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Juvenile delinquency refers to the failure of children and youth to meet

certain obligation expected of them by the society in which they live. In
popular usage, this term used as large number of disapproval behaviors of
children and youth. In this sense, almost anything the youth does that
others do not like is known as juvenile delinquency.
Delinquency means misbehavior, generally juvenile delinquency concerns
such misbehavior are explicitly stated in law in some states; other states
the definition of delinquency is vague, there is divide line between
delinquency and normal misbehavior by public opinion, police and
judgment of juvenile court. This lack of exactness and uniformity leads
some cynics to say that juvenile delinquency is whatever the law says it

BY children bureau federal agency

Those cases which stated in statute of the state as violation of state law
or municipal ordinance by children and youth of juvenile court age, serious
antisocial as interfere with the rights of people of others or to menace the
welfare of delinquency himself or of community.
This definition includes conduct, which violates the law only by children,
e.g. truancy ungovernable behavior and running away; also include traffic

violations whenever a juvenile court has jurisdiction in such cases.

Juvenile delinquency occurs in every community, every social-economic
and each ethenic group by children of different religious belief .In
democratic society its obligation of state government to facilitate all
children to leads happy and useful life. In united states great sum are
spent to provide the education ,health recreation and personal guidance
to all children, those whose parents cannot meet the basic needs of life
like food shelter and clothing government trained them to for responsible
adult life; teacher, religious educators and child psychologists etc.
juvenile delinquency is one of the nations major unsolved problems. It is
headline issue as well as matter of public safety, not contain a single
answer. Crime is a product of various social and psychological problems.
Delinquent behavior just as certain mal adjusted person turn to alcohol,
suicide, or narcotics, other symptoms of their disorganization through
behavior which brings injury or loss to others.
it is chronic problem that was not yield easily prevention and control.

In technical usage a crime in any violation of law.

To the administration of justice and lawyers a crime is illegal act.

According to the penal code of every state:
Act committed and omitted in violation of law is crime which is connected
with following punishment;


removal from office
disqualification from office

Sociologist point of view:

All behavior that is injurious to society is crime.

Now in Pakistan law enforcing authority serious thinking about juvenile

delinquency and their preventive measure, today a large number of
unreported crimes committed by our youngster. Police department fail to
provide data required to analysis by sociologist/criminologist especially in
juvenile delinquency, its only due to lack relevant data and funds for

juvenile delinquency is criminal behavior committed by minor who is

under 18 years age ,it depend upon state law, offences may be smoking,
drinking, runaway, curfews, sexual activity, robbery and dacoit etc.

Behavior committed by individual not reached to adulthood against the

criminal code.

A person guilty of antisocial conduct fall under ambit of delinquency.
Behavior on the part of children which are subject to juvenile court under
law fall under the ambit of juvenile delinquency .The main factor involve
in juvenile delinquency are given below:
Sociological factors,
Age factors,
Sex factors,
Child abuse,
Schools , peer groups and family
Sub culture and gangs, and
Economic depression with un employment etc.


from time to time various factor supposed to be related in criminal

behavior. Criminal behavior like other form of behaviors dominant feature
of society is responsible to social and economic conditions. some
contributory factor toward deviant behavior are population mobility,

divergences in values, different life style, opportunities for social and

economic advancement, family instability, lure of quick wealth and
success, broken homes and social disorganization.


In number of states, age of eighteen is divide line between juvenile

offender and adult criminal. Some states law show leniency while treating
juvenile offences, these have separate judicial as well as prison system.
Children are less like than adult to be arrested for same offences, some
offence committed by juvenile not detected by law enforcing agencies.


Boys are apprehended for offences approximately 3 to 4 times more

frequently than girls. The reason are not difficult to locate, because
society expect different action from girls as compare to boys in all
societies of the world, this is barriers to delinquent activity. In all well
known culture children learn early to discriminate between potential roles
and developed appropriate behavior expected of their sex.


At early part of century, poverty and delinquency were positively and

closely associated. Today poverty not totally cause of delinquency, now

economic condition improves as compare to past ratio of delinquency are
still high and are becoming more dispersed the general population.


One of the essential cause of juvenile delinquency is aggressive parent

behavior. Child neglect physical, emotional violence and sexual abuse. A
close connection exists between violence and neglect. At early age of
child most of his/her behavior neglect or ignore by society. According to
observation, physical violence used by little educated/unemployed and
alcohol abusing parents.

Delinquency committed due to adverse or negative school experiences of
some youth, there are fundamental defects with in educational system as
it touches lower income youth actively contribute to such negative
experience .A child who reject in his school group and experience failure,
easily develops patterns of delinquency. Slow learner cant compete the
other student then he will choose the illegitimate alternative. With the
rigid curriculum and without special help such children are unsuccessful in
meeting the requirement of normal curriculum they become frustrated
and hostile; begin to express themselves through delinquent behavior.
Such type of children disturbs the class room environment as well as
violates school discipline.


In the lower class sectors, typically those children who lives in slum areas
rejected parental values and take part in gang activities. If his gangs
activity is delinquent in character, he will become a delinquent. This may
be due to conflict between main culture and sub culture.

The middle class delinquent is apparently of the two types.

Such type of gang is rare in middle class rank, but they are often
composing of youngsters whose families (1) ignore, for several possible
reason, the middle class child centered norms practiced by their
neighbors. (2) Close personal relation and perform their work and social
obligation with such other middle class families,(3) normal families ties as
a result of divorce and separation.
Delinquent behavior also depends upon the relationship of parents and
society with child both in middle class as well as lower class.


Family is the central unit responsible for the primary socialization of

children, government and social effort preserve this integrity of the family.

The society has responsibility to assist the family in providing care and
protection and ensuring physical and mental well being of children.


The word gang is usually associated with antisocial behavior or rebellion

against authority, group activity is necessary part of a growing childs life.
The gang life is very attractive for other juvenile who has some internal
and external delinquent bond and become very dangerous if the street life
from which it spring offers opportunities for delinquency and if the leader
of gang is a bad influence.


Some precision and degree of practical utility, juvenile delinquency can be

categories into three general classes (1) socialize delinquency (2)
Neurotic delinquency (3) psychopathic delinquency. Each of these
distinguishes from the other, the background and treatment of each
variety of delinquent differ, an understanding of youth crime should
commence with an examination of these differences.


According to Albert J Reiss, R.L Jenkins and Lster Hewitt

(Reiss1952,Hewit&Jenkin 1947)
Most research on delinquency has concentrated on this type, such
delinquency account for the great majority of crimes such delinquency
does not suffer from any particular psychological disorder, other than
those which characterize. Such behavior is not motivated by deep seated
anxiety or unresolved conflict but by simple desire to conform to the norm
of his gang. The typical adolescent such type delinquent boy comes from
the transitional urban area where a gang subculture becomes entered.
Often in early childhood the socialized delinquency join a gang and
imbibes the values and habits of delinquent sub culture.
in short Edwin Sutherland, the child learn to become criminal through
differential association with delinquents (Sutherland& cressey 1924)


The neurotic delinquency suffers from deep anxiety, intense insecurity

and often pervasive guilt. For such a boy, criminal behavior is a way of
expressing an unresolved conflict and offers a release from anxiety. His
behavior deeply groom by psychological cause rather than simple
acceptance of gang culture as a mean of wining prestige. The neurotic
child often commits crime alone and usually commits single type of crime.
The juvenile arsonists, a sexual offender or narcotics addict usually comes
from the ranks of narcotics delinquents. The motive behind such crime are
vary and difficult to comprehend.(Abrahamsen 1960)

From society point of view such type of delinquency is very dangerous for
young criminal. The psychopathic delinquency traits are (1) lasting
emotional relationship like other human being (2) his almost total lack of
guilt or inhibition. Psychopath does not suffer from internal conflict and
anxiety and also does not find emotional satisfaction in gang membership
such type of delinquent commit a wide gamut of crime investigation. They
have been raised in home characterized by extreme parental brutality
neglect, discard and intensely severe discipline. Many have come from
foster homes or orphanage. The psychopath suffer from neurological
disorder, perhaps of a type that decreases his ability to inhibit impulses.
(Mc cord& Mccord)


From the researcher point of view, delinquency is learned and in looking

conditions that give rise to delinquency are common to other kinds of poor
learning development broken homes, poverty, emotional conflicts in
family life related mental development ,or poor neighborhood background.
It is necessary therefore to study these conditions to discover how some
children learn delinquency in the condition, and how children in the same
home school, the neighborhood, of with the same intelligence and based
for emotional conflict, learn socially acceptable behavior. It is necessary to
learn how children can un learn delinquent behavior, and more of all we
must know how more desirable social behavior can be learned.

Many criminologists says that delinquency has definite causes. Some

blame poverty, other slum condition and some of other still searching for
causes for delinquent acts .They said home and parent may be cause of
it, fault of teacher and school they do not churches such behavior.
The lust of money to the parents, they send their children for earning
money under sixteen or seventeen years in workshop ,one of the cause of
In modern schools system, with the increase of freedom of pupil under the
shadow of progressive education have been blamed for increase in
juvenile delinquency.
Modern urban society, with the advancement of technology increase
facility of communication, with better and foster means of transportation,
with greater connection of population quite different from rural life style
also has been attributed as the cause of present problem of juvenile
Delinquent parents, broken homes, bad politicians, insufficient police
protection, the present adult vice and crime often mentioned.
The movies, the comic book, television and radio programs filthy
literature, suggestive art, are other causes frequently given. These causes
given for delinquency are almost as numerous as those who write or talk
about the subject.

