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September 4 - 5, 2015

The Banff Centre

Banff, Alberta




Welcome to the third annual Campus Alberta Student Conference on Health (CASCH),

a conference designed to engage an interdisciplinary group of graduate and senior undergraduate students from across Alberta in a discussion about current trends and future directions in
health promotion, health care, health research and practice in Alberta.
CASCH is a collaborative effort between 3 institutions across Alberta, including students and
faculty at the University of Alberta School of Public Health and Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry,
University of Calgary Department of Community Health Sciences and University of Lethbridge
Faculty of Health Sciences. CASCH, a conference created by students for students, has been a
great success for 2 years now bringing together hundreds of graduate and senior undergraduate students in Alberta to create a platform for students to promote engaging and meaningful
discussion of their research and work. This is CASCHs third year and we hope to build on the
success of past years to make it even bigger and better this year!
CASCH supports the vision of Campus Alberta and strives to bring together students from across
the province to share their research and ideas, access mentorship, and network with leaders in
their fields. This year CASCHs theme is: Making a Difference through Interdisciplinary Work.
There are four thematic areas:

Building Healthy Communities and Populations

Trending Health Services and Policy Research
Exploring Pathways to Equity
Studying Disease Trends

Overwhelmed by the success of CASCH 2013 and 2014, we are ecstatic to present CASCH 2015.
Thank you for making the third-annual CASCH a reality! We are excited to have you join us in
Banff and continue the conversation on inspiring the future of health here in Alberta!
The CASCH 2015 Steering Committee

In Memory of Dr. Cy Frank

August 3, 1949 March 5, 2015

We would like to dedicate this years conference to the memory of Dr. Cy Frank
who died suddenly on March 5, 2015. Dr. Frank was one of the original champions of the Campus Alberta Student conference on Health (CASCH). He was
a professor, physician, innovator and was appointed CEO of Alberta Innovates
- Health Solutions in 2013. He was also among the first people to embrace, nurture and support the concept and various ideals, which eventually developed
into CASCH in September 2013. He agreed to be a Faculty Mentor and Presenter
for the inaugural CASCH. He drove all the way to Banff on a Saturday afternoon
just so he could spend 30 minutes with students during the mentorship luncheon for CASCH 2014. Although he is not with us for CASCH 2015, his legacy
and his undying support for the strengthening, enhancement and continued
vibrancy of graduate education, graduate student experience and research in
Alberta especially for those in health-related fields - will be felt this year, and in
the years to come. His lifes work, foresight, passion and commitment to others is
an inspiration to us all. The number of students, mentors and faculty in attendance this year is a testament and a tribute to his support, vision and dedication
to better health and health care in Alberta.
If we can aspire, even a little bit, to work and live like Dr. Frank, we will indeed be
inspiring the future of health as he did every day.
On behalf of all CASCH Executive Team members and CASCH 2015 attendees,
we thank you, Dr. Cyril Basil Frank!




CASCH is intended to be a forum for students to meet, interact, generate new ideas, and learn
from one another. Throughout the conference there will be plenty of opportunities to network
with students and faculty. To make the most of your time at CASCH 2015, it might be helpful to
take a few moments to reflect on your goals. As you continue your journey through school, what
sorts of things do you want to focus on or achieve? How can your time at CASCH 2015 help you
work towards those goals?

At CASCH 2015 I want to...

3 Goals for my program:

1. _____________________________

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

REFLECTIONS: Before & After CASCH 2015

Take a moment to reflect on your goals before and after the conference:

What do you want to gain at this conference?

What is your ideal job in 10 years?
Who here can help you in your path towards your ideal job?
Who works in your research area?
Who works in a research area you are interested in pursuing?
Which talks did you enjoy the most? Why?
Which posters did you enjoy?
Which mentor did you connect with? Why?

Friday, September 4th - Day 1
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Registration (KC 100) & Room check-in

6:00 pm - 6:15 pm

Welcome Remarks
Dr. Lynn McIntyre, University of Calgary
CASCH Steering Committee KC 101/103

6:15 pm - 7:00 pm


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Keynote Address
Dr. Janet Harris, School of Health and Related
Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield KC 101/103

8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

CASCH Poster Session - KC 201/203 (see pages 15-18)

Saturday, September 5th - Day 2

7:00 am - 8:00 am

Breakfast (Vistas Dining Room)

8:00 am - 8:15 am

Opening Remarks
Dr. Faith Davis, University of Alberta
MLA Cam Westhead
CASCH Steering Committee KC 101/103

8:15 am - 9:15 am

Keynote Address
Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, Family Medicine
University of Ottawa KC 101/103

