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Constitution (July 2007)


ARTICLE I: NAME This organization shall be known as the Snap! Camera Club of La Salle
Academy or Snap! Club for short.

ARTICLE II: PURPOSE The Snap! Camera Club shall promote the interests of digital
photographers by bringing together those are interested in helping each other to produce
better pictures, to promote lectures and demonstrations on all phases of photography, to
display their work through exhibitions, to hold competitions between its members, and, in
general, through the work and conduct of its membership, to continuously endeavor to raise
the standard of photographic excellence in La Salle Academy.

ARTICLE Ill: MEETINGS Regular meetings of the Snap! Camera Club shall be held at
least once a month as designated by the Moderator. Special meetings may be called at the
discretion of the Moderator or the President.

ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP Membership in the club shall be open to any person whose
qualifications meet the requirements specified in ARTICLE I of the BYLAWS.

ARTICLE V: BOARD OF OFFICERS The following administrative officers shall be

elected by the membership as prescribed in ARTICLE III of the BYLAWS.

1. President
2. Secretary
3. Treasurer

These officers together with the Moderator, the immediate Past President shall consist the
BOARD OF OFFICERS, hereinafter called the "Board." The Board shall consist of a maximum of
five members.

ARTICLE VI: STANDING COMMITTEES The following Standing Committees shall be

established to conduct club activities

1. Membership
2. Judging Day
3. Publicity

Additional committees and appointments may be made where needed.


may be initiated by either the Board or by a petition signed by ten (10 %) percent of the full-
time members. Such amendments must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the
membership present at the meeting held for this purpose. Upon such approval, the
amendment(s) will be then be incorporated into the CONSTITUTION or BYLAWS.

ARTICLE VII: FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year shall begin on July first of each year and end
on the last day of June (of the following year).
ARTICLE VIII: HONORARY MEMBERS By a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the
Board a person who has rendered meritorious service to the club may be elected an Honorary
Member. Honorary members shall have the same rights and privileges as full-time members.

ARTICLE IX: QUORUM One-third (1/3) of the total membership in good standing, present
at a regular meeting, shall constitute a quorum. One-half (1/2) of the total membership of the
Board shall constitute a quorum for Board meetings.

ARTICLE X: BOARD MEETINGS All members of the club shall be welcome at meetings
of the Board of Officers. Probationary members shall have no vote but their opinions should be
requested or volunteered on matters in which they are or have been involved.

ARTICLE XI: ORDER OF BUSINESS Unless otherwise indicated in these BYLAWS or in

the CONSTITUTION, all business meetings of the club or Board shall be conducted in
accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

Bylaws (July 2007)

ARTICLE I: MEMBERSHIP Any student (12 years old and above), staff, faculty member,
alumni or external persons interested in photography may apply for probationary membership
until such time that he or she is bestowed by the Moderator the full rights of a member through
based on a strict Club membership policy. Thus, the real membership of this Club shall be
limited to full time active members. Full-time active members are the only ones with the right
to vote, assume Club officers position and enjoy special privileges. Membership application
forms shall be provided by the Membership Committee. An application for probationary
membership shall be approved by the Moderator.

ARTICLE II: NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS After the recruitment meeting held
every first week of July of each year, another meeting is held in the same month for the
purpose of election. The Moderator shall take charge of the election for the different positions
through the help of nominations. Only full-time members can nominate, be nominated, elect
and assume Club officer's position. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes for
each office shall be declared elected, and shall serve for one year or until their successor is

Officers-elect shall be installed in the next CLub meeting in August. No officer shall serve in the
same post for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Vacancies in office shall filled by
appointment of the Moderator.

ARTICLE III: DUTIES OF OFFICERS The President with the help of the Moderator shall
preside at all club meetings and training sessions, appoint chairpersons of Standing and
Special Committees, act as club spokesperson and generally supervise and keep in touch with
all club members.

The Secretary shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence and also serve as
chairperson of the Membership Committee. He or she shall maintain records of the minutes of
all business meetings, handle correspondence of the club and prepare ballots for elections.

The Treasure shall maintain records and custody of club funds, pay club expenses and prepare
reports of club finances. The treasurer shall also keep track of the personal club points of each
member (and winning photos) in order to determine qualification for full-time membership, for
the photographer of the year and the photo of the year.
In addition to the above, the officers shall perform all other duties specifically mentioned in the


A: MONTHLY JUDGING DAY Each month, starting August and ending in February, each
full-time and probationary member are required to submit two digital photos (in electronic
format) based on the theme and parameters established earlier to the head of the Judging Day
Committee Head. These photos will be presented through LCD projection in a separate session
during regular monthly meeting and training of the Club. The Judging Day Committee will invite
two to three experienced photographers to judge the photos based on the theme and
parameters to be followed for the month's project. Each judge will be rating the photographs
according to the overall impact and faithfulness of the photos to the monthly theme. Each
judge can rate the photos from 1.0 to 5.0 (in increments of 0.5) with 3.0 as the passing rate.
The points garnered by each photo (thus a total of 2.0 to a perfect 10.0 on one Judging Day)
shall constitute the member's accumulated personal club points. A member who has entries
but is absent during the Judging Day shall be deducted 0.5 points. A member who is present
during the Judging Day but has no entries will receive 2.0 points for attendance.

The three photos that will receive the highest points shall be filed and made eligible for the
Photo of the Year Awards.

B: UPGRADING TO FULL-TIME MEMBERSHIP To be considered full-time, a

probationary member must be able to accumulate at least 30.0 points by March. A
probationary member who obtains 20.0 points by the end of October of each year shall be
bestowed the fast-tracked full-time membership. Full-time membership shall be enjoyed by
these members for one full year (whole fiscal year of the following year). Each year, full-time
members are required to accumulate 25.0 points to retain their full-time status the following
year. A full-time member who does not reach 25.0 accumulated personal club points will be
demoted to probationary status the following year.

C: PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR AWARD A full-time member with the highest

accumulated personal club points at the end of the February shall be given the distinction as
the Snap! Photographer of the Year. The Moderator and President will present a suitable award
during an activity held for this purpose.

D: PHOTO OF THE YEAR AWARD A full-time or probationary member's photo that

was awarded first place down to third place during the monthly judging days shall be eligible
for final judging in March to determine the Photo of the Year. The Moderator and President will
present a suitable award to the photographer during an activity held for this purpose.

For School Year 2007-2008 the monthly themes and parameters are the following:

August - Composition (color, jpeg)

September - Lines and Curves (color, jpeg)
October - Action! (color, jpeg)
November - Portraits of People (Black and White, jpeg)
mid-November - On the Spot (field trip) (color, no computer retouching)
December/January - The Spirit that is Christmas (color, jpeg)
February - Okay Ka, Fair Ko (Photos from the La Salle Fair, color, jpeg)
March - Photo Exhibit (no photo submissions required)
Other activities to be scheduled are:

a. Class Picture Fund Raising (in coordination with Signum Fidei)

b. Club Reachout or Environment Preservation Activity

c. Club Website Photoposting

d. Mini-Photo Safari

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