The statement of problem is social and cultural factor involved

in juvenile delinquency.


To investigate the characteristics of juvenile offenders.
To analyze various factors causing law violation.
To suggest various rehabilitation pattern for young offender.
To suggest some policy measure for the reduction of juvenile delinquency.
This study will describe that how a child become a delinquent.
This study helpful to know who involve in becoming a child delinquency.
This study will useful to know government as well as family to know the
causes and factors of delinquency and their prevention.
The data will collect only limited and only confine to Faisalabad jail.
Delinquencies that will observe in this study will murderer, illicit, sexual,
drug addicts, dacoit and rapist offender etc.

Case study method will use to collect the data. The case studies will make
collecting data with the help of an interview guide. In interview guide
structured as well as unstructured question will formulate. Question will
formulate according to the requirement and relevance to the research

objectives. Question in schedule will design to get information about those

disagreeable environments, circumstances and frustrating situation in
which respondent fell and which ultimately led him to commit crimes.
Interview guide will develop in English for academic purpose and will
administer in local languages like Urdu, Punjabi and sariki for the
convenience of the research and for the response.
The researcher will include male prisoners in the juvenile jail
There were 100 convicted juveniles prisoners in the jail Faisalabad.


the study of whole population will expensive and time consuming.

Therefore, for convenience, only 20 cases out of 100 will be selected. The
selection of the sample will make entirely on the basis of their area of
origin. Its main purpose will only to find out the different causes as these
may vary from area to area. The researcher will only interview that
prisoner who will convict by the court of law. Researcher will not consider
those who will still under the judicial trial or still undecided.


An interview guide structured as well as unstructured questions will

formulate questions according to requirement and relevance to research
objectives. Question in schedule will design to get information about these
disagreeable environments, circumstances and frustration situation in
which respondent fell and which ultimately lead him to commit crimes.


The study will organize in following ways.
First chapter contain introduction.
Chapter number two contains the review of related literature and
theoretical approaches.
Chapter number three contains methodology and procedure of the study.
Chapter number four contains collection and analysis of the data.
Chapter number five contains summary, findings, conclusion and


Literature Review
This chapter reviews the literature on the problem under study; it
sharpens the understanding of the researcher on the topic. It helps to
define the research problem in a more concise manner. The literature
review on juvenile delinquency is as follows:
Glueck(1950) study relates to frustration and inconsistent
familial background, such Childs are not able to fulfill their basic needs of
life, they are frustrated and join gang to fulfill their basic needs ,they
search out alternative ways to achieve their goals .
Cohen (1955) Clouward and Ohlin (1960)and miller (1958)
studied that child delinquency sources are found in social structure and
specific pattern of neighborhood and community life where delinquent
gang abound high popular density, low socio economic status ,high social
and family disorganization.
In 1952, Merril examined gathering of 300 reprobate and
contrasted them and comparable number of non-reprobate. Subsequent
to coordinating sex age and home neighborhood with distinctive
ecological variable, it was found that half of reprobate and 20% of the
controls originated from broken home (separate, mother/father dead,
isolated and remarried of father/mother .

In an alternate study in 1942, Shaw and Mckay gave report about

convention that why youth get to be reprobate connected with others
youth reprobate. T was later explained by Sutherland in principle of
differential affiliation. Sutherland and Cressey further explained idea in
1960 that what is realize and how it is learnt reprobate conduct and
inspiration components

In 1978, a report was composed by Usmani which was titles as

"adolescent misconduct among guys". He discover that primary wellspring
of male adolescent misconduct originates from those families having low
status in the public eye. He further explained that it has close contact with
absence of parental supervision, criminal examples and unemployment
connected with urban regions has high wrongdoing proportion as
provincial sides. Normally such offenses are as homicide, criminal attack,
burglary and pick taking are significant offenses carried out by adolescent,
inspiration element behind adolescent misconduct are outrage, hatred
and honor issues.

In 1980, Steffensmeier mulled over and presumed that sex contrasts in

example of grown-up wrongdoing figure out proportion in the middle of
male and female relative culpability. He demonstrated that open doors are
just as accessible to more youthful and more established female for

perpetrating unlawful acts, grown-up female conferred extortion and

immature female submitted infringement of alcohol law. He discovered
explanation for its (1) number of ladies go to work for submitting robbery
and misrepresentation. (2) Female cooperate with male and learnt
customary criminal strategy to perpetrate wrongdoing from them.
Proportion of criminal acts carried out by female expanding step by step.

Sanchirco (1982) did research in title "trepidation of wrongdoing as a

social truth", take information from national wrongdoing review (NCS) and
numerous different sources, reported that mental element likewise
prompts wrongdoing, for example, sentiment uneasiness, question,
distance and dis fulfillment in life. Individuals attempt to diminish
apprehension of taking so as to wrong medications.

Nadeem and Durani (1983) in their study title with socio-mental parts of
wrongdoing in Pakistan ", discover that individuals captured in reported
wrongdoing in Pakistan are more often than not because of groups,
quarrels, area question, ladies chastity, old ill wills, frivolous debate and
family issues. The majority of individuals having age of 17-27 years
include in such wrongdoing.

Elliot states that media likewise assuming essential part in culpability of

adolescent. it demonstrate savagery rather than standards and good

estimations of society, those tyke who have internal frail security draw in
by it and include in adolescent misconduct.


Social control hypothesis

In this hypothesis two principle inquiry were discussed what makes

individuals criminal" and why individuals obey rules". Durkheims (1895)
and Hirschs are the real figure of this hypothesis .the essence of this
hypothesis are self preservation and delight are normal for human
instinct along these lines human conduct are has a tendency to act
naturally "interested". Human conduct must be controlled and managed
for the advantage of all, standards and regulation f society taking into
account good request. The bond to the ethical request include on taking
after components of responsibility to customary society conviction and
qualities. These components in changing degrees they may get to be in
powerless and missing subsequently individual have opportunity to pick
self-intrigued and degenerate conduct.

Clash hypothesis

This idea was bring up in 1965 TO 1975,dominant logician of this

hypothesis were David Greenberg, Richard Quieny and some of German
(Hegal, MARX,Simmel) .This hypothesis is the branch of naming
hypothesis. Clash is an unavoidable truth, assets both physical and social
assets control these contention in the public eye. Control of assets makes
control, the gathering who have control over assets accomplishes strength
over other. Law is societal instrument that gives solid gathering to control
over less intense gathering. Which prompts less intense gathering toward
political and temperate wrongdoing. At the point when clash happen in
the middle of essential and auxiliary society and reprobate conduct

Marking hypothesis

This hypothesis upraise in 1960, marking hypothesis made inquiry about

wrongdoing and criminal frame another perspective, challenging past
meaning of aberrance. Social orders include on diverse qualities which
have covering with each other. The nature of individual is controlled by
use of these values. Deviance is nature of societal response and not
inborn issue of individual. An individual marked as a criminal is seen to be
first and foremost criminal, a change in self-idea result in disguise of the
degenerate character with all attributes. Initially concentrate on how and

why particular individual get named and the impact of name on

consequent freak behavior. (0rcutt, 19)

Chicago school first study society and subculture of society. In 1960

criminologist likewise consider those subculture which prompts adolescent
misconduct. Albert K. Cohen in 1955 and Richard A cloward both spotlight
on urban male group the individuals who fit in with lower class. Later
Lloyd Ohlin and Miller study delinquent posse and opportunity. The
principle highlight of this hypothesis are society is made out of diverse
social classes each of them has own quality which contrast from the other,
each has own criticalness that why lower class qualities serve to make
youthful male conduct that are reprobate by working class standards
however that are typical and valuable in lower class life. Disordered
society has feeble social control which likewise prompts posse sub society.
M any lower class male are destitute they joined group and scholarly
reprobate conduct .youth posse male wrongdoing deceive general society
everywhere to accomplish their objectives.


Emile Durkheim and Robert K Merton presented term in 1893 book "the
division of work in society". Anomic condition is deregulation of society
which may be occur because of breakdown of rules and good standards of


Merton typology of adaptation to anomie

cultural goals









This theory contrary to the biological and personality .it
comprise on two parts given by Edwin H Sutherland in 1939 and 1947
respectively. Main feature of this theory are as criminal behavior is learned
in the same way as any other behavior. Learned behavior (ecological and
cultural transmission, symbolic inerter action and cultural conflict )
through communication. The greater the number of groups and culture in
a specific area, the greater is the likelihood of learning same as conflict of
such culture creates criminal behavior.
CRESSEY (1954) point out that this theory not apply to crimes of passion
and compulsive crimes.