9:15 am - 10:15 am

Professional Development Panel

Overcoming Adversity: Learn how initial failures can turn into successes
Dr. Lynn McIntyre, Mr. David Price, and Ms. Georgia Venner KC 101/103

10:15 am - 10:30 am

Coffee Break and Transition

10:30 am - 11:30 am

Concurrent Session 1: Interdisciplinary Sessions

KC 101/103, 201, 203 & 205 (see pages 19)

11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Networking Lunch - KC 101/103

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Concurrent Session 2: Student Oral Presentations

KC 101/103, 201, 203 & 205 (see page 20-21)

2:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Coffee Break and Transition

2:15 pm - 3:45 pm

Concurrent Session 3: Student & Faculty-led Workshops

KC 101/103, 201, 203 & 205 (see page 22)

3:45 pm - 4:15 pm

Closing Remarks and Awards

Sharon Yanicki, University of Lethbridge
CASCH Steering Committee KC 101/103



Dr. Janet Harris
School of Health and Related
Research (ScHARR),
University of Sheffield
Dr. Janet Harris is a faculty member at the
School of Health and Related Research at
the University of Sheffield where she directs
the Masters in International Public Health
Management and Leadership and the MPH
Management & Leadership programs.
Her previous experience includes working as a health care provider in Canada and
England, before moving on to become a public health manager and commissioner in
the United States for ten years. After returning to England she directed the MSc and
DPhil Evidence Based Health Care at University of Oxford for 10 years before going
to Norway to assist with the establishment of a postgraduate programme at the new
Centre for Evidence Based Practice.
She holds a Masters in Community Organization, Management and Planning from
Boston University and a PhD in Public Health from University of Hull. This year, she
has started a three year National Institute of Health Research Knowledge Mobilisation
Fellowship, focusing on brokering the co-creation of evidence on the impact of communities on health and wellbeing.
Talk Title: Assessing Community Impact on Health: The Role of Knowledge Brokering

Tweet! Tweet!

Over the course of CASCH 2015, we want to know whats on your mind!
Follow us on Twitter @CASCHConference. Weve set up a Twitter hashtag, #CASCH2015, and look
forward to reading your thoughts 140 characters at a time. Keep them appropriate and know
that we have prizes for the funniest, edgiest, most insightful tweets.




Dr. Yoni Freedhoff


Family Medicine, University of Ottawa

Dr. Freedhoff is a renowned expert in obesity, as recognized by the Canadian Obesity Network. He is also very experienced in nutrition and policy, being referred to as
Canadas nutritional watchdog by the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
He engages with the Canadian government, Public Health Agency of Canada, Health
Canada, non-profit organizations, and the public to advocate for optimal policies in
Canada related to obesity and nutrition.
Dr. Freedhoff has extensive presence in the area of health, obesity, nutrition and policy,
appearing on television, in newspapers, at conferences and events, and on his own
award winning blog, Weighty Matters.
Dr. Yoni Freedhoff is also an Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the University of
Ottawa and the medical director of the Bariatric Medical Institute, which he founded
in 2004. Hes also the author of the #1 national Canadian bestseller The Diet Fix: Why
Diets Fail and How to Make Yours Work.
Talk Title: When Harry Tweeted Sally: Adventures and Best Practices in Social Media and
Knowledge Translation

Have a question for Dr. Harris or Dr. Freedhoff?

Join her/his table at the networking lunch on Saturday!




During #CASCH2015, participants will have the opportunity to meet and interact
with inspiring leaders, researchers and faculty members from the fields of epidemiology, health economics, health education, health policy and management, health promotion, health services research, kinesiology, medicine, nursing, psychology, population, public, and global health. Below is a brief introduction to all of our mentors.

Mr. Walie Aktary is a research assistant for the Alberta Policy

Coalition for Chronic Disease Prevention (APCCP) and Coalitions
Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP) team at the
School of Public Health, University of Alberta. In this role, he provides both analytical and technical support to APCCP and CLASP

Ms. Selina Allu holds a Masters degree in Health Geography

(University of Calgary) and has over 8 years of experience in

knowledge translation (KT), health messaging, and working
in the not-for-profit sector. She has been involved in KT and
implementation of the Canadian Hypertension Education
Program guidelines and policy initiatives for the reduction of
dietary sodium. Selina is currently involved in supporting KT
activities for chronic diseases, including kidney disease.

Ms. Kayla Atkey is the policy analyst for the Alberta Policy Coali-

tion for Chronic Disease Prevention (APCCP) and Coalitions Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP) team at the School
of Public Health, University of Alberta. In this role, she assists with
the coordination of a 17 member advocacy coalition and synthesizes evidence on policies for obesity and chronic disease prevention.

