Pokemon Learning League Dealing With Betrayal

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Pokemon Learning League

Dealing with Betrayal

Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Iris, Axew, Clemont, Bonnie

and Dedenne walking along the streets of
Santalune City on a partly cloudy mid-morning.
Clouds move across the sky and block out the Sun
for a brief moment. Sunbeams poke through some
of them. Clemont speaks to Iris.)
Clemont: So, what have you been doing in Johto,
Iris: I visited Yellow Rock Isle, and it was a really fun
Axew: Axew.
Bonnie: Sounds great. What did you see there?
Iris: They make a lot of jewelry out of Corsola horns
& some families built their homes on top of Corsola
Bonnie (fascinated): Ah-ha.
Iris: Yeah. How about you two?
Bonnie: Clemonts been working on another new
Iris: I see, and whats it going to be used for?
Clemont: I cant tell you yet, but I will say itll be
something incredible.
Iris: Oh, okay.

(They continue onward. Fourteen minutes later,

they come to a big variety Poke Mart.)
Clemont: How about we stop here and stock up a
(They nod their heads in agreement and head on
inside. Once there, they see the kinds of items
they have for sale, from incenses, rare Poke Balls,
various herbs, evolution stones and gems. The trio
come to an aisle stocked with Pokemon food.
Bonnie picks out one made for electric types.)
Bonnie: This looks pretty good.
Dedenne (agreeing): Dede.
Clemont: Okay, then.
(She takes it. Now, Iris picks out Pokemon food
made from various berries.)
Iris: This one looks pretty good.
Axew (agreeing): Axew.
Clemont: (gives a small chuckle.) Very well.
(As they come to the next aisle stocked with
medicines & treats, they spot Alexa and her sister,
Viola, looking through the selections. Alexa is
wearing a bright orange t-shirt, jean shorts and
Alexa: Hello, guys.

Clemont: Hey, Alexa and Viola. How are you two

Viola: Were doing well. How about you?
Bonnie: Great.
Dedenne: Dede.
Alexa: Thats good to know.
(Viola turns over to Iris.)
Viola: Nice to meet you. Im Viola.
Iris: Thanks. Im Iris.
(They shake each others hands.)
Clemont: So, Viola, how are things at the gym
Viola: Oh, its going very well.
Clemont: Thats good to hear.
Viola: Yep. In fact, the Pokemon themselves have
been enjoying & putting up with the challenges
coming in lately, so we want to make them
something special.
Bonnie: Thats very nice.
(They continue on through the aisle and pick out
certain medicines & food. Moments later, they
head over to the checkout counter. The cashier
scans the items and rings up the price. They pay

the correct amount of PokeYen and their purchases

are placed in cloth bags.)
Iris: So, what else have you been doing?
Alexa: Viola and I have been doing some training.
Iris: Thats good to hear.
Viola: Yeah.
Bonnie: What have you done so far?
Alexa: Weve sharpened some of our Pokmons
moves, and taught them some new ones.
Bonnie: Thats great.
Alexa: Yeah. Would you want to see the ones
Helioptile has learned?
(The three nod their heads in agreement. They
head over to an open field. Tall grass & flowers is
blowing in the wind Helioptile hops off her
Alexa: All right, ready?
(Helioptile nods its head.)
Alexa: Okay. Helioptile, use Bulldoze!
(It jumps up and then stomps down on the ground,
creating a shock wave.)
Alexa: Now, do Signal Beam!
Helioptile: Heliop!

(It puts its hands together and fires a streaky pink

beam at the sky. As it does, multiple blue shapes
appear around the beam.)
Alexa: Okay, heres a tough one: use Surf!
(It lifts up its frills, glows blue and creates a wave
of water and rides on top of it. Then, it crashes
down and the wave disappears.)
All (impressed): Whoa!
Axew: Axew.
Dedenne: Dede.
Clemont: That was incredible, Alexa.
Alexa: Thanks, Clemont. The last two were really
difficult to pull off.
Clemont (understanding): I can imagine.
Alexa: Oh, you have no idea, especially with Signal
Beam. That one was a big pain.
Clemont: Oh, how so?
Alexa: We tried every training method we knew,
but nothing worked at all, so thats when we called
up a move tutor
(As they continue talking, Bonnie looks over and
spots a young trainer named Hiroki sitting on at a
bench with his head drooping down and an angry
expression on his face. He has blonde hair,