Islamic concept regarding juvenile delinquency

History of Juvenile wrongdoing the quantity of adolescent delinquents is
quickly expanding at disturbing rate. This study begins with a citation
from Al-Quran-an: "And He has subjected to you, as from Him, all that is in
the sky and on earth: observe, in that are Signs in reality for the
individuals who mirror." This verse engages the people to look with
knowledge and overcome the universe, through the virtuoso and
resources, gave to them by Almighty Allah. Notice has additionally been
made about the first wrongdoing on the earth by two young guilty parties
(S.45 1994). In the Qur'anic phrasing wrongdoing is a transgression and
executing a man is one of the unforgivable sins. In the sacred Qur'an's
Surat Al-Maidah we locate the first instance of adolescent wrongdoing.
The two children of Adam were Habil and Qabil (Abel and Cain in Eng.
Book of scriptures). Habil was a guiltless and God-dreading more youthful
sibling of Qabil, who was a glad, egotistical and loaded with envy,
submitted the homicide he could call his own sibling. The reason was:
"View! They each displayed a penance to Allah. It was acknowledged from
one, however not from the other. Said the recent: Be certain I will kill
thee." "Clearly said the previous, "Allah doth acknowledge of the penance
of the individuals who are upright. In the event that thou dost stretch the
hand against me, to kill me, it is not for me to extend my hand against
thee: for I do dread Allah, the Cherisher of the universes" (S.5 1994). With
respect to minors who have carried out law violations, Islam does not trust
in giving them the same disciplines as given to grown-ups. The Holy
Prophet has been cited as saying that there are three classes of

individuals who are not in charge of their activities: (1) A resting

individual; (2) a minor; and (3) a crazy person. A kid, blamed for robbery,
was once brought before Hazrat Abu Bakr however he pardoned him of all
charges in perspective of his age. Hazrat Ali has likewise been cited as
saying that a kid blamed for homicide will be considered to have conferred
the homicide by the Islamic law as a slip. Imam Abu Yusuf was of the
feeling that a youngster can't be sentenced until the age of 15. As per the
Hanafi school of thought, no sentence can be gone on a minor
blameworthy of homicide. Most researchers concur with this perspective.
Accordingly, a kid blamed for a wrongdoing is relied upon to be rebuffed in
Islam with the point of transforming and restoring the youngster.


Root of American Juvenile Justice framework in USA separate adolescent's

equity framework has grown right in the course of recent years. In
eighteenth century adolescents in America were dealt with same as
grown-up crooks. The law saw no difference in light of the age of the guilty
party and there was no legitimate term of reprobate. Various
advancements amid the nineteenth century made ready for a different
arrangement of equity for adolescent. An increment in the birthrate and
the convergence of migrants to America brought another rush of
development in American urban communities. Because of this

development came an increment in the quantities of reliant and down and

out kids. Early reformers who were individuals from the Society for the
Prevention of Pauperism called for foundations that would train reprobate
youth in fitting control and good conduct. An urgent point in the
improvement of the adolescent equity framework in America was what got
to be known as the "tyke sparing development". They pushed for
enactment that would give court's locale over youngsters who were
hopeless, runaways, and the individuals who perpetrated unlawful acts.
The primary adolescent court was built up in Chicago (Cook County),
Illinois, in 1899, to accommodate separate trials for adolescents, Juvenile
court strategies went unchallenged for a long time .The Juvenile
Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968 prescribed that
youngsters accused of noncriminal (status) offenses be taken care of
outside the court framework. The U.S. Preeminent Court in Roper v.
Simmons (125 S.Ct. 1183 [2005]) held that capital punishment for
adolescents was unlawful.

Contrast in the middle of Juvenile and Criminal Procedures in USA

Significant elements that have recognized adolescent court procedures

from criminal court procedures may be condensed as takes after:


Absence of legitimate blame.


Treatment as opposed to discipline.


Informal, private court procedures.


Separateness from grown-up wrongdoers as Focus on an

adolescent's experience.


Shorter terms of supervision and detainment.


Different phrasing.

Vital Requirements of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act

In 1974, the deinstitutionalization of status wrongdoers and non-

guilty parties necessity indicates that adolescents not accused of acts

that would be criminal acts for grown-ups "might not be put in secure
confinement offices or secure restorative offices."

In 1980, the correctional facility and lockup evacuation necessity

expresses that adolescents should not be kept or bound in grown-up

prisons or lockups.


Adolescents attempted as a criminal for offense of lawful offense or who

have been sentenced as a criminal; 6-hour effortlessness period to briefly
hold adolescents until different plans can be made; prisons in rustic
territories may hold delinquents up to 24 hours.

According to lopsided repression of minority youth prerequisite

indicates that states focus the presence and degree of the issue in their
state and exhibit endeavors to decrease it where it exists.

Regulations adjust the Act's prerequisites:

(1) In nonresidential territories in prisons, brief, inadvertent contact is not

a reportable infringement; (2) grant time-staged utilization of
nonresidential regions for both adolescents and grown-ups in gathered

(3) Expand 6-hour beauty period to incorporate 6 hours both previously,

then after the fact court appearances;

(4) Allow mediated delinquents to be exchange to grown-up organizations

once they have come to the state's time of full criminal obligation, if such
exchange is explicitly approved by state law.

Adolescent misconduct and the advancement of the British adolescent

courts, 1900-1950

The British lawful framework presented distinctive medicines for youthful

guilty parties from the 1850s to onwards, when reformatory and modern
schools were presented. The 'Kids' Charter' was acquainted in 1889 with
give lawful assurances to youngsters from different sorts of coldbloodedness .it has empowered the state to mediate in family framework.
It is a piece of push to enhance the state of youngsters by furnishing them
with new open doors. From the 1880 to onwards, campaigners started to
bring specifically for the acquaintance of an extraordinary court with
handle cases including kids and youngsters. These endeavors at long last
proved to be fruitful in the Children Act of 1908 is one of a few changes of
the Liberal Governments of 1906-14. The Act had six sections: newborn

child life assurance; the anticipation of brutality; the restriction of

adolescent smoking; the refining of the parts of modern and reformatory
schools; the formation of the adolescent courts; and a "random" division
which included such procurement as the banning of under-fourteens from
open houses. The British adolescent courts drew upon a various scope of
scholarly impacts. Cesare Lombroso, the Italian criminal anthropologist,
searched for natural inclinations towards reprobate practices, The Child
Study Movement was established in 1893 by British analyst James Sully.


Segment 50 of the Children & Young Persons Act 1933 states: "It might be
definitively assumed that no tyke less than ten years old years can be
blameworthy of any offense."

In the criminal equity framework a "youngster" means a man less than 14

years old; and 'youngster' means a man who has achieved the age of 14
and is less than 18 years old (see, for instance, segment 117 of the Crime
and Disorder Act 1998). Then again, for the reasons of the Children Acts
1989 and 2004, a "youngster" is any individual who has not came to their
eighteenth birthday. "Adolescent" is still generally used to depict
youngsters under 18 in English. Segment 37 (1) of the Crime and Disorder
Act 1998 builds up that the vital point of the adolescent equity framework

is "to counteract affronting by youngsters." That Behavior may prompt a

youngster's reprobate conduct incorporate an absence of instruction,
neediness, and kin guilty party or associates who have outraged and
abuse of substances.

The accompanying projects mean to manage danger elements, draw in

youngsters' intrigues and expand their insight:

1. Youth Inclusion Program (YIP)

Youth Inclusion Programs (YIPs), built up in 2000, are perfectly customized

projects for 8 to 17 year olds who are recognized as being at high danger
of contribution in culpable or hostile to social conduct. Howls intend to
decrease youth wrongdoing and hostile to social conduct in neighborhoods
where they work.

2. Youth Inclusion and Support Panels (YISPs)

It expects to avoid hostile to social conduct and culpable by 8 to 13 year

olds why should considered be at high danger of culpable. Boards are
made up by distinctive offices (police, schools, wellbeing and social

administrations). Significant concern of a board's work is to guarantee

that youngsters and their families can get to standard open

3. Child rearing

Child rearing projects give chance to enhance their aptitudes in managing

the conduct of kids. Those Parents with a youngster who has gotten to be
included with the adolescent equity framework may be offered the chance
to willfully go to a child rearing system by the neighborhood YOT, in the
event that they consider that it would be valuable.
4. Safer School Partnerships

The Safer School Partnerships system empowers neighborhood offices to

address noteworthy behavioral and wrongdoing related issues in school.
This framework includes activities to have a cop situated in schools.

This school based officer works with staff and other nearby organizations

decrease exploitation, censurability and hostile to social conduct inside

of the school and its group

Full-time instruction of youthful guilty parties (a demonstrated deterrent

component in keeping youngsters far from wrongdoing).

help powerless youngsters and youngsters through times of move, for

example, the move from essential to optional school.

give more secure environment to youngsters to learn in.

Close meeting expectations in the middle of police and schools is seen as

significant to keeping youngsters in training, off the boulevards and far
from an existence of wrongdoing. This is a joint activity between the YJB,
the Department for Children, Schools and Families, and the Association of
Chief Police Officers.

5. Tutoring

Tutoring matches a volunteer with a youngster at danger of culpable. The

destinations to help the youngster recognize and accomplish instructive,
professional or social objectives which address the components in the
youngster's life that put them at danger of culpable.

