All Natural Readme

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All Natural 1.

36 July 2015
By Chong Li, Arthmoor, Brumbek, WrinklyNinja & AndalayBay


Custom Weather System
Natural Interiors
Real Lights
Installation Using Wrye Bash BAIN Installer
Installation Using Oblivion Mod Manager
Manual Install
Explaining All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp
Install Kvatch Rebuilt Support
Installing From Another Weather Mod
Real Lights Only Install
Shivering Isles Install Options
In-Game First-Time Start Up
Load Order
Optional Plugins
VI. INI Customization
Adjusting Colors to Match the original Natural Environments
VII. Compatibility
Other Weather Mods
Other Environment Mods
Other Interior Sounds and Storms Mods
IC Palace Mods
Shivering Isles Palace Mods
VIII. Recommended Mods
Use These Mods
How to Properly Use Natural Habitat from Natural
Do NOT Use These Mods
IX. Adding Natural Interiors Support to Other Mods
Frequently Asked Questions
XI. Contact Info
XII. Credits
Special Thanks
XIII. Legal

XIV. Version History



All Natural combines a robust custom weather system that allows the
use of weather types from all existing weather mods with custom
versions of Natural Interiors and Real Lights in order to provide the
greatest weather/environment experience possible. The three
segments of All Natural will be explained below:

Custom Weather System

The cornerstone of All Natural is unique weather system that includes a
new regional and seasonal weather script that also keeps the weather
synced on interior/exterior switching and fast traveling. It also adds a
variety of optional features customizable through an .ini file in order to
help enhance the user's weather experience. Users can also choose to
use only vanilla weathers or to use the weather types from Natural
Weather, Atmospheric Weather System, and Enhanced Weather,
picking and choosing any combination they wish.

Natural Interiors
Natural Interiors was originally created by Wormheart, and its purpose
was to make it so interior locations such as houses and guilds had
windows you could look out of and see the actual sky that matched the
exterior weather. The mod also featured proper time of day progression
and interior weather sounds (the sounds being originally featured in
the Weather Inside mod). The result of all this was the ability to look
out an interior window and see the sunset, clouds, stars, storms,
etcetera, having the interior lighting level change based on it being
sunny, cloudy, nighttime, etcetera, and hearing rain and storm sounds
from within.
Sadly, Natural Interiors was never finished and had some issues.
However, All Natural includes a totally finished and issues-free
expanded version that cannot be found outside of All Natural. Note that
the Natural Interiors segment of All Natural cannot be separated from
All Natural, so you must use All Natural in full to benefit from the
Natural Interiors segment.

Real Lights
Real Lights was an incredibly ambitious project by Josef K. which aimed
to replace all the fake lighting (invisible lights with no actual light
source) with real lights with real light sources. For example, Real Lights
adds candles, lanterns, or other light sources that emit light instead of
generic white light coming from mid-air.
Sadly, Real Lights was never finished and has some serious issues with
save game bloating. However, All Natural includes a totally finished
and issues-free expanded version that cannot be found outside of All
The Real Lights segment of All Natural is the only segment you can
actually use independently, so even if you want to use, say, Enhanced
Weather, you can use the Real Lights plugin from All Natural.
Instructions on how to do this are included in the installation section of
this guide.
Considering the problems with the original Real Lights and that the All
Natural version of Real Lights is finished, totally safe, and modular, no
one should use the older version by Josef K.


Oblivion Script Extender v0019b or higher.
Wrye Bash v292 or higher.

You must install both the above tools! Please refer to their
documentation for instructions on their installation.
Make sure you are using OBSE v0019b or higher!

Installation Using Wrye Bash BAIN Installer

1. Uninstall any previous version of All Natural or any of the
supported mods (Natural Interiors, Real Lights, Natural Weather,
Enhanced Weather, AWS) that are installed.
2. Move the archive to your \Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers\ folder.

3. Open up Wrye Bash and click on the Installers tab. Click on the
All Natural package.
4. Right click on the package and pick Wizard to start a scripted
install script. Follow the directions. (Or manually select which
sub-folders you wish to install. The 00 Core subfolder is
required. All other folders are optional.)
5. Right click the All Natural archive in the packages list, and click
Install so that the archive is selected with a plus +.
6. Place the .esps in the correct load order (see the Load Order
7. Activate the plugins you installed in the Mods tab of Wrye Bash.
8. Rebuild your Bashed Patch, selecting Import Cells from All
Natural.esp. If you installed either the Filter Patch or Shivering
Isles AN options, also select Import Cells from All Natural SI.esp and All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp.

Installation Using Oblivion Mod Manager

9. Uninstall any previous version of All Natural or any of the
supported mods (Natural Interiors, Real Lights, Natural Weather,
Enhanced Weather, AWS) that are installed.
10. Create the .omod in OBMM using the provided .omod conversion
11. Activate All Natural with OBMM and follow the directions.
12. Place the .esps in the correct load order (see the Load Order
13. Activate the plugins you installed.
14. Rebuild your Bashed Patch, selecting Import Cells from All
Natural.esp. If you installed either the Filter Patch or Shivering
Isles AN options, also select Import Cells from All Natural SI.esp and All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp.

Manual Install
15. Uninstall any previous version of All Natural or any of the
supported mods (Natural Interiors, Real Lights, Natural Weather,
Enhanced Weather, AWS) that are installed.
16. Copy all the files from the 00 Core to your Oblivion\Data
17. Copy any other plugins, meshes, and textures you want to use
from their directories to the Oblivion\Data directory.
18. Place the .esps in the correct load order (see the Load Order

19. Activate the plugins you installed in the Mods tab of Wrye Bash.
20. Rebuild your Bashed Patch, selecting Import Cells from All
Natural.esp. If you installed either the Filter Patch or Shivering
Isles AN options, also select Import Cells from All Natural SI.esp and All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp.

Explaining All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For

This is a special .esp that enables other mods to have the interior
weather effects that All Natural provides. You MUST use Wrye Bash for
this to work. All you need to do is when you rebuild your Bashed Patch,
select Import Cells from All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For
Mods.esp (All Natural.esp and All Natural - SI.esp will also be
selected under Import Cells). Do not activate the filter .esp but
simply have it import cells into the Bashed Patch as just explained. The
filter .esp should load just before your Bashed Patch or at least close to
the end of your load list. Do not worry about the red colored box for the
.esp or the claims about missing masters; this is normal for a filter
patch. You can read more about filter .esps in the Wrye Bash
documentation if you wish.

Install Kvatch Rebuilt Support

After making sure Kvatch Rebuilt is installed before installing All
Natural, you must do three things to fully support Kvatch Rebuilt:
1. You must make sure you install and activate the Kvatch Rebuilt
Weather Patch.esp.
2. You must make sure you install the meshes folder in the 06
Kvatch Rebuilt Patch folder (the .omod and BAIN installations do
this for you if you have installed the patch).

Installing From Another Weather Mod

To safely switch from another weather mod, follow these instructions:
21. Move to an outdoor location.
22. Open the console with the backquote key and type in "fw 38EEE"
(without quotes). This will change the weather to the game's
default Clear. Do not move once you've done this.

23. Save the game in a new slot, then exit to desktop.

24. Uninstall the other weather mod and make sure it is deactivated.
25. Load the game, and then save in a second new slot.
26. Install All Natural using the directions above.
27. Load the game and enjoy!

