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Better Practice Actions and Targets

Suggested Actions and Goals for Signatories


Better Practice Actions and Targets

Better Practice: Suggested Actions and Goals for Signatories
The APC has prepared this list of suggested actions, targets and milestones in response to
requests for additional resources to assist signatories in preparing their action plans. This
list is neither comprehensive nor prescriptive, but is intended to give an indication of a range
of measures which could be incorporated to address the APC performance goals and KPIs.
While each action may not be applicable to all industries, the range of options presented
may give signatories an idea of the variety of actions they may choose to include. It is
anticipated that signatories will refer to this document in preparing or reviewing their action
plans as an indication of measures which could be considered appropriate under each KPI,
and which might represent better practice actions and targets.
We have added notes for some items to explain their relevance to signatories this content
should not be included in action plans.
You can navigate actions and targets specific to KPIs you are developing by using the
navigation links below (clicking the HOME button at the top of each page will return you to
this page):
Design [Goal 1]
KPI 1: Signatories with documented policies and procedures for evaluating and procuring
packaging using the SPG of equivalent
Recycling [Goal 2]
KPI 3: Proportion of signatories with on-site recovery systems for recycling used packaging
KPI 4: Proportion of signatories with a policy to buy products made from recycled
packaging or materials
Product Stewardship [Goal 3]
KPI 6: Proportion of signatories that have formal processes for working with others to
improve design and recycling of packaging
KPI 7: Proportion of signatories demonstrating other product stewardship outcomes
KPI 8: Reduction in the number of packaging items in litter



Better Practice Actions and Targets

Performance Goals and KPIs





1. Design optimise packaging to achieve resource efficiency and reduce environmental impact
KPI 1: Signatories with
Addressing this KPI requires two key features:
documented policies and
1. Incorporating the SPG into your organisations design or procurement process, ensuring packaging sustainability criteria are
procedures for evaluating and
considered prior to new products being released into the market;
procuring packaging using the
SPGs or equivalent.
2. The scheduled assessment of existing packaging against the SPG.
Better plans will detail how the outcomes of these assessments will be incorporated into the development of new packaging.
Signatories assessing 100% of
new packaging and 50% of
existing packaging against the

Develop tool to enable

assessment of packaging against
the SPG.

Usable tool developed by

December 2013.

Tool concept prepared by Sep


Integrate SPG into existing

packaging design process for all
new packaging.

Integration complete and SPG

assessment in progress by
September 2013.

Incorporation completed by
September 2013

Integrate SPG into existing

packaging review processes

Integration complete and SPG

review assessments in progress
by September 2013.

SPG incorporated into existing

review processes by July 2013

Tool in existence and tested

by Dec 2013

Assessment of new packaging

beginning October 2013

Reviews of existing packaging

begun by September 2013

Development of an
independent tool isnt a
necessary step but is often
If there is no packaging
design process it may be
more appropriate to
integrate into the
procurement process.
Many organisations have a
packaging review process for
quality, performance and
production requirements in
place, and it may be
appropriate to integrate the
SPG into this process rather
than developing a new
system. Note: your review
schedule should account for



Better Practice Actions and Targets

any existing system/s.
Review existing packaging within
two year period against the SPG,
and implement findings.

All existing packaging reviewed

against SPG by June 2015.

20% complete Dec 2013

45% complete Jun 2014

Timeline is indicative only;

shorter term milestones
included for best practice.

70% complete Dec 2014

100% complete Jun 2015
Require all marketing
department representatives to
complete the Sustainable
Packaging Covenant Toolkit

All representatives to have

completed toolkit by December

HR Manager to include Toolkit

on necessary training forms
July 2013 and roll out

Integrate the Sustainable

Packaging Covenant Toolkit as an
induction requirement for all
new staff involved in the design
or procurement of packaging

Toolkit integrated into existing

induction program by
December 2013.