The Court System

At the point when a youngster is charged an offense, he will show up in

the witness of the adolescent court. The court will settle on a choice in
respect to whether the youngster will be safeguarded or remanded into
care. At the point when a youngster argues not liable then date will be set
for the trial by the officers. Justice will hear all the proof and choose the
case whether the youngster is liable or not. When he discovered him
blameworthy then suitable sentence chose. At the point when case is
intense then youth court will send the case to the Crown Court for trial
and/or sentence.

1. The Youth Court

Grown-up justices' courts can just attempt trials and sentence individuals
for offenses for which the most extreme punishment is six months in jail.
As a rule, Magistrate manage cases including individuals beyond 18 years
old years. In spite of the fact that they can manage youngsters yet just on
the off chance that they are being attempted with a grown-up individual.
This segment manages all cases including youngsters less than 18 years
old. Officer courts are served by youth board justices and region judges.

The young board justices and region judges have the ability to give
Detention and Training Orders of up to2 years. Individuals from general
society are not permitted in youth courts on the grounds that Youth courts
are basically private spots. On the other hand, the casualty of the
wrongdoing has the chance to go to the hearings of the court on the off
chance that they need to.

2. Non-Custodial Disposals

Youngsters first cause harm, they act hostile to socially or confer minor
offenses. They can typically be managed by the police and nearby power.
Its motivation is to stop youngsters getting sucked ahead of schedule into
the adolescent equity framework.

Pre-court measures


Final Warning

Hostile to social conduct measures

Acceptable Behavior Contract (ABC)

Anti-Social Behavior Order (ASBO)

Individual Support Order (ISO)

Different measures

Local Child Curfew

3. Sentences in the Community

Supervision Order

Community Rehabilitation Order

Community Punishment Order

Action Plan Order

Attendance Center Order

Referral Order

Reparation Order


Conditional Discharge

Absolute Discharge

4. Custodial Sentences

(i) The Detention and Training Order

Segment 100 of the Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000), set
up another custodial sentence, the Detention and Training Order (DTO) for
youngsters matured under 18 years. The new sentence was contrived to
legitimize the sentencing courses of action which beforehand existed for
those matured under 18 and to make authority more successful in
anticipating reoffending. The DTO supplanted the sentences of
confinement in a youthful wrongdoer organization (DYOI) for 15-17 year
olds, and the sentence of the protected preparing request (STO) for 12-14
year olds.

The main DTO sentences accessible to the courts are ones of 4, 6, 8, 10,
12, 18 and 24 months. 50% of the sentence is served in care and the
other half under supervision in the group. Continuous sentences are
additionally accessible to the courts yet just up to a most extreme of 24
months (i.e. 12 months in care). Area 37 Main point "to avoid insulting by
kids and youthful persons."

(ii) Sentences for Serious Offenses

Segment 90 of the Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 (in

the past Section 53(1) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933) gives

that a man matured under 18 (at the season of the offense) indicted
homicide should be sentenced to be kept at Her Majesty's pleasure

. Area 91 (some time ago Sections 53(2) and 53(3) of the 1933 Act) gives
that kids and youngsters declared guilty certain predefined "genuine"
offenses other than homicide which on account of a grown-up are culpable
with detainment for a long time or more. If no different systems for
transfer are considered suitable be sentenced up to the grown-up most
extreme for the offense which may be forever. The methodology for the
arrival of those youngsters sentenced to detainment at her Majesty's
pleasure or confinement forever are like those for grown-up Lifers and
include thought by the Parole Board.

(iii) Sentences for Public Protection and for Certain Violent or Sexual

Segment 226 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 gives that youngsters
declared guilty a predetermined sexual or fierce offense conveying a most
extreme punishment of 10 years' detainment or more and who are
considered by the court to be hazardous will be qualified to get a sentence
of confinement for open assurance unless the court considers that:

A Section 91 sentence of confinement forever (see above) is defended;


An Extended Sentence under segment 228 (see beneath) would be

satisfactory as far as open insurance.

Segment 228 of the 2003 Act gives that youngsters who have been
declared guilty indicated sexual or fierce offenses (counting on the off
chance that they have been indicted an offense conveying a most
extreme punishment of 10 years or more) and who are considered by the
court to be unsafe, will be qualified to get an Extended Sentence which
develops the period on permit and bars them from ahead of schedule
discharge with the exception of on parole.

Target of Youth Justice System:

To guarantee a coordinated way to deal with Youth Justice in which equity

and tyke welfare approaches are in amicability and professionals in both
fields can cooperate adequately, the Department for Children, Schools and
Families (DCSF) and the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) have been given a mutual
obligation regarding youth equity strategy and financing it characterizes
"prosperity" by the accompanying five results:

Of security from damage and disregard

Of physical, psychological well-being and passionate prosperity

of instruction, preparing and diversion

Of the commitment made by them (the kids) to society

Social and financial prosperity

Authoritative managerial and political connection for the Youth Justice

System in England with a specific accentuation on the part of the Public
Sector Prison Service. It has taken a gander at examination on global
correlations, at the reasons for Youth Offending and at the preventive work
done in the group before taking a gander at the administrations set up
and its treatment intercessions offered inside of care. It finished up a few
contemplations on future advancements.

Indian adolescent framework

Equity is everyones privilege. Youngsters' equity is to be guaranteed by

grown-ups in light of the fact that they can't campaign for themselves. In
2001 registration, India is assessed to have more than 400 million
youngsters beneath the age of 18. The two reasons that constrain a
reevaluation of Juvenile Justice are as absence of clear comprehension and
deficiencies of the framework may prompt re-criminalizing wrongdoing.

Foundation of Juvenile Justice

The constitution commands youngster security gave by Article 15 (3) and

Article 39 (E) & (F) likewise conferred assurance of kids' sound
improvement. The aversion of youngsters from working in dangerous
circumstances beneath 14 years notice in Article 24.Right of kids for
nothing and necessary instruction in article 45 .Prohibitions of
medications, with the exception of restorative purposes describe by Article
47. Indian Penal Code (2005) presents insurance of youngsters from
sexual misuse which specify in areas 354, 375 and 509 individually. Areas
366, 366A, 366B additionally bargains in Selling of minors for prostitution.
Purchasing minors with the end goal of prostitution in area 373 and nonconsensual attack of male youngster recommend in segment 377.

Right of adolescent into four classes;

Right to Survival;

Right to Protection;

Right to Participation and

Right to Development.

The Juvenile Justice Act (JJA) (GOI, 1986) was insufficient; this Act did not
specifically concern with youngster sexual misuse. Notwithstanding the
law youngsters were confined tormented and discharged in the morning.

Persons to be secured by The Juvenile Justice Act (2000)

A man who is rationally or physically tested or experiencing fatal maladies

having nobody to take care of should be secured under this Act. A man
who has not finished 18 years old is an adolescent.

Adolescent Justice Board

Adolescent equity board comprises of a Metropolitan Magistrate, Child

Psychology, two social specialists no less than one of them a woman. Such
Board might have the forces presented by the Code of Criminal Procedure,
1973 on a Metropolitan Magistrate or as the case may be a Judicial
Magistrate of the top of the line and the Magistrate on the Board should
be assigned as the Principal Magistrate. Any Magistrate should be named
as an individual from the Board who has preparing in youngster

This study was designed to analyze social and cultural factors involved in
juvenile delinquency. This chapter describes method and procedure
adopted for conducting the study. The selection of this topic was done
after observing the crime in school life when researcher lived in rural
areas and with the passage of time researcher shifted to urban area.

Researcher observed that some of their class fellows and neighbor whose
belong to prestigious family committed crime. With the passage of time
researcher observed in their education career, mostly fellow those
involved in delinquent behavior. They feel proud to violate rules and
regulation of the society. Some of students belong to noble family and
some are from poor and backward areas that are why researcher chooses
this topic to find the main factor behind such delinquent behavior. Why
they commit some reported or non-reported crime.
There were 100 convicted juveniles prisoners in the jail Faisalabad.
The researcher included the male cases of different delinquent behavior
people of different districts.
Only those prisoners were interviewed whom court convicted.
Some juvenile delinquent release on parole those who belong to elite
family, researcher contact some of them but they did not give reasonable
For the purpose of sampling, at the first stage, 20 cases
were selected out of 100 cases. According to requirement of research
work, Out of the whole population 20 cases were selected through simple
random sampling technique at the jail Faisalabad .Total sample of this
research was included 20 cases of male. . Only those prisoners were

interviewed whom court convicted. The case histories were made after
thorough discussions.
A case study method was used to collect data. For case studies
a structured and unstructured interview were formulated. In interview
question were developed according to objectives of research work.
Interview guide was developed in English for academic purpose and
administered in local languages like Urdu ,Punjabi and Siraiki for the
convenience of the research and for the respondent.
The research tool structured and unstructured interview
were got validated by some experts, available at the department of law.
pre-testing was done on 5 respondents after this changes were made in
the research tool. The researcher visited Faisalabad jail many times.


Interview guide was developed in English for academic purpose and
administered in local languages like Urdu ,Punjabi and Siraiki for the
convenience of the research and for the respondent with the permission of
superintendent of jail Faisalabad.

Often respondent were ignorant and not want to tell any information
about their past. Researcher did extra effort to create friendly
environment as a result some respondent were ready to tell the correct
information about their cases through interview guide.
Specific statistic like frequency and percentage were computed
to compare the most and least socio economic factor of crime were
Percentages were calculated directly with the help of following formula

=F/N x100


= Frequency of class

= Total frequency


Researcher divided the criminal in different age group. To find the
proportion of specific age group.