Dr. Fiona Clement is an Assistant Professor in Community

Health Sciences (University of Calgary) and Director of the

Health Technology Assessment Unit within the OBrien Institute for Public Health. Her research interests include evidenceinformed policy development, health technology assessment
and reassessment, costing methodologies, and reimbursement
decision-making processes and systems. Dr. Clement is also one
of the 2014/15 Canadian Harkness Fellows in Health Care Policy
and Practice.

Dr. Xinjei Cui is Alberta Centre for Child Family and Community

Researchs (ACCFCR) Chief Analytics Officer. As the inaugural Director of Child and Youth Data Lab, she led a major ACCFCR initiative partnering with provincial ministries to link administrative
data for research relevant to provincial priorities. She is currently
establishing the Child Data Centre of Alberta and is an Adjunct
Professor at the School of Public Health, University of Alberta.

Ms. Ceara Cunningham is a PhD Candidate specializing in Health

Services Research at the University of Calgary. Ceara is examining

the effects of physician payment plans on the completeness and
validity of administrative data and data improvement strategies in
Canada. She holds a Frederick Banting and Charles Best CIHR Doctoral award. Her goal is to work as a program leader specializing
in health care system performance, informing public health policy.

Dr. Faith Davis is interested in understanding factors influencing

the occurrence and survival of cancer, focusing on rare cancers and

environmental exposures. She is interested in surveillance-accurate
patterns and exposure assessment to better evaluate known animal
neurocarcinogens in the environment. Dr. Davis is a Professor and
Vice-Dean at the School of Public Health, University of Alberta. She
holds a PhD in Chronic Disease Epidemiology from Yale University.

Dr. Diane Dennis is the acting Senior Manager, for Research &

User Services in the Research & Analysis Branch of the Planning

and Quality Assurance Division. She is leading the development
of the ministrys research alignment and investment strategy and
chairs the Research Evaluation & Analysis Advisory Committee
for Human Services. Her work focuses on providing leadership in
the development and use of research evidence to inform ministry
business priorities.

Dr. Dean Eurich is an Associate professor and Canada Research

Chair in the School of Public Health, University of Alberta. Within

the School, Dr Eurich is the Program Director for the Clinical Epidemiology program. Provincially, he is a Joint Lead, Career Development in Methods & Health Services Research platform for Albertas Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR) Support for
People and Patient-Oriented Research and Trials (SUPPORT) Unit.

Ms. Janis Geary has completed degrees in microbiology and

public health. Her PhD research is a case study examining policies and management strategies for large international data and
materials repositories. Janis works part-time as Research Agreements Lead for the Canadian North Helicobacter pylori Working
Group, an interdisciplinary group working to address community
concerns about H. pylori infection in Northern Canada. Janis has
received doctoral awards from CIHR and AIHS, and currently holds
an Isaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship.

Dr. Brenda Hemmelgarn is a clinician scientist, Professor and

Head of the Department of Community Health Sciences (University of Calgary), and Director of the Alberta Kidney Disease
Network. Dr Hemmelgarn is a health services researcher focusing on the study of chronic kidney disease using computerized
databases. She is also interested in strategies to determine patient research priorities, as well as optimal methods to enhance
uptake of evidence into clinical practice.

Ms. Erin Hetherington is a PhD Student in Epidemiology at the

University of Calgary and member of the All Our Babies Research

Team, led by Dr. Suzanne Tough. Erin completed her MSc from the
Harvard School of Public Health focusing on reproductive health
and rights. Her research interests are in social determinants of maternal and child health, particularly how social support systems
can improve maternal mental health and child development.

Dr. Fariba Kolahdooz is a Nutrition Epidemiologist, Assistant Director of Research,

with the Aboriginal and Global Health Research Group, with over 17 years of experience
in designing population-based studies and investigating food security, and ethnic differences in health outcomes. Dr. Kolahdooz has overseen several nutrition intervention
programs in Canada over the last four years, including Why Act Now. She is a world
renowned scientist and has conducted numerous national surveys.

Dr. Cynthia Mannion is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary.

Dr. Lynn McIntyre is a Professor in the Department of Com-

munity Health Sciences at the University of Calgary. She is

also currently the Associate Scientific Director for the OBrien
Institute for Public Health. She is a Fellow of the Royal College
of Physicians of Canada in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. Her research, both domestically and globally is centred on
income-related household food insecurity.

