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Pathway Christian Academy

Meeting Agenda
March 4, 2010
6:30pm, Pathway

ƒ March 4, 2010 Board Meeting

I. Prayer at 6:00pm
II. Call to order at 6:30pm
III. Roll call – Curtis Carr, Sheena Asconi, Rebecca Wilson, Chad Clark,
Grant Long, Mark Bordwine & Tara Breeden
Guest: Andrea Kirk, Jonn Harlow, Bryan Rice, Pastor Vest, Mr. Whetzel,
Donna Downs, Janette Jones, Reda Quesenberry, Rhonda Scott, Angie
Sawyer, Sonya Shelor, Jim Korb, Doug & Dianna Johnston, Mrs. Powell,
Ron Smith, Mr. Locklin, Aaron Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Mills, Marty
IV. Approval of minutes from last meeting

V. Executive Session
VI. Open Issues:
Treasurer Report (Tara)
• Total of 28 families have turned in donation cards for a total of
$33,444.86 committed to the school. $11050.36 has already paid to
the school.
• Break down of Giving
o One time - $12,336.36
o 2 months - $1000.00
o 3 months - $2481.00
o 5 months - $3525.50
• Need $9,000 more to get everything up to date for March excluding
the utility bill
• Received a letter from Shah Development wanting us to pay on the
utility bill that is $48,000
o We are waiting on a corrected bill from Shah
o They stated they would correct the square footage they
are charging us for and would take off the late fees
• Mark has someone that is willing to look at the books free of charge
and a parent is willing to help to do the work.
• Delta Dental has agreed to cover the teachers thru December 2009 and
we are looking into a new Dental carrier.
• Southern Health for March is being paid this week
o We have one teacher that went to the dentist in February and
we will need to pay for that and one teacher that went to the
dentist in January that will need to be paid.
• Motion made that we will reimburse the 2 teachers for dental bill
for January and February. We will pay what Delta Dental would
have paid, seconded and all in favor.

• Facilities & Transportation (Chad)

• Middle school parent stated that he does not agree with the board about
wanting to charge tuition for the teacher’s children.
• Middle school parent also does not agree with the board on someone on
the board that stated that they took into question the reasoning for some of
the things the past board has done
• Question from middle school parent – Why can’t David Hagan assume the
loan on the land from us so that he doesn’t have to take any more money
out from the bank
o We just need to set up a meeting with David Hagan to discuss this.
• Motion made to move forward with the selling of the land and to
entertain having a meeting with realtors within the Pathway family to
talk about options, seconded and all in favor.
• A previous employee of Pathway is also an employee of the Diamonds.
o The Diamonds are requesting that she be able to enter from the rear
of the building.
o We have tabled this discussion until next week’s meeting.
o Pathway would like a written agreement from the Diamonds
stating that they would be responsible for this employee.
• Elementary parent is really interested in setting up a Gospel concert.
o Needs dates that are available for Christiansburg High school.
• High school parent has a fundraiser idea for an auction. Linkous
Auctioneers are willing to donate their time for any Thursday in April.
o Need volunteers for setting up and tearing down.
o Wanting to have it at the Event Centre in April
o Needing items donated to be auctioned
• Parents want a list put together with a timeline of how we got in this
• Parents are also wanting a bullet list of Pathway’s goals
• Stop Signs need to be put up out at the end of the building by Tractor
Supply for safety.
• Parents need to stop parking in the fire lane in the front of the school.
• Our sign out by the road has been taken down due to new businesses
that are in the complex. They are redoing the signs.
• Fund Raising Report (Grant)
o Golf Marathon info will be sent out next week
o Golf Marathon is Monday, May 10th
o Cici night is Tuesday, March 16th. You have to tell them you are with
Pathway in order for Pathway to get the money for it.
o M&M quarter fundraiser will start for MS & HS tomorrow and Elementary
next week.
o Grant is going to put a calendar in the lobby for everyone to put their
fundraiser on so that we don’t do too many on the same day.
• Marketing Report (Rebecca)
o Handing out flyers for upcoming kindergarteners to parents to post in their
o Handing out flyers for upcoming kindergarteners at local daycare centers
o Ownership Dinner went well. We had about 65 people show up
o Need foundation or taskforce to go to Churches and get them to take on
scholarships as a ministry due to we don’t turn away any child.
o Need four really big fundraisers a year and make them very successful
• Communications (Mark)
• Working with Dale Richardson to work on the website.
• Vision & Strategy (Tim)
• Academic Affairs Report (Sheena)
• Administrator’s Report (Sheena)
• We are going to create an action list of items that is needed for the school
and add them to the bottom of the minutes and then give that section to
Sonya to pass out or email to the parents
• Board will start sending out board meeting minutes to parents by email
• Need to schedule Open House – Trying for the week of March 23rd.
• Summer Camp flyers are ready and have been sent out to Pre-K to 5th
• Capital Campaign (Terri)
• Personnel Report (Curtis)
• Had a personnel meeting today.
• Teachers were not favorable to teachers having to pay for tuition

VII. New Business:

a) Other issues: Discuss March board agenda
b) Next board meeting March 11th

VIII. Prayer
IX. Adjournment 8:57pm

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