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Garbage In, Resources Out

MRFs are gearing up to make the most of waste.

Friday, August 15, 2014

By Daniel P. Duffy, P.E.
The greatest economic benefit of recycling is that it provides a base of materials
for robust, efficient manufacturing industries. So far this decade, US paper
manufacturers have voluntarily built more than 45 recycling-based pulp and
paper mills and only a handful that use virgin wood. This is not just because
recycling plants are better for the environment, but because they are a less
expensive way to increase production, taking advantage of the increasing
supplies of used paper collected in business and community recycling
Richard A. Denison & John F. Ruston
The average American throws away almost 4.4 pounds of waste each day. That is
equivalent to over 1,600 pounds (more than three-quarters of a ton) each year.
In 2012 (the last year we have reliable figures from the EPA) America as a whole
generated about 250.9 million tons of waste. Of this amount, we recycled and
composted 86.6 tons, or approximately 34.5%. While recycling more than onethird of our waste may sound impressive, it is a long way to go to the ultimate
goal of 100% recycling and zero waste. So what stands in the way of maximizing
our waste recycling efforts?
First is the heterogeneous nature of the wastestream itself. This is an internal
factor that complicates any waste extraction and sorting process. According to
the EPA (2012 data), waste consisted of the following categories: ...
newspaper/mechanical papers recovery was about 70% (5.9 million tons), and
about 58% of yard trimmings were recovered. Organic materials continue to be
the largest component of MSW. Paper and paperboard account for 28% and yard
trimmings and foodwaste account for another 28%. Plastics comprise about 13%;
metals make up 9%; and rubber, leather, and textiles account for 8%. Wood
follows at around 6% and glass at 5%. Other miscellaneous wastes make up
approximately 3% of the MSW generated in 2011.
To achieve high levels of waste recycling, widespread adoption of methods and
machinery allowing for the processing of this diverse waste stream at industrial
scales are necessary.

Credit: BHS
Dirty MRFs accept single streams of commingled waste that has not been
prepared or presorted.

In addition to the variety of the wastestream itself, individual objects can be

difficult to recycle due to their composite makeup. This is especially true of
composite packaging, which consists of more than one material (e.g., drink
cartons that use a layer of aluminum sandwiched between layers of plastic and
paper as a smell and taste barrier). These laminated containers consist of
approximately 5% aluminum foil, 20% plastic and 75% paper by weight. Such
hybrid material can be nearly impossible to economically separate out into its
basic components. Fortunately, these materials make up a relatively small
percentage of the overall wastestream. However, this problem exists in some
degree for most recyclable materials (such as metal cans, glass, or plastic jars
with glued-on paper labels and plastic or metal lids).
Beyond internal factors, such as the physical characteristics of the wastestream,
external obstacles to recycling can prevent a community from achieving zero
waste. These external factors include the lack of a viable market for recycled
materials, insufficient number and throughput capacity of recycling facilities.
First, there is not much point to recycling, no matter how efficient and complete
the process of material recovery, if there is no market for recycled materials. This
was apparent after the economic crash of 2008 and the subsequent collapse in
prices for recycled materials on the scrap market. During the first and worst part
of the economic downturn, recycled materials were often put into stockpiles for
extended periods due to lack of buyers. A major market for American recyclables
was and remains Chinese industry. However, Chinese demand for American scrap
has not fully recovered to its pre-2008 peak. This illustrates the need to develop
a more diversified customer base with expanded local and regional markets for
recycled materials. Key to developing these markets is overcoming the
perception that recycled materials are of higher price and lower quality than
those made from virgin materials. This can be achieved by large-scale
processing, which provides economics of scale and allows adherence to strict
quality specifications.
The second external restriction is the bottleneck that develops from a lack of
collection and processing facilities, or insufficient throughput capacity of existing
facilities. Recyclers are in business to make money, too. And new or expanding
processing plants require investmentand investors require a return on their
investment. The question is, then, what sort of facility meets the need for
managing a diversified wastestream (allowing for recovery of all but the most
complicated waste objects), while ensuring the low price and high quality needed
to developed markets?
The answer is the materials recovery facility (MRF). But what kind of MRF? There
are two basic types, single-stream and multistream, and they have their own
unique advantages and disadvantages.
Multistream MRFs
A multistream MRF performs material recovery, not sorting and separation. That
is already performed by the households and businesses that separate recyclable
materials at their individual locations. These are separated into individual bins
and containers for pick up and shipment to the multistream MRF. Each of these
separate sources of recycled waste forms a stream in the multiple streams of