Real Lights Only Install

If you dont wish to use the All Natural weather system or Natural
Interiors support, you can use Real Lights as a stand-alone mod to
work alongside whatever other weather mod you desire (or no weather
mod). To do this you:
28. Copy the All Natural.bsa to your Oblivion\Data directory.
29. Rename All Natural.bsa to All Natural - Real Lights.bsa.
30. Copy the All Natural - Real Lights.esp to your Oblivion\Data
31. Activate All Natural - Real Lights.esp and place it in the correct
load order.
The above steps are automatically done for you if you install All Natural
using Oblivion Mod Manager and choose the Real Lights Only install
option. BAIN users will have to rename the .bsa manually.
Also note if you only use Real Lights, then the All Natural.bsa contains
about 200 megabytes of needless files. If you really want you can
extract the .bsa using OBMM and keep only the reallights folder. Then
either repack the .bsa with OBMM or copy those assets directly to
your \Data folder.

Shivering Isles Install Options

All Natural (both the Weather component and Natural Interiors
component but not Real Lights) supports Shivering Isles when you
activate the All Natural - SI.esp plugin. You can, however, choose to
use another SI exclusive weather mod instead. At the time of writing,
the only mod like this is Enhanced Weather Shivering Isles Only.
Make sure you do NOT use both AN SI support and another SI weather
mod at the same time. In other words, you should never have both
EnhancedWeather.esp and All Natural - SI.esp active at the same
time! Also note, youll lose all Natural Interiors support for SI if
you use another SI weather mod, so its strongly recommended to use

ANs SI support plugin.

In-Game First-Time Start Up

Although you have installed All Natural, the weather system may not
begin working straight away. This is because it is a complex bit of
scripting, and needs to fill some key variables with information before
it can work correctly. To do this, you must simply enter the Tamriel
worldspace by going outside. If you are in a city, you will need to exit
the city. You only need to be in the Tamriel worldspace for a second or
so before the weather script will start working, and you only have to do
this when you first run All Natural.

III. Uninstallation
To safely uninstall All Natural, follow these instructions:
32. Move to an outdoor location.
33. Open the console with the backspace key and type in fw 38EEE
(without quotes). This will change the weather to the game's
default Clear. Do not move after doing this.
34. Save the game in a new slot, then exit to desktop.
35. Uninstall All Natural, and then be sure all files are removed. (All
Natural.bsa, All Natural Base.esm, ini\All Natural.ini, All Natural
Readme.doc, and any optional All Natural plugins, meshes, and
textures installed).
36. Rebuild your Bashed Patch after removing the AN plugins.
37. Load and then save in a second new slot.
38. Optionally, install a new weather mod and load and then save in
a third new slot.

IV. Load Order

It is highly recommended that you use Better Oblivion Sorting Software
to order your mods. However, below is a guide on manually adjusting
load order when using All Natural:
All Natural Base.esm (Can go anywhere in the .esm list)

<Other early loading mods like the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP)>

All Natural - Real Lights.esp (If you want to use this)

All Natural.esp (Load early after the UOP and with other
environmental-type mods)

All Natural - SI.esp (If you want Shivering Isles support)

All Natural - MMM Patch.esp (If you use any version of MMM)
<Sound mods like More Immersive Sound Edited or Atmospheric

Kvatch Rebuilt.esp
Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch.esp
Nascosto Isles 3.esp
All Natural - Nascosto Isles Weather Patch.esp
All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp (Load just before
your Bashed Patch)
Bashed Patch.esp (Remember to Import Cells from All Natural.esp,
All Natural - SI.esp & All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp
into this!)


Optional Plugins

All Natural comes with optional plugins that to suit users needs. They
All Natural - Real Lights.esp - Use if you want All Natural's updated
version of Real Lights.
All Natural - SI.esp - Use if you want the All Natural weather system
to cover Shivering Isles. You may alternatively use the Enhanced
Weather Shivering Isles option instead but most users will want
to use All Natural for Shivering Isles.
All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp Patches many
popular mods to experience All Natural's interior weather effects.
All Natural - Nascosto Isles Weather Patch.esp - Patches Nascosto
Isles' weathers to work alongside All Natural.
Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch.esp - Patches Kvatch Rebuilts
weather system as it had some bugs that would break the
weather in All Natural.
All Natural - MMM Patch.esp - This patch fixes the issue with the
Spriggan and Ent death scripts not working so no rain would start
upon their deaths. Load this just after All Natural.esp

VI. INI Customization

All Natural comes with a large number of customizable settings and
features that affect how your weather looks and behaves. All
customization can be done via the All Natural.ini, which is found in
your 'Data\ini' folder, with many further instructions found in
the .ini file itself. Brief descriptions of the settings and features are
provided below:
Weather Selection: This section lets you select the weather mods
from which the weathers you see will be taken. You can choose
between any combination of vanilla, Enhanced Weather, AWS and
Natural Weather weathers for Tamriel, and either vanilla only or vanilla
and extra weathers for SI. There is no performance impact for choosing
more weathers.
Night Luminance: This section allows you to quickly and easily set
the brightness or darkness of nights in Tamriel and SI.
Moon Phase Night Luminance: This section makes the current
phase of the moon affect night light levels in Tamriel only (SI has no
Weather Volatility: This section allows you to customize the average
duration of weathers according to weather type for both Tamriel and SI
Timescaled Clouds: This section allows you to turn on or off the
scaling of your cloud speeds (how fast they move across the sky)
according to your TimeScale in both Tamriel and SI. This is mainly
useful for people who use lower timescales because the engine has
certain limits to how fast clouds can move.
Transition Times: This section allows you to specify how long
transitions take for each weather type once the weather has started to
change to that weather type for both Tamriel and SI weathers.
Fog Distances: This section allows you to alter the distances over
which fog occurs for each weather type, letting you bring it closer or
move it further from you, with options for Tamriel and SI weathers.
There are presets to fairly closely match Redbag's Fog Mod.
Color Tints: This section allows you to customize the sunlight tinting
of different weather types to your liking by modifying the red, blue and
green values of the tints. This also works for both Tamriel and SI

weathers. The values multiply the default sunlight color settings of the
weathers. However, most weathers are already at close to maximum
brightness, so going over 1.0 doesn't have that much impact. However,
you can lower the multipliers to balance colors how you like.

Adjusting Colors to Match the original Natural

Environments Mod
Natural Environments was the first and most popular weather mod for
Oblivion. It altered most weathers to have a distinctive yellow sunlight
color. This created a soothing yellow/green tint during the day and
beautiful orange sunsets to outdoor scenes (the sunset is a bit more
orange due to the vanilla red sunset mixed with NW yellow tint).
However, it also distorted the overall scene making objects, buildings,
etc more yellow than they would otherwise be, and there was a
separate mod to fix this.
All Natural by default removes this yellow tint from the Natural
Environment weathers. However, many users fell in love with the NW
yellow hue and want it back since it made Oblivion's outdoor lighting
much less cold and harsh. To this effect, All Natural provides
recommended .ini settings to fairly closely match Natural
Environments' tint. Please refer to the .ini and copy the settings from
the appropriate "Natural Weather Yellow" column.
Since colors are highly subjective, here are a number of comparison
pictures to help you choose what makes you feel most delicious inside.
Imperial City
Tamriel Wilderness
Vanilla - No Weather ModsVanilla - No Weather ModsVanilla - No Weather Mods
All Natural Default
All Natural Default
All Natural Default
Natural Environments
Natural Environments
Natural Environments
All Natural Yellow Tint
All Natural Yellow Tint
All Natural Yellow Tint
All Natural Rosy Red Tint All Natural Rosy Red Tint All Natural Rosy Red Tint
So what have we learned? Some stoic people prefer the cold harshness
of vanilla, most like All Natural's default mix of feeling and structure,
and the lovers out there enjoy the pathos-filled yellow or red tints.

