Digitigm Profile

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What We Do

We develop and implement online strategies for international organisations and for Irish
organisations active in international markets. We wear different hats at different times in the process
– strategist, manager, customer, etc. The role we fill is usually new to the organisation and has not
been held before. We establish ourselves as the business owner of the online function and identify
the departmental stakeholders. We tend to report to a director on the senior management team
(SMT). An online steering group is typically set up by SMT and in consultation with this group and with
the other stakeholders including users, we develop an online strategy and implementation plan that
are in line with overall business objectives. These include a business case, budget plan and roadmap.

We also do a quality audit of the current online presence and a skill’s audit to identify people in the
organisation who can join my team and help me implement the strategy. The objective is to create a
team that will meet targets, be agile and innovative. My objective is to talent-spot excellent
webmasters, designers, developers, content editors and e-marketers with a passion for online. We
assemble these “online champions” into a team supplemented by additional hires and approved
suppliers. Online must become part of the corporate culture so as a sign of its commitment, and to
provide status to the function, we usually recommend that the organisation create an online

Once the online team is established, we will start to implement the strategy. This will normally
include commissioned and web-based research, user focus groups, analysis of sector best practice
etc. We will attend sector events, conferences, network with peers etc. This process provides valuable
insights for improving the user experience. It will examine different multimedia solutions and
different online platforms as well as emerging phenomena that are achieving widespread popularity
with users, including social networking websites. It may lead to an overhaul of the online presence, or
where appropriate the development of a new web platform from the ground up.

We usually appoint regional champions to support country web sites depending on the local/global
mix. This may include regional content editing and localisation. Online marketing programmes are
developed and introduced under my supervision including search engine optimisation and e-
marketing. Analytics are put in place to allow user habits to be tracked online and the performance of
websites to be accurately measured in terms of visitor numbers, revenue and the success of targeted
campaigns. Reports are periodically generated and submitted to the steering group so that
performance against targets can be reviewed.

Kieran O’Hea was a member of the European Commission team that developed and implemented the
first funded programmes in online publishing, with a budget of €250m. He managed the development
and implementation of Tourism Ireland’s online strategy, delivering 28 web sites in 18 languages,
Ireland’s biggest web project. He also managed the development and implementation of the online
strategy for Concern Worldwide, an NGO and Ireland’s biggest charity with a presence in 30 countries.

Kieran O’Hea
21 Northumberland Place
Dublin, Ireland
T. +353 87 6481344
E. kieran@digitigm.com
W. www.digitigm.com

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