materials being sent to the MRF. Since the materials arrive neatly, in
unseparated condition, the multistream MRF is often referred to as a clean MRF.
Once each presegregated load of waste arrives at a multistream MRF, it is
processed into subcategories of individual waste materials. A fairly typical
approach to multistream MRF design assumes the initial acceptance of three
broad categories of segregated waste: commingled containers, paper products,
and unrecyclable waste. This last category is not processed and may by pass the
MRF altogether, going directly to a landfill.
The other two categories get sent to separate sorting stations, where individual
items are separated largely by hand. This is a task made much easier by the
presorting done by the households and businesses participating in the program.
The commingled containers are separated into plastics (PET and HDPE),
aluminum cans, and ferrous or tin cans. The paper products get separated into
corrugated cardboard, newsprint, magazines, and mixed office paper. In both
cases, marginal materials and residues are put in disposal bins for shipment to
the landfill. And that is the great strength of the multistream approach, the
ability of the laborers to use common sense (something no machine has) when
making sorting decisions and maximizing the quality of the recycled materials.
However, multistream MRFs wont work at all without public participation. Public
participation in the process is a necessary first step and the participation rate
depends on educating the public on the need for recycling and motivating the
public to be willing to participate. Households and businesses must be provided
information on what components are recovered and marketed. This will increase
both the quantity and quality of the recovered material.
Single-Stream MRFs
So what makes a single-stream MRF different than a multistream MRF? As a
multistream MRF is referred to as a clean MRF, a single-stream MRF is usually
called a dirty MRF. This type of MRF accepts a single stream of commingled
waste that has not been prepared or presorted. Instead of labor, the multistream
MRF relies mostly on machinery to separate waste components based on
magnetic properties, size, shape, weight, and color. The machines have been
designed to handle the anticipated characteristics of the incoming wastestream.
The first stage of a multistream MRF operation begins with the extraction of
ferrous metals. This is accomplished with simple magnetic separation. The next
step is to remove nonferrous metals (such as aluminum) by means of eddycurrent separators. These mechanisms use rapidly rotating magnets that induce
a current (and thus an opposing magnetic field) in the metal, causing it to
literally jump into an awaiting bin. The remaining waste is removed according to
its size and weight characteristics. The remaining wastestream passes through a
disc screener, which creates a wave action in the waste by means of rotating
discs of various sizes and shapes set in the screeners floor. This wave action
caries large light objects (such as cardboard boxes) to the top of the stream for
easy removal. Such large, heavy objects as refrigerators, car parts, or couches
are usually removed early in the process by means of bulk handling systems.
Rotating trommels (spinning drums with perforations in their sidewalls) are used
to remove small, heavy objects. Such small, light objects as mixed paper are
removed by means of air pressure applied by clarifiers and air knives. The

