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Employee (end Y2011): 62,266 (total group, includes Adira Group)

Poten?als: Danamon Simpan Pinjam, Adira Finance, Adira Kredit, Adira
Insurance, and Solusi Emas (Gadai), Retail Banking, HRD (Employee
Just reference Growth of Micro Banking in Indonesia:


Micro lending, auto and durable goods nancing as well as pawn-broking

loans that target the mass market rose 26% to Rp 59.3 trillion,
represen?ng 58% of Danamons total loan book. Our micro lending
business, Danamon Simpan Pinjam (DSP) posted a 7% growth to Rp 16.4
trillion, represen?ng 16% of our total loans. Consumer nancing
businesses con?nued to deliver strong growth in tandem with robust
consumer spending. Auto loans through Adira Finance reported a 35%
growth to Rp 41.4 trillion in auto loans receivables, while Adira Kredit,
which oers durable goods nancing, rose by 18% to reach Rp 1.4 trillion.
Danamons new product line, the Syariah based Solusi Emas, launched
during the rst quarter of 2011 also performed well, booking Rp 40 billion
in outstanding loans by the end of the year.


Established on 2004
Total outlet (end 2011): 1,496 na?onwide
Total customers (end 2011): 703, 092
Targe?ng mainly the small-business owners, home industries and other
kinds of small businesses whose bank lending do not exceed Rp 500
million, the DSP franchise delivered total loans of more than Rp 16 trillion
in 2011. Total lending accounts for more than 16% of Danamons total
loan porcolio, with net interest income reaching Rp 3.1 trillion by the end
of the year. The NPL ra?o was retained at a manageable level of 5.6%,
despite its strong growth, underscoring DSPs rigorous risk mi?ga?on.
In addi?on to providing micro lending, DSP also oers a selec?on of
liability products, including Tabungan Si Pinter, Dana Simpan Deposito and
Tabunganku, with features targe?ng specically the micro banking
In 2011, DSP con?nued to strengthen its market posi?on with the addi?on
of more than 170 new outlets, par?cularly in rural areas outside Java.
Today, DSP operates almost 1,500 service outlets (including mobile teams)
serving more than 700,000 customers throughout the country.


Employing almost 21,000 sta, human capital management is always one of
DSPs top priori?es. To befer respond to changes in the compe??ve
environment, in 2011 DSP introduced a new and revised people requirements
proling to improve its recruitment process. People development was another
important area for DSP, involving in-class and on- the-job training, targe?ng
both competence and character building. In 2011 alone, a total of 14,366
employees par?cipated in various training programs. Rou?ne coaching
programs by experienced managers are also conducted at the branches,
par?cularly to accelerate the development of future leaders.
Along with its high lending growth, specic ac?ons were launched in 2011 to
maintain DSPs overall loan assets quality. Chief among them was the
development of a more comprehensive early warning system as well as the
introduc?on of random checking process before the disbursement of new
loans. Last year, DSP began to form special taskforces focusing on the
improvement of less performing clusters. A new metrics system was also
introduced measuring the readiness level of each outlet to befer determine
the growth target.
Ager comple?ng the market study in the previous year, 2011 saw the roll-out
of DSPs entrance into the agribusiness segment. Targe?ng farmers specically
in the palm oil, rubber and freshwater sh farming sectors, this new line of
business has delivered promising results. Total lending disbursed directly to
farmers reached over Rp 600 billion by the end of the year.


A renewed drive by DSP to expand its funding franchise began in 2011 with a
new organiza?on dedicated for the funding business. Customers of DSP
savings product, Tabungan Si Pinter, now receive ATM cards for easy
transac?ons through ATMs. Also, DSP started to introduce new services to the
market, including u?lity payment and money transfer services.
Going forward, despite increasing compe??on, the micro business segment in
Indonesia is s?ll considered as a market oering huge poten?al. Furthermore,
this segment has proven to be less aected by the adverse impact of the
world economy.
New ini?a?ves are planned to increase the produc?vity of exis?ng outlets.
DSP will also con?nue strengthening its lending business in agribusiness, while
accelera?ng the development of the funding franchise through the
introduc?on of Danamon Lebih savings product to its customers.
In 2012, DSP will remain focused on people management to maintain
leadership in the increasingly compe??ve market. We believe that the ability
to afract, train and retain the best talents is the key for future successes.
Finally, next year DSP will further promote closer synergies with other
businesses within the Danamon Group, amongst others by looking at
opportuni?es to share DSPs vast outlet network for other line of businesses.

Dana Pinter Terproteksi 50 (DP50)
Fasilitas pembiayaan (dengan agunan) untuk pengusaha kecil dan mikro
(UKM), pedagang dan individu, dengan proses persetujuan kredit cepat sejak
dokumen lengkap diterima. Maksimum pembiayaan yang diberikan Rp 50 juta.
Dana Pinter Terproteksi 200 (DP200)
Fasilitas kredit (dengan agunan) untuk pengusaha kecil dan mikro (UKM),
pedagang dan individu, dengan proses persetujuan kredit cepat sejak
dokumen lengkap diterima. Maksimum pembiayaan yang diberikan Rp 500
Pinjaman Terproteksi Rekening Koran (PRK)
Pinjaman untuk keperluan modal kerja bagi pengusaha kecil dan mikro (UKM),
pedagang dan individu dengan jangka waktu 1 tahun dan dapat diperpanjang.
Besar pinjaman yang diberikan antara Rp 50 juta-Rp 500 juta.
Dana Pinter Terproteksi Berjangka (DP Berjangka)
Fasilitas pembiayaan (agunan) untuk pengusaha kecil, pedagang dan individu
yang bertujuan untuk pembiayaan modal kerja yang memberikan kemudahan
membayar angsuran kredit karena pokok pinjaman dapat dibayar di akhir,
sedangkan se?ap bulan hanya membayar bunganya saja.

Tabungan Si Pinter
Produk tabungan dengan setoran awal ringan. Bagi nasabah dengan kriteria
tertentu akan mendapat keunggulan-keunggulan diantaranya manfaat
perlindungan asuransi dan gra?s biaya premi, fasilitas ATM dan transfer,
Gra?s fasilitas pembayaran tagihan listrik dan telpon dan Layanan Jemput
Deposito DSP
Produk simpanan berjangka bagi nasabah DSP, dengan setoran awal yang
ringan dan hanya dapat ditarik berdasarkan jangka waktu tertentu.
Tabungan murah berbiaya rendah, tanpa biaya administrasi bulanan dengan
setoran pembukaan yang rendah dan mudah diakses oleh masyarakat.
Solusi Modal (SM)
Fasilitas kredit tanpa agunan bagi pengusaha kecil dan mikro (UKM), pedagang
dan individu dengan proses persetujuan cepat untuk mengembangkan
usahanya. Dengan maksimum pembiayaan yang diberikan Rp 50 juta.

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