Toolkit included in induction

program by Dec 2013

Document and report any actual

or attempted changes to
packaging identified as part of
reviews or otherwise, where
possible including quantifiable

Changes documented and

reported annually.

Ongoing process, reported in

annual report

All marketing department

members to complete Toolkit
by December 2013

All new staff being inducted

into Toolkit by Jan 2014

Marketing departments often

make key product design
decisions. The toolkit is
available here:
Where appropriate, integrate
sustainable packaging
requirements into existing
systems to improve uptake
In addition to implementing
sound systems it is important
to demonstrate any attempts
to improve the
environmental performance
of packaging.



Better Practice Actions and Targets

Performance Goals and KPIs
2. Recycling the efficient collection and recycling of packaging
KPI 3: Proportion of signatories
KPI 3 requires signatories to have in place recovery systems for used packaging, but could also cover other on-site recovery, recycling
with on-site recovery systems
and reuse actions. The APC understands that most organisations are likely to have in place a recovery system; if this is the case the
for recycling used packaging
focus is therefore on continuous improvement of the system in place.
Simply stating there is a system in place is not considered sufficient. Signatories should:
1. Describe how they will identify existing waste streams and opportunities to improve these;
2. Develop and maintain systems to:
i. Recover or recycle used packaging on-site;
ii. Recover or recycle other materials on-site;
iii. Reuse packaging and delivery materials; and/or
iv. Report volumes of waste diverted from landfill.
Complete a baseline waste
Waste and recycling baseline
Baseline established by June
assessment to identify:
measurement completed to
- Total waste quantities
allow assessment for
Assessment systems in place
- Recyclable content
by September 2013.
currently appearing in
Assessment completed by
- Total amount of packaging
January 2014.
that is recycled
- Packaging reused on site.
Establish recycling and
Committee established to have
Biannual meetings with
environmental impact
regular meetings with minutes
minutes recorded, and followcommittee to identify recycling
recorded for follow-up.
up also recorded.
and reuse opportunities.
Review locally available recycling Annually updated list of local
Initial list prepared August
and reuse options, prioritise
recovery options, and review of 2013. Contact with suppliers
these in terms of viability, and
on-site waste streams to
initiated from December 2013.
contact relevant stakeholders.
identify what may be able to be
reused or recycled.
Annual review taking place in
January each year.
At least one option identified

The success of waste

reduction and recycling
programs cant be assessed
without comparison to an
initial baseline. This baseline
may be qualitative or
quantitative dependent on
available resources.
Establishing a committee to
pursue environmental
outcomes may help identify
and respond to opportunities.
Working with other local
businesses and community
groups may assist in making
recovery of used materials
more economically viable.



Better Practice Actions and Targets

Identify potential to return used

packaging to suppliers, and
preferentially purchase products
from these suppliers.

Ongoing monitoring of recovery

system included in operational

Install and manage on-site

recycling facilities in all staff
areas including kitchens and
office areas.

and stakeholder contacted

Suppliers with take-back
programs identified and
included as preferred suppliers.

Suppliers reviewed for process

by September 2013.
Where suppliers with takeback programs exist, initiate
preferential purchasing from
Dec 2013.

Monitoring included with an

aim to identify 5%
improvement opportunities
Recycling facilities available in
all staff areas.
Staff training provided and
embedded within new
employee induction program.

Annually review supplier

processes for additional takeback options.
Monitoring systems in place
by December 2013
Ongoing monitoring to be
reported in annual report.
Areas lacking recycling
facilities identified by
September 2013
New facilities installed in these
areas by October 2013

Removing products from the

waste stream is likely to
improve operational costs.
Reuse may be a viable option
(particularly in the case of
transport packaging).

It is important to not only

monitor waste streams, but
include actions and targets
that seek to improve recovery
Many businesses focus on
operational waste.
Opportunities may also exist
in office and administration
areas to capture used
packaging and office

Recycling training included in

new staff induction by
October 2013
Existing staff inducted in
recycling training October



Better Practice Actions and Targets

Initiate take-back programs for
pallets, layer sheets and
cardboard shippers.

