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pg 6a


LTA Incoming, Outgoing

Surcharge Order Draws Ire


pg 6


Tokpa vs. Sulunteh
in primary


pg 6


Over resignation of
Bassa Superintendent


VOL 9 NO.136






If she does that she will be paying Dr. Randolph McClain and others for doing this country harm. We cannot reward people for doing
wrong. These people need to be investigated and the truth made public for the people to know exactly what happened at NOCAL...
This is synonymous to the Wall Street approach. The collapse of Wall Street in the banking sector happened in a sporadic manner
lawmakers did not know about it until it happened. Rep. Gabriel Smith (IND-District#4 Grand Bassa County)

Legislative Beat- pg. 5















These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market
in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the
commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

Page 2 | Frontpage

Monroviaapan is one of Liberias

international partners as
both countries have long
relations, transcending into
assistances from the powerful
Asian country which was few
years ago the Worlds second
biggest economy.
Japan, like other countries
has been providing numerous
assistances to Liberia through
grants to different sectors of
the country but it seems from
audits conducted on Japanese
donations that accountability
remains a huge problem
sponsored projects in Liberia.
Following the election of the
first democratic government
in Liberia after years wars,
Japan has provided grants
to different sectors of the
country ranging from capacity
building, rice, petroleum
products, infrastructure and
others. Currently the Japanese
are the sponsor for the
essential Somalia Drive Road
with construction expected
to commence soon but in
wake of these donations,
Liberia finds itself in a sticky
situation where many of these
Japanese sponsored projects
are mismanaged, thereby
sending out a wrong signal.
Over the years Japanese
snored projects have been in the limelight over improper
management and embarrassed by a recent financial scandal
that rocked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where a Japanese
support for Institutional and Human Resource Support
Project under the department of International Cooperation
at that Ministry was mismanaged President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf has ordered a full scale investigation into the saga
along with all Japanese sponsored projects around the
The Executive Mansion announced that the Liberian leader
has ordered the full scale investigation following the
receipt of preliminary investigation reports by the Minister
of Justice and Attorney General of the Republic of Liberia,
Cllr. Benedict Sannoh, on the slow pace of implementation
and allegations of financial improprieties in some of the
seven social and economic development projects supported
by the Japanese Government.
According to the office of the President, the projects in
question include the Institutional and Human Resource
Support Project under the department of International
Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the
construction of three bridges in Grand Cape Mount County
managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs; the construction
of five storage facilities and the Paddy and Seed Rice Project,
Phase two managed by the Ministry of Agriculture; and the
LIFE and Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Projects managed
by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
President Sirleaf at the same time further mandated the
General Auditing Commission (GAC) to expeditiously conduct
a comprehensive forensic audit of the finances of the projects,
while also ordering the Ministry of Justice to continue its
investigations into the implementation of the projects, in
close collaboration with the GAC and relevant institutions
with the view to identifying and subsequently prosecuting
those who may be culpable for any improprieties.
The president mandate is based on the alleged
mismanagement of a Japanese Government grant valued
at US$ 731,422.00 (Seven hundred thirty one thousand
four hundred twenty two united states dollars) to fund a
project titled "Institutional and Human Resource Support
for Efficient Operation of the Department of International
Economic Cooperation and Integration (IECI)".
Some officials of the Ministry are being investigated for the
expenditure of a 50% transfer valued at LR$33,474,197.00
(US$ 365,711.00) which was requested, approved by the
Minister and transferred from GoL consolidated account to
the Project's account at Afriland Bank, an amount that was
Currently, the President has dismissed one official from the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister Thomas Kaydor


for his alleged role in the mismanagement of the Japanese

fund but how far will the mandated audit and investigation
go remains a million dollar unanswered question.
Whats going wrong With Japan Grants?

Setting up investigative committees and ordering audits into

specific events in Liberia is very common from President
Sirleaf but implementation of the reports released by these
committees and that of audit reports from these specific
audits has been something lacking.
As President Sirleaf mandates yet another audit and
investigation into alleged financial improprieties involving
Japanese grants FrontPageAfrica now looks at numerous
instances where Japanese grants have being subjected to
massive abuse with inaction from the Liberian leader.
In 2012, the Japanese provided a Petroleum non-project
grant to Liberia worth one billion, one hundred million
Japanese Yen (1,100,000,000), under a Grant Arrangement
which were conveyed in an exchange of notes dated March 8,
2011 between Japan and Liberia.
On August 30, 2011, a Memorandum of Understanding
was signed by and between the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry (MoCI), consignee on behalf of the Government of
Liberia and the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC),
the implementing agent for the monetization of the Japanese
donated petroleum products.
At the time of the signing of the MoU, the Petroleum NonProject Grant was valued at thirteen million United States
Dollars (US$13,000,000.00) for the supply of 15,000 Metric
Tons (MT) of petroleum products from the Government of
Japan for monetization, for which proceeds would be used to
support development initiatives in Liberia.
An audit of the Japanese Petroleum Non project grant by the
General Auditing Commission of Liberia in a report released
August 23, 2012 indicated that the Ministry of Commerce
which was responsible to manage the sale of the petroleum
products did not carry out proper monitoring resulting to a
local company Aminata & Sons generating additional US$5
million which should have being paid to the Government of
According to the report, total gross revenue derived
from the petroleum sales by Aminata and Sons Inc. was
US$17,889,454.11 and after considering the threshold
amount deposited, storage fees, port charges, and
administrative cost paid, as well as the assumed 10 percent
commission payable to Aminata and Sons Inc., all these
outlays amounted to US$12,101,320.10 resulting to Aminata
and Sons Inc., earning in total US$5,788,134.01 beyond the
reasonable assumed commission.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The report recommended that the Minister of Commerce and