VII. Compatibility
Other Weather Mods
This is not compatible with any weather mod, besides the Shivering
Isles Only install option for Enhanced Weather (dont use the Tamriel or
Tamriel + Shivering Isles install options for EW). Do NOT use the
Shivering Isles Enhanced Weather option while also using the All
Natural Shivering Isles plugin. To summarize, you should never have
both EnhancedWeather.esp and All Natural - SI.esp active at the
same time!
This should not be used with any mod that is already included
in All Natural (Real Lights, Natural Interiors, Natural Weather, AWS,
and Enhanced Weather (except for the above mentioned Shivering
Isles only EW install option).

Other Environment Mods

All Natural does NOT replace vanilla weather types and their
corresponding textures. Also, All Natural DOES NOT INCLUDE
any night sky/stars/sun replacement textures. So other
environment mods such as these work fine. Please see the next section
about Recommended Mods.

Other Interior Sounds and Storms Mods

This is not compatible with any interior weather or lightning mod
besides Storms and Sound by Deathless Aphrodite.

Streamline users need to make sure the following changes are made to
their SL.ini:
set SLv.WeatherUnsticker to 0
You may need to access the streamline menu and reinitialize from
the .ini values in order for this change to take effect.

It should also be noted that while Streamline and All Natural both
contain options to change fog distances (christened 'StreamSight' in
Streamline), they are compatible and can be used at the same
time, as All Natural sets the fog distances at the start of the game,
and Streamline then adjusts them as needed from this baseline.
Some users have found the All Natural fog to be more realistic and
therefore disable Streamlines StreamSight feature. Using both or only
ANs fog is up to you.

IC Palace Mods
Any mod that alters the interior Imperial City Palace Elder Council
Chambers may conflict with the changes All Natural makes to this
location. Three known mods conflict: DC The Elder Council, Throne
Room, and The Throne of the Emperor.
The two throne mods will work perfectly and allow all the features of
the respective mods SO LONG AS you load the throne mods BEFORE
All Natural.esp. Loading the two Throne Room mods after All
Natural.esp will not cause any gameplay problems, but this location
won't look as it should and won't get all the new windows and sky
lights intended by All Natural.
DC The Elder Council won't work no matter where you place it due to
the very extensive changes it makes. Again, your game won't break
but things won't look right when using DC The Elder Council. We
suggest you don't use DC The Elder Council.

Shivering Isles Palace Mods

Any mod that alters the physical layout of the interior Shivering Isles
Palace (House of Mania, House of Dementia, and Sheogoraths Court)
may conflict with the changes All Natural - SI.esp makes to these
locations. No such mods are known to exist, though.


Recommended Mods

Use These Mods

All Natural complete install of course!

Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys (for exterior

windows lighting)
Storms & Sound (for more interior weather sounds and exterior
lightning strikes)
Rainbows in Tamriel v3 (because its pretty and works perfectly
with All Natural)
Natural Habitat ONLY from Natural Environments mod
Enhanced Vegetation (superior to Natural Vegetation, which is a
part of Natural Environments)
Any water mod such as Enhanced Water, Natural Water, Phinix
Immersive Interiors (adds viewable exteriors outside windows in
interiors for added realism)
Ambient Town Sounds Edited (unrelated to All Natural but helps
immersion in cities)
Oblivion Stereo Sound Overhaul (nicer weather sounds)

Please note that All Natural does NOT replace vanilla weather
types and their corresponding textures. The new weathers in All
Natural are IN ADDITION to the vanilla weather types. Therefore,
vanilla sky texture replacers are still necessary and suggested.
Please also note that All Natural DOES NOT INCLUDE any night
sky/stars/sun replacement textures. Therefore, you can use your
favorite night sky, stars, and sun replacement mods just fine with All
Natural. Simply install them in the regular place as their instructions
should indicate.

Brumbek shamelessly suggests you try his sky nebula and star
texture pack
Also use Improved Sky Textures (or any other vanilla sky texture
Or use your favorite nebula sky texture mod
Or use your favorite star texture mod
Or use your favorite sun/sunglare replacement mod

For more great environmental mods please refer to WrinklyNinjas list.

How to Properly Use Natural Habitat from Natural

It is highly recommended you download Natural Environments and use
ONLY " Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp". Delete all other .esps!
Natural Environment also comes with a lot of resources you won't

need. Here is a list of the only folders you should KEEP:


Do NOT Use These Mods

Natural Weather, Arthurs Weather, AWS, Enhanced Weather

(unless you use EW SI only, and are not using All Natural's SI
PJs Lightning or other older mods like this
The original Real Lights 0.72 by Josef K.
The original Natural Interiors by Wormheart

IX. Adding Natural Interiors Support to Other

Mods that add new buildings, homes, guildhouses, etcetera will NOT
have Natural Interior support just because you have All Natural
installed. To add Natural Interior support to mods, you can usually
simple open up the .esp in the Construction Set or TES4Edit and check
the Behave Like Exterior box in the Cell details-Lighting tab and then
pick the NIWGeneric climate. To repeat:
39. Open All Natural Base.esm and the mods .esp in the CS, making
sure the mod you are adding Natural Interiors support to is the
active file.
40. Go to the cell view window and right click on the cell you wish to
change and pick Edit.
41. Go to the second tab called Lighting.
42. Check Behave Like Exterior and pick the NIWGeneric climate.
43. Repeat this process on all cells you need to change (all interiors
with windows).
44. Save your .esp file and exit the CS.
45. Add the Bash Tag {{BASH:C.Climate}} to the .esp just to be safe
and import cells from the mod and rebuild Bashed Patch.
This is all you need to do SO LONG AS the mod in question uses
DEFAULT interior house/building meshes and window textures. This will
NOT work if the mod uses custom interior building meshes and/or
window textures. You can check this by seeing if the mod archive
includes any new meshes in \meshes\architecture\ and determining if

these are interior meshes or not (possibly labeled int or interior).

You could also open all the new meshes in NifScope to check if they are
interior meshes with windows.
If a mod does add new interior meshes and/or window textures, the
procedure becomes more complicated and might require actual
texture/modeling work.
46. You must do the above CS work still. Follow the steps above.
47. Open up the interior .nif in NifScope.
48. Find the window block by clicking on the windows in the 3D view.
49. Change the texture path for the window to a
textures\allnatural\architecture path. Make sure you find an
allnatural texture that exists and sorta matches the one in the
mod. Often you can simply add \allnatural\ after \textures\ if the
mod uses vanilla window textures.
50. Then add a NiAlphaProperty node by right clicking on the block
and picking Node->Attach Property and finding NiAlphaProperty.
51. Now you will see transparent windows and the sky in-game.
However, its possible you will also see parts of the interior mesh
outside the window which wont look right.
52. To fix seeing wrong stuff outside the window you actually have to
do 3D modeling using 3DSMax or Blender. This is way too
complicated to explain hereask Brumbek for help if you really
wish to do this, but just know it often is a LOT of work.


