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A Flood

By Judah Kang (31) 4/3 Kong Hwa

Boom! One crack of thunder
sent me back to that incident.
Paralysing me with mind
zoomed back instantly to that day,
every second of that terrifying
incident replaying again and again in
my head, breaking me out in cold all happened on that
Saturday afternoon
With one last crack of thunder,
the clouds cleared and a soft glow
shone from the sky. I immediately
got on my feet. Despite my fathers
warning about the knee-deep water,
I dismissed them. Without hesitation,
I reached for my bicycle and with a
slurred voice, said a quick goodbye
and zoomed out. I cycled along the

side of the road. After the recent

downpour, there were seemingly less
cars. The road was covered in water.
However, it was not as deep as my
father had described. As I cycled,
cars zipped by and I almost hugged
the pavement.
Suddenly, I heard a weird sound,
followed by echoes of a loud bang. I
scanned around the area, my eyes
darting from side to side, unsure of
what had taken place. I decided to
explore and changed my route,
heading toward the sound. Suddenly,
as I came upon an almost deserted
road, I sped past a corner but
suddenly, a large tree trunk greeted
me. I lost control of my bicycle and
crashed face-first into the tree, being
tossed out of my bicycle, I was flung
onto the air and landed on the
ground with a sickening thud. All at
once, I felt the pain shoot right up
my spine. With the last of my
strength, I turned my head around
ever so slightly, catching sight of my
reflection in a puddle of water. My

nose as bleeding, blood gushing out

from my wound the pain was
excruciating and I felt like on the
brink of death. In a second, my entire
body went numb and it was like all
my senses in my body were flicked
off, then my eyelids drooped and no
matter how loud the thoughts in my
head screamed to fight on, because I
knew that if I closed my eyes
may never open them again. Still,
my vision went black.
When I came to my senses, I
was still lying on that same road.
Large drops of water were pattering
on my face. The next thing I knew, I
was being carried up by a pair of
strong sturdy arms. Someone must
have called the Civil Defence Force! I
was placed on a stretcher and
brought into an ambulance. Because
of that incident,I was hospitalized for
a month and had a minor fracture on
my forehead.
Knock knock! Earth to Ray!
Hello? My annoying sister snapped
me back into reality. Mostly, it was

not one hundred percent clear about

what happened. But one thing was
for sure-I never wanted anything to
happen again.

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