders and your group via conference call
the world in a positive way. to discuss your group and
Karlin Sloan focuses on solutions your responses to the
as she outlines how we can achieve our highest levels of messages in this book, and to
performance, potential and fulfillment by asking questions, supporting you in your quest
slowing down and being of service. to become effective,
enduring, and fulfilled.
To get the most out of this book for your organization, we invite -Karlin Sloan
you to recruit a reading group with your colleagues or team. Use
this as part of your organization’s leadership development
initiatives, or to test the interest in one. Or, use it to create new
relationships and expand your network. Reading and then talking
with colleagues about what you are reading and how to apply
what you are learning in your own work and life can be a
powerful way to learn, to get support and get to know others on a
deeper level. In support of setting up your own readers group
we’ve provided guidelines for setting up your group, and for
reading group participants in the pages that follow.



• Identify 6-12 people who will commit to o What opportunities do you see for
attending the group and reading the book applying what you’ve learned?
together. • Promote group exploration with additional
• Agree to meet at a regular time and place, questions.
an hour to an hour and a half maximum. • To support everyone in getting value out of
• The book is arranged in three sections. the meetings, as the meeting facilitator,
Choose to meet for three sessions, reading invite those who have already shared their
a section at a time, or, if you prefer, meet thoughts once to hold additional comments
for 6 sessions, allowing two meetings per until others have had a chance to speak.
section. Also, rather than putting individual people
• “on the spot,” by specifically calling on
Identify two group co-leaders who agree to
them, consider asking:
communicate with the group in the event
of a need to change a meeting time or o Let’s hear from others. Would
location. Having co-leaders allows the anyone who hasn’t spoken like to
group to meet if one co-leader cannot comment, or ask a question?
attend. Decide if the co-leaders will take • At your last meetings decide what’s next
turns leading the discussion or if various
for the group. Do you want to take on
members will take turns leading the
another book or article to read and discuss
together? Do you want to meet formally or
• Distribute copies of the participant support one another informally?
guidelines (page 3 of this handout) before
the meeting, and ask everyone to review
the list of recommendations and agree to
them as a condition of participating.
• The discussion leader’s role is to open and
close the meeting, support using the
readings as foundations for discussion,
insight, sharing and to unearth more
questions, and support the group members
in taking turns participating.
• Use these discussion questions for each
o What nuggets would you like to
remember from this section?
o What, if implemented, would make
a real difference in your
o What challenged you to think in
new ways?



Welcome to the Smarter Faster Better Readers Group. The following recommendations are provided to
support you in getting the most value out of your participation.

• Please arrive on time and ready to particpate. The effectiveness of our discussion depends upon our
mutual respect and courtesy, which starts with our commitments to start and end times.
• Meet your commitments to read each section in time for the meeting.
• Engage in a positive dialog: participate with enthusiasm, and give others a chance to participate.
Ask questions!
• Respect confidentiality. So that people can feel safe really speaking openly, do not repeat anyone's
challenges, confidences, or speak in any way that does not support the professional identity of
group members outside of the meeting.
• Take complete responsibility for the group working for you. Make requests and communicate your
concerns about anything to the group or, -- if you wish, privately, to the co-leader. This group is for
your benefit, and it will work if you ask for what you need.
• Take the initiative to deepen your relationships with other group members. Workplace allies can be
very powerful, fun and enriching, and support you in getting the most out of the reading group.
• Enjoy!


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