Psyche and Echo

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*Psyche and Echo -

Once, long ago, when the world was dark, and

the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece still
ruled, there lived in the palace of Eros, a
beautiful and wise old woman called Psyche.
The very same who had been pursued and
demonised by the jealous Aphrodite and who
now was married to Eros himself.
But Psyche’s features had wizened, her
adventures with Aphrodite had taken their toll,
and she was no longer the beauty she once had
been. With age, grew by degrees, her rancour
and her bitterness.
Finally in despair, for she was afraid that Eros
no longer loved her, she approached Zeus on the
summit of Mt Olympus and begged him for her
looks to be restored to their former glories.
Zeus, being wise and clever, replied, “My dear
Psyche, you have not aged a single day in my
estimation and are as lovely as you ever have
been”. To prove his words, he granted Psyche
possession of the nymph, Echo, resurrecting her
accordingly, and said to Psyche:
“Simply tell this nymph how much you love
her, and how beautiful she is, and you will never
forget how beautiful you yourself are”.
Psyche was well pleased with her
accomplishment, and descended Mt. Olympus,
and returned to the palace of Eros.
She doted on the nymph day and night, and
constantly was she reminded of her own beauty.
Soon however, her fortunes were once again to
One night, Eros, returning home found Echo and
Psyche playing in the garden. “How pretty you
are”, said Eros upon seeing Echo “How pretty
you are” replied Echo in turn and all of a sudden
Psyche saw that Zeus had tricked her.
Furious with rage she banished Echo from the
Palace, vowing that if she ever saw Echo again,
she would kill her. She was not a little afraid of
the nymph’s power, for Eros could not himself
understand her wrath and scolded her saying,
“Psyche my love, when did you become so
jealous ?”

Echo left the palace and wandered across the

elysian fields, until she found the entrance to the
underworld, where Hades had emerged to grab
Descending, she was met by the Goddess
Hecate, who watches over the travelling folk,
and Hypnos, the god of sleep.
Hecate and Hypnos delighted in torturing their
new found friend, they teased and taunted,
exploiting her affliction and all poor Echo could
do was smile and reply in kind.
Poor Echo! She was frustrated at having lost
Narcissus and her mistress Psyche all due to the
curse of the gods!

Now Psyche heard about Echo’s misfortune at

the hands of Hecate and Hypnos, and relenting,
she descended into the underworld to retrieve
Echo. Being wise, she asked her dutiful husband
Eros to accompany her, with his bow and quiver.

Within the depths of the underworld, a banquet

was being held in honour of Hades himself,
Hecate, Hypnos, Thanatos, and Persephone sat
at a huge table at the head of the hall, and Echo,
sat with Hypnos, who rarely spoke and thus gave
her no cause for misery.
Psyche approached the head table and demanded
that the nymph be returned her at once, for she
was a gift from Zeus, and her property. Her
demands angered Hecate who flew into a vicious
rage aiming for Psyche with murderous intent.

Before she could kill Psyche however, she was

struck by Eros’ calm and well delivered arrow,
which pierced her heart, and struck her dumb
with love for her victim.

She knelt before Psyche and wept, begging for

her forgiveness, with what little voice she had

Psyche looked upon her and took no pity,

saying: “Return to me the nymph, and I will not
tell Zeus of this matter, in return I shall never
again step foot in the underworld.”

But Hecate, once again seized by the power of

her jealousy and rage, turned at once upon Echo
and said: “You are the cause of all this trouble”,
and taking up her sword slew Echo with one fell

Seeing echo slain, Psyche broke down and wept,

and Hades, who had calmly observed the
proceedings now spoke. In a grand and booming
voice he declared: “ Psyche, you have brought
shame upon yourself, not only are you vain, you
are foolish, return from whence you came and
never return to my kingdom”.

Eros, seeing his foolish wife in misery, took her

up in his arms and whispered: “My dear Psyche,
now you must truly realise that beauty is only
skin deep, but love endures even when youth has
departed. Let us return to the palace and rebuild
our love even after this tragedy, and you will see
the truth in my words, for there is no love
without understanding”.

With that Psyche and Eros returned to the

palace, and Hypnos and Thanatos, the god of
death, buried Echo once more, in the realm of

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