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Sizzling Aromatic Vegetarian Sizzler by Charishma Ramchandani .

An incredible hom
emade sizzler!
1 large carrot, peeled,cut and boiled ,1 potato, peeled,cut and boiled ,
1 onion, chopped ,3-5 cauliflower florets, washed,cut and boiled ,3-5
French beans, cut and boiled ,2 tomatoes, blanched and chopped ,2 slices
pineapples, cut ,2 pieces apples, cut ,2 tablespoons oil , salt ,1
tablespoon black salt ,2-3 tablespoons tomato ketchup ,1/2 teaspoon re
d chili powder ,1 bunch fresh coriander leaves, chopped ,1 green capsicu
m, chopped ,1 red capsicum, chopped ,3-5 drops vinegar or butter ,1 sizzl
er Change size or US/metric | 50 minutes 25 mins prep
Change to: sizzler US Metric
1. First wash all the vegetables nicely in chilled water. 2. Cut the carrot, p
otato, Frenchbeans and the cauliflower all lengthwise. 3. Boil the above vegeta
bles till half done. 4. In a wok, heat the oil.5. Add the onions to it. 6. Sa
ute for a few minutes. 7. Add all the boiled vegetables.8. Saute.9. Add capsi
cums, tomatoes, pineapple and apple. 10. Saute for 1 minute.11. Add salt, red
chilli powder, black salt, corriander leaves and Tomato Ketchup. 12. Toss well.
13. Lay one fine leaf of cabbage on a hot iron tawa (griddle).14. Put the coo
ked vegetables on it.15. Just before serving, put few drops of vinegar or butte
r to bring that steam effect. 16. Lo and behold: Your aromatic sizzler is sizzl
ing and waiting for you to have a great treat!
Chicken Sizzler by Fay Almeida |
zzzzzzzzzzzzzssssssssssssss...................... Hear the sizzle folks it is si
zzler time!!! Don't you just love it when it is served in a restaurant and every
body turns to look as to who is being served!!!!!
500 g chicken breasts (4 halfs) ,1 small red onion, chopped ,3 teaspoon
s all-purpose flour ,1 tablespoon chopped garlic ,100 g mushrooms, sliced
,1/2 teaspoon pepper ,1 tablespoon chili sauce ,1 teaspoon salt, to
taste ,1/2 cup red wine (optional),1/2 cup water ,1 teaspoon oil,4 t
omatoes ,1/4 medium cabbage, cut into chunks ,2 cups cauliflower florets
or broccoli florets ,22 French beans , any vegetables, you like can be adde
d to this i add carrots and french fries too to the platter. ,1/4 cup Worces
tershire sauce ,2 large onions, sliced
4 servings Change size or US/metric | 1 hour 10 minutes 30 mins prep
Change to: servings US Metric
1. In a non stick pan, (preferably) heat the oil Saute the garlic till light br
own and then add the onion and stir fry till light brown.2. Stir the mushrooms
and the flour into the pan and brown. 3. Throw in the salt, pepper chilli sauce
, chicken, wine& water. 4. Mix and simmer covered for 20 mins till the chicken
is tender.5. Put on med. 6. high and cook till the sauce thickens.7. In the m
eanwhile cut the tomatoes in half and grill in a skiller.8. Steam cabbage, caul
iflower/ broccoli and the beans and carrots In another nonstick pan steep the sl
iced onion in the worcestershire sauce and simmer covered till onion becomes ten
der.9. To Serve: Either serve on a hot platter (sizzler plate- I use cast iron
skillets, I have 3) or on a warm plate. 10. If using sizzler plates make them h
ot.11. Place lettuce or cabbage leaves at the bottom. 12. Place the meat slice
s and the vegetables on the platter and pour the sauce on top. 13. Sprinkle lit
tle cold water on the hot plate to make it sizzle just before serving. 14. Note
: Fish sizzler can also be made in the same way.
Vegetable Sizzlers ,
Main Ingredients : Capsicum, Tomato , Carrot (Gajar) , Cabbage ( Patha gobi)
By Saroj Kering
Ingredients 1 medium capsicum (should stand on its base),1 medium tomato ripe
and firm ,1 carrot boiled, cut into 1/2\" slices,1 cup cabbage shredded,2 potato
es boiled and peeled,1 onion cut into rings or strips,3-4 beans boiled and halve
d,1 cup boiled rice,1 cup boiled noodles or spaghetti,1 tsp. red chilli powder,1
tsp. tomato ketchup,1/2 tsp. Soyasauce,1 tsp. Cornflour,1 tbsp. dried bread cru
mbs, fine,1 tbsp. Butter,Salt to taste,1 tbsp. oil
Method Mix ginger, garlic, Mash one potato well, cut fingers of the other.Mix r
ice, mashed potato, cornflour, chilli powder, soyasauce, ketchup, salt.Cut off c
ap from both tomato and capsicum. Scrape tomato from inside to form hollow.Place
capsicum in boiling water till limp. Drain and pat dry.Fill both tomato and cap
sicum with rice filling. Brush with a little butter. Keep aside
Shape pattie of remaining mixture and shallow fry with oil. Keep aside.
To assemble sizzler: Heat sizzler tray, place half butter in centre, add all veg
etables, salt and stirfry. Push to the sides, put remaining butter in centre. Ad
d noodles, sprinkle salt and pepper, toss. Push to sides inside the veggies. Pla
ce the capsicum, tomato and pattie in centre. Turn carefully to sizzle all over.
Transfer tray to its wooden container.Make tray very hot before serving and spr
inkle very lightly with some white vinegar, to sizzle.Serve piping hot with sauc
e, garlic rolls, etc.
Making time: 1 hour ,Makes: 1 large serving bowl ,Shelflife: Serve immediately,
prior preparation as convenient.
Note: To make for a large number of guests, it would be better to use the same m
ethod but use a large griddle (tawa used for pav bhaji) to accommodate for all.
Increase all the ingredients accordingly.