emerald green eyes and is wearing an orangeyellow striped t-shirt, blue jeans and white
sneakers. She gets a concerned look on her face.)
Iris: Is there something wrong, Bonnie?
Bonnie: Yeah. That boy over there doesnt look too
(Iris looks over to him.)
Iris: Youre right. What could be the problem?
Bonnie: I dont know. Lets go over and ask him.
(They go over to him. Hiroki lifts up his head and
notices them.)
Hiroki: Uh, can I help you?
Alexa: Yeah. Are you feeling all right?
Hiroki: To be honest, not really.
Alexa: I see.
Hiroki: Yeah. Oh, Im Hiroki, by the way.
Alexa: Pleasure to meet you. Im Alexa.
Viola: My names Viola.
Clemont: Im Clemont.
Iris: Im Iris, and this is Axew.
Axew: Axew.
Bonnie: Im Binnie, and this is Dedenne.

Dedenne: Dede.
Hiroki: Well, it happened two weeks ago.
(Flashback to two weeks ago, where we see him
having fun with his friend, Janine, doing a shooting
range with their Vanillish & Flaaffy. Janine has
long, green hair, dark blue eyes and is wearing a
yellow buttoned shirt, sweatpants and flat shoes.)
Hiroki: Vanillish, Mirror Shot!
Janine: Flaaffy, ThunderBolt!
(Vanillishs body become covered in a light blue
aura. Then, the aura forms into a light blue orb of
energy in front of its body. It fires one shot at a
disk, shattering it. Now, Flaaffy releases a
powerful bolt of blue electricity at the next disk,
directly hitting it and shattering it. They continue
doing it a few more times. Moments later, they
finish up the final round.)
Hiroshi: That was your best timing yet, Vanillish!
Vanillish: Vanill.
(Janine comes over to him.)
Janine: Those were some pretty good moves you
did, Hiroki.
Hiroki: Same to you & Flaaffy, Janine.
Janine: Thanks, Hiroki.

Hiroki (wondering): By the way, what have you

been doing recently?
Janine: Ive been mostly helping some trainers
catch some Pokemon.
Hiroki: Thats nice. Are they any good?
Janine: Yes, they are.
Hiroki: Ah-ha. What do you do with them after
Janine: We do a little training with them.
Hiroki: Oh, okay.
Janine: Yep. Now, if you dont mind, I have to go do
some business.
Hiroki: All right, then. See you later.
Janine: Yeah, see you.
(She waves to him and walks off. Now, we dissolve
to the next, where we see Hiroki coming to Kalos
Route 22.)
Hiroki: This looks like a good spot to do some
(He searches through the grass & flowers for some
new Pokemon. Eventually, he finds a Riolu.)
Hiroki: Ah-ha. Vibrava, I choose you!

(He throws his Pokeball in the air and Vibrava

emerges from it. Riolu runs up to Vibrava and puts
its palm on it. Then, it fires a huge light yellow
blast from its paw at it, doing damage to it.)
Hiroki: Vibrava, counter with Earth Power!
(It lands on the ground, its body starts glowing
gold, &the ground around it starts to shake, with
glowing gold cracks that travel towards Riolu hits
it, doing damage to it. Then, it gets back up, balls
up its fist, which glows light blue and uppercuts
Vibrava, doing significant damage.)
Hiroki: Use Giga Drain!
(Vibrava takes flight & flies around in circles above
Riolu. Its body glows green, leaving behind a
turquoise trail of energy that forms a ring. After it
finishes it, Vibrava's eyes glow red and green static
from the circle hits the opponent, draining its
energy and making its body glow green.)
Hiroki: All right, Ultra Ball, go!
(He throws an empty Ultra Ball at Riolu and it goes
inside it. It rocks back & forth, while a red light
blinks. Hiroki waits for a moment and then, the
ball stops rocking & the red light fades. He picks it
Hiroki: Another great catch. (He turn over to
Vibrava.) Great job, Vibrava.