Take-back scheme initiated

with an aim to achieve 90%
return of these materials by
June 2014.

Suppliers with take-back

programs identified by August
Take-back programs
implemented September 2013

Implement recycling of scrap

metal / waste metal used in the
factory / warehouse.

Issue reusable pallets to

suppliers for re-use instead of
accepting disposable pallets /

Scrap metal collector employed

to recycle all used metal and
obsolete equipment.

90% take-back of these

materials by June 2014
Identify local scrap metal
collectors and ask for EOI
(expressions of interest)

Obtain report re: tonnage


Issue contract for scrap metal

collection on regular basis.

Number of pallets required on

site to allow collection on a
weekly basis identified.

Collect tonnage reports and

include in annual reporting
Quantity of pallets required
identified by September 2013,
in consultation with suppliers.

Pallets purchased and system

implemented to issue them to
suppliers as needed for use,
and return to suppliers
following the delivery of goods.

Identify items of secondary and

tertiary packaging which have
potential for reuse as protective
packaging and utilise as such.

Review of existing secondary

and tertiary packaging

Policy for pallet reuse written,

approved and circulated to
relevant suppliers by
September 2013
Reusable pallets in circulation
by October 2013
Review complete December

Reuse may be a viable option

(particularly in the case of
transport packaging). The
selected items for take-back
are examples only.

Incorporating packaging and

non-packaging waste streams
may improve recovery paybacks.

Most suppliers issue reusable

pallets, but where they do
not, there is potential for
larger companies to issue
suppliers with their own.

A number of companies have

identified that there is
potential to use shrink wrap
and cardboard from incoming



Better Practice Actions and Targets

10% of identified materials
arriving on site reused as
protective packaging inside
delivery boxes by June 2014,
with future expansion as
Recover recyclable packaging
from obsolete products prior to
disposal, and recycle

90% recyclable packaging

separated and recovered from
obsolete products at point of
disposal for recycling.

Collection and transfer

systems in place by March

materials as part of internal

protective packaging for
outgoing deliveries.

Quantity of materials reused

reported annually, with the
aim to increase reuse
Policy in place September
Recovery of materials to occur
as products become obsolete

Performance Goals and KPIs

2. Recycling the efficient collection and recycling of packaging
KPI 4: Proportion of signatories
KPI 4 requires signatories to develop and implement a policy that drives the procurement of products containing recycled packaging.
with a policy to buy products
The intention of this KPI is to improve the market demand for recovered packaging, which is likely to improve the commercial viability
made from recycled packaging
of packaging recovery. As packaging is often recycled into non-packaging products, the APC encourages organisations to develop
or materials.
policies that cover a wide variety of products that may extend beyond packaging.
The key components of the KPI are:
1. The establishment of a policy to preferentially buy products made from recycled materials
2. To document and demonstrate the implementation and adoption of the policy, leading to an increase in the proportionate
purchasing of products containing recycled content.
Develop and document a Buy
Documented policy developed
Written and approved
It is important that the intent
Recycled policy, and embed into
and embedded by December
procedure prepared by
to purchase/ procure
existing purchasing procedure.
September 2013
recycled content products is
integrated into existing
Procedure incorporated into
systems/ processes.
existing procedures by
December 2013



Better Practice Actions and Targets

Incorporate a buy recycled clause
into existing purchasing policy.

Purchasing policy contains a

buy recycled clause.

Clause incorporated and policy

implemented from September

Annual review of Buy Recycled

policy to pursue continual

Annual review conducted of

purchases against sustainable
packaging requirements and
recent product developments.

Results of review reported


Develop and issue contracts to

suppliers which give preference
to products and packaging
containing recycled materials.