remaining residue has a high percentage of colored glass and plastics. These can
be sorted according to color by means of light spectrophotometry and optical
A relatively new development in multistream MRF processing design is the wet
MRF. The wet MRF utilizes new mechanical and biological treatment techniques
whose application results in increased density, separating out absorbent portions
of the waste and resulting in a cleaned output stream. The high-pressure water
streams hydrocrush and dissolve organic and biological materials. The wet
residue is then sent to anaerobic digesters while the remaining inorganic waste
solids are removed for recycling.
The greatest advantage of the single-stream MRF is its ease of use. By investing
in capital instead of labor, operators of these MRFs achieve higher processing
rates at a lower cost. The need to educate and motivate the public s minimal
since their active participation is not really required. Homeowners need only put
their trash out on the curb for pickup, same as always. The MRF separates and
recycles the waste when it arrives. Given these factors of cost, productivity, and
convenience, the overall market trend is towards large sale, single-stream MRFs
managing waste flows from regional waste collection efforts. Multistream MRFs
still exist to serve local niche markets.
MRF Equipment Suppliers
Amut Ecotech S.R.L. is a leader in plastic manufacturing that provides machines
and services that complete the process of making sustainable packaging via
resource recovery. The companys Model SBS 201 is a single-stage ballistic
separator. As a hook-lift ballistic separator, this equipment is designed to
maximize production of three extraction streams: flat fraction, rolling fraction,
and sieved fraction (fines). The sieved fraction represents material of little or no
value that would be returned to the landfill and consists of mixed materials
having sizes that allow it the pass through the holes of the blades. The flat
fraction consists mainly of polyethylene film, domestic collection bags, soft
packages, paper, and cardboard. The rolling fraction is made up of containers for
liquids (water bottles, laundry soap, etc.), aluminum, and tin cans. Though not
for MRF applications, one truly innovative recycling system is the companys
plastic bottle de-labeler. This machine runs nonstop, performing the difficult task
of tearing up bottle labels (including thermo-retractable sleeves) in a highfriction but nondestructive method. The goal of this machine is to minimize the
PVC and PETG pollution caused by these labels. Amuts system limits the amount
of wear compared with other de-labelers, resulting in considerable savings and
maintenance time with bolted (not welded) cutting elements. Their design allows
blades to be used on four sides prior to sharpening. Amut has three sizes of delabeler systems: Model DLB 10 (1,000 bottles per hour), Model DLB 30 (3,000
bottles per hour) and the Model DLB 60 (6,000 bottle per hour). The larger
models are used to treat the whole bottle, while the smaller model handles
rejected bottles from the main near infrared sorter.
Bulk Handling Systems (BHS) designs, manufactures and installs processing
systems tailored to extract recyclables from the wastestream. BHS developed the
first single-stream recycling system in the United States and has led the way
with many firsts in MSW processing. Today, BHS builds some of the largest and
most advanced single-stream and MSW MRFs in the industry, featuring BHS Tri-

Disc, NRT In-Flight Sorting, and Nihot air separation technology. These facilities
achieve industry-leading throughput, uptime, and recovery levels. BHSs MSW
recovery philosophy revolves around what it calls closing-the-loop on recycling,
which is achieved when the MRF or fleet is powered by the waste it handles. This
can be achieved through anaerobic digestion (AD), which is the focus of BHS
partner company Zero Waste Energy. An excellent example of screen, air, optical,
and AD technology coming together can be seen in Montgomery, AL, at the BHSdesigned facility known as IREP at Montgomery. The Infinitus Energyowned 30tph system processes a one-bin material stream using BHS technology to
recover organic material and up to 90% of available commodities. In this muchdiscussed collection model, residents place trash and recyclables in one bin,
resulting in collection and participation advantages. Montgomery Mayor Todd
Strange stated that, The Infinitus Energy team has delivered a facility that far
exceeds the expectations we had upon originally issuing an RFP to help us revive
our recycling efforts. They have delivered the most sophisticated technology
available in the world today to process our MSW and reduce our operating costs,
savings that we estimate could be as high as $1.8 million annually. In addition,
this facility will help us achieve recycling rates that will be amongst the highest
nationally and put the city of Montgomery at the leading edge of managing solid
The CP Group of Companies comprises five brands and provides the waste and
recycling industry a single-source solution for MRFs and recycling equipment.
The CP Group of Companies has over 155 years of combined company
experience and is unique among MRF suppliers in that it owns and operates its
own MRF in San Diego, giving the company an operators perspective. This 20tph facility serves as a test bed for new equipment and ideas, allowing CP to
perform real-world research and development. It provides a wide range of MRF
equipment (balers, conveyors, disc screens, trommels, optical sorters,
compactors, air classifiers, etc.). As one of the first manufacturers of singlestream MRF systems, CP continues to innovate with such new products as its
proprietary cam-disc-style CPScreen, which delivers excellent separation of 2D
and 3D material, or the new Cirrus high-resolution sorting system for near
infrared, color, and metal.
The Cirrus uses advanced digital signal processing and software algorithms to
sort through a wide variety of mixed materials, including plastic bottles, other
plastic, paper, cardboard, beverage cartons, e-waste scrap, metal scrap,
municipal solid waste, refuse-derived fuel, commercial waste, industrial waste,
and construction-and-demolition debris. It can operate at variable production
rates, depending on the type of material it is handling, such as e-waste (.5 to 3.0
tph), paper (2 to 12 tph), and plastics (2 to 8 tons tph) at 98% energy efficiency.
Color-sorting operations are performed by the L-VIS high-resolution color camera.
Its setup (midair detection over a reflective or illuminated back reference) and
mechanical configuration (slide or conveyor) can be tailored to the MRFs
operating system. The companys Aladdin optical sorter can separate plastics by
resin type and color, being able to tell the difference between opaque and
transparent objects. MetalSort is an optical sorting system for metals, using an
induction-based true all-metal sensor that sorts ferrous, nonferrous, and stainless

