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Photocopy of Documents Held by

Registry Services, Fair Trading

The attached is a true copy of documents held on the Register of Incorporated

Associations, as at 7 September 2015, in relation to:


The current status of the above entity is: REGISTERED

under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 No.7.

Total No. of pages attached: 4

Document(s) attached: Public Officer Alteration

Annual Summary - 2014 FYE

Issued by NSW Fair Trading on 7 September 2015.


Glenn Crawford
Customer Service Officer
Registry Services
Delegate of the Commissioner

Page 1 of 1
4W Fair
I Form
Office use only
RECEIJED- Received at:
Notice of appointment of public officer & Date:
Notice of change of association address 14 AUB 2015
Associations Into rpomtion Act 2009 (sectIons 13 & 34)
Please read the information provided before completing this Mh5.E.LD!_-"- Application fee NIL
This form should be completed in BLACK or BLUE ink and in BLOCK LETTERS.
[ALssoclaflon details

incorporationnumber 2_I0 1719 Ii 1217 I I I


Name AU5TR.AL1kJ CCIN1ATIONS\cEPtIC5 NEtvJOQC incorporated

you wish to give notice of 7ick one of théii boxes ahd complete the con-esponding section/s below)
Vacancy in the position of public officer and appointment of a new public officer.
fl Change of official address.

11. Notice of vacancy in the positióiiM Ubiiëiiffcer and appointment of now publifflcer I

The position of public officer of the association became vacant on Iz

/ o6
Reason forvacancy
(refer to notes) RART11EtJ Res'cMpTtp,J cRoc' oc-c-'cc Or, PUBLIC 0F4-10E21
Date of appointment: ZZ' 06

surname I B E 'J R'j j Given name (s) I QBECC&

(MrlMrsiMs) I Miss I Dateofbirth J 29 / oq 'isz. I
Official address
(This address cannot boa POST OFFICE BOX- see notes for requirements for the official address)

Address I LE"JEL \I, 30 kEMT STREEX

Townlsuburbl S'JDtJE"/ I State I NSW I PostcodeIZQQQj

2 Notice fchangeof official address

The official address was changed on:

Address I

Town/suburb I State NSW Postcode


Page 2 must be completed FORM
[eclaratlon and privacy_acknowledgement


declare that
I am the current public officer of the association,
I am over the age of 18 years and ordinarily reside In New South Wales,
the information set out in this form is correct, and
I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading is collecting and holding information (including personal information) supplied in
this form for the purposes of the Associations Incwporation Ac) 2009 and in particular, inclusion in a register maintained
under that Act which is open to public inspection,
I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may disclose personal details to persons or bodies and to receive
information from them: in respect of purpose(s) related to the association's incorporation and activities, and
I acknowledge that have a right to seek access to and correction of the personal information supplied/collected from me.

Signature f or, 1 06 '20iS1


LContact details of the person lodging this document

Surname HEN12\4 I Givenname(s)

aYtimetelePhonel ou 353 'iSo
(Mr/Mrs/Ma) I t-1ss I Dnumber I
Address •• I(\MiiC/1017 S.fl't-rQt sr.Jo QnP.O4
Town/suburbj 'TPk)t'JAL State NS'tJ I Postcode1 '2226 I
a. Form
NSW Trading
ACM 61943 830 ItG
Al2 N4773678
KECtIV ED Received at: I
Annual summary of financial affairs
Associations lnr.oporation Act 2009 26 JUL 7015
(sections 45&49) no.:

Please mad the infnrrnatinn nmvided hefrm cnmnletinn Fnn m.rnt arrnmn2nu fnrn
This form should be completed in BLACK or BLUE ink and in BLOCK LETTERS. See inform ation sheet
çAiieiatiawiietiIs I
Incorporationnumber IINC /Yl2.I0h7l 1 1 Z Il
Name I AUsTre-A-I-IA-~ j VACCCI I4A710'J —.SK&,
,oT7C-S Incorporated

The principal activity of the association is [J(cross I box only)

1. Aged care/respite caremome care 1 15. Education/employment/lrainlng/research 9. Religious

2. Arts/cullure/literatytherftage 6. Environnienuhorticultureianimal protection 110. Social services/community association
3. BusIness & professional association 7. Legal/civicladvocacy services 11. Sporting
4. Child care seMces 18, Personal interest/hobby group/social group 5( 1 2. Other