Buy Recycled policy and

sustainable packaging
requirements to be
incorporated into 100% of new
supply contracts.
Recycled content preference
incorporated into broader

All new supplier contracts to

include Buy Recycled policy
and sustainable packaging
requirements by January 2014

Review existing list of purchases

to identify items with recycled
content currently being procured
and opportunities to expand
and/or increase.

Complete review, and prepare

list of items containing recycled
content and opportunities for
expansion by Mar 2014.

Trial alternative pallet stacking

patterns that will allow increased
recycled material in cartons.

Trial completed and, if

successful, alternative stacking
patterns costed and adopted.

Existing contracts renegotiated to include Buy

Recycled policy and
sustainability packaging
requirements as renewed
Baseline review of existing
recycled content in purchases
completed December 2013
Opportunities for expansion
identified and ready for
implementation March 2014

Levels / proportions of
recycled material purchasing
would need to be reported
annually to allow ongoing
reporting against this action.
Monitoring progress with an
aim of continuous
improvement will help to
ensure greater uptake.
It is important that the intent
to purchase/ procure
recycled content products is
integrated into existing
systems/ processes.

Your organisation may

already be purchasing a range
of products and packaging
that contains recycled
content. Often this content is
not recognised until
questions are asked of

Alternative pallet stacking

procedures trialled by
December 2013.
Successful stacking pattern



Better Practice Actions and Targets

adopted by March 2013.

Identify and make use of

opportunities to purchase items
with increased recycled content
for office use.

Opportunities identified with an

aim of 20% of office stationery
to contain recycled materials by
June 2014.

Increasing recycled content in

cartons from June 2013.
10% of new office stationery
to contain recycled materials
by December 2013
20% of office stationery
containing recycled materials
by June 2014

Conduct annual review of glass

and cardboard suppliers to
determine the level of recycled
product used with the aim of
identifying improvement

Document and report recycled

content purchases, reviewing
these purchases to identify
opportunities to increase year on
Replace 50% secondary and
tertiary packaging with materials
containing recycled content.

Annual survey completed and

acted upon. Actions arising
from this documented and
reported annually.

Report the items purchased and

the percentage of recycled
content, and any future
opportunities to increase
recycled content percentages
across all purchases.
Recycled materials
incorporated into secondary
and tertiary packaging.

Ongoing increases recorded in

annual reporting
Initial survey completed by
December 2013
Annual reviews conducted in
March each year
Opportunities for expansion
identified, reported, and acted
upon, then documented in
annual reporting
Items purchased and
improvements reported

10% secondary and tertiary

packaging to contain recycled
content by December 2013

There are a wide range of

office products that can
contain recycled content,
including office stationery
and furniture.

Recycled content in certain

raw materials results in
reduced operational costs for
suppliers. It is good business
practice to understand the
recycled content of your
major material inputs.

It is important to
demonstrate the application
of the policy and report this

Ongoing increases may be

possible dependent on the
nature of the product.



Better Practice Actions and Targets

30% December 2014

Audit existing buy recycled

purchasing policy for areas for
expansion or improvement
Formalise existing warehouse
purchasing policies to give
preference to products with
recycled content.
Implement a Green Purchasing
Guide taking into account the
green accreditation(s) of
suppliers and products and
emphasising recycled purchasing.

Opportunities for
improvements against Buy
Recycled goal identified and
implemented as practical.
Formal policies in place

Green Purchasing Guide

developed and implemented.

50% December 2015

Bi-annual audit to be
conducted and findings
implemented as practical

A target like this allows

ongoing reporting of the
implementation of findings.

Policies in place by December


Document developed June

Policies implemented by
September 2014

Performance Goals and KPIs

3. Product Stewardship A demonstrated commitment to product stewardship by the supply chain and other signatories
KPI 6: Proportion of signatories
The key requirement for KPI 6 is to develop and demonstrate that formal processes are in place to work with suppliers regarding
that have formal processes for
packaging sustainability; this could include arrangements with both material/product suppliers and service providers as well as notworking with others to improve for-profits and industry associations. However, actions under this KPI will vary substantially based on the industry and place in the
design and recycling of
supply chain of the signatory.
To address this KPI, signatories should include items in their action plans which cover the following:

Developing, documenting, and using formal processes (such as contracts and supplier codes of conduct) for working with
suppliers and clients to improve packaging design and recovery; and
2. Implementing policy actions to improve packaging outcomes.
Instigate biannual meetings with Meeting held and outcomes
Document outcomes
suppliers to promote
engagement with a goal of




Better Practice Actions and Targets

improving packaging design and
Organise and schedule regular
meetings with suppliers to
identify continuous improvement
projects, and provide assistance
to implement.

Advertise participation in the

APC, and encourage suppliers to
become signatories.
Integrate packaging sustainability
criteria into contracts as they are
renewed and report annually.
Work with recycling contractors
to improve material collection
systems, including reducing
contamination of materials.

Formalise relationships with

recycling contractors and
purchasers of used materials.
Instigate annual meetings with
suppliers to identify new
packaging options.

Quarterly meetings with

suppliers scheduled.

Continuous improvement
projects for implementation

Prepare and distribute to

suppliers a statement outlining
commitment to APC principles
and encouraging participation.
Packaging sustainability criteria
integrated into contracts on
renewal and reported against
Biannual meetings held to
review and improve collection

Written agreements in place for

all recycling contractors and
materials purchasers.
Minutes and follow up actions
to meeting findings.

Initiate meetings with

suppliers by September 2013
Continuous improvement
programs identified by March
Ongoing assistance provided
with implementation of plans,
with actions reported
Statement prepared and
distributed in August 2013

Ongoing commitment with

contracts updated as they are
renewed. Annual reporting of
inclusion of criteria.
First meeting held by October

Better practice action plans

should identify specific
programs to be implemented.
However, where consultation
is needed with stakeholders,
it may be appropriate to
commit to identifying and
working on projects with the
supply chain.

The key component of the KPI

is the implementation and
application of formal

Meetings minuted and

outcomes included in annual
Existing providers issued
formalised contracts by
December 2013
Outcomes and actions
documented in annual




Better Practice Actions and Targets

Liaise with global arm of business
to incorporate international
sustainability initiative into local

Continuing dialogue with

international offices to
incorporate better
sustainability practices for
packaging and products into
local business.

Initial dialogues occurring

from August 2013

Contact suppliers and survey

their waste practice.

Contracts with suppliers

preference suppliers who
implement recovery / recycling

Survey complete December


Encourage suppliers to
implement recovery / recycling
Develop a procurement process
where suppliers are required to
submit suggestions for packaging
improvement on regular basis.

Procurement process updated.

Develop a list of product

stewardship partners and work
with these during NPD to
improve packaging and increase
Identify APC signatories amongst
suppliers and preferentially
purchase from these suppliers.

List developed June 2014

Biannual meetings with

suppliers organised.

Dialogue ongoing, meetings

minuted and emails retained,
outcomes reported annually.

Where the Australian

organisation is part of a
global body, exploring and
implementing sustainable
initiatives from the global
parent may be an excellent
way to identify and resource

Ongoing support to suppliers

to develop recovery / recycling
systems, with outcomes
reported annually.
Process in place December
Biannual meetings and
outcomes recorded and
reported annually.
Outcomes reported annually.

Active working partnerships

established from July 2014
Complete survey of current
suppliers to identify APC

Survey complete March 2014

Policy prepared and ready for
implementation March 2014

Prepare policy to preferentially

purchase from APC signatories.




Better Practice Actions and Targets

Contact suppliers and review the
Sustainable Packaging Guidelines
for implementation, using their
input to increase the
effectiveness of its

Develop and issue contracts

which give preference to
suppliers whose performance
incorporates sustainability

Contact suppliers and distribute

SPGs for review.

Suppliers contacted and SPGs

distributed December 2013

Supply meetings to include

review of the SPG principles
and identify possible

Supplier meetings to raise SPG


Requirement for sustainability

statement to be incorporated
into all new contracts in place.

All new supplier contracts to

include sustainable packaging
policy statement by January

Outcomes reported annually.

This would be a good action

to incorporate into existing
communications with
suppliers. Particularly where
there is ongoing
communication, there will be
opportunities to identify and
implement improvements as
they become available.

Performance Goals and KPIs

3. Product Stewardship A demonstrated commitment to product stewardship by the supply chain and other signatories
KPI 7: Proportion of signatories
KPI 7 provides signatories with a platform to promote other sustainability-focussed programs and further develop systems to better
demonstrating other product
manage environmental and social impacts. Ultimately, these impacts directly or indirectly influence the sustainability footprint of your
stewardship outcomes
organisations packaging and initiatives to manage these should be included under KPI 7. Whilst this KPI does ask signatories to
extend the principles of product stewardship beyond packaging, better plans may make reference to how the initiatives will lead/have
led to better packaging sustainability outcomes.
To address KPI 7, signatories should include items in their action plans to:
Develop, document and maintain environmental programs for packaging and other purposes;
Report progress against these actions each year.
Include action plan outcomes in
Inclusion of APC-relevant
APC annual report outcomes
Your action plan contents can
Corporate Social Responsibility
outcomes in annual CSR report. included in CSR reporting
help contribute to
environmental sustainability,
which should be included in
your Corporate Social
Responsibility report.




Better Practice Actions and Targets

Identify and address areas of
improvement for event waste
Include information on packaging
to inform customers about the
environmental footprint of their
selected products.

Problem areas identified and

addressed as they occur.

Ongoing commitment to be
annually reported.

Product range to indicate

relative environmental
performance of product

Environmental footprint of
product ranges assessed
30% complete by June 2014
70% complete June 2015
100% complete December

Establish and implement product

purchasing to ensure only the
necessary product quantities are
ordered/received, thereby
reducing waste.

Expand use of just-in-time

production to additional
product and packaging

Increase use of lightweight glass

and PET bottles in place of
standard glass for bottling.

Increase use of lightweight glass

and PET by 10% per annum.

Promote recycling of caps and

dividers by incorporating
recycling information for dividers
and initiating a take-back
program for caps

Recycling info incorporated into

artwork approvals process by
Jun 2014.

Information included on
product packaging from
March 2015
Weekly monitoring of product
packaging levels instigated
from October 2013
Ordering processes based on
stock levels initiated from
November 2013, with ongoing
review of effectiveness
Opportunities for effective use
of lightweight and PET bottles
identified December 2013
Rollout of additional products
in lower impact bottles from
June 2014
Appropriate recycling
information identified by
December 2013 and provided
to marketing department

The components identified

for alteration or replacement
here are examples only
different materials or
processes will be appropriate
for different signatories.
This item was developed by a
winery, but a similar action
can be adapted for other

Take-back scheme trial to




Better Practice Actions and Targets

commence by December 2013.

Provide used cartons to the local

community to prevent
businesses / individuals buying
new packaging.

Availability promoted and level

of customer uptake reported

Recycling information
incorporated from Jun 2014.
Take-back scheme
implemented from December
Used carton availability
advertised from September
Level of uptake reported
Certification reported annually

Maintain ISO 14001 certification

and environmental management
system across all applicable sites.

System and certification

maintained and reported

Continue to expand and promote

carbon neutral product ranges.

Range expanded and reported


Opportunities identified by
March 2014

Ongoing participation with

annual increase in total

Ongoing implementation
reported annually
Events identified and
participation reported

Support industry and community

waste and recycling events and
initiatives wherever applicable to
demonstrate our commitment to
reducing waste.
Establish composting systems /
hire composting providers for
management of product

50% organic wastage diverted

from landfill to composting

Composting system in place by

December 2013
System maturation /
expansion June 2014

Environmental certification
systems like ISO 14001 aim to
continuously improve your
organisations environmental
performance, which can be
part of product stewardship.

This will only be a viable

action where the product is
food based or otherwise




Better Practice Actions and Targets

Implement packaging take-back

programs at point of sale,
including capacity for type

Provide take-back facilities at

point of sale, and advertise to
customers by June 2014.

50% organic waste to compost

December 2014
Options for use of packaging
returned through program
identified by September 2013
Facilities for collection in place
by December 2013

Extending recovery programs

to others in your supply chain
may result in packaging
recovery being more cost
viable due to increased
volumes available for

Promotion to customers and

acceptance of packaging by
June 2014
Performance Goals and KPIs
3. Product Stewardship A demonstrated commitment to product stewardship by the supply chain and other signatories
KPI 8: Reduction in the number
Actions and targets under KPI 8 should relate to your organisations approach to improving litter management, that being
of packaging items in litter
packaging/products that, rather than being disposed of in a bin, are found in public places or the broader environment (streets, parks,
drains, beaches, waterways, etc.). It is important that the plan focusses on actions/targets that reflect your organisations potential
litter impacts.
To address this KPI, signatories are asked to include actions which incorporate some combination of the following:
Provide improved disposal information on their product packaging;
Reduce the number of separable parts in their packaging which are likely to become litter;
Reduce the presence of litter on and around their own site(s);
Participate in litter reduction activities in their local community.
It is not sufficient to simply state that your packaging is unlikely to become litter. If litter is not a material issue it is important that you
demonstrate this is the case and that measures have been enacted to account for whatever litter issues there are.
Add requirement for the
70% of packaging to show
Review of existing packaging
Tidyman logo and phrase Please messages by May 2014,
undertaken annually and logos
Recycle or Please dispose in
90% by May 2015.
bin to be shown on all primary
70% of packaging to show logo




Better Practice Actions and Targets

and secondary packaging as part
of the annual label review.
Investigate options to reduce
number of removable,
lightweight packaging items per
product, targeting products more
likely to be consumed away from
home, and develop plan to
implement identified methods.

Investigation undertaken.
Plan developed to account for

Support a local litter reduction


Annual financial support

provided to the selected

Review the use of space fill

material options in shipping
cartons and identify options that
minimise litter propensity.

Options and carton reviewed.

Review disposal options for

screw-caps and promote best

Complete disposal option

assessment and select most
sustainable option(s) for

Participate in Business Clean Up

Day on an annual basis with an
aim to increase participation year
on year through internal

Alternate options identified and


BCUD promoted annually.

Number of staff participating
and number of bags filled
documented and reported.

by May 2014,
90% by May 2015
Review undertaken by
December 2013
Opportunities identified and
implementation begun June
Outcomes reported in annual
Funds selected by September
Donations to be reported in
annual report.
Review complete December
New products in use by
September 2014 or as existing
carton stock used.
Review complete by
December 2013
Option(s) for promotion
identified and promoted by
June 2014
Annual participation
completed and reported

This item was developed by a

winery, but a similar action
can be adapted for other




Better Practice Actions and Targets

Identify areas/activities on all
sites that have the highest litter
potential and initiate, improve or
maintain litter management
systems in those areas.

Litter management system in

place on all sites and reported
against annually.

Manage litter in staff break areas

on site.

Common lunch and smoking

break locations identified.

Areas identified and ranked

according to risk by December
Systems reviewed and plan to
manage implemented by
March 2014
Activities to manage litter
reported annually.
Areas identified by December

Weekly clean-ups of these

areas scheduled.

Weekly clean-ups scheduled

from February 2014

Weekly litter patrols


Maintenance actions reported

Patrols conducted weekly or
as required

Maintain litter patrol as part of

housekeeping procedure and
include requirement to monitor
litter onsite.

Monthly monitoring program

established and tracked.

Monthly tracking data

consolidated for annual



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