General Kinematics Corp. supplies recycling, foundry, mining, and process

systems, and has adapted this equipment for recycling applications. The
company is considered expert in the field of vibratory equipment for any MRF
system and has modified its vibratory separation equipment to create such new
recycling equipment as the Finger-Screen and De-Stoner Air Classifiertwo
pieces of equipment the company considers to be the heart of your sorting
system. The results are efficient recycling systems that separate recyclables
using low energy and low labor requirements. The Finger-Screen is a vibratory
grizzly that utilizes a simple jamproof movement cycle. The unit creates a
vibrating movement that spreads material across its operation deck, allowing for
more efficient separation of materials. Staggered finger positions prevent
material bypass without trapping, resulting in smooth continuous material flow
through the remainder of the recycling process. The companys De-Stoner Air
Classifier comes in single-, double-, or triple-knife models. A dry classification
system, it combines both vibratory action and high velocity/low pressure. The
result is a fluidized and stratified wastestream that self-sorts according to
difference in terminal velocity of particles. This allows for the easy removal of
such heavy objects as glass, metal, and stone. General Kinematicss latest R&D
project (to be installed for the first time during the Summer of 2014) is the SXS
screen This is a unique dual-stream screener, configured side by side, that can
be used for various types of waste (MSW, C&D, industrial, etc.). These screens
work together, side by side and in conjunction with a long-stroke design that
creates twice the stroke with low horsepower.
Based in Omaha, NE, HDR is an architectural, engineering and consulting firm
providing services to clients in all 50 states and 60 countries. A representative
example of the companys work is the Puentes Hill project. The Sanitation
Districts of Los Angeles County (LACSD) was faced with the dilemma of landfills
at or near full capacity. It simply lacked the available airspace to dispose of
waste from more than 5 million customers and 78 cities in suburban Los Angeles.
To buy time for the district to develop the long-term solution of hauling waste by
rail, the LACSD built the $37 million Puente Hills Material Recovery Facility
(PHMRF). This 4,400-tons-per-day facility, designed primarily by HDR, won the
2006 Solid Waste Association of North America Gold Excellence Award. At the
facility, materials that can be usefully recycled are separated from the main
wastestream, the remainder of which gets sent to a landfill. When all landfills in
greater Los Angeles are closed, PHMRF will transition exclusively to waste-by-rail
transport, sorting and shipping waste to the Mesquite Landfill, which is located in
a desert area 200 miles outside of Los Angeles. The structure itself was designed
and built with recycled materials (translucent panels, steel, carpet, and backing.
To reduce energy needs, illumination is provided by 500 skylights. Water is
reused and reclaimed. For aesthetic reasons, a modern 12,000-square-foot
administrative building obscures the view of the production center with its
cavernous 210,000-square-foot processing floor. Truck operations and vehicle
traffic are designed to minimize noise, dust, odor, and environmental pollution.
Misting systems, rapid-roll doors, and buildings clad in colors keep the facility
consistent with the neighborhood, further minimizing visual impact. The current
was intended to start at only 1,000 tpd, with provisions for future expansion s to
4,400 tpd. However, HDRs cost benefit analysis (a perfect example of going
above and beyond for a client) of its life cycle costs showed that it would be
better to forgo the phased expansions and go directly to the planned maximum