Dr. Thomas Noseworthy is a Professor of Health Policy and

Management in the Department of Community Health Sciences (University of Calgary). He has over 40 years of experience
as a physician researcher, policy-maker and healthcare leader.
Dr. Noseworthy has received a number of awards for his outstanding contributions in the field of health services and policy
research, including the prestigious 2014 CIHR Barer-Flood Prize
for Health Services and Policy Research.

Dr. Oddone Paolucci is the Graduate Program Director for the

Department of Community Health Sciences and Co-Director of

the Office of Surgical Research in the Department of Surgery. She
holds a joint appointment in these Departments and is a member
of the OBrien Institute for Public Health. She has actively served in
various leadership roles, including academic research symposia,
research grants and awards, and resident scholarship committees.

Mr. David Price is a founder of the Sunterra Group of Companies

and active in a number of local, provincial and national agricultural

and educational organizations. Importantly, David is the father of
Greg Price, someone terribly missed by family and friends, and
who died prematurely due to failures of Albertas medical treatment system. Gregs family is working to improve the system to
provide Safe, Continuous, Collaborative, Patient-Centred Care.

Dr. Paul Ronksley is an Assistant Professor (University of Calgary)

and health services researcher with a focus on patients with multiple chronic conditions. His research aims to understand the subset of chronic disease patients that drive healthcare utilization and
spending. Using novel data-linkage methodologies, his work explores clinical profiles of patients with multi-morbidity, how they
engage with the system, and whether care pathways can be modified to improve outcomes.

Dr. Sangita Sharma is a Centennial Professor and Endowed Chair

of Aboriginal Health in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta. Since moving to Canada in 2010, she has been
leading a large research group examining the risk factors for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity among Indigenous populations in Canada and around the world. Currently, she is running
programs in Edmonton to improve nutrition and physical activity
in Aboriginal and new Canadian youth.

Dr. Jane Springett is Professor and Director of the Centre for

Health Promotion Studies in the School of Public Health, University

of Alberta. She leads the Ecological and Participatory Approaches to
Health (ECOPATH) research group. She is interested in participatory
practice in research and action for social change. Before coming to
Canada in 2011 she was actively involved in the WHO Healthy Cities
movement and worked in several countries.

Ms Helen Tam-Tham is a PhD Candidate studying under the su-

pervision of Dr. Brenda Hemmelgarn in the Cumming School of

Medicine. Her thesis employs a mixed research methodology to examine care and outcomes for older adults living in the community
with severe chronic kidney disease, and is supported by an Alberta
Innovates - Health Solutions Graduate Studentship.

Ms. Georgia Venner is currently working towards her Master of

Public Health in the Global Health program at the University of
Alberta. She has been involved with SIHA since 2011 with various executive positions and currently sits on the Board of Governors. Georgia is also an executive member of the School of Public Health Students Association where she holds the position of
External Relations Officer.

MLA Mr. Cam Westhead was elected to the Legislative As-

sembly of Alberta, representing Banff-Cochrane, on May 5,

2015. He currently serves as a member of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and as a member of the Standing
Committee on Families and Communities. Prior to this, Mr.
Westhead was a registered nurse with Alberta Health Services
for 10 years, and served as a workplace representative for 4

Dr. Tyler Williamson is an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

in the Department of Community Health Sciences (University

of Calgary). Previously, Dr. Williamson was at Queens University where he was the Senior Epidemiologist for the Canadian
Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN), Canadas first multi-disease electronic record surveillance system,
and an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences.

Dr. Ruth Wolfe has a background in a range of health and social

service practice settings, with experience in program planning

evaluation, policy development, teaching and research. She is interested in social determinants of health inequities, immigration
as a determinant of health, critical theory and the racialization of
human services. Dr. Wolfe is currently engaged in a collaborative
partnership addressing child welfare intervention in immigrant,
refugee, urban Aboriginal families.

Ms. Sharon Yanicki is the coordinator of the Bachelor of Health

Science degrees in Public Health and Aboriginal Health, and a lecturer in the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge.
Sharon is a doctoral candidate, Nursing, University of Alberta and
holds degrees in nursing and health promotion. Her research focuses on: social inclusion/exclusion, poverty, social justice, social
support, health promotion and health equity.

Dr. Marilynne Hebert is as an Associate Professor in the Depart-

ment of Community Health Sciences and Institute for Public Health,

University of Calgary. She uses mixed methods, although primarily
qualitative and is interested in stories as strategies for data capture
and knowledge transfer. She teaches in the MPH program in Tanzania
and the on-line Continuing Professional Program, as well as supervises students investigating different aspects of using stories.