Frequently Asked Questions

I want to use the skies from Natural Weather/Environments,

AWS, and EW. Do I need to install those mods first?
No, absolutely not! Do NOT install those mods. All Natural includes all
the sky textures from all those mods already. (Although you can install
the Natural Habitat part of Natural Environments if you wish.)
Does All Natural require other weather mods be installed
No, absolutely not! Do NOT EVER install other weather mods, unless
you want to use just the Shivering Isles option for Enhanced Weather.
(Although again you can install the Natural Habitat part of Natural
Environments if you wish.)
Whats the difference between All Natural and Enhanced

Enhanced Weather is the most recently developed weather mod aside

from All Natural, is maintained by WrinklyNinja, who is also the weather
system developer for All Natural. Both mods are very high quality, but
have very different goals. Enhanced Weather's focus is on streamlining
features and minimalism, dealing with enhancing the vanilla weather
system with new weathers and logical weather progression. All Natural
has many more total weather types than Enhanced Weather, which
results in more variety, and is more far-reaching in scope. Basically,
both are great. If you want Natural Interiors support you must use All
Natural, though. So in that sense All Natural is a more complete
weather experience, syncing both indoors and outdoors.
Is the Natural Interiors portion of All Natural done? Will all my
interiors have transparent windows?
Yes, the Natural Interiors portion is totally complete as of version 1.2,
for both Tamriel and Shivering Isles. This means absolutely all interiors
from the original game and expansion have the full All Natural Weather
All the interior windows look out into pitch black nothingness!
So bleakhelp!
This happens when you dont Import Cells properly in your Bashed
Patch. If you dont know what this means, then you need to re-read the
installation section and study up on what the Bashed Patch does.
Some of my interior windows are black but others work fine!
Tell me why?
This means the locations that dont work are interiors added by other
mods you are using. Make sure you are using the Filter Patch. However,
if that doesnt work, then that mod will have to be added to the Filter
Patch or youll have to make a patch yourself for whatever mod as
described earlier.
I want my favorite mod to be included in the Filter patch!
Please post on the Bethesda forums All Natural thread and tell us what
mod you want supported. Were pretty busy so you might have to
make a patch yourself. It isnt as hard as it sounds.
Is this mod compatible with Open Cities or Better Cities?
Yes, both. :)

Is this mod compatible with Animated Window Lighting

System and Chimneys?
Yes, and it is HIGHLY recommended you use AWLSaC, as both mods
have been designed to complement each other. The Natural Interiors
part of All Natural deals exclusively with building interiors, and AWLS
deals exclusively with building exteriors. Also, Brumbek is one of the
developers for both mods, so hes made sure they complement each
other. In fact, both have fixes to the original game that aren't included
in any other mod, so both are must-haves!
Is this mod compatible with Storms and Sound 3 by
Deathless Aphrodite?
Yes, and it is recommended you use Storms and Sounds if you want
more/different interior weather sounds and more robust storm/lightning
effects indoors and outdoors. However, some users find it creates too
noisy interior weather effects, so its totally personal preference. Read
the Storms and Sounds readme for a full feature list of that mod.
Is this mod compatible with Natural Environments?
You may download the entire Natural Environments 2.1.3 package, but
do NOT use the Natural Weather.esp plugin. Natural Habitat, Natural
Water, and Natural Vegetation can all be used with All Natural,
although new and debatably better mods covering the water and
vegetation aspects are recommended. So many people just use the
Natural Habitat.esp part of Natural Environments, which is
Is this mod compatible with Darker Nights?
All Natural includes the ability to change night brightness levels from
the .ini file, so you dont need a separate mod to make the nights
darker or brighter. Any other mod wouldn't affect all of All Natural's
weathers anyway, so you should just use the .ini file to change your
night brightness levels.
Is this mod compatible with FCOM/OOO/Frans/MMM/Warcry?
Yes it is, but remember you must use Wrye Bash to import the climate
changes into the Bashed Patch.esp.
Is this mod compatible with my favorite nebula/stars/sun
texture replacement mods?

Yes. Install them just as you normally would. All Natural doesnt touch
any of these elements.
Do I *really* need Wrye Bash?
Yes, you really need Wrye Bash. Theres plenty of help out there about
how to get Wrye Bash up and running. Wrye Bash also has many very
essential functions for all Oblivion users. Get it now; its worth the time
it takes to understand it.
How do I use Wrye Bash to import cells?
To Import Cells from All Natural:
53. Run Wrye Bash.
54. Locate the Bashed patch.esp on the Mods tab (it should be at the
55. Right click on it and select Rebuild Patch.
56. Check the box that says Import Cells and left click on the words
Import Cells.
57. Check the boxes next to the All Natural plugins.
58. Click Rebuild Patch.
Do I *really* need OBSE?
Yes. You should NEVER run All Natural without OBSE installed. Also,
make sure you are always running the latest OBSE! Check and download v0019b or higher if available!
Some interiors are really dark when using Real Lights, I cant
see anything.
Interiors will be darker at night because no natural sunlight will shine
through the windows. However, if you feel the interiors are still way too
dark in some locations its possible a light source should be added. You
can leave a message on the Bethesda forums with the name of the
location you feel is too dark. A screenshot is helpful to illustrate the
problem more clearly.
My game runs real slow, why?
The Real Lights segment of All Natural can and will cause lower
framerates due to the Oblivion engine having to render more real
lights. Deactivating All Natural Real Lights.esp will fix this, though
of course you will lose the Real Lights effects. Most users find Real
Lights too essential for immersion to remove even if it lowers the

Im getting the fast switching weather bug!
This usually happens if you are using the OBSE v0018 or older. Please
make certain you are using the latest v0019b or higher! Otherwise it
may just be a coincidence that the weather changed right as you
walked through a door. Try walking in and out several times and the
weather shouldnt change again.
My weather lasts too long.
You can control how long on average weathers will last in the .ini, using
the Weather Volatility settings, as well as using the Transitions Times
settings, also in the ini, to control the transition time between
weathers. All Natural has timescaled weather support built in, and it
can be adjusted using the above Weather Volatility settings.
I can see bright light leaking through corners or edges of
interiors, what can I do?
Please report this on the Bethesda forums. Be sure to mention the
specific location you were at (name of building as displayed when you
move your cursor over the exterior door).
How will All Natural improve my life?
It has been proven that playing Oblivion increases confidence,
fortitude, and knowledge of TES lore, all of which are essential for all
life endeavors. Furthermore, playing Oblivion with beautiful weathers
and lighting provided by All Natural more than doubles the
aforementioned benefits, which should easily put you at the head of
the crowd. However, which crowd youre at the head of is something
only you can determine, be it a lynch mob, a league of freedom
fighters, or a line at a soup kitchen.

XI. Contact Info

If you find any bugs, or want to get in contact for any other reason, you
can reach us at the official Bethesda Game Studios forum. Search for
Weather: All Natural and you should be able to find the latest topic.

XII. Credits
Chong Li was the original creator of the mod and coded the original

weather system, Real Lights integration, and Natural Interiors

integration, including creating custom meshes. He created all versions
up to Beta 0.6. Without him, there would be no mod.
WrinklyNinja is the current developer of the weather system and more
as of Beta 0.7.
Arthmoor is the current developer of the Real Lights plugin and more
as of Beta 0.9.
Brumbek is the current developer of the Natural Interiors meshes and
textures and more as of Beta 0.9.4.
AndalayBay is the current developer for All Natural as of version 1.36.

