A Choice

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A Choice

Top Short StoriesThe next door neighbour Ch 04 DREAMS ARE

COUNTERFIET COINS Bua Ki Ladki Ko Fasaaya Can I have a blow job? Last
Words SCHOOL'S BATHROOM MIRRORS Daddy, How Much Do You Make
An Hour? A Tear to the Eye Hospital Windows The next door neighbour Ch 02
All the Time in the World . . . A Gift Of Love The Chili Fart You Think YOU'RE
Having A Bad Day? DEPRESSIONA Choice
Please login to favorite this story.Written by chetna 3 days ago in Inspirational
Short Stories. 0 Favorites. 144 Views.Veronika was staring at the mirror. Ten
years of marriage gave her two kids, big car, spacious apartment and . Looking
at the mirror she was trying hard to fill this gap. Suddenly, she was startled by the
door- bell. Veronika quickly applied kajal and opened the door.
Why are you late today, come in and quickly finish your work, Veronika told
her help.
While waiting for the chores to be finished she sat flipping the newspaper.
Veronika would always try hard not to look at the job placement section but
somehow her eyes fell on an advertisement.
Proof reader wanted for a magazine on human rights. Women candidates would
be given a preference.
Without giving it a second thought she changed the page and said in a loud voice,
have you finished , I have to go.
There was something in the advertisement that attracted Veronika. She could not
stop and came back to the previous page. She tore that and kept the cutting in her
As soon as the help left, Veronika locked the door and moved towards parking.
Inside car, she put on some light music and took out the cutting.
I would go to the market tomorrow, let me go and see the concerned person for
this job, she contemplated.
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Jan 31, 2013 04:54 AM


What about Sameer? He would not like my taking up a job but he has never
been concerned about my likes or dislikes. His focus is his job and position. My
life, my feelings are not on his list of priorities.
Grappling with these thoughts Veronika entered lift. The office was on the third
I have come here for the position of a proof reader, she told the receptionist
Madam, do you have an appointment, the receptionist asked
Not really, I read about the vacancy in newspaper, Veronika said.
Well it was last week but interviews are still happening, receptionist said softly.
After a few minutes she directed Veronika towards a room on her right. She
walked in and knocked on the door. To her utter surprise the editor was her friend
from college.
I dont believe this, its you Viky, she said in surprise
Vivek, the editor offered her a seat and both chatted about their college life.
What about your family, Veronika asked
My magazine is my family for the moment, Vivek said.
So when are you joining?
As early as possible, she said smilingly.
My God, it is one oclock, I have to go and pick up my younger one.
Back home, after serving lunch to the kids she went to her room. She was happy
but somewhere she knew that Sameer would be upset and its going to be tough
for her. But she brushed away these thoughts, wore a bright saree, put on some
make-up and waited for Sameer.

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Jan 31, 2013 04:54 AM


For a change, Sameer came home on time. You are looking good, are we going
out somewhere, he said.
No, I have a good news for you, she said hugging him.
Your good news sounds scary to me, Sameer said
Come on, its not what you think, she said
Then what, he said sternly.
I have a job offer and am joining next week, Veronika said seriously.
Veronikas doubts were right; Sameer did not show any interest in her job.
Are you not happy, I have a job in hand, Veronika repeated.
What about kids? Sameer asked
Children are grown up, Milind is eight and Suyash is six. Their school offers
day care facility after school and many parents opt. We can also do the same,
she said.
You know I have never liked this idea of your working. Its a small world,
people know me everywhere and my wife takes up a small job, no, Sameer said
Sameer, why dont you understand I want to do something in life, kids, home is
fine but I want to create my own space, identity in this world.
Sure, do it but not in my house, he said
Your house, I thought it was ours, Veronika said with tears in her eyes.
I pay Rs 75,000 EMI, work day and night and you call it ours, out of this place
if you dont listen to me, Sameer shouted.
Sameers words echoed in her ears. In her wildest dreams she could have never
dreamt that this house which she felt was hers, actually had a cost and belonged
only to her husband. She was probably a care taker of the house and kids. That
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Jan 31, 2013 04:54 AM


night she could not sleep. She hid her face in the pillow and kept crying but
Sameer was unmoved.
Next morning, Veronika followed her routine and sent the kids to school. Sameer
was happy; he thought his words had worked.
I hope you would send an email giving an excuse for not joining, Sameer said
as he ate his sand-witch.
Why do you think I would send, Veronika said angrily
Oh, this job fever is still on. Did you not listen to me carefully dear, not in this
house, Sameer reiterated.
Please understand Sameer, the editor is my college friend and I would request
him for flexi-hours, so everything would work out well, Veronika pleaded.
I see, now I understand why you are so keen for the job, Sameer gave her an
ugly glance.
Understand what, Veronika asked
You want to spend time with your old friend and call it job.
Stop it, Veronika shouted at the top of her voice.
Their fight had taken an unpleasant turn. Sameer failed to understand Veronikas
desire to follow her interest and create individuality in this seemingly complex
world. In his eyes he was a perfect husband who gave her kids and all the
comforts of the world. He was unable to see what was missing in her life.
After Sameer left, Veronika locked herself in the bathroom, sat under the shower
and started crying. How could he think like this. Why cant he understand that I
want to do something in my life, its as simple as that. Veronika was confused
and at the same time determined. She had decided to work.
A few days passed in silence. Except asking about children Sameer avoided
talking to Veronika. She understood Sameers behaviour but was quiet.

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Jan 31, 2013 04:54 AM


Veronikas date of joining was fast approaching. As Veronika was preparing bed
she softly said, next Monday am joining.
What is the rent of the apartment that you have taken, Sameer asked with a
Are you serious Sameer?
Yes, dear I am serious, not here.
She had never thought that life would bring her to crossroads. Now, Veronika
was at a point where she had to choose. If she chose job, she had to leave her
family - if she chose family she had to forget herself.
Veronika knew that even if she didnt pick up this job and drowned herself in
family, Sameer wouldnt care. His routine was most important for him and
Veronikas job didnt fit into that. She was more of an object that helped him
move tension free in this world.
Early morning Veronika packed her bag and left a note on Sameers laptop,
Goodbye, I choose myself.

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Jan 31, 2013 04:54 AM

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