capacity. The result was overall budget savings and below-budget bids from
building contractors.
A similar situation was faced by the city of Phoenix, AZ. The city was faced with
the closing of its Skunk Creek Landfill, its last major waste disposal facility. HDR
met the challenge with the 450-acre, $40 million North Gateway Campus, which
includes the 4,000-ton-per-day North Transfer Station and Material Recovery
Facility. In addition to the sites administrative building, two scale houses, a
maintenance facility, a fueling station, and top-loading ports that can
accommodate future expansion plans, the facility is protected from the Arizona
heat by a durable shell and a long roof protected with reflective and emissive
roof paint for shading, as well as electrical and water systems designed for
maximum efficiency. Ninety percent of the structure itself is built with recycled
Mini MRF supplies what is essentially a pre-engineered mixed waste processing
system. The companys miniMRF is a snap on front-end modular recycling
system the provides both high productivity and operational flexibility. Primarily
designed as a standalone dirty MRF, the miniMRF can also be used by waste-toenergy facilities and biofuel plants that use organic waste as a feedstock,
performing the important first step of removing noncombustible materials and
materials of value from the wastestream. Each module is trailer mounted,
allowing for rapid deployment and easy installation inside such existing facilities
as new buildings, warehouses, waste-to-energy plants, or existing transfer
stations. A module is usually rated at 35 tons per hour (150,000 tons per year) of
unsorted MSW. Additional modules can be set up in parallel to increase overall
production rates. The compact design allows for the efficient removal of such
high-end recyclable materials as ferrous and nonferrous metals, organics, and
glass. Additional specialized modules can be added in series for specialized
material extraction. These include fiber modules utilizing near-infrared sorting to
separate fiber and recover paper products (mixed paper, newspaper, office
paper, flat cardboard, or corrugated cardboard); plastic modules that also use
near-infrared sorting techniques to remove most commercial plastic resin by
code; and the EcoEngineered fuel module that extracts combustible materials
(paper, light film plastics, etc.) that can substitute for coal as a fuel source.
You cant build anything (even MRFs) without a good, solid foundation. Modulo
Beton provides such a foundation with its innovative, modular, precast concrete
units specifically designed for the construction of split-level municipal solid waste
recycling centers. The companys unique patented design includes underplatform additional storage area. These modules are precast offsite and
assembled onsite without the need for subsurface foundations. So, for a typical
MSW MRF, these units can be installed in two to five days in a four-step process:
site planning, system design, preparation of the base, assembling of the Modulo
blocks, and finishing. Site design can be done by the user. With a load-bearing
capacity of 13.5 tons to 63 tons, Modulo offers flexible design options that can be
reconfigured or added to at any time. Safety and easy maintenance are built into
the design of Modulo block facilities. Safety is provided by optional guard rails to
allow for easy installation and removal of storage bins and by galvanized steel
splash guards that protect personnel while making for easy maintenance and
cleaning. Their concrete surfaces are easy to maintain, durable and resistant to
corrosion. The sites are clean and aesthetically attractive.