Saturday September 5th 9:15 am - 10:15 am KC 101/103
Panel topic:
Overcoming Adversity: Learning how initial failures can turn into successes
Dr. Lynn McIntyre
Mr. David Price
Ms. Georgia Venner
Lesley Soril




FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th - 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Theme 1: Building Healthy Communities and Populations (posters 1-26)

Canadian media: A source of misrepresentation of global health

Shyrose Aujla, BHSc student, University of Calgary

Hamstring muscle strength two years after ACL ligament reconstruction: what you
really knee to know.
Michael Christie, BSc student, University of Calgary

Capacity Building in Practice

Allie Buxton, B.Ed, MPH student, University of Alberta

Fear of HIV/AIDS in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy - a qualitative study
in Rwimi, Uganda
Nicole Ofosu, MSc., PhD Candidate, University of Alberta

Park Quality and its Relationship with Neighbourhood Socioeconomic Status and
Urban Form
Rhianne Fiolka, BHSc student, University of Calgary

Group-level physical activity interventions in Aboriginal communities: A scoping

O. Kara Loewen, BSc student, University of Lethbridge

Facilitators and Barriers to Access and Utilization of Mental Health Services Among
Wives of Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Tiffany Beks, BA, MSc student, University of Calgary

Exploring Physical Activity Perceptions and Influences Among Older Adults from a
Rural Alberta Community: Results from an Applied Study
Kayla R. Lochhead, BSc student, University of Lethbridge

Effectiveness and equity of national interventions to reduce salt

Amanda Barberio, BHSc, University of Calgary


Building healthy communities; a needs assessment of primary school teachers to

educate about soil-transmitted helminths in rural Tanzania
Anika Winn, BHSc student, University of Calgary




A case study of Peace Officers as Victims: the complexities of animal welfare and
bylaw investigations involving individuals living with mental illness
Dawn Rault, B.A., M.A., Ph.D(c) University of Calgary


Nurses Talks to Teachers: Physical Activity Instigates True Learning in the Classroom
Christine Foran, RN, BN, University of Calgary


An Investigation of the benefits of attending Cancer Camps for Children affected by

Brain Tumor
Gaya Narendran, BSc student, University of Calgary


Improving student engagement through health and wellness: a passport to health.

Benjamin J. Smith, BSc student, University of Calgary


R.E.C.E.S.S. Study Results on Mental Health Changes in 1st Year University Students
Kaitlyn Verge, BSc student, University of Calgary


Analysis of Screening Mammography Trends in Alberta

Karla Gustafson, MD, MBT, University of Calgary


Ecohealth and Ethics: Where is the guidance?

Aryn Lisitza, BHSc student, University of Calgary


Building the capacity to improve water quality through partnerships with the
for-profit sector: a case study in Eastern Tanzania
Jacqueline Noga, BHSc, MSc student, University of Alberta


Teaching Aids for Soil-Transmitted Helminths: The Potential of Education to Address a

Neglected Disease
Uzair Jogiat, BHSc student, University of Calgary


An Examination of Depression Stigma in Asian and Caucasian Canadians

Alainna A. Wen, University of Calgary


The Practice of Pica During Pregnancy Among Immigrant Women

Nilufer Hasanova, BN student, University of Calgary


Documenting the Experience of New Canadians Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes

Mellitus: A qualitative inquiry using digital storytelling
Fartoon Siad, BSc, MSc student, University of Calgary


Exercise Training in patients on the liver transplant list: A Pilot Study

Karim Narsingani, BSc student, University of Calgary


Parental Restrictive Feeding: Remembered Childhood Experiences

Isabel Brun, BA, MSc student, University of Calgary


Developing a process evaluation framework for a complex, randomized control trial

(RCT) in low to middle income countries (LMIC): A practicum experience in rural
Georgia Venner BSc, MPH student, University of Alberta


Analysis of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome coverage in Canadian newspapers

Sadia Ahmed, BHSc student, University of Calgary


Theme 2: Trending Health Services and Policy Research (27-32)


Survey of Policies and Guidelines on Antioxidant Use for Cancer Prevention,

Treatment, and Survivorship in North American Cancer Centers
Gyeongyeon Hong, BSc, University of Calgary


Correlation of Inpatient Experience Survey Items and Domains with Overall Hospital
Kyle A. Kemp, MSc, University of Calgary


Mobile Apps for Hepatology Care and Training: Evaluations, Recommendations and
Future Directions
Pooja Patel MBT, University of Calgary


Self-Regulation as Represented by Three Albertan Parenting Magazines

Zain Velji, BSc student, University of Calgary


Reducing workplace sedentary behaviour in health care settings: Evidence-based role

modeling for workplace health
Jamie Pfoh, BSc, Mount Royal University


An environmental scan of quality-of-care measures in use at Canadian sleep centres