(He strokes its head, calls it back to its Pokeball

and heads over to the next patch of flowers, but
then, he sees a gang going to the patch of grass
on the other side of the path. He goes into the
flowers and begins searching. Moments later, he
leaves the patch and head down the path, but
then, he sees Janine catching Pokemon with the
gang he saw earlier, using the moves she used
during their training. The gang consists of her, a
girl named Adrian and a boy named Garrett.
Adrian has blue curly hair in a pigtail, red eyes,
and is wearing a yellow shirt, black jeans & openair sandals. Garrett has short brown hair, blue
eyes, and is wearing an orange-and-green t-shirt,
maroon shorts and sneakers. They exit the patch
with five Pokemon in each of their hands.)
Garrett: We didnt do too badly there.
Adrian: Yeah, we didnt.
Janine: You think other trainers will really buy into
Garrett: Janine, they wont know what hit them.
Hiroki: (gaps in shock.)
Adrian: How much do you think well get out of
Garrett: Who knows? Well just have to see.

Janine: All right, but we should be careful with who

we sell them to.
Adrian: You make a good point there. Okay, lets
(They leave the area. As they do, we pan over to
see Hiroki looking on with an angry & disbelieving
expression on his face and he walks off. Dissolve
back to the present day.)
Alexa: Oh, thats terrible.
Hiroki: It was. I just couldnt believe what I saw.
Iris: Have you done anything to cope with it?
Hiroki: Kind of. Ive stayed away from her for a
while & I tried looking forward, but that hasnt
helped very much.
Bonnie: Well, maybe Diana knows something thatll
help you out.
(She goes into pocket, pulls out the Pokepilot,
turns it on and calls Diana, who is working on a
highly detailed backdrop.)
Diana: Oh, hey guys. Hows it going?
Iris: Pretty well, Diana. Thats a really nice painting
Diana: Thanks. Its going to be for the new short.
Bonnie: Thats good.

Diana: Yep. (She notices Hiroki.) Oh, hello there.

Im Diana.
Hiroki: Hey, Im Hiroki.
Diana: What seems to be the matter with him?
Iris: Well, his friend betrayed him.
Diana: Oh, Im sorry to hear that.
Clemont: Yeah, and he needs help to cope with it,
so do you know any ways he can do that?
Diana: Of course I do. To start with, try to let
yourself become emotional and let it go. Its
important to release your negative emotions when
coping with betrayal, so dont prolong the agony
and let the mourning get to you. Get the feeling of
hurt & anger out of your system and move on.
Hiroki: All right, what else?
Diana: Another way is to focus on yourself. This
may sound odd, but doing this for a short time will
help feel a little better and softening the feeling of
Iris: Thats a pretty good one
Diana: Thats not all. Another good way is to
believe in yourself and in the greater purpose of
connecting with others again. Yes, it sounds clich,
but it is important to overcome your reticence and

look to connect again, as well as feel stronger

about it.
Clemont: I see. What else is there?
Diana: Heres another thing you can do: find ways
to strengthen your personal development. There
are many activities, like spending time with your
Pokemon or friends, start a new training regimen
with them or thinking of new catching methods.
Clemont: Those sound pretty helpful.
Diana: Yes, they can. Oh, theres one other thing:
know that this process isnt an easy one to
manage. There will be times where youll relapse,
and if you start to feel distressed, turn to a friend
wholl listen and help pull you out of it.
Bonnie: Oh, okay. Thanks, Diana.
Diana: No problem, Bonnie. So how about I show
you guys something?
Bonnie: Okay, Diana.
Dedenne: Dede.
(Pan left to a left-side panel displaying four trainers
trying to cope with betrayal.)
Diana: All right, you guys ready?
Clemont: Sure thing, Diana.

Diana: Very well, then. Now, this boy finds out his
friend has been negatively talking about his
trainers skills to some people behind his back.
What do you think he should do?
Iris: He should let himself get emotional.
Diana: Very well, Iris. Now, this girl learns her best
friend lied to her about joining a bad gang. What
do you think he should do?
Bonnie: He should learn to believe in himself again
& look for new friends.
Diana: Okay, Bonnie. This boy finds out his friend
has been using him to get training secrets for a
gang and is hurt & angry about this. What do you
think he should do?
Clemont: He needs to focus on himself.
Diana: Okay, then Clemont. Now, this trainers
Blastoise turned against her after putting up with
her attitude for too long. What do you think she
should do?
Iris: She should strengthen her personal
Diana: Very well, Iris. That was pretty good, you
Iris: Thanks, Diana.
Axew: Axew.

