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Judging professions through Indian astrology

The tenth house in an Indian horoscope or astrological chart indicates

professions/Vocations/Occupations of a native. This horoscope chart also denotes
position and prestige and the honour which one holds in society. A well placed tenth
house is an indication that the person would be successful in his/her life. The nature of
profession would depend upon not only on the strength of the ascendant, the Sun and the
Moon. Another important factor which must be considered is if mercury is well placed,
the person would belong to a learned profession, since mercury is the lord of intelligence
and wisdom. If mercury and Moon are the weak in a Vedic horoscope chart, the native
will not be firm in decision making and may not be suitable for jobs involving higher
responsibility and critical analysis. If the lord of tenth house of online/vedic horoscope
chart is placed in 6, 8, and 12th houses, the person’s professional career would be
subjected to vagaries of fortune, unless he takes to religion and the occult. If there is no
planet posited in tenth house of a Vedic horoscope chart then Navamsha chart will
indicate the vocation of a person.
Persons with sun placed in the tenth house or if the sun is exalted in the horoscope chart
will be favoured to hold high government position. They could also be legal luminaries,
Judges, lawyers and other belongings to Government or semi-government organizations.
If Moon or Mercury receives the aspect of Saturn or Rahu, the person’s path will be set
with difficulties. A strong or well placed Saturn in the tenth house of a horoscope chart is
a very favourable for the person’s career. The Sun in the tenth house in a horoscope chart
is also favourable for the person’s career which will be smooth. If there are too many
malefic planets are posited in the tenth house of a horoscope chart then it is explained by
vedic astrologers that the person may experience series of set backs in his/her
professional and business career.Rahu in the tenth house of horoscope chart will favour
the native to acquire affluence and he/she will travel widely for the purpose of business
or profession. If the tenth house lord is placed in the twelfth house, the native may work
in a foreign country. The ruling planets at any particular time of a native’s life would
indicate the direction in which the travels will favour the native. If a business man wants
to decide about his business, and is governed at a particular time by the operative period
of the planet Sun and if The Sun is well placed in horoscope chart, then the person would
be benefit if he enters into business relations with countries in the east. The Vedic planets
have sway over various directions to decide career of a person. The tenth and eleventh
houses of horoscope are connected with professional matters; business etc. still the whole
horoscope must be analyzed scientifically before a Vedic or Indian astrologer passes his
judgement on it.
The Sun is connected with Government jobs, semi government organization, state
government jobs, law and judiciary, even where the individuals with a powerful sun in
the tenth house are not in the employment of government, they will still be interacting
with government in several ways, they may be either government contractors or
commission agents, directly dealing with government or state agencies. If the Sun is
placed with the lord of Ascendant, it indicates political career, but if The Sun is placed in
his enemy’s house, the individual must guard the advantages intelligently. But yet the
native will enjoy ample opportunities to hold high position of authority, in the service of
the people and the nation. Mobilization of energy and resources will help in the long run-
In the case of politician, if Saturn, which is connected with the masses, is combust or
debilitated for a greater success, he should be wise enough to counteract the planetary
afflictions through remedial solutions or astral remedies, which includes Pooja, Homam
and offering alms to the needy and the poor. While the sun is considered as a king in a
planetary cabinet, Moon is considered as a queen. These Vedic or astrological Planets are
termed as Royal planets.
If Jupiter is placed in the tenth house from the ascendant, it confers lot of wealth, power
and respect among highest circles. Persons with prominent or exalted Jupiter in their birth
charts would need lot of co-operation and help from one and all and they will pursue
occupations or professions which will involve the patronage and good will of others and
to acquire success.

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