Special Thanks

Everyone who supported the mod, whether it be through bug

reports, encouragement, or screenshots.
Josef K. for Real Lights.
Wormheart for Natural Interiors.
Max Tael for Natural Environments.
HTF, WrinklyNinja, and Halo for Enhanced Weather.
LprMan for his weather textures.
The OBSE Team for creating OBSE.
Superice for synchronizing all of the wind speeds to match the
weather types.
Wrye and the Wrye Bash Team for creating and developing Wrye
trira (elecgs) for the cloud seam fix



This mod contains the textures, sounds and meshes from the following

Atmospheric Weather System by HTF

Enhanced Weather by HTF
Natural Environments by Max Tael
Natural Interiors by Wormheart
Real Lights by Josef K.
VaPER - Vacuity's Particle Effects Resources - Weather boxes

Permission was sought for all of the above, and was given where
contact with the original author was possible.
In the spirit of the original mods licensing, the textures, sounds and
meshes contained within this mod may not be re-distributed without
consent of their creators. They remain the property of their creators, all
rights reserved.

XIV.Version History
Version 1.36 July 2015

Updated weather filter for changes made to Better Cities 5.6

Added Straub666's lighting patch for Better Cities - Imperial City
Added trira's sky seam fix
Fixed position of rain boxes on door of Anvil Cathedral.
Fixed issue with continual rain outside window of The Count's Arms in Anvil.
Synchronized All Natural plugins with latest Unofficial Oblivion Patches.
Added Dark Brotherhood Chronicles to Indoor Weather Filter.

Version 1.35 June 2014

Updated Kvatch Rebuilt patch to account for the removal of the KR ESM file.
Wind speeds on several weather types have been adjusted to fit better with
what they should be.
Updated weather filter for changes made to Better Cities in the last 2 years.

Version 1.34 March 2012

Weather boxes in the Chorrol Mages Guild living quarters were not set up
Some weather boxes in the Bravil Fighters Guild were misaligned.
One rain box in the Cheydinhal Mages Guild was misaligned.
Climate support for Kvatch Rebuilt has been moved from the filter to the
included KR weather patch to allow for the placement of rain boxes.
The Kvatch tents had the wrong climate setting, which allowed lighting flashes
to be seen.

Version 1.33 November 2011

Fixed Leyawiin upper class exterior doors that previously incorrectly used the
interior All Natural versions due to an oversight. Now all 9 exterior doors use
the proper unaltered, exterior mesh, allowing other mods like AWLS to
properly light the windowed portion of said doors.

Fixed improper name of the Leyawiin MG interior door that had AN tag
attached to it.
Capitalized both the interior and exterior Leyawiin MG door to be Mages Guild
Door instead of Mages Guild door.

Version 1.32 November 2011

Real Lights: Adjusted lighting in the Anvil Castle Great Hall because the
Countess was sitting in darkness, and other areas were excessively bright.
Real Lights: Fixed a sideways flame in the Imperial Bastion.
Weather boxes have been added to all remaining vanilla interiors throughout
Cyrodiil and the Shivering Isles.
More mod support has been added to the weather filter.
A few farmhouse interior windows fixed that had same bad normals so half the
window wasn't displaying the normal map correctly.
Improved window placement for farmhouseinterior04top.nif, this was a vanilla
Fixed all the lower class Leyawiin windows and frames so that the outside
frame appears correctly.
Fixes the exterior Leyawiin MG door which had incorrect interior mesh applied.
Moved cobweb in Emma May's Captains Quarters so it doesn't obscure
windows due to double alpha engine bug.

Version 1.31 June 2011

Updated OMOD and BAIN scripts to modify All Natural.ini settings based on
choices during the install script. Thanks to andalaybay for the help with
OBMM. Thanks to Lojack for all the help with the BAIN wizard. New .ini install
settings only work with Wrye Bash 292.
Updated the BAIN script to meet the new standard for version 292, thanks to
alt3rn1ty for doing the update and finding some errors. Still works with old
BAIN versions.
Fixed error in Shivering Isles Settlements interior windows transparency. Big
thanks to UndWDoG for pointing this out. Now only the window portion will be
transparent, not the metal bars.
Several cell updates have been made in the weather filter to account for mod
Real Lights: Adjusted light levels in Mystic Emporium so they aren't as
overwhelming in daylight.
Included nao4288's Forge New Textures textures and updated three building
meshes with forges to make the forge fires 3D and look way better. nao4288's
mod is still necessary for forges outside interiors.

Version 1.3 March 2011

Added Martigens Monster Mod patch that fixes the issue with the Spriggan
and Ent death scripts not working so no rain would start upon their deaths.

Real Lights: Fixed all of the lighting control scripts so they turn on/off properly
with weather changes.
Real Lights: Set all lighting control scripts to check for the current climate and
use the sunrise/sunset values from those to turn lights on/off.
Real Lights: Fixed the Varla and Welkynd stone scripts so they don't spam
messages when picked up.
Fixed weather boxes for snow that would activate in the wrong weather types.
Added weather boxes to Bruma, Weynon Priory, and the other miscellaneous
chapels so rain and snow can be seen out the windows.
Fixed an interior in New Sheoth that got removed in-game due to mesh
numbering being out of sequence.
Updated the .ini file to include much more descriptive notes for all settings.
Updated the .ini file to include suggested values for color tints to match
Natural Environments and to darken certain weather types and others.
Updated Readme to include comparison pictures!
Updated the .ini file to include suggested values for fog distances.
Edited the Readme to add a few new sections and remove outdated info, plus
to create a nicer format.
OMOD and BAIN install scripts updated to detect incompatible mods already
installed and to issue warnings or cancel the installation.
Brumbek's changes to meshes and interiors:
Redid Leyawiin Fighter's Guild, Mages Guild, Blackwood Hall, and all four
Upper Class interiors to use actual exterior parts. Much nicer now.
Fixed Leyawiin Mages Guild Circle Window to be transparent...this whole
time I never noticed this.
Fixed Leyawiin Mages Guild interior front door to be transparent.
Fixed all nine Leyawiin Upper Class front doors to have the top window be
transparent, and altered several interior meshes to accommodate this
change, including adding exterior architecture you can see though the
front door windows.
Fixed almost all Leyawiin meshes to remove the glowing white windows.
Now all windows don't emit any light and are pitch black if no light source
is nearby.
Fixed crack in leyawiinhouseintl04.nif.
Fixed poorly done collision for leyawiinhouseinteriorupper09.nif that made
it so you could walk into walls and other geometry (vanilla issue).
Updated Shivering Isles Palace to fix some cracks in the roof and walls (did
this by placing a black roof around the Palace top, in the mesh itself for
end pieces and in the .esp for middle sections).
All Bravil interior windows updated to remove emissive glow so they're
pitch black if no light source is nearby.
All Bruma interior windows updated to remove emissive glow so they're
pitch black if no light source is nearby.
All Cheydinhal interior windows updated to remove emissive glow so
they're pitch black if no light source is nearby.
All Bliss interior windows updated to remove emissive glow so they're pitch
black if no light source is nearby.
All Bliss interior windows updated to remove window vertex colors to make
windows proper brightness instead of being dull.
Sacellum updated to remove emissive glow from Bliss side.
All Cloud Ruler Temple interior windows updated to remove emissive glow
so they're pitch black if no light source is nearby.