Researcher find out the percentage of crimes among educated

and uneducated people.
Researcher included agriculture, labourer, Govt job, private job,
business, student and any other occupation in this study to find which
occupation more involve in crime.
Researcher divided the respondents family income in different
categories (start from 2500 to 10,000 plus) to find which category involve
in which crime.
To find out the effect of large and small family size on the
criminals behavior.

Age of the convict

16 years





Punishment awarded

25 years

Respondent lived in the village (gazi minar) of district

sheikhupura. His house was pacca in congested residential locality without
any sanitation facility. His surroundings were comprised of mix cast / race
composition and their attention toward childrens education was less. He
belonged to a large family that was consisted of eleven members.
Convicts father was a government employee with good health, who got
primary education. His attitude with family members, relatives and
neighbors was loving and soft and had strong grip upon family affairs.
Mothers was illiterate but her attitude with family members, relative and
neighbors was loving and co-operative while her control upon household
affairs was to some extent. Both parents attended the Sunday prayer in
church quite on time.
Respondent got primary education and at the time of arrest, he
was still a student. It was his first arrest and conviction. His total family
income from all means was round about 6500 rupees per month. He was
convicted for 25 years in the offence of murder that he committed on a
land dispute. No body motivated him to commit it and no one is pursuing
the case. He had completed 8 years imprisonment along with 30 months
judicial lock up. His father never arrested or sent to jail by police but his
elder brothers were arrested and sent to jail for conviction by police. There

was some law violators in his locality and he had contact with them. His
friends were also engaged in illegal activities and arrested sometimes but
never sent to jail for convictionby police. He never used any type of
narcotics and never stayed out late night with friends. Topics of
conversation among friends were often gossiping. He had no sexual
attachment Garden, playing, fields, billiard club and movies shop was the
typical leisure time activities in his locality. Playing sports and gadding
was his spare time activities.
Association of criminals and law violators and fiery nature
were main determinants of his criminal action. Family disrespect and land
dispute were secondary factors because respondent had often-moral
conflicts with others.

Age of the convict

13 years





Punishment awarded

14 years

Respondent lived in the village (bakhar bar) of district

Sargodha. His house was kacha in clean residence in clean location.
Village was comprised of mix caste and their attitude towards childrens
education was more and positive. His family was consisted of three
members that was a small family and he was the only son of his parents.
Convicts father was driver who had excellent health, he was
illiterate, while mother got primary education and was a working lady. She
worked in others homes. Fathers attitude towards family members,
relatives and neighbors was loving and soft while mothers attitude with
family members loved but with relatives was harsh. Fathers control upon
the family and family affairs was less. Mother controlled the family affairs
and household affairs with strong grip.
Respondent got primary education and stopped further
education. He took less interest in religious affairs. He worked on a sweet
shop and earned 2000 rupees per month, so his total family income from
all sources was around 4500 rupees per month. It was his first arrest and
conviction. He was convicted for 14 years in the offence of murder, which
was committed by him due to provocation. Parents motivated him to do
so. He had completed 30 months imprisonment along with 3 months in
judicial lock up. Now jail staff was pursuing the case. His father was also
involved in this murder. So he was also arrested and sent to jail for
conviction by police. He was convicted for 25 years. His friends were
gentle and mild so they never involved in illegal activities, while there
were some law violates and criminals in his locality but he had no relation

with them. He never stayed out late night with friends. Topics of
conversation among friends never used any type of narcotics. There were
no parks, cinema or video games in his locality. His favorite activities in
spare time were watching T.V and video films.
Respondent realized that provocation had bad effect because
he was only and golden earning hand and conviction family budget
decreased. So family and he himself faced financial constraints in
pursuing case.

Age of the convict

17 years





Punishment awarded

17 years

Respondent lived in a village (jandiala sher khan) of

district sheikhupura. His house was both kacha and pacca in a kachi
abadi. His surrounding was comprised of mix caste and their attitude

towards childrens education was more and positive. He belonged to a

large family that was comprised of seven members.
Convicts father was an agriculturist who had died when
respondent was only 7 years old. Now elder brother who was a contractor,
managed all family affairs. His attitude towards family members, relatives
and neighbors was loving and soft. Mother was still alive and enjoying
good health.she was a house lady and had complete control upon house
hold affairs. Her attitude with family members and neighbors was loving
and soft while with other relatives was ignoring.
Respondent had completed primary education. His total
family income from all sources was round about 9000 rupees per month. It
was his first arrest and conviction. He was convicted for 17 years (14
years in murder while 3 years in illicit weapon holding ) in the offence of
murder and illicit weapon holding which he committed under the pressure
of his uncle. He had completed 4 years imprisonment along with six
months in judicial lock up. No one is pursuing the case. Govt. lawyer and
jail staff supported him in his case. His elder brother and other family
members never arrested for conviction in any case. His close friends and
relatives were engaged in illegal activities. He committed his first crime in
the company of his uncle but they never arrest. His friends were involved
in theft and he often went with them. He or his close friends never used
any narcotics. He had sexual attachment and had homosexual experience.
In his spare time he watched T.V and play cards

Respondent had some germs of terrorism. Now he was shamed

on his action. Family and his surrounding environment affected his

Age of the convict

18 years



Punishment awarded

2 years

Respondent lived in city of Gojra district Faisalabad. His

location was congested. His surrounding was comprised of mix caste.
Their attitude upon their childrens education was more. His total family
size was consisted of 7 members that was large family. They were living in
pacca house.
Convicts father was a laborer while mother as a housewife.
Both parents were illiterate. Fathers attitude with family members and
other relatives was harsh while with neighbors his attitude was soft. He

took less interest in family affairs so his control upon family affairs was
less. Mothers attitude with family members and other relatives was loving
and soft. She had full control upon family hold affairs.
Respondent was primary education holder and he took less
interest in religious instruction and ffairs. He stopped further education
and worked with narcotics supplier and earned around 5000 rupees per
month, so his family income was approximately 9000 rupees per month.
He was convicted for 2 years in the offence of illicit trafficking of drugs
and narcotics that he committed due to poverty. He had completed 1 year
imprisonment along with 2 months in judicial lockup. No one pursued the
case. Friends motivated him to do such action. They were also involved in
the illegal activities but never arrested or sent to jail by the police.
Criminals and law violators also lived in his surrounding. He often stayed
out late night with friends and used narcotics and watched movies. He ran
away from house two times. Topics of conversation among friends were
often vulgar. He had sexual attachment. In his spare time he watched
movies and enjoying smoking.
Poverty and surrounding environment affected respondent and
compelled him to adopt such mean to become rich overnight.

Age of the convict

18 years






3 years
Respondent lived in the village of district vehari. His house

was kacha with congested residential location. Village was composed of

mix caste. Their attitude towards childrens education was less. His total
family size was 7 that were a large family.
Convicts father was a laborer. Both parent husband and wife
were still alive. Fathers health was not good, he often remained sick,
while mothers health was good. Both were illiterate and had less interest
in religious instruction or affairs. He had strong grip and full control upon
family. Both attitude with family members were loving.
Respondent himself was an illiterate person and worked as
laborer on daily wages at the time of arrest. It was his first arrest and
conviction. He earned around 3500 rupees per month and his total family
income from all sources was approximately 8000 rupees per month. He

was convicted for 3 years in the offence of dacoity that he committed

under the pressure of pears/ associates. Violation of law connected with
his nature of work. He had completed 16 months imprisonment along with
9 months in judicial lockup. Owner of house pursued his case. He had
sexual attachments and experienced both homo and heterosexual
relationship. His close friends were involved in illegal activities. They were
arrested and also sent to jail. Topics of conversation with friends were
often criminals. His parent never fulfilled his basic needs and gave him
enough pocket money. So he committed such action in the company of
friends. Cinema, video games, billiard clubs were the typical leisure time
activities in his locality. In his spare time, he watched television and
Respondent was an earning hand but wish to become rich overnight
and pressure of associates compelled him to do dacoity. His associates
were already habitually thieves.

Age of the convict

17 years





Punishment awarded

25 years

Respondent lived in a village of district Gujranwala. His

residential location was typical village environment. His family was
comprised of 10 members that was a large family and all were living in
both kacha and pacca house.
His father was an agriculturist with good health. Father was
illiterate while mother got primary education. Respondent that his family
was religious and recited the Holy Quran assessed it. Fathers attitude with
family members and neighbors was harsh. He had full control upon family.
Mother was still alive and was enjoying good health. She was fully
household lady and her attitude with family and neighbors was loving. She
had less control upon house hold affairs.
Respondent got middle education. He had less interest in
religious affairs. He was arrested twice by police but had first conviction.
All the time of arrest he left the school and worked with his father in the
fields. His total family income was around 5000 rupees per month. He was
convicted for 25 years in the offence kidnapping and illicit sexual
attachment that he committed for sexual lust. He had completed 5 years

and 6 months imprisonment along with 2 years and 9 months in judicial

lockup. His parents were pursuing the case. His friends and his uncle also
arrested and sent to jail. Criminals also lived in his locality and they often
violated the law. He also had relations with them. He was addicted of
chars and alcohol and often used narcotics in the company of friends and
committed some offence under the influence of narcotics/drugs. His close
friends were also engaged in illegal activities. He also committed his first
offence in the company of friends. Topics of conversation with friends were
vulgar and criminal discussion. In his spare time his favorite activities
were smoking, watching movies, playing cards, snookers and drinking
alcohol. He committed crimes under the influence of movies. Before
starting crimes his associates were thieves, crime lovers and robbers.
Harsh attitude of father droved him towards friends and bad
associates compelled him to commit such action. Lustful nature,
emotional personality, surrounding environment and media (movies) also
played key role to adopt wrong ways and to commit wrong deeds.