Alicia Liang, BHSc student, University of Calgary

Theme 3: Exploring Pathways to Equity (33-38)


Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Social Factors Questionnaire

Leonie Tesorero, BN student, University of Calgary


Tackling Social Inequities in Health: Overview and Critique of the makeCalgary:

equitable Initiative
Johanna Vanneste, BA student, University of Calgary


Tackling Health Inequalities: A Population Health Ethics Evaluation using the

Stewardship Model
Kelsey Lucyk, MSc, PhD Candidate, University of Calgary


Roles and Needs of Fathers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) from
Diverse Socioeconomic and/or Cultural Backgrounds
Kritika Sharma, BHSc student, University of Calgary


Social inclusion/exclusion as matters of social justice: a call for action

Sharon Yanicki, RN, PhD Candidate, University of Lethbridge


Change in Quality of Care Associated with Centralization of Elective Orthopedic

Surgery Procedures: A scoping review
Lopatina Elena, MSc student, University of Calgary


Theme 4: Studying Disease Trends (39-48)


The Association between Leisure Time Physical Activity and Pancreatic Cancer Risk in
Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Megan S. Farris, MSc student, University of Calgary


Effect of Gingival Fibroblasts and Ultrasound on Orthodontically Induced Root

Resorption In Human Subjects
Samira Diar-Bakirly, MSc student, University of Alberta


Population displacement and malaria among children in the Democratic Republic of

Rhianna Charchuk, BSc, MSc student, University of Alberta


Development of a Predictive Model of Seizure Events for Preadmission Screening of

Epilepsy Patients to the Seizure Monitoring Unit
Sophie Hu, BHSc, University of Calgary


A systematic review of ICD coding algorithms for identifying stroke and transient
ischemic attack (TIA) patients
Cord Lethebe, BSc, University of Calgary
Sylvia Hao, BSc student, University of Calgary


A systematic review of ICD coding algorithms used to identify patients with a

diagnosis of hypertension using administrative health data
Tina Guo, BSc student, University of Calgary
Sophia Sun, BN student, Univeristy of Calgary


Translational Application of microRNA Profiling for Early Detection of Lung Cancer

Jennifer E. Gyoba, MSc student, University of Alberta


Caesarean Delivery: Is it the right choice?

Julia Imanoff, BSc, BScN, RN, PNC(c), University of Calgary


Providing the best bedroom sleep environment for children with cerebral palsy
Risha Dutt, MSc student, University of Alberta


Motion Pattern Analysis in Proprioceptive Guidance

David Pinzon, MSc student, University of Alberta

Tweet! Tweet!

Dont forget to tweet during the conference @caschconference #CASCH2015!

We look forward to reading your thoughts - 140 characters at a time!




SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th - 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
CONCURRENT SESSION 1 - Interdisciplinary Panel
Students will have an opportunity to hear from leaders, researchers, practitioners on how to
work effectively across disciplines to achieve impact. Each session will be approximately 1 hour in
length (including time for questions). Room numbers are listed by theme. Students will be able to
partake in any one of their choosing during this block.

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- KC 101/103
Brenda Hammelgarn MD, PhD, University of Calgary
Paul Ronksley PhD, University of Calgary
Helen Tam-Tham PhD(c), University of Calgary
Selina Omar Aliu MSc, University of Calgary


- KC 201
Sangita Sharma PhD, University of Alberta
Fariba Kolahdooz PhD, University of Alberta


- KC 203
Kayla Atkey, University of Alberta
Walie Aktary, University of Alberta


- KC 205
Xinjie Cui MBA, PhD, Alberta Center for Child Family
and Community Research
Diane Dennis PhD, Alberta Human Services
Erin Hetherington MPH, PhD student, University
of Calgary

The presenters will provide an overview of the ICDC

(the teams journey towards becoming interdisciplinary) as well as highlight 1-2 examples of research
projects that exemplify roles of various team members and interactions with policy makers, healthcare
providers and patient populations.
Panel members will speak about their training, their
roles on various projects, and doing interdisciplinary
health research.
The aim of the WHY ACT NOW project is to develop,
implement, and evaluate a community and evidence
based, sustainable intervention program to address
health challenges, focusing on all urban youth (Aboriginal youth and new Canadians). By working directly
with the youth and leaders of community organizations
we have explored the topics that are relevant to urban
youth and their families. From these discussions, we are
building initiatives to improve the health and wellness
of the youth, and are working towards sustainable

This talk will highlight the Alberta Policy Coalition

for Chronic Disease Preventions efforts to create
healthy food environments through policy change in
settings such as schools and recreational facilities in
Alberta. Participants will then explore how evidencebased tools, such as the Policy Readiness Tool (www., can be used to support the
implementation of healthy public policies.
The Child Data Center of Alberta (CDCA) is a facility
where different types of data related to child development, health and well-being are stored, prepared
and linked. The panel will outline the purpose of the
CDCA, how government uses research generated by
the CDCA and how students can access data.




SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th - 12:30PM - 2:00 PM
CONCURRENT SESSION 2 - Student Oral Presentations
Session A: Building Healthy Communities and Populations - KC 101/103
1. More than a pal: The generative leisure work of fathers raising children with autism spectrum
Jennifer Mitchell, PhD(c), University of Calgary
2. Relationship between Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Albertas Type 2
Diabetes Population
Danielle Thiel, BSc, MSc student, University of Alberta
3. Agents of global health change: youth capacity to improve community health and livelihoods through social entrepreneurship in remote Tanzania
Erika Friebe, BHSc student, University of Calgary
4. Building local capacity with participatory science workshops to address water, sanitation and
hygiene challenges in rural northern Tanzania
Raida Khwaja, BHSc, MD student, University of Calgary
5. Building healthy Maasai communities: Presence of helminthic infection and anthelminthic
drug resistance in sheep and goats in Ngorongoro, Tanzania
Douglas Doyle-Baker, BHSc student, University of Calgary
6. Perceptions, Priorities and Knowledge: Exploring non-compliance in rural Albertans water
testing behaviour
Abraham Munene, MES, PhD student, University of Calgary
Session B: Studying Disease Trends - KC 201
7. Modelling the 12-year trends of stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) using ICD coding
Cord Lethebe, BSc, University of Calgary
8. Set shifting impairments in currently depressed individuals versus previously and never
depressed individuals
Alainna Wen, University of Calgary
9. Abnormalities in Cerebral Physiology: Explaining the Progressive Component of Multiple
Jaimie Bird, BSc, MSc student, University of Calgary
10. Partnerships in healthcare: an investigation into the latent tuberculosis screening process
for new refugees in Calgary, Alberta
Lindsay Delmar, BHSc student, University of Calgary
11. Hypertension incidence in Canadian primary care EMR data
Stephanie Garies, MPH, PhD student, University of Calgary
12. Ski and Snowboard School Programs: Incidence and Risk Factors for Injury
Sran Ravneet, BHSc student, University of Calgary

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th - 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

CONCURRENT SESSION 1 - Student Oral Presentations
Session C: Pathways to Equity- KC 203
13. Understanding the Role of Unplanned Pregnancy in Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy: An
Exploratory Study
Camila Maturana Palacios, BA, University of Calgary
14. The Impact of Physical Activity on Quality of Life in Prostate Cancer Survivors
Megan S. Farris, MSc student, University of Calgary
15. Ideology trumps: health care providers a barrier to abortion services
Harneet Chahal, BSc, MSc, University of Alberta
16. Impact of parental sense of coherence on their childrens oral health-related behaviors
Maryam Elyasi, MSc student, University of Alberta
17. Preterm Birth and Social Support During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and
Chelsea Doktorchik, BHSc, MSc student, University of Calgary
18. Exploring the Differential Rates of Caesarean Sections in Newcomer Women in Edmonton,
Priatharsini (Tharsini) Sivananthajothy, MSc student, University of Alberta
Session D: Trending Health Services and Policy Research - KC 205
19. Exploring barriers to participation in Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery: A qualitative
study of clinician perspectives
Madeline Hermann, BHSc, University of Calgary
20. A Comparative Narrative Analysis of Two Case Study Methodologies
Kelly J Mrklas, MSc, PhD(c), University of Calgary
21. Primary Care Physicians Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Care of Older Adults with
Kidney Failure Not on Dialysis:
Helen Tam-Tham, PhD(c), University of Calgary
22. The Relationship Between Inpatient Hospital Experience and Patient Safety Indicators
Kyle A. Kemp, MSc, PhD(c), University of Calgary
23. An Activity Based Costing Analysis of Red Blood Cell Transfusion Practices in the Intensive
Care Unit
Lesley J.J. Soril, MSc, PhD student, University of Calgary
24. The effects of increases in inspired oxygen on cerebral blood flow: Implications for prehospital care policy in stroke patients
Megan Crosby, BSc student, Mount Royal University


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th - 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM

CONCURRENT SESSION 3 - Student & Faculty-led Workshops
#CASCH2015 will feature four faculty and student-facilitated workshops; each aligned with

one of the four thematic areas of this years conference, and will be presented by those with expertise in their respective fields of study. The workshops will be 90 minutes in length, and will be
a valuable opportunity to interact with and learn from current students. Workshops will provide
participants with background knowledge, tips, practical tools, and will provide relevant resources
related to the topic.
These workshops will be beneficial to incoming graduate students by exposing them to essential
information necessary to succeed in a Masters or PhD-level program, as well as to current graduate students looking to complement their existing skills. Students will be able to partake in 1
workshop during this block.