All Cloud Ruler Temple interior windows updated to remove window vertex
colors to make windows proper brightness instead of being dull.
All Farmhouse interior windows updated to remove emissive glow so
they're pitch black if no light source is nearby.
All Imperial City interior windows updated to remove emissive glow so
they're pitch black if no light source is nearby.
IC Temple of the One windows updated to remove emissive glow so they're
pitch black if no light source is nearby.
Priory Weynon House window alignment slightly tweaked to make it
Priory windows updated to remove emissive glow so they're pitch black if
no light source is nearby.
Generic Ship interior windows updated to remove window vertex colors to
make windows proper brightness instead of being dull.
Fixed incorrect double material properties nodes on many Skingrad Middle
and Upper Class interiors.
All Skingrad interior windows updated to remove emissive glow so they're
pitch black if no light source is nearby.
All Skingrad interior windows updated to remove window vertex colors to
make windows proper brightness instead of being dull.
Fixed incorrect double material properties nodes on many Kvatch Rebuilt
Middle and Upper Class interiors.
All Kvatch Rebuilt interior windows updated to remove emissive glow so
they're pitch black if no light source is nearby.
All Kvatch Rebuilt interior windows updated to remove window vertex
colors to make windows proper brightness instead of being dull.
Edited every Anvil interior mesh to fix strange lighting on windows.
Fixed a couple cracks in several Anvil meshes.
Fixed several vanilla mesh errors in Sickly Bernice's rooms.
Updated all farmhouse interiors to use only the Farmhouse window types
instead of Chorrol windows. This change matches the recent AWLS verison
Updated Farmhouse textures to make the transparency on the windows
much nicer.
Fixed five IC Palace meshes to make collision match the mesh.
Updated Cheydinhal textures to make the windows much less clear.

Version 1.2 January 2011

Added new cells to the filter for OCR Chorrol.

All meshes have been reoptimized with PyFFI 2.1.7.
Updated filter support for Shezrie's Towns. Note that Shezrie's Villages are no
longer supported.
Trimmed lighting overload in the Chorrol Fighters Guild.
Weather boxes for rain and snow effects have been added to all windowed
interiors in Chorrol.
Full interior support has now been completed for Shivering Isles.
Fixes for Weynon Priory and the abandoned house in Cheydinhal.
Added moon phase based night luminance modification option for Tamriel. (SI
doesn't have moons)
Fixed fast weather bugs in Tamriel and SI weather scripts that were introduced
in 1.1.

Fixed a bug in the windowless interior thunder sounds script.

Fixed a few ini typos.
Added the following meshes:
Modified the following meshes:
cheydinhal\cheydinhalabandonedinterior01.nif (fixed seams)
city\citywalls\sesacellum ardensultowerinterior.nif (fixed more seams)
palace\interior\ (all 47 palace interior files fixed UV mapping errors to
match new USIP patch)
priory\weynonhouseinterior.nif (fixed ugly windows from vanilla)
settlements\housedementia01interior.nif (fixed wacky collision normals)
settlements\housedementia02interior.nif (fixed wacky collision normals)
settlements\housedementia03interior.nif (fixed wacky collision normals)
settlements\housedementia04interior.nif (fixed wacky collision normals)

Version 1.1 November 2010

Fixed the wrong weather length parameters being used when lengths have
been customized.
Fixed weather de-sync in the finale of the Main Quest (MQ16).
Fixed an incorrect 'Behave As Exterior' setting for a Feldscar interior and an
incorrect climate setting for a Better Cities interior in the Filter Patch.
Fixed Bravil Mages Guild meshes and climate settings.
Toned down HDR further in interiors and exteriors.
Changed how weather transitions are handled across cell transitions so that
such situations should be less immersion breaking.
Optimized cell checks in weather scripts.
Moved ini file to Data\ini.
Removed the rain added to OblivionStormTamriel weather in a previous
Added fog distance customization options to the ini.
Reworked all Bravil meshes, adding window frames to all windows among
other things.
One Arena cell did not have a climate setting which could result in a loss of
weather sync when it was visited.
Lighting improvements to the Blackwood Company Hall.
Oblivifall: Losing My Religion has been added to the weather filter.
Modified cathedral meshes for use with Oblivifall have been included as a new
patch option.
Added Natural Interiors support for SI settlements.
Added the following meshes:
Modified the following meshes:
chorrol\interior\chorrolhouseupper02interior01.nif (modified to work with
Wellspring Vale)
chorrol\interior\chorrolhouseupper02interior02.nif (modified to work with
Wellspring Vale)
city\citywalls\sesacellum ardensultowerinterior.nif (fixed seams)

Added the following textures:
Modified the following textures:

Version 1.0 September 2010

Fixed snowy weather checks greatly limiting weather in winter for non-snowy
Added Timescaled Clouds feature.
Fixed decimal values of NormalizeLuminance not working properly.
Fixed a few ini typos.
Fixed weather script so it will properly select from all available types.
Added possibility of snowy weather to some regions in spring and autumn.
Fixed green tinting in a number of weathers, and other coloration issues in
other weathers.
Fixed BAIN Wizard installer and OMOD conversion data.
Fixed a bug in snowy and rainy weather area limit checks that would cause

weather de-sync.
Fixed weather bugs the occurred during the 'Defense Of Bruma' and 'Great
Gate' Main Quest quests.
Fixed an issue causing the Kvatch Thunderstorm weather to stick if you Fast
Traveled from Kvatch.
Fixed purple coloration of the clouds in the EWFog weathers.
Fixed an issue with sunglare having a slightly green tint in a few of the
HTFClear weathers.
Revamped initialization process, streamlining it and fixing bugs that could
lead to failure of initialization to take place, or stacking of the effects of the
optional features after multiple loads of savegames.
Added sanity checks to all optional features to prevent bugs if negative
multipliers are used, or values outwith the settings' allowed range are set.
Changed Night Luminance's NormalizeLuminance setting to use decimal
values rather than just be on/off, so you can choose the degree of
Fixed Oblivion Gate weather getting stuck after a gate is closed.
Removed debug messages that were accidentally included in
Revamped optional features, renaming features to reflect better what they do
and streamlining them.
Updated Enhanced Nights (now Night Luminance), removing the obsoleted
enable/disable toggle and NormalizeParameter setting, as these are now
determined automatically.
Updated Enhanced Colors (now Color Tints) to be customizable by weather
type, and only affect the ambient and sunlight colors, but at all times, not just
the day, for a better effect and greater consistency.
Fixed weather de-sync that would occur near Kvatch after you completed the
'Battle For Castle Kvatch' quest.
Real Lights: Removed all changes to the chargen starting cell due to being
unable to find a useable balance of lighting for the facegen process. This also
eliminates an unresolvable conflict with TIE.
Real Lights: Added a light source to the Arcane U Praxographical Center.
Real Lights: Made the chandeliers in the Skingrad and Bruma player houses lit
instead of unlit.
Real Lights: Adjusted radius values on candled in The Grey Mare. Should be a
bit brighter in there now.
The Nascosto Isles patch now includes interior weather support and is no
longer mergable in Bash.
All meshes have been run through PyFFI for collision optimization.
Modified the following meshes:
chorrol\interior\chorrolhouseupper02interior03.nif (fixed seams)
chorrol\interior\chorrolhouseupper04interior01.nif (modified to work with
Glenvar Castle)
chorrol\interior\chorrolhouseupper04interior03.nif (fixed collision on new
window ledges)
leyawiin\leyawiinfginteriordinning.nif (fixed error in Vanilla collision)


Updated Tamriel and SI weather scripts with fixes for various bugs, including
fast weather switching, Oblivion Gate weather getting stuck and instant
weather changes.