Age of the convict

18 years





Punishment award

4 years

Respondent lived in an addah ( malho more) of district jhang. His

house was pacca in congested area. His surrounding was comprised of
mix caste composition and their attitude towards childrens education was
more positive. He belonged to a large family, which was comprised of
eleven members.
Convicts father was an agriculturist who enjoyed two marriages
and had good health. Stepmother had died. Both his parents were
illiterate and took less interest in religious affairs. A father attitude with
family and relatives was loving. His control upon family was less because
elder brother handled all family affairs. Mother was a housewife and her
attitude with family was loving. Elder sister managed the household
Respondent got middle education and stopped further
education. At the time of arrest , he ran his own shop in village and earned
round about 2000 rupees per month. His total family income from all
means was approximately 7000 rupees per month. It was his third arrest
and first conviction. He was convicted for 4 year in the offence of
kidnapping that he committed on land dispute. No body motivated him to
do so. He had completed 18 months imprisonment along with 6 months
judicial lock up. Now parents and relatives were pursuing the case. His

father or other family members never arrested or sent to jail by police in

any crime. There were some law violators and criminals in his community
but he had no contact with them. His friends were simple and gentle
persons. They were not involved in illegal activities. They never arrested
police in any case. Playing football was his favorite activity in his spare
Respondent seemed mild and gentle person. According to him,
he became the victim of retaliation from opponents.

Age of the convict
Education primary
Punishment awarded

18 years
25 years

Respondent lived in the village of 232/R.B district

Faisalabad. His residential location was kachi abadi. The attitude of
surrounding people towards childrens education was more and positive.
His family was comprised of 5 members that was medium size family and
all were living in kacha house.
Convicts father was an agriculturist who enjoyed good
health, While his wife died when respondent was 10 years old. Fathers
education was middle while mother got primary education. Family
environment was seemed less religious. Father attitude with family
members was loving while with relatives and neighbors was harsh. His
control upon family and family affairs was more and strong. Mother had
died so household affairs were managed by elder sisters.
Respondent got primary education and still was student.
His interest in religious affairs was some extent. His total family income
from all sources was around 2500 rupees per month. It was his first arrest
and conviction. He was convicted for 25 years in offence of murder, which
was committed by him under the pressure of pears/associates. Cousins
motivated him to commit such action. He had completed 4 years
imprisonment along with 2 years in judicial lock up. Now jail staff was
pursuing the case. His father or other family members never arrested or
sent to jail in any crime by police. His friends were also simple and gentle.
His cousins were crime lover and involved in illegal activities and he
committed his first crime in the company of cousins. There were no law
violators in his locality. Topics of conversation among friends were often

general gossiping and syllabus related. Due to poverty parents never

fulfilled any basic needs T.V programme were only mean of entertainment
in his locality. In his spare time he watched T.V and enjoyed it with friends.
Respondent was himself a gentle and mild person and he
was feeling guilty on his deed. Now he had understood the trap of his
course, his conviction became a factor of his chequered carrier.

Age of the convict

16 years




illicit/ sexual attachment (zina)

Punishment awarded

14 years

Respondent lived in the village pir mahal of district toba tak

singh. His residential location was clean with village environment. Village
was composed of mixed caste/race and their attitude towards education

was more. His family was comprised of 8 members that was a large family.
They all were living in pacca house.
Convicts father was a job less person, both husband and wife
were illiterate. While convicts mother could recite the Holy Quran.
Parents attitude with family and relatives was loving. Elder sister helped
mother in house hold affairs.
Respondent had completed primary education and took
interested to some extent in religious affairs and instruction. Police
arrested him first time so it was his first conviction. At the time of arrest
he was a worker and earned 4000 rupees per month. Total family income
was 8000 rupees per month. He had completed 11 months of
imprisonment out of 14 years in judicial lockup. It was self-motivated
action. His elder brother was pursuing the case. His close friends never
involved in illegal activities. There were some law violators in his locality.
He never ran away from home because parents always fulfilled his basic
needs. His spare time activities were sleeping and swimming.
Family environment affected him. Although it was act of retaliation
but teasing or irritator behavior or other compelled him to do so. His
conviction threw bad effect upon family because he was himself an
earning hand.

Age of the convict

20 years





Punishment awarded

12 years

Respondent lived in village (chak 639/35) of district toba tak

singh. His house was in kuchy abadi. He lived in a mix caste area.his total
family members was 7. He was the youngest brother.
Convicts parents were illiterate. His father was a laborer. His
father and mother took partially interest in religious affairs. Both still a live
but their health was not good. The behavior of father and mother is loving
with relatives and all family members. His elder brother handled all family
affairs. Mother was a house wife.

Respondent got primary education and stopped further

education. He was a laborer at the time of arrest and earned 1200 rupees
per month. Total income of his family was 4500 rupees per month. It was
his first arrest and conviction. His punishment awarded 12 years in the
offence of murder. The reason of this murder was sexual lust. He had
completed 26 months imprisonment along with round about 20 months
judicial lock up. He committed this crime alone. He had sexual attachment
and had a heterosexual experience. His parents pursuing the case. His
family members and close friends never committed any crime and never
sent to jail in any condition. He never stayed alone with friends at late
night. Gossiping is a topic of conversation with friends. He never faced
financial constraints because he is own earning his spare time he
worked on a farmers fields.
Respondent was a prominent in his family due to earning
hand. His crime destroyed the family structure. He committed this crime
due to fear of arrest and to hide his fault.

Age of the convict

17 years





Punishment awarded

25 years

Respondent lived in the village of district Attock. His house was

made of mud. He lived in a mix caste area. People of that area are more
interested to get an education. He belongs to a large family. His family
members were eight.
Convicts father was a business man. He ran his hair saloon. His
parents were illiterate. Environment of that area was less religious. Both
parents had good health. Fathers attitude was good with all family
members and relatives. He had controlled all family affairs and house hold
affairs. Mother was a household lady but her control on household affairs
was less because household affairs were managed by elder sister.
Respondent got primary education at the time of his arrest. He
worked as a trainee barber. His total family income from all sources was
10500 rupees per month. It was his first arrest and convicted for the 25

years in the offence of double murder, which he committed on

provocation. He had completed 6 years of imprisonment along with 3
years judicial lockup. His father and brother both were involved in this
murder. Relatives were pursuing the case. His father and brother both
were involved another crime and sent to jail for conviction in the case of
murder. His friends were also involved in the crime and sent to jail for
conviction. There were law violator in that area.he and his friends used
narcotics, cinema and parks. In his spare time he made smoking. Topic of
conversation among friendswas often vulgar.
Respondents unbearable nature was main factor of his conviction.
Now he was ashamed on his bad personality.

Age of the convict

18 years



Punishment awarded

25 years

Respondent lived in the village lakhnain of district

Kasure.Residential location of his house was neat and clean. There were
mix caste people lived in that area.his family was a large that is 9
Respondents father was an agriculturist. His education was
primary. Respondents mother was illiterate. Both were still alive and have
good health. Environment of his family was religious. Their attitude toward
family and neighbour was soft. Father and mother both control the family
affairs. But elder sister helped mother in household affairs.
Respondent had completed middle education and still was student
of ninth class. His total family income approximately 6000 rupees per
month. It was his first arrest and awarded 25 years imprisonment in the
offence of murder that was a provocation. He had completed 18 month
imprisonment along with 8 months in judicial lockup. His parents and
relatives supported and pursued the case. Convict had sexual attachment.
His parents never committed any offence but his elder brother once
arrested by police. Law violator lived in his society and his close friends
involve illegal activities. He often stayed late night with friends. Parents
fulfilled his basic needs. He and his friends used narcotics. He spent his
spare time in watching T.V,films and never made any type of moral
conflicts with some one.

Company of bad friends and friendship with criminal were main
factor, which affected respondents nature.

Age of the convict

17 years






25 years

Respondent lived in the village of district Kasur. Village

community has a mix caste. Their attitude towards education was less. His
family was large that was 10 members. He was the youngest among his

Respondents father was an agriculturist. His mother was a

household lady. Parents health was good. Father had religious education
but mother had not. Father had less control upon family but his attitude
towards family members and relatives were soft. Mother had full control
upon family affairs. Her attitude with family members and relatives were
Respondent got primary education. He took less interest in
religious education. He stopped further education. He worked in the field
with father. Their total monthly income was around 9000 rupees. It was
his first conviction. He was convicted for 25 years in the offence of murder
that was committed on land dispute. Three year imprisonment along with
1 year judicial lockup had completed. It was self-motivation thats why no
one pursuing the case. His brothers and friends also arrested and sent to
jail for conviction already. Criminal people also lived in his surrounding and
contact with them. He never stayed out late night. Parents always gave
him enough pocket money. In his spare time he played cricket.
Association with criminal and less control of his father upon family
were factors which played main role in committing such crime.