Diana: No problem, Iris. Well, I better get back to

finishing this background. See you later, guys. Oh,
and I hope you feel better, Hiroki.
Hiroki: All right, thanks.
(Bonnie turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in
her pocket.)
Alexa: Hey, how about we make us some lunch,
Iris: All right, sounds good.
Axew: Axew.
Viola: Hey, Hiroki. You want to help make the food?
Hiroki: Um, sure.
(They set up the table, lay out the cloth, then they
set up the plates & utensils. Moments later,
theyre eating bread torrejas, Kung Pao chicken,
bacon cheeseburger dumplings, and pumpkin
cornbread. The Pokemon are having mini Poke
Poffins and Poke Puffs mixed in with their regular
food. Also, the sky clears up a bit.)
Viola: So, how long have you been on your journey,
Hiroki: For about a year and a half.
Alexa: Thats good. What do you plan to do on it?

Hiroki: I want to show the full potential of what

they can do, whether theyre fully evolved or not.
Alexa: Ahh, thats pretty good.
(They continue on eating. Minutes later, Clemont,
Iris, Bonnie and Hiroki finish up their food.)
Iris: Ahh, that was really good.
Clemont: It was. You two did great on it.
Both: Thanks, guys.
(The two resume on eating.)
Iris: Okay, what do you guys say we do another
round of what we did before?
Clemont: All right, but we better see if the viewers
want to do it.
Bonnie: Okay. (She turns over to the viewers.) You
guys want to do it? (She casually waits for an
answer from the audience for one second.) Oh, all
Hiroki: Uh, do you guys do this a lot?
Bonnie: Yeah, we do. Its pretty silly, but they can
be pretty helpful sometimes.
Hiroki (getting it): Oh, all right.
(Dissolve to a four-way split screen, where we see
different scenarios of people being betrayed.)

Clemont: Okay, lets get to it. Here, this trainer

finds her friend lied to him about what he does
when hes not doing any training. What do you
think she should do? (He casually waits for an
answer from the audience for one and a half
seconds.) Overcome his reticence & look to
connect again. Very well, then.
Hiroki: This guy finds out his friend withheld a bad
secret from him. What do you think he should do?
(He casually waits for an answer from the audience
for one and a half seconds.) Strengthen his
personal development. Okay.
Bonnie: This girl learns that her friend has told
bunch of people training methods she was
supposed to keep a secret. What do you think she
should do? (She casually waits for an answer from
the audience for one and a half seconds.) Let
herself get emotional. Sure, why not.
Iris: Lastly, this trainers friend turns on their
trainers group and leaves to join another one.
What do you think she should do? (She casually
waits for an answer from the audience for one and
a half seconds.) She should focus on herself.
(Dissolve back to the gang and Iris casually speaks
to the audience.)
Iris (casually): Way to go, guys.
Axew: Axew.

(Now, we turn over to see Alexa & Viola finishing

up their dumplings.)
Viola (contented): That was really scrumptious.
Alexa: You said it.
(She wipes her mouth & they clear up the table,
remove & fold up the cloth and fold up & put the
table away. Moments later, they lay out on their
backs, watching the clouds rolling by.)
Bonnie: Thats one a Donphan using Rollout.
(She points to it.)
Viola: (chuckles.) Youre right. (She spots another
one.) Theres a Pikachu using Volt Tackle.
Iris: It kind of does. (She points out another one.)
That ones an Aerodactyl getting its prey.
Hiroki: Thats a good one. (He spots another one.)
Theres Manaphy befriending Cresselia.
Clemont: I agree with you there.
(He sits up.)
Hiroki: Guys, thanks for helping me out with this.
(The others sit up.)
Clemont: Hey, it was no problem, Hiroki.
Hiroki: Well, I better be going. See you guys later.
All: See you.

(They wave goodbye to him as he walks off.)

Iris: You think hell be okay?
Clemont: Something tells me he will, Iris.
(They all turn over to the audience.)
All (casually): Thanks a lot, guys.
Axew: Axew.
Dedenne: Dede.
(Now, we dissolve to moments later, where we see
them doing various activities. Iris & Bonnie are
playing around with Axew and Dedenne, Clemonts
chatting with Viola and Alexa does some training
with Helioptile.)
Clemont: That was an interesting episode. Did you
enjoy it? (He casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) Okay, then. Well see
you next time.
(They casually wave goodbye to the audience and
resume what they were doing. Now, we fade to
black, ending the episode.)

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