Fixed weather de-sync in SI and fixed interior/exterior switches stopping the

weather from changing between regions properly.
Support for BAIN wizards has been added.
HDR lighting values for clear weather have been adjusted to be less bright.
Added detection of fast travel mods such as Cyrodiil Travel Services to Tamriel
and SI weather scripts.
Added check to change weather when it is raining and the player moves to a
high altitude snowy region.
Replaced plugin/quest-stage combination weather selection method with an
array based method for both Tamriel and SI, and replacing weather plugins
with ini settings for selecting weathers from NW, AWS and EW.
Optimized all scripts.
Fixed lightning flashes in a NoWindows weather.
Fixed cell flags in The Bloated Float to fix interior weather there.
Fixed Kvatch Rebuilt compatibility.
Removed dummy Oblivion cell as it is no longer required.
Added Natural Interior effects to SI's New Sheoth Palace.
Updated a number of weathers, updating some EditorIDs, removing some
duplicates and fixing sounds, coloration and classifications.
Removed silence from the end of some interior weather sounds so they loop
Removed a number of duplicate sound entries.
Replaced AWS weather textures with those updated in AWS 2.5.
Removed meshes\sky\stars.nif from BSA, as it was not required.

Beta 0.9.9
Fixed weather script compatibility with Elsweyr and Better Cities, improved fast
travel weather behaviour, and fixed a few bugs in the weather script.
Added full interior and exterior support for Oblivion Gate weather in Cyrodiil, and
individually customisable weather chances for each weather type in Cyrodiil and
Tweaked a large number of weathers for better lighting, and a fixed a few
anomalies in some others.
Adjusted lighting in the Perception dreamworld so the path isn't completely
Removed flame from Elder Council chamber.
Chorrol interior meshes are now completed.
Added the following meshes:
o chorrol\interior\chandelierhangingrod02AN.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolfgchorrolinterior01.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolfgtowerinterior01.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolfightersguild01AN.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolfightersguildhallinterior01.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolhousemiddle01interior.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolhousemiddle02interior.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolhousemiddle03interior.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolhousemiddle04interior.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolhousemiddle05interior.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolhousemiddle06interior.nif
o chorrol\interior\chorrolhousemiddle07interior.nif



Beta 0.9.8

Patch included for Gates to Aesgaard (episode 1) to adjust the weather properly.
OMOD installation script fixed.
Fixed the skydome texture that was turning pink for some users.
Fixed the floor in Rosethorn Hall (skhouseupperint04.nif) that was messed up due
to a faulty mesh.
Real Lights work fully completed in all dungeons and other interior cells.
Fixed non-transparent windows in the Temple of the One for the post-MQ model.
Added visible decorations outside the windows of the Temple of the One interior.
Fixed SI weather sticking or changing to the wrong weather type.
Fixed scripts preventing weather from changing while waiting/sleeping.
Optimized weather scripts for Tamriel and SI.
Fixed All Natural changing the weather in new worldspaces and their interiors.

Beta 0.9.7
Many improvements and tweaks to Real Lights, too many to list.
Full Shivering Isles weather support (but no natural interiors support for SI yet).
Fixed Imperial Temple interior graphical problem where the city outside the
windows was way too high up and would look wacky when jumping.
Added full Natural Interiors support for Kvatch Rebuilt by including edited meshes
in the archive and updating the filter patch to include Kvatch Rebuilt. Make sure
to install the .esp, meshes, and use the filter patch to make Kvatch Rebuilt work
as intended.
Fixed bugs in GaussianNumberGenerator function.
Fixed bugs with weather script, including IC district transition not being detected
and weather remaining stormy in kvatch after the battle.
A couple of bugs fixed in SI weather script to do with New Sheoth detection.
Minor asthetic changes to the console output of the init scripts.
Added patches for Kvatch Rebuilt and Gates To Aesgaard 2, both fixing bugs in the
mods that break the weather in general. These patches may hopefully be merged
into updated versions of both quest mods in the future.
Added variable weather volatility for Tamriel and SI and parameters to ini.
Added timescaled weather functionality which is buit-in and controlled by the
above feature.
Fixed the following mesh:

o skingrad\skhouselowerint04.nif
Beta 0.9.6

Removed enhanced seasons option. It will be made into a entirely separate mod.
Quite a lot of weathers tweaked to improve lighting.
Added groundwork for Shivering Isles support. (Not usable yet)
Removed unnecessary NoWindows weathers and updated weather plugins for
Altered sound file directory structure to match the rest of the BSA.
Updated cave bulb script to respond to overcast conditions.
Sideways Cave decked out with the new bulbs to replace the sunbeams. (If people
like it, more to come, if not, no harm done)
Added some more light to inns in each city so they won't be so dark all the time.
Indoor ambient lighting has been adjusted for realism and will be darker at night
than it is during the day.
Updated indoor weather sounds that should be more audible than before.
Clear weather ambient light values adjusted to tone down HDR glare.
Other miscellaneous issues with night weather tweaked.
Compatibility for Elsweyr to allow weather in that region to take over properly.
Fixed the following meshes:
o anvil\anvilhousemcinterior02.nif
o bravil\bravilfightersguildint2ndfloorb.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint04.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint04b.nif

Beta 0.9.5
Implemented fancy Gaussian function generated probability-weighted weather
time lengths to replace purely randomly generated time lengths.
Tweaked vanilla weather changes to better fit the changes made to the other
Removed unneeded climates and tweaked cells and weather script to reflect this.
Updated and optimized optional features and init script, implementing new OBSE
arrays and user-defined functions.
Swapped y,z co-ordinates hacks for proper region detection in the weather script.
Fixed bright horizon banding that occurred in previous versions when using
Enhance Nights.
Fixed a few bugs in the weather script.
Normalized night light values across all the weathers to have standard vanilla
Removed unneeded NoSound weathers from mod, and simplified weather script
to reflect this.
Removed unused resources from BSA.
Removed Kvatch Rebuilt compatibility patch since its unnecessary now.
Tweaked and re-textured AWS Cloudy weathers to stop them from appearing
Overhauled the IC Palace Council Chambers, adding windows to the outside of the
chamber wall and skylights to the smaller observation gallery.
Updated Anvil, Cathedral, IC, Chorrol, and Skingrad window textures.
Added Natural Interiors effects to Skingrad interiors.