ABN(ifany) I° l°h7 Il 10 1 11 2. I
lDiiiIiif current publiE6ificer

Name I gEs3€ccm wetJ&Y

Has the public officer changed? fl Yes fl No

Has the official address changed? fl Yes No

if you answered Yes" to either or both questions, you are required to lodge a Fonn A9, 'Not/ce of appointment of public
officer & Notice of change of association address
EiiäiThiöt summary

The association's financial year ended on: / I2 / 201 1*1


The annual general meeting was held on: I 2€ / o6 / 20 sç

Details of income, expenditure, assets & liabilities of the Association Trust

association & of any trust to which the association Is a trustee
Gross receipts/total income $ 21 514.15 $
Expenditure $ '38
307'f18 $
Current assets* $ 51318'f $
Total assets (includes current assets) $ 5I 318 tf $
Liabilities Is 000 Is
See attached notes for the definition of gross receipts/total income and current assets. Amounts must be entered above.

Were the accounts audited? fl Yes No

Number of members at end of financial year Number of employees at end of financial year

ontact details of the person lodging this document PLEASE TURN OVER

Surname I4ENJRV I Givennarne(s) (CA I

(Mr/Mrs/Ms) I MI5S Daytlnietelephone1 O41 t 353 750
Address I Uflit t/20-fl 50Th4
Town/suburb1 L- 37 State Hsu'JI Postcode12226 I
EmaD I hpvrieurOCtc0)Cw1OdL1nlV\ I II Difi 11J11011911111111
Partictiiars of mortages, charges and other securities affecting the propertyof the incorporated association
State if mortgage, Property affected Amount of Name and address of
charge or Indebtedness at holder of security, etc
other security financial year end

Are details of other mortages, charges or securities attached? LII Yes [] No

[Grant funding and fundraising (this section is opional) -

Please indiOate the total grant funding received by the association from all TOTAL GRANT FUNDINGJ
Commonwealth, State of local government agencies during the financial year Is
Please indicate which agency/les provided the funding by placing a ' X 'in the box/es below
1. Arts NSW 5. Department of Education & Training 9. Local Council
2. Dept of Ageing, Disability & Home Care 6. Department of Planning - Heritage Office 10. Other
3. Department of Community Services 7. NSW Sport & Reaeation
4. Department of Education, Employment & 8. Department of Families. Housing,
Workplace Relaflons Community Services & Indigenous Aifairs
If the association is registered as a charity under the
Chant able Fundraising Act 1991 please provide charitable registration number

fhe following information is optional and is used for statistical purposes only 1
Is the association specifically established for the benefit of (tick one or more)

LIII Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders [J People with a disability

LIII] People from cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds 0 Women

I associations only (tick boxes and ensure the documents are attached) - - - - -
The association's financial statements for the relevant financial year (including a separate income and expenditure
statement and balance sheet for each trust for which for which the association is trustee).
[] The auditor's report for those financial statements.

fl If a resolution was passed at the annual general meeting in connection with the above documents, tick box and
attach a copy of the resolution.

[öeclaratlon as to the financial affairs of the association and prIvacy acknow!edgernent

I declare that
I am authorised by the committee to make the following statements,
the association's financial statements for the last financial yea'r were presented to the members of the association
at the annual general meeting,
the particulars set out in this document are correct and give a true and fair view of the financial matters to which
they relate and are not misleading, and
there are reasonable grounds to believe, at the date of this statement that the association will be able to pay its
debts as and when they fall due, and
I acknowledge that
NSW Fair Trading is collecting and holding information (including personal information) supplied in this form for the purposes of the
Associations Incorporation Act 2009 and in particular, inclusion in a register maintained under that Act which is open to public
NSW Fair Trading may disclose personal information to persons or bodies and to receive information from them in respect of
purpose(s) related to the association's incorporation and activities, and
I have a right to seek access to and correction of the personal Information supplied/collected from me.

J, Date 2-2.-
/ 07 I

Fuilname T?hst+4 JSV/fJ'

Address L2 guiYcRUP /2/Se
Town/suburb MSbrD1'\f t4,45!ZT State I v/ C Postcode 3'€7j

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