One question often neglected during the MRF planning process is what to do with
the recycled materials to prepare them for shipping, storage, and marketing.
Sebright Products Inc., a manufacturer of industrial compactors, has the answer.
A major supplier of self-contained precrusher and transfer station compactors,
the company provides the equipment that a MRF would need to prepare
extracted materials for shipping. Its 8-cubic-yard-capacity Model 9884T is
operated by a 50-horsepower motor driving a pair of 6-inch cylinders capable of
exerting over 101,000 pounds of force. The larger, with a capacity of 9 cubic
yards, can also use 6-inch cylinders to generate over 121,00 pounds, or a single
7-inch cylinder applying over 165,000 pounds.
For over 40 years, Sierra International Machinery has been involved in scrap
processing and the recycling business. Sierra provides a full range of processing
equipment and technical support for MRFs and recyclers. Sierras extensive line
of recycling equipment includes Sierras REB series two-ram balers, conveyors,
high-capacity/high-density horizontal balers, shredders, and material handlers,
etc. The company can provide complete system design or just a single
component. For example, the Macpresse horizontal baler is designed with an
exceptionally heavy frame to ensure long life in the dirty, dusty environments
found in transfer stations and recycling operations. These balers are operated by
a hydraulic manifold block that provides effective valve controls and eliminates
hydraulic shock. Ease of operation and maintenance is enhanced by a structure
that includes bolt-in replacement liners on all four sidewalls, as well as the
compaction ram. The finished bales are secured with five to 10 wires, as
required, depending on the product. A Siemens Simatic Industrial PC capable of
providing management reports, production data, and operating costs, as well as
self-diagnostic functions, is included. Todays MRFs demand equipment that can
efficiently process multiple grades of materials desired by mills.
A new product that received high reviews during the recent ISRI and Waste Expo
Shows was the Sierra E-9 Zero Emissions electric crane. This crane is ideal for
inside applications with no diesel or propane fumes. It is totally electric/hydraulic,
saving thousands of dollar a year in maintenance and fuel costs. Battery
operated, it can work an entire shift without recharging. With a five-prong
grapple, the E-9 can lift 2,700 pounds at maximum reach and 6,800 pounds at
minimum reach. Its operating arm has a maximum extension of almost 20 feet
and a lift height of 7 feet. This unit is tailor-made for RDF facilities.
Operating in the western United States for over 14 years, Titus Services provides
turnkey design, fabrication, and installation services to MRF operators and glassbeneficiating operators. As a service provided, Titus is skilled and experienced in
any number of MRF systems, doing everything from installing glass-cleaning and
optical-sorting equipment, to the moving, designing, and installing of a singlestream MRF. MRF equipment installation includes conveyors, feed hoppers,
bunkers, balers, trommels, compactors, baler liner replacements, and conveyor
rebuilds. The companys mobile staff of craftsmen are experienced in the
installation of container line retrofits, balers, glass beneficiation equipment,
plastic, fiber and glass sorting systems, balers, and sorting stations for singlestream MRFs. The companys expertise covers a wide range of manufacturers
and suppliers of MRF equipment (BHS, Bollegraaf, CP Manufacturing, TiTech,
Pellenc, Machinex, Hustler, and Picvisa, to name a few).