Updated one Anvil mesh and all the Imperial City house meshes to improve
interior window appearance.
Ran all architecture meshes through PyFFI again since many have been edited
since last release.
Added/Updated the following meshes:
o skingrad\skfightersguildintb.nif
o skingrad\skfightersguildintt.nif
o skingrad\skhouselowerint01.nif
o skingrad\skhouselowerint02.nif
o skingrad\skhouselowerint03.nif
o skingrad\skhouselowerint04.nif
o skingrad\skhousemiddleint01.nif
o skingrad\skhousemiddleint02.nif
o skingrad\skhousemiddleint03.nif
o skingrad\skhousemiddleint04b.nif
o skingrad\skhousemiddleint04t.nif
o skingrad\skhousemiddleint05.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint01b.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint01t.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint02b.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint02t.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint03.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint04.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint04b.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint05b.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint05t.nif
o skingrad\skhouseupperint06.nif
o skingrad\skmageguildintb.nif
o skingrad\skmageguildintt.nif
o cheydinhal\cheydinhalmagesguildinterior.nif
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceCouncilHall01TallNoWindow.nif
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceCouncilHall01TallWithWindow.nif
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceCouncilRoom01NoWindow.NIF
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceCouncilRoom01RemovedWindow.nif
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceCouncilRoomEnt01Tall.NIF
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceCouncilUpper01SkyDome.nif
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceCouncilUpper01SkyDomeNoWindow.nif
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceCouncilUpper02SkyDome.nif
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceHallRampDown01Tall.nif
o imperialcity\interior\ICPalaceHallRampUp01Tall.nif
o leyawiin\leyawiinhouseintl01.nif
o leyawiin\leyawiinhouseintl02.nif
o leyawiin\leyawiinhouseintl04.nif
o leyawiin\leyawiinhouseintl07.nif
o leyawiin\leyawiinhouseintl07b.nif
o leyawiin\leyawiinhouseintl08.nif
o leyawiin\leyawiinhouseintl10.nif
o imperialcity\interior\icgroundfloor01.nif
o imperialcity\interior\icgroundfloor02.nif
o imperialcity\interior\icgroundfloor03.nif
o imperialcity\interior\icgroundfloor04.nif
o imperialcity\interior\icgroundfloor05.nif



Beta 0.9.4 (Brumbek joins to update and finish the Natural Interiors component)
Swapped old weather selection method for a new one.
Massively cleaned up Real Lights, replacing save game bloating scripting, unused
references and general optimization.
Created Real Lights - The Ayleid Steps patch to ensure compatibility between the
two mods.
Moved Kvatch Rebuilt, Nascosto Isles and The Ayleid Steps patches into main
Removed deprecated Real Lights resources from BSA.
Removed unused Natural Interiors resources from BSA.
Removed debug functionality from weather script.
Added mipmaps to all weather textures in BSA.
Added Natural Interiors effects to Leyawiin interiors.
Added/Updated the window textures for Cheydinhal, Chorrol, and Leyawiin.
Added/Updated the following meshes:





Beta 0.9.3
icgroundfloor21.nif was the wrong mesh and has been corrected.
HDR fix for horizon banding issues.
Beta 0.9.2
Corrected texture paths on all internal meshes.
Removed some override meshes that don't have interior windows on them along
with their references in All Natural.esp.
Fixed the bug with the missing mesh in Aelwin's house in Weye. It affected all
Farmhouse01 interiors.
Fixed the "daylightscript" script in AN Real Lights so it doesn't continuously try to
enable or disable light sources. Should help some with frame rates.
Beta 0.9.1

Redirected resources to prevent overwrite by other mods.

Included a few resources missing from 0.9.
Removed door mesh edits from All Natural.
Removed some unused resources from the BSA.
Added in a verbosity toggle in the ini that prints a message whenever the weather
transitions if enabled.
Reverted the weather classifications changed in 0.9 as they made other mods not
work due to bugs in the game code.
Removed Natural Environments texture replacements from BSA and plugins
containing NW weathers for compatibility with other replacers.
Added in basic altitude and latitude detection from EW to prevent snow from
appearing in areas south of Skingrad or not as high up as Cheydinhal.
Added in HDR tweaks for AWS weathers.
Added interior weathers to EN and EC optional features to ensure you see the
effects indoors.

Beta 0.9 (Arthmoor joins to update the Real Lights component)

Refactored weathers and optional feature scripts into All Natural.esm.
Fixed bugs in optional feature scripts and added in safety checks to prevent
buggy values being used.
Simplified Enhanced Transitions for end user by changing from exact values to

Expanded Enhanced Colours to incorporate all weathers from all mods, and
differentiated between the different mods.
Re-formatted .ini for easier reading.
Consolidated resources into one BSA.
Dropped Weather Inside support in favour of Storms and Sound by Deathless
Debug Ring removed from mod.
Updated plugins for UOP compatibility.
Real Lights cleaned up and fixed a bit.
Added Atmospheric Weather System as an option for weathers.
Updated optional features to use new AWS weathers.
Added new plugin for combinations of AWS and other weather mods.
Optimized meshes using PYFFI.
Swapped EW textures for optimised textures included in EW 1.3.
Made archive BAIN and OMOD compliant for install with Wrye Bash and Oblivion
Mod Manager.
Corrected a few meshes.
Corrected several weathers missing sounds and added new sounds in.
Added in weather types where they were previously missing.
Added the {{BASH:C.Climate}} tag for use with Wrye Bash.
Changed the HDR weather lighting values to reduce or eliminate the "nuclear
dawn" effect in bright/clear weather.
Updated Enhanced Seasons for ScreenEffects 1.0 support.
Fixed a few weathers having incorrect script flag adjustments in their scripts.
Fixed a large number of weather having been wrongly classified as snowy weather
or not at all.
Fixed bright horizon banding at night bug in Enhanced Nights.
Beta 0.8

Modularised mod.
Fixed bugs caused when integrating EW.
Updated ES.
Updated optional features.
Fixed .ini params.
Implemented Enhanced Colours.
Fixed ES interior bug.
Fixed UOP compatibility.

Beta 0.7 (WrinklyNinja takes over development)

Swapped AWS for Enhanced Weather.
Implemented EW's optional features to cover all of All Natural's weathers.
Requires OBSE.
Beta 0.6 (Chong Li)
Updated Cheydinhal and Mages Guild textures.
Updated the following meshes:
o cheydinhaldoorint01.nif
o cheydinhaldoorint02.nif



Beta 0.5 (Chong Li)

Removed annoying yellow tint from all exterior weather.
Updated the debug ring with a new weather select feature.
Changed the way the meshes are replaced, hopefully improving compatibility with
other mods.
Implemented a large number of fixes to cells from Unofficial Oblivion Patch.
Removed dependency on Natural Interiors.
Beta 0.4 (Chong Li)
Removed the changes to lighting in a few Anvil buildings (The Count's Arms).
Added support for Real Lights (see below for installation).
Added a Debug Ring for testing different weather types.
Beta 0.3 (Chong Li)

Fixed the incorrect seasons (Summer ends around September 22, NOT June 21).
Fixed (hopefully) the issues with resting not updating the weather.
Added all the missing normal maps from Natural Interiors.
Created a new version of All Natural - Weather Inside.esp to work with Weather
Inside [seasons] 1.2 (see updated installation instructions below).

Beta 0.2 (Chong Li)

Fixed issues with Oblivion, Kvatch wonky weather.

Fixed many missing sounds in interiors.
Split the mod into separate ESM/ESP.
Optimized script, reducing it from 800+ lines to 227.
Added countless tiny features/fixes to script.
Added support for Weather Inside sounds (Uncheck Weather Inside.esp, see
updated installation instructions below).

Beta 0.1 (Chong Li)

Initial Release.

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