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Ferengi (Star Trek Supplement)

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1 Ferengi
1.1 Personality
1.2 Physical Description
1.3 Relations
1.4 Alignment
1.5 Lands
1.6 Religion
1.7 Language
1.8 Names
1.9 Racial Traits

Ferengi are driven by a need to accumulate material wealth. This greed is central to their society, and to their
culture. If you have money, you are friend to a Ferengi... if you do not you are ignored.
In addition they have a very rigid patriarchal attitude, women are not allowed to achieve wealth until their
husbands die. Until then they are not allowed to wear clothes, nor are they allowed to hold any sort of public

Physical Description
Ferengi stand at about 4 ft tall and have large bulbous heads with enlarged brain cages. Their ears are very large,
their teeth are pointed.


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Ferengi pride themselves in their ability to trade with anyone, however the more intelligent races tend not to trust
the Ferengi... mostly because of their dodgy reputations.

Ferengi tend towards neutral alignments. As the rules of acquisition say, "War is good for business." and "Peace is
good for business."

Ferengi are most at home with wet climes.

Ferengi have a loose religion based around the first Grand Nagus of Ferenginar, Gint. Gint wrote the original rules
of acquisition, and also wrote of the Ferengi afterlife. Ferengi believe that when they die they are brought to the
Divine Treasury where the Blessed Exchequer measures their wealth, and if found worthy they spend eternity in
luxury... if not, they provide the luxury to who have been found worthy.
Ferengi also have a belief in a "great material continuum" which is that for everyone's wants, somewhere there's a
supply for them. Ferengi try to navigate the great river of this continuum to get people what they want, making a
vast profit in the meantime.

Ferengi is an unusual nonlinear language. Each word could have one of a dozen meanings depending on where it is
in the sentence, even the writing system is nonlinear and is read from the center of the page outward.

Ferengi names are one syllable long.

Racial Traits
+2 wisdom, +2 int, -2 strength, -2 con. Ferengi are clever and smart... but they are frail.
Small: As a Small creature, a Ferengi gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls,
and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and
carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
Ferengi base land speed is 20
+2 appraise, +2 open lock,
If the Ferengi is carrying at least 4000 gold, the Ferengi gains +1 to diplomacy and bluff. They gain this for
every 4000 gold the Ferengi carries on his person. Up to 16000 can be used for this purpose.
Ferengi start 1st level with double the starting gold for their class, if starting at a higher level then 1 they
have an additional 1000 gold per starting level.
Expert bribery: Ferengi can spend 500 gold to increase any diplomacy or bluff check by +2, they may only
do this twice per check (spending 1000 gold to increase a diplomacy check by +4)


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Expert shopper: The Ferengi can find goods in cities as if they were one size larger.
Automatic Languages: Ferengi, common. Bonus Languages: any excluding secret languages.
Favored Class: Bard.

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