Van Dyk Recycling Solutions offers systems for the recycling and sorting of
single-stream, commercial waste, construction-and-demolition debris, plastics, ewaste, municipal solid waste, and specialized wastestreams. The companys
turnkey approach provides design, installation, and training along with lifetime
service and support, all aimed at achieving client business goals. To date, Van
Dyk has installed over 340 MRFs and 2,400 recycling and sorting systemsand
17 mega-MRFs with throughput capacities of 50 to 60 tph. The companys singlestream systems include vertically integrated solutions using balers, screens, and
sensor-based sorters. This technology comes together in Van Dyks complete
multiMRF packages. Its multistream systems employ Bollegraaf sorting systems,
TiTech sensor-based sorting, Walair density-separation systems, and 3D trommel
screens. The multifunctional TiTech autosort 4 sorting system can handle a wide
variety of materials. It is designed to maximize consistent in-feed rates and
handle large objects by using oversized components. Advanced BollegraafPaper
Magnet systems separate 2D paper from 3D boxes and cartons. High-efficiency
Bollegraaf balers maintain throughput at the end of the operation.
A prime example of the Van Dyk design/build approach is the Grand Central
Recycling and Transfer Station. According to Wilfred Poiesz, western vice
president of Van Dyk Recycling Solutions, This innovative plant can process and
sort residential single-stream, dirty and dry commercial waste, and multifamily
MSW, all over a single processing line. It is a scalable alternative for the recyclers
who do not have the capital, volume, or needs for a multiple line mega-MRF. The
facility has an innovative design with traditional low-maintenance machinery and
highly-automated controls capable of handling 600 to 700 tpd. The fact that Van
Dyk Recycling Solutions could think out of the box allowed them to formulate the
most competitively priced proposal as well as the best use of space and people,
states Pete Perez, general manager of Grand Central Recycling.
Vecoplan LLC is a supplier of industrial shredders, screeners, and separators. For
over 40 years, all of this equipment has found extensive use in the recycling
industry, but the companys leading product is the plastic shredder. Plastics
make up a large fraction of any wastestream, and plastic reduction machinery is
an essential first step to its recovery and extraction. Vecoplan designs,
engineers, manufactures, supplies, installs, and trains personnel for plastic
shredding systems. Its shredders can handle ABS, acetals, acrylics, engineered
thermoplastics, mixed thermoplastics, HDPE, LDPE, nylon, PC, poloyolefins, PP,
PS, and PVC. The companys double-shaft shredders can process over 100 tons
per hour. Their design includes two cutting rotors spaced apart from each other
to cut against a fixed counter-knife. The fixed knife is positioned below in the bed
of the cutting chamber and in between the two rotors. Shredded material passes
through bar screens. The fraction that does not pass is pulled back into the
cutting chamber for a second round of shredding. The company also excels at
recovery systems that convert waste into clean energy. Utilizing anaerobic
digestion and hydromechanical processing, Vecoplans energy recovery systems
create fuel by fermentation of biological waste, household waste, and organic
fractions of MSW.
Stadler America is a joint venture between Stadler Anlagenbau GmbH and
Zimmer America Recycling Solutions (a division of ZARS-USA LLC). It provides a
wide range of recycling equipment and systems including, single-stream waste
sorting plants, ballistic separators, plastic sorters, and screening drums. The

company has installed more than 200 complete turnkey recycling plants as well
as more than 600 individual ballistic separators. Its systems can handle
household waste, industrial waste, lightweight packaging materials, polymers,
commingled material, MSW, plastic bottles, paper, OCC, refuse-derived fuel, and
specialized wastestreams.
The companys sorting plant for commingled materials is designed with a feeding
hall and a processing hall. The feeding hall comes equipped with four feeding
bunkers, a main feed-via-sack opener, and individual feeds (loose commingled
materials, compressed bales, and loose plastics). The processing hall has a
separating and dispensing unit that separates the wastestream into two separate
lines. From there, the waste goes to ballistic separators, overhead magnets for
removal of ferrous metal, eddy-current separators for nonferrous metals, manual
sorting tables, plastic film extraction units, and near-infrared optical sorting
systems. The bulk output from the system includes paper, plastic, and metals
with secondary extraction of cardboard, plastic film, aluminum, newsprint,
magazines, mixed paper, and several kinds of commercial plastic.
Used in Europe since 1980, the Stadler ballistic separator is a relatively new
technology for the American market. With this machine, Stadler America is
introducing a proven screening method to the US, having already built over 600
of these units worldwide. This machine consists of a set of six perforated paddles
rotating offset against each other and angles that can be manually or
hydraulically adjusted to match incoming wastestreams. It produces a threefraction output: a 3D rolling fraction, a 2D flat fraction, and, very importantly, the
fines fraction. Increasing the angle of inclination increases the amount of
material that will fall into the rolling fraction, resulting in a cleaner flat fraction
(and vice versa). The fines fraction is produced by material leaving the screens
through the variable openings in the six paddles (standard openings are 2 inches
by 2 inches). The result is the effective sorting of material flow into flat,
screened, and rolling factions by size, shape, and weight (rolling and heavy
materials like plastic bottles, cans, and metals; light flat materials like films,
paper, and cardboard; and glass). Different models are designed for such
different applications as the STT2000 for light packaging and mixed paper, the
PPK for paper and cardboard, and the STT5000 for industrial waste, bulk waste,
household waste, and construction-and-demolition debris.
Author's Bio: Daniel P. Duffy, P.E., writes frequently on the topics of landfills and
the environment.

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