Age of the convict

18 years





Punishment awarded

25 years

Respondent lived in the village of district mianwali. Most of the

people in village belonged to a specific caste. Their attitude towards
childrens education was positive. His family was large that was 9
members . All were living in kacha house.
Convicts father was a shopkeeper who had a gold shop. His
mother was sewed the cloth of others and earn some money. Both were
alive and had a good health. Fathers education was matric and mother
was illiterate. Familys environment was religious. Both father and mother
had good relation with relatives and neighbours. Father control all family
Respondent was illiterate. His interest in religious affairs was less.
He was a tailor and earned 1500 rupees per month. Total family income

was 6000 rupees per month. It was his first arrest and conviction. He was
convicted for 25 years in the offence of murder. Friends motivated to
commit such action. Three year imprisonment along with 9 month judicial
lockup had completed. Parents were pursuing the case. His brothers never
arrested and sent to jail for conviction.His friends were involved illegal
activities. Criminal people also lived in his surrounding and contact with
them. He never stayed out late night. In his spare time he played cricket
and watching movie.
Association with criminal and pressure of friends enforce such
action. media which played main role in committing such crime.

Age of the convict

16 years





Punishment awarded


Respondent lived in the village of district sheikhupura. Most of

the people in village belonged to a specific caste. Their attitude towards
childrens education was less. His family was large. All were living in pacca
Convicts father was an agriculturist . His mother was housewife.
Both were alive and had a good health. Both Father and mother were
illiterate. Familys environment was religious. Both father and mother had
good relation with relatives and neighbours. Father control all family
Respondent got middle education. His interest in religious affairs
was less. At the time of arrest he was the student of 9th class. Total family
income was 12000 rupees per month. It was his first arrest and conviction.
He was convicted for 14 years in the offence of murder due to pigeon
competition dispute. It was self motivated to commit such action. 18
month imprisonment along with 1 year judicial lockup had completed.
Parents were pursuing the case. His brothers never arrested and sent to
jail for conviction.His friends were involved illegal activities. Criminal
people also lived in his surrounding and contact with them. He always
stayed out late night. In his spare time he played cricket and watching
movie and made pigeon competition.

Association with criminal and pressure of friends enforce such
action. He was found of pigeon competition. Sudden irritation and
provocation was the root of his conviction and discontinuing of his studies.
Media which played main role in committing such crime.

Age of the convict
Punishment awarded

20 years
4 years

Respondent lived in city of district Gujranwala. His location was

congested. His surrounding was comprised of mix caste. Their attitude

upon their childrens education was more. His total family size was
consisted of 10 members that was large family. They were living in pacca
Convicts father was a butcher while mother as a housewife.
Both parents were illiterate. Fathers attitude with family members and
other relatives was soft while with neighbors his attitude was loving. He
took less interest in family affairs so his control upon family affairs was
less. Mothers attitude with family members and other relatives was loving
and soft. She had full control upon family hold affairs.
Respondent was illiterate and he took less interest in religious
instruction and ffairs. He ran his own chiken shop and earned around 6000
rupees per month, so his family income was approximately 13000 rupees
per month. He was convicted for 3 years in the offence of illicit use of
drugs and narcotics that he committed due to drug addiction. He had
completed 1 year imprisonment along with 7 months in judicial lockup. No
one pursued the case. Friends motivated him to do such action. They were
also involved in the illegal activities but never arrested or sent to jail by
the police. Criminals and law violators also lived in his surrounding. He
often stayed out late night with friends and used narcotics and watched
movies. He ran away from house three times. Topics of conversation
among friends were often vulgar. He had sexual attachment. In his spare
time he watched movies and enjoying smoking and drinking.

Bad company ,surrounding environment and enough money

affected respondent and compelled him to adopt such action.

Age of the convict

11 years




illicit/ sexual attachment (zina)

Punishment awarded

12 years

Respondent lived in the village of district toba tak singh. His

residential location was clean. Village was composed of mixed caste/race
and their attitude towards education was less. His family was comprised of
10 members that was a large family. They all were living in pacca house.
Convicts father was a Govt employee, both husband and wife
were matric. Both recite the Holy Quran. Fathers attitude with family
members and other relatives was soft while with neighbors his attitude

was loving. Both were alive and enjoying good health. He took less
interest in family affairs so his control upon family affairs was less.
Mothers attitude with family members and other relatives was loving and
soft. She was housewife.She had full control upon family hold affairs.
Respondent was illiterate and could not recite the holy Quran.
Police arrested him two time so it was his second conviction. At the time
of arrest he was a worker in hotel and earned 2000 rupees per month.
Total family income was 9000 rupees per month. He had completed 5
years of imprisonment out of 12 years in judicial lockup. It was selfmotivated action. His father was pursuing the case. His close friends were
involved in illegal activities. There were some law violators in his locality.
He ran away 2 time from home. His spare time activities were
drinking,play cards,cinema. Watching movies and use of drugs.
He was naturally corrupt. Although it was act of retaliation but
teasing or irritator behavior or other compelled him to do so. Media played
role in his carrier because he was himself an earning hand.

Age of the convict

16 years





Punishment awarded

5 years

Respondent lived in a village jhang. His house was both

kacha and pacca in a kachi abadi. His surrounding was comprised of mix
caste and their attitude towards childrens education was more and
positive. He belonged to a medium size family that was comprised of 5
Convicts father was an agriculturist .Now elder brother
who was a contractor, managed all family affairs. His attitude towards
family members, relatives and neighbors was loving and soft. Mother and
father were still alive and enjoying good health. mother was a house lady
and had complete control upon house hold affairs. Her attitude with family
members and neighbors was loving and soft while with other relatives was

Respondent had completed middle education. His total

family income from all sources was round about 6000 rupees per month. It
was his first arrest and conviction. He was convicted for 5 years in the
offence of murder under the pressure of his brother in law. He had
completed 4 years imprisonment along with six months in judicial lock up.
No one is pursuing the case. Govt. lawyer and jail staff supported him in
his case. His elder brother and other family members never arrested for
conviction in any case. His close friends and relatives were engaged in
illegal activities. He committed his first crime in the company of his
brother in law but they never arrest. His friends were involved in theft and
he often went with them. He or his close friends never used any narcotics.
He had sexual attachment and had homosexual experience. In his spare
time he watched T.V and play cards
Respondent committed such action for the respect of family.
Family and his surrounding environment affected his personality.

Age of the convict

15 years





Punishment awarded

25 years

Respondent lived in a village of district kasur. His house

was both kacha and pacca in a kachi abadi. His surrounding was
comprised of mix caste and their attitude towards childrens education
was more and positive. He belonged to a large family that was comprised
of 10 members.
Convicts father was renounced the work and enjoyed
second marriage. Now elder brother who was a contractor, managed all
family affairs. His attitude towards family members, relatives were
harsh.father was illiterate while mother got middle education with nursing
diploma. Mother was still alive and enjoying good health.she was a nurse
and had complete control upon house hold affairs. Her attitude with family
members and neighbors was loving and soft while with other relatives was
Respondent had completed middle education. He
stopped further education and worked in the factory as a laborer and
earned 2000 rupees per month. His total family income from all sources
was round about 9000 rupees per month. It was his first arrest and

conviction. He was convicted for 25 years in the offence of murder by

accidentally. He had completed 2 years imprisonment along with six
months in judicial lock up. Now parents were pursuing the case. His elder
brother and other family members never arrested for conviction in any
case. His close friends and relatives were engaged in illegal activities. He
committed his first crime in the company of his close friends but they
never arrest. His friends were involved in theft and he often went with
them. He or his close friends used narcotics. He had sexual attachment
and had homosexual experience. In his spare time he watched T.V, cinema
billiard clubs and play cards
Respondent was involved already in illegal activities although
this action happened accidentally. Now he was shamed on his action.
Family and his surrounding environment affected his personality.

Age of the convict

16 years





Punishment awarded

14 years

Respondent lived in a village of district faisalabad. His

house was kacha. His surrounding was comprised of mix caste and their
attitude towards childrens education was less. He belonged to a large
family that was comprised of 11 members.
Convicts father was Govt. servant. He was graduate. His
attitude towards family members, relatives and neighbors was loving and
soft. Mother got primary education and still alive and enjoying good health
she was a house lady and had complete control upon house hold affairs.
Her attitude with family members and neighbors was loving and soft while
with other relatives was ignoring.
Respondent had completed primary education. He took
less interest in religious instruction. His total family income from all
sources was round about 10,000 rupees per month. It was his first arrest
and conviction. He was convicted for 14 year in the offence of murder
due to land dispute. No one is pursuing the case. Govt. lawyer and jail
staff supported him in his case. His elder brother and other family
members also arrested for conviction in this case. His close friends and
relatives were engaged in illegal activities. He committed his first crime
due to self-motivation. His friends were involved in theft and he often went
with them. He or his close friends never used any narcotics. He had not

sexual experience. In his spare time he watched T.V and play cricket and
Emotional personality trait, wish for power and association of
criminal friends were main reasons of committed such action. This
conviction affected his future carrier.