Chicken Sizzler Glossary

Ingredients: Chicken Breasts 2 ,Refined Flour 2 tbsps ,Salt to taste ,Pepper Pow
der 1/2 tsp ,Butter 1 tbsp ,Oil 1 tbsp ,French-fries 2 cups ,Oil to deep fry ,Mu
shrooms 2 medium ,Rice (boiled) 1 cup ,Saffron 2-3 strands ,Cherry Tomatoes 3-4
,Babycorns 3-4 ,Cauliflower 1/2 cup ,Snow Peas 4-5 ,Carrot 1 medium ,Capsicum 1
,Brown Sauce 1 cup ,Lettuce Leaves 3-4
Dust the chicken breasts with flour, salt, pepper powder. Heat oil and butter in
a pan and shallow fry till golden on both sides. Heat the sizzler plate. Heat o
il in a kadai to fry the French fries. Add mushrooms to the chicken.In another p
an heat some butter. Add boiled rice and stir. Add saffron soaked in some milk a
nd salt and mix well. Add cherry tomatoes and baby corn to the chicken cooking i
n the other pan. Add some water and reduce the heat. Cover and let it simmer.
Put the saffron rice in a small bowl and press it a little.Deep-fry the frozen F
rench fries. Drain onto an absorbent paper. In another pan heat butter then add
cauliflower florets, snow peas, carrots, capsicums and sauté.Add brown sauce to
the chicken.
Take the hot sizzler plate, place the lettuce leaves on it. Place the chicken in
the center. Place saffron rice on one side and vegetables on other. Place Frenc
h fries in between. Pour sauce on top. Add a little butter to get the sizzling e
Serve immediately. :) nutrition facts:
Proteins : 18.8 gms Carbohydrates : 37.7 gms
Fats : 20.08 gms Calories per serving : 418 kcals
Serves: 4 persons

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