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Leave my cold, Parallel between commentary on journalists and firefighters

Last week’s commentary opening a hydrant or driving town is short-sighted.
(Pamela Lannom’s column) someone to the hospital. Your commentary states
grumpy spirit alone regarding amateur journalists
was very thought provoking. I
The adjacent editorial’s
accusations of “fear-monger-
that sometimes well-inten-
tioned people can perform
It’s your typical I’m usually right. see your message — ama- ing” from firefighters and what trained professionals
Sunday morning Most snow in 43 teurs cannot match the stan- police officers are untrue. do, although it does not make
here at the Neiman years! The only dards that you and your col- Understand that our outreach them equals. No one ques-
household. While pleasure I’m expe- leagues are held to. That via the media has been an tions the good intent of part-
eating breakfast riencing is that the being said, a parallel can be attempt to remind the public time/paid-on-call firefighters;
and perusing the rest of country is drawn between your com- that they are protected by however, it is inaccurate to
Tribune, I take in a having their spirits mentary and the perspective highly-skilled professionals. think they are held to the
headline splashed de-vexed as well. of Hinsdale’s professional The people handling your same professional standards
across the page Trying to stay firefighter/paramedics emergencies are not simply present among the ranks of
“February snowfall open-minded, I regarding the justification of held to minimum state stan- career fire departments like
tied for 4th with took Koda the dog proposed layoffs. You con- dards, but well above and Hinsdale’s. I urge residents to
1967.” Ugh! Mike Neiman out for a walk this tend that being a reporter beyond. Therefore the keep that statement in mind
Moving on to “let- morning. I wanted involves more than the ability assumption that career fire- and examine the negative
ters to the editor,” I read a to discover if this cynical to construct a grammatically fighter/paramedics from precedent that is being set. —
letter from a woman who is soul could indeed be correct sentence. Likewise, Hinsdale can merely be Thomas McCarthy IV
tired of hearing people com- touched. Short story short. being a firefighter/paramedic replaced by part-time/paid-
plain about the snow. The No! How do you drink in involves much more than on-call people from another
writer poetically tells all that anything when you have to
we should enjoy nature and, watch every step? I prefer Join Booster Club Sunday morning for brunch fund-raiser
“Walk around and drink it not to end up like an We would like to invite the sports. as well assistance to many
in. Take time to touch your Olympic bobsled hurling community to the It’s a Great This is a great opportunity athletic teams — with all
own soul.” She goes on to say down iced over sidewalks. Day to be a Red Devil cham- to meet and greet coaches money raised going to the
that the snowfall will “cover Maybe I’m tainted. Too pagne brunch hosted by the and administrators and find kids.
all that vexes your spirit. It’s many years living on the Hinsdale Central Booster out more about what We would like to invite the
a gift.” beach will do that to you. Club with Rob Stafford of Hinsdale Central is all about. entire community to share
I can feel my Cheerios But what touches this soul is NBC news serving as ceremo- The Booster Club provide and experience a great event
coming back up. Granted seeing signs of life in the nial host. some of the “extras” in extra- that benefits Central students.
I’m a Berkeley grad and still neighborhood. Come winter, The brunch will be held curricular activities beyond Our hope is to grant every
have friends that hug trees. everything goes into hiber- Sunday, March 7, at the Burr that which school budgets student the opportunity to
But I’m not sure what planet nation. No kids playing. No Ridge Marriott from 11 a.m. can afford. Our mission is to participate and excel through
this writer is from. First off, I flowers blooming. It’s just to 2 p.m. Come enjoy a cham- provide needed funding to activities at Hinsdale Central.
like to complain. It’s my God quiet and gray. There’s no pagne reception while bid- enhance academic and ath- Any questions: kanlauf@sbc-
given right. What vexes me reason to venture out into ding on exciting golf pack- letic opportunities for stu- Register now to
right now is the piled up nature unless you have a dog ages; Bulls, Sox, Cubs and dents at Central. The Booster attend at
grimy snow, frigid temps, on a schedule. Bears tickets; birthday parties Club has provided funding —
lack of sunshine and sky Salvation is around the hosted by the varsity basket- for Habitat for Humanity, Karen Anlauf, Hinsdale,
high Nicor bills. And if that’s corner. It’s March and spring ball players and tennis par- broadcast club, Peer brunch chairwoman
not enough, an ice dam last will soon be arriving. While ties; and awesome baskets Leadership, 24-Hour Relay,
week turned my living room there’s likely more snow to put together by our clubs and spring musical and forensics
into a small version of come, the light can be seen
Niagara Falls. Trust me; at the end of the dark dreary
there isn’t enough snow in tunnel. Forty degree days are
Hinsdale to cover my spirit. in the forecast. I’m so ready
And as far as the gift goes, to drink them in!
tell me where I can return it — Mike Neiman of Hinsdale
and I’ll be first in line! is a contributing columnist.
So begins my annual Readers can e-mail him at
grumpy column of how this
transplanted Californian is
so over winter. You’d figure
that come my third Chicago
winter, I’d have adapted by
now. And for the most part I
have. How do I survive, sans
Tequila? I keep my expecta-
tions low and anticipate the
very worst. And guess what?

Requirements bers, statistics and other facts mentioned in • fax to (630) 323-4220
the letter • mail to The Hinsdalean, Letters to the edi-
• 250 words or fewer • no form letters tor, 7 W. First St., Hinsdale Il 60521
• include writer’s name, address and day-
time phone number Submission Questions?
• documentation must be provided for num- • e-mail to Call (630) 323-4422

The Hinsdalean • March 4, 2010 • Page 11

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