Industry, Miata Beysolow be censured by the President of
Liberia for not monitoring the deal to ensure that the terms
and conditions were enforced by LPRC.
Stated the report Commerce Minister Miata Beysolow
should be censured by the President of Liberia for not
ensuring that Aminata & Sons passed down to consumers
a discount of 21.19 percent reflected in the pump price of
petroleum sold on the Liberian market as stated in MoCIs
cost-benefit analysis; Commerce Minister Miata Beysolow
and LPRC Managing Director T. Nelson Williams should be
censured by the President of Liberia for awarding a deep
discount of US$4,584,292.90 to Aminata & Sons without any
The report recommended that Aminata & Sons, Inc. should
be made to deposit the amount of US$5,788,134.01 in
Government account # 0220630001709 at the CBL 30
days after the submission of this report to the National
Legislature, but the since the release of the report all its
recommendations remain in the dustbin.
In 2008 Japan provided Food Aid to Liberia through a
monetization scheme designed to support development in
the Agriculture Sector of Liberia.
The total quantity of rice was 8,612.2722 metric ton donated
by Japan to the Government of Liberia.
A June 2010 audit conducted by the GAC stated that there
was an agreement through the Exchange of Notes that the
minimum revenue to be generated from the sale of the
donated rice was US$4,035,552.052 or its equivalent of
L$256, 257,556.00, with exchange rate of L$63.50 to 1US$.
Given the quantity of rice supplied by the Government of
Japan, the minimum price was set at US$14.012 per bag of
The Inter-Ministerial Committee setup by the Government
of Liberia based on market conditions at the time adjusted
the price scheme downward to US$11.50, without a written
approval from the Government of Japan or an amendment
to the bilateral agreement which the audit noted resulted
in an overall underpricing variance of US$734,046.59 and
contributed significantly to the overall revenue loss of
The overall loss in revenue the audit noted was due to the
purported damaged bags of rice and unaccounted for missing
(including excess quantity) and damaged bags.
With all the hullabaloos surrounding the management of
Japanese grants over the years, it is visibly becoming an
embarrassment for the regime of President Sirleaf and
mounting pressure for some action especially when these
projects are sponsored by one donor-Japan.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Page 3




AFTER SEVERAL YEARS of disappointing results from the

Liberian national football team, the Lonestar, the team put up
a good fight, beating African football heavyweight Tunisia on
Saturday in Monrovia.
TOGETHER WITH MAURITANIA 3-1 win over South Africa
and South Sudans first competitive victory after joining
international football in 2012, Liberias victory over the
second best team in Africa as per the latest FIFA ranking
indicates that the national team has achieved a lot with that
single victory.
IT IS NO secret that the football program of the country has
gone down, leaving Liberians with no trust in the ability of
the national team to deliver the best results.
THE COUNTRY NO doubt has natural talents as all current
players on the national team have no history of graduating
from soccer academies like other players in Europe and
other parts of the world but they still perform better in
international matches.
AHEAD OF THE game with Tunisia which just recorded and
emphatic 8-1 victory over Djibouti in the its first match of
the group, the hopes were slim that Liberia could shock the
weekend of matches by beating a well prepared and organized
Tunisian team with players from big European teams such as
Spanish based FC Sevilla.
IN A GAME dominated from start to finish by the Lonestar, the
victory was well deserved as the players proved their skills
and ability to play big games.
BEING THE FIRST international match after the outbreak
of the deadly Ebola virus, Liberians took to major streets in
Monrovia to celebrate the victory, lining the streets to see the
team leave the Antoinette Tubman Stadium.
IT BROUGHT JOY once again to a country just from months
of pain and agony inflicted by Ebola. Liberians who did
not have food to eat for the day still put away their hunger
and celebrated the victory, showing how sports can do the
THE CELEBRATIONS ACROSS Monrovia show that Liberians
love sports but they are unable to support due to their
financial incapacity. They are not the Europeans who have
better standard of living and can contribute to sports.
THE HUGE PRESENCE of Liberians also the stadium amid the
heavy downpour of rain on Saturday is an indication that they
are truly nationalistic and sports loving.
NOW WHAT IS more troubling is the lack of interest in sports
by national government. Some individuals in the country earn
more than US$15,000 monthly in salary while the national
team was allotted a discoursing US$250,000 for one year in
the 2015/2016 national budget.
THIS AMOUNT IN a true world is far less than the cost that
can be incurred on a single match in some countries where
sports is supported by national government.
ITS A SHAME that crafters of the National budget will allot
such an amount of money to the National team in the wake
of the growing popularity of sports and the amount of money
involved in sporting activities globally.
WHEN IT IS game time, these same politicians who allot such
amount of money turn out to cheer the national team getting
a lot of happiness from the game when they think the team
does not need money.
IN SPORTS GOOD results do not come through guessing but
rather support and preparations. We cannot have players of
the national team gathering one week to a competitive game
to practice when other teams take weeks and months in
foreign countries preparing for matches.
EVEN MORE LAUGHABLE is the news that each foreign player
is provided US$1,000 per international game played, amount
that cannot even pay for test to a recognized medical doctor
in the case some of these payers sustain injury while on the
way to their clubs.
WHAT IS ALWAYS common is the no money syndrome when
the reality is glaring that there is enough money in the country
but not being spent wisely.
IT IS DISHEARTENING to have short-lived happiness and as
such the government needs to come out clear on support
to the national team, either to pull out of international
competition for future preparation or provide the needed
support to the national team for better results.
LONESTAR PLAYERS HAVE proven their ability to do big
things and they now need the financial support.