This workshop aims to provide information on how to submit a high quality scholarship application, including a breakdown of the various application components,
how to showcase your research experience effectively, and the tips for submitting
the best scholarship applications.
Ceara Cunningham MA, PhD(c), Department of Community Health Sciences, University of
Janis Geary PhD(c), School of Public Health, University of Alberta


KC 201

By the end of this session, you will understand why a Knowledge Translation (KT)
plan is important, understand the key elements of KT plans, and have some practice applying what you have learned to develop a KT plan for your research.
Kelly Mrklas, MSc, PhD (c), University of Calgary


KC 203

The workshop will explore this exciting direction in research through a discussion of what POR is as well as a video highlighting current Alberta students POR
projects. New funding opportunities will be presented and student participants
will brainstorm requirements for a training curriculum to support their patientoriented research.
Marilynne Hebert PhD
Dean Eurich PhD
Melanie Rosario MSc


Using a group work model, the training encourages discussion and reflection on
current practice and follows a non-judgmental problem-solving approach, which is
designed to enhance trainees confidence in supporting healthy behaviour change.
Laura Adam MSc student, University of Alberta
Jill Morris BSc RD, MSc student, University of Alberta
Maira Quintanilha RD, University of Alberta


KC 205

A special thank you to people who made CASCH a reality:
Drs. Tanya Beran, Cheryl Currie, Dr. Faith Davis, Dr. Jamie Day, Gordon Fick, Dr. William Ghali,
Dr. Brenda Hemmelgarn, Dr. Elizabeth Oddone Paolucci, Chris Hosgood, Dr. Lynn McIntyre, Dr. Jane
Springett, Duncan Saunders, Kue Young, Dr. Tom Noseworthy, Ms. Leda Stawnychko, Mr. Zaheed
Damani, Ms. Rachel Jolley, Ms. Donna Richardson, and Ms. Mariko Roe.

Thank you to our steering committee members:

Erin Hetherington, Helaine Krystkowiak, Amanda Barberio, Jacqueline Noga, Fartoon Siad,
Tharsini Sivananthajothy, Lesley Soril, Rachel Prowse, Kimberly Quach, Taura Willoughby, Maryam
Elyasi, Maleeha Sami, and Keka Sengupta.

Thank you to all of our committee members and volunteers:




Alexandra Stratton
Kathryn Wiens
Lauren Hirsch
Maede Ejaredar
Megan Farris
Helen Tam-Tham
Zahra Goodarzi
Khara Sauro
Rebecca Holmes
Niloofar Taghizadeh
Vahid Farshchi Andisi
Jenn Mitchell
Rhianna Charchuk
Elizabeth Yue
Maria Febbraio
Sarah Loehr
Harmanpreet Kaur
Camila Pereira
Maryam Amin
Narjara Moreira
Samira Diar-Bakirly
Aishah Alsumait
Mohamed Elsalhy
Ye Shen
Laura Adam

Elizabeth Flaming
Nancy Enns
Allie Buxton

Nedaa Aljezani
Soumita Ghose

Andrew Stewart
Asha Siad

Zaheed Damani
Erin Mason
Carla van den Berg
Shweta Dhawan
Lindsay Gaudet


Thank you to our core institutional partners:
University of Alberta (School of Public Health and Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry),
University of Calgary (Department of Community Health Sciences, Institute for Public Health and Cumming School of Medicine) and University of Lethbridge (Faculty of
Health Sciences).

Thank you to The Banff Centre for hosting us, and the following who have
generously supported this event:

Alberta Innovates Health Solutions University of Alberta School of Public Health University
of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry University of Alberta Graduate Students Association
- Academically-Related Student Group Award University of Calgary - OBrien Institute for Public Health University of Calgary Department of Community Health Sciences Blockweek Fund
University of Calgary Graduate Students Association Quality Money and Group Project Grant
University of Calgary Graduate Science Education University of Calgary Cumming School of
Medicine Bachelor of Health Sciences Program University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Alumni Association University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine
- Public Health and Preventive Medicine Residency Program University of Lethbridge Faculty of
Health Sciences Alberta Centre for Child, Family & Community Research Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Truman Homes Canyon Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Trimac Transportation

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