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their age:



Age is the main factor of society. Table4.1 showed that more percentage
is 75 which lies 16-18 years of respondent. 10 percent people were
involve in crime that has 13-15 and 19-21 years old people. Less
percentage is 5 which lies 10-12 years of old people

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their education:
Level of education



Education is the main component which control the crime. Table 4.2
showed that more percentage is 50 which lies primary level of educated
people. 30 percent people had got middle education and 20 percent
people were illiterate.

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to crimes that they
Nature of crime
Illicit sexual activity






Table4.3 showed that 65 percent of the people committed murder crime

which is highest among other crime .10 percent of the people were
involve in illicit sexual,Narcotics and kidnapping. 5 percent people were
involve in dacoity.

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to occupation of
their father :
Business man
Any other



Table 4.4showed that 40 percent of the criminals father was agriculturist.

20 percent were laborer. 15 percent had Govt.job and business.10
percent were any other.0 percent had private job .

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to occupation of
their mother :
Working lady



Table4.5 showed that 80 percent of respondents mother was house wife.

10 percent were working ladies and 10 percent were died.

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their total family



Table 4.6 showed that 35 percent respondents family income was 25005000 rupees per month. 25 percent had family income 5001-7500 and

7501-10,000 rupees per month. 15 percent had above 10,000 rupees per

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their family size:
Family size



Table 4.7 showed that 50 percent respondents family size were 9-11
members. 30 percent respondents family size were 6-8 members.10
percent respondents family size were 3-5 and above 12 members.

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their occupation:
Private job
Any other



Table 4.8 showed that 45 percent respondent were laborer.20 percent

were student and any other. 15 percent were business holder. 0 percent
had private job.

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their residential






Table 4.9 showed that 85 percent respondent were belong to rural areas.
15 percent were belong to urban areas.

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their house



Table 4.10 showed that 55 percent respondent had kacha and pacca both
houses.30 percent respondent had kacha houses.15 percent respondent
had pacca houses.

Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their relation with
law violators:
Relation with criminal



Table 4.11 showed that 50 percent respondent had relation to law

violators and 50 percent respondent had no relation with law violators.

Table: 4.12
Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their motivation
towards crime:
Motivation source






Table 4.12 showed that 50 percent respondent was self-motivated towards

crime. 20 percent respondent committed crime through friends
motivation. 15 percent respondent committed crime through parents and
relatives motivation.

Table: 4.13
Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their mothers
attitude with family:



Table 4.13 showed that 85 percent of respondents mother attitude with

family was loving. 15 percent of respondents mother attitude with family
was ignoring.

Table: 4.14
Percentage distribution of the respondents according to their fathers
attitude with family:



Table 4.14 showed that 85 percent of respondents father attitude with

family was loving.10 percent of respondents father attitude with family
was harsh. 5 percent of respondents father attitude with family was



This study was designed to analyze social and cultural factors involved in
juvenile delinquency. The selection of this topic was done after observing
the crime in school life when researcher lived in rural areas and with the
passage of time researcher shifted to urban area. Researcher observed
that some of their class fellows and neighbor whose belong to prestigious
family and some from poor family committed crime. With the passage of
time researcher observed in their education career, mostly fellow those
involved in delinquent behavior. They feel proud to violate rules and
regulation of the society. Some of students belong to noble family and
some are from poor and backward areas that are why researcher chooses
this topic to find the main factor behind such delinquent behavior. Why
they commit some reported or non-reported crime.

For the purpose of sampling, at the first stage, 20 cases

were selected out of 100 cases. According to requirement of research
work, Out of the whole population 20 cases were selected through simple
random sampling technique at the Faisalabad jail. Total sample of this
research was included 20 cases of male. The area of study was the
juvenile jail in Faisalabad. Total 100 convicted juvenile jail Faisalabad out
of which case studies of 20 conducted with the help of interview guide.
Only those prisoners were interviewed whom court convicted. The case
histories were made after thorough discussions.
A case study method was used to collect data. For case studies
a structured and unstructured interview were formulated. In interview

question were developed according to objectives of research work.

Interview guide was developed in English for academic purpose and
administered in local languages like Urdu , Punjabi and Siraiki for the
convenience of the research and for the respondent. The research tool
structured and unstructured interview were got validated by some
experts, available at the department of law. Pre-testing was done on 5
respondents after these changes were made in the research tool. The
researcher visited Faisalabad jail many times. Interview guide was
developed in English for academic purpose and administered in local
languages like Urdu ,Punjabi and Siraiki for the convenience of the
research and for the respondent with the permission of superintendent of
jail Faisalabad .Often respondent were ignorant and not want to tell any
information about their past. Researcher did extra effort to create friendly
environment as a result some respondent were ready to tell the correct
information about their cases through interview guide. Specific statistic
like frequency and percentage were computed to compare the most and
least socio economic factor (age, occupation, education, family income
and family size) of crime were involved.

There are 75 percent of respondent belonged to age group 16-18. It was
showed that young generations are involved in crime. (table 4.1)

Highest percentage is 50 which lies primary level of educated people. It

was showed that less educated people are more responsible of crime.
(table 4.2)
65 percent of the people committed murder crime which is highest among
other crime. It showed that the people have less emotion for others. (table
40 percent of the criminals father was agriculturist. It was showed that
most crimes were belonging to land dispute. (table 4.4)
80 percent of respondents mother was house wife.(table 4.5)
35 percent respondents family income was 2500-5000 rupees per month.
it was showed that poverty is a main factor to increase crime. (table 4.6)
50 percent respondents family size were 9-11 members. It was guessed
that large family mostly involve in crime due to lack of fulfillment of basic
needs and lack of attention through parents.(table 4.7)
45 percent respondents were laborer. It was represented laborer were
involve in crime due to bad company of friends and self-earning hand.
(table 4.8)
85 percent respondents were belonging to rural areas. Majority of people
commit crime which belong to rural areas. It was showed that lack of
awareness and lack of education in rural areas thats why people
committed crime. (table 4.9)

55 percent respondent had kacha and pacca both houses. It was

expressed that they have good living status in society. (table 4.10)
50 percent respondent had relation to law violators and 50 percent
respondent had no relation with law violators. It was showed that it is not
necessary to relation with law violators then they commit crime.(table
50 percent respondent was self-motivated towards crime. It was showed
that it is not necessary to stress from family ,friends and relatives then
they commit crime.(table 4.12)
85 percent of respondents mother attitude with family was loving. It was
showed that majority of respondents mothers attitude with family was
loving. (table 4.13)
85 percent of respondents father attitude with family was loving. It was
showed that majority of respondents fathers attitude with family was
loving. (table 4.14)

The conclusion extracted from data showed that majority of the
respondent belonged to age group 16-18. It was showed that young
generations are involved in crime. So it was not in favor of nation and
country. Most respondent got primary education it was showed that less
educated people are more responsible of crime. Majority of the people
committed murder crime which is highest among other crimes. It showed
that the people has less emotion for others. Mostly criminals father was
agriculturist. It was showed that most crimes were belonging to land
dispute, water dispute and family disrespect. Majority of respondents
mother was house wife. Mostly respondents family income was 25005000 rupees per was showed that poverty is a main factor to
increase crime. Mostly respondents family size were 9-11 members. It
was guessed that large family size mostly involve in crime due to lack of
fulfillment of basic needs and lack of attention through parents. Mostly
respondent were labourer. It was represented laborer were involve in
crime due to bad company of friends and self-earning hand. Majority of
people commit crime which belonged to rural areas. It was showed that
lack of awareness and lack of education in rural areas thats why people
committed crime. Mostly respondent had kacha and pacca both

was expressed that they have good living status in society but involve in
crime. Mostly respondent had relation to law violators and mostly
respondent had no relation with law violators. It was showed that it is not
necessary to relation with law violators then they commit crime. Mostly
respondent was self-motivated towards crime. It was showed that it is not
necessary to stress from family, friends and relatives then they commit
crime. Mostly respondents mother attitude with family loved. It was
showed that loving attitude of mother has bad impact on children
personality. Majority of respondents father attitude with family was
loving. It was showed that loving attitude of father is bad for their

In the light of above conclusions the following suggestions are given to
prevention of juvenile delinquency in society.
Control measures by law-enforcement agencies.
Educational campaigns to encourage every parent to educate their
Promotional efforts by civic-minded groups to develop the needed
recreational, vocational, educational, psychological and medical services
to meet these special needs of many children.
Parents must maintain check and balance system upon their children with
in home and outside home.
At the early age of childhood children must seek religious education and
societial norms.
Society must point out virtue and evil before children.
Schooling of children must encourage them curricular and co-curricular
Government must save the children at all level not only extend to policy
but implemented.

Reformative process applied for juvenile delinquent.

Equal opportunity for all.
Equal distribution of resources.
Unique system of education.
Separate juvenile jail and trial.
Co-education system must be abolished at teen ages.


Following are the suggestions for the potential researchers in the field of
Sample should be more than twenty case studies. Because big sample can
give you more accurate results.
Sample should be from different areas.
All forms of delinquencies should be studied.

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