How the Miracle-man, miracle worked-James Debbah deserves our commendations

ptimism among some Liberians, mainly the young folks were

very low, if not at its lowest in many years. I am sure that low
expectation for a Lone Star's victory was due largely to the
lackluster performance of the team in major competitive games
over the past years.
I didnt see the game but following the commentary and game analyses
from the highly-rated UNMIL Radio commentary team, I got a clear bird
eye view of what was unfolding as my friend Hilary Colnoe, Augustine
Hamelberg and Raymond Zarbay provided minute by minute analysis and
commentary of the match from the age-old Antoinette Tubman Stadium
in Central Monrovia.
I was actually listening to the commentary with a few colleagues from
Mozambique, a Ghanaian and a Brazilian. These fellows had interest in the
result, but not the commentary and or the analyses, they couldn't grasp
the intermittent Liberian parlance and comments that were being spoken,
so they would rather ask me for the result later. But I tuned in to the radio
to the finish line and sure Grandpa Forkay Doe was the emerging savior.

The Fear Factor :

On the average, I too wont blame anyone for fearing the ''Carthage Eagles''
.The Tunisians have never been an underdog or a brush over in Africa
football. Their record stands up tall and their performance has been great
over the past years or maybe decades. Adding more flames to the fear
factor was also the Tunisian highly rated Coach Henry Kasperczak. This
man is one coach that understand African football like his ABC having
coached Morocco, Mali, Senegal and the Ivory Coast in the past and before
that he coached his native country Poland.
So just the mentioning of his name is sufficient to instill some fear in any
football follower, pundit or so-called analyst. I am told that the sports
betting agencies in Liberia made a lot of money on Saturday because even
those who wore the red, white and blue cheering Lone Star at the stadium
bet against the team at the Premier, Doxx and other betting stations.
Hahahahahahah how funny that is. My late father use to say, FEAR HAS
NO MEDICINE, I accept that but fear is different from Nationalism and
optimism. You may have fear but be a nationalist and remain optimistic.

The lack of Nationalistic spirit and optimism for victory:

Any football analyst or sports commentator would have rated the
Tunisians far higher than their Liberian counterpart. That was clear
because in African and global football, the Tunisians are a better side
and have a better record. The Eagles are standing at 33 position in the
FIFA World ranking while Liberia sits at 160 in global football ranking.
So a lot of reasons to favor the Tunisians in these pre match analyses and
However, while we respect the analysts and commentators, I dont agree
with those who wished a dooms-day demolition, destruction of the Lone
Star. That is not analysis, its devilish thinking. To say that Liberians will
leave the stadium in tears and that people will walk to the stadium and
back home in shame and disappointment do not account for any level of
trying to analyze football, its purely lack of nationalism and optimism. I
can be concerned but yet hopeful which is being optimistic. I read a lot of
pre match Facebook comments and posting where some notable sports
writers and others wished that Liberia didnt win because they had beef
with Head Coach James Debbah and his selection of players. Its like setting
the house ablaze because your wife cook a salty food for dinner gush, how
did that even enter anybody's mind or thinking.
I had the privilege to travel with the Lone Star before Liberia qualified
for the 1996 and 2002 Nations Cup respectively. In most of those games,
which Liberia eventually won, the team was never prepared and never
had a better coach than their opponents in all respects. It was either
Wilfred Kejani Lardner, the '' The Green Banana'' Dominic Vava George or
Franck Jericho Nagbe as Head Coaches and at one time George Weah as
Technical Director. We played and beat some of the greatest teams at the
time Nigeria, Congo, Tunisia etc and there were never times that sports
journalists or commentators wished the team bad luck or defeat because
they had problems with either Willis Knuckles, Edwin Snowe, Izetta
Wesley or the technical staff