Plano Prayer Vigil. (Week #8)

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Hi folks,

Week 8 was great! Im a poet and I know it. ;)

Here are some pictures from week 8: (click here to view pictures)
Note: the first picture is of our newest prayer team member (Samuel) who is discussed below.
The day started out very interesting with the security guard (Chris) coming down to introduce himself. He shared
his triumphs and failures in life and told a pro lifer that he grew up Catholic but that he hasnt been to Church in a
very long time and then John Shuman (our fearless leader) showed up and the security guard introduced himself
to John and they had a nice visit.
The security guard retold his experiences from last week and talked about a guy with a red beard shortly
thereafter Paul (red beard) Borchard showed up and the security guard chatted at great length with him as well.
Later a group of pro lifers showed up and the security guard gave them permission to park in the parking lot to
drop off their family and a wheelchair. The ministry to the staff and security guards is going very well.
Two women dressed in Planned Parenthood pink t-shirts arrived and gave the one finger salute to a pro lifer
standing nearby. They were inside for a long time and when they finally came out they were told that God loves
them and God loves unborn babies.
They walked toward the pro lifers and said, What did you say to us?
And after it was repeated one of them said, Well, we dont care what you think.
Those interactions seem innocuous, but often a seed is planted. Even if they were not open to the message
standing right behind them and listening to every word was Chris the security guard. He also paid close attention
to the pro lifers during their closing prayer.
One of the biggest blessings of the day was the arrival of Samuel. Technically hes been with us for several weeks
but this was the first week we got to see his face! Last Saturday Samuels mom and dad were praying for an end
to abortion when his mother went into labor!
Rob, his father, said, She almost gave birth in the car.
A week later Samuel was in his stroller on the grass in front of Planned Parenthood, a beautiful example of why
we stand and pray because babies are blessings from God. BTW, the name Samuel means God has heard. And
that is appropriate because this Saturday was the first day weve had the prayer warrior Elizabeth Muzyka join us.
Elizabeth has been praying with Joann Murray and others in front of the Plano Planned Parenthood for years.
Elizabeth recently had a knee replacement, but that didnt stop her from joining us to pray.
Please pray for her speedy recovery.
We were also joined by many pro lifers who joined us in the last two weeks -- among them was a retired Air Force
Chaplain assistant. When asked why she decided to stand and pray she said, Ive always loved children.
I am reminded of a friend of mine who always sings, Jesus loves the little children. All the little children of the

We know that God loves the unborn and thats why were called to stand and pray for their deliverance. And
there is no better motivation to stand on the spiritual battlefield than love.
The Bible says, But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
And there is no better witness to a fallen world than sinners saved by grace sharing their testimony of
redemption. We dont stand to condemn the world (as many pro choicers assume) but to communicate the life
saving message of Gods love through his son Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more abundantly. - John 10:10
Planned Parenthood and abortuaries across the country serve the darkness which comes to steal, kill, and
destroy. We come with the authority of God to offer them life through the blood of Jesus which was spilled
because of our sins among them abortion.
We come to offer hope to the hopeless, And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also
rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and
character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the
Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the
ungodly. Romans 5:2-6
That sums it up nicely! =-)
Randy Le Grand also had an inspiring story to share, I wanted to try to capture the delightful exchange that Marie
and I shared with Sarah, a mother of four from Trinity Presbyterian Church in Plano. Marie and I were immediately
captivated by the cheerful innocence of her four children, ages 10 to 2, who played on the grass and occasionally
held signs, and by the joy that radiated from Sarah's smile. Sarah explained that she was a child of choice. Her
story began in Guatemala, where her mother and father were serving as Christian missionaries. Her mother had
already experienced two difficult pregnancies, including a bout with hepatitis and the removal of her gall bladder.
She had had her tubes tied, and yet six years later she found herself pregnant. All the doctors and advisers that
she and her husband consulted recommended an abortion, because the risk to the mother's health, and the risk
of a deformed or damaged child, was so great. Sarah's mother chose life. Now these four lovely children "keep the
grandparents busy", Sarah explains with a laugh.
God is good, all the time!
Amen! We hope to see everyone next Saturday.
Steven Lopez
Spiritus Films
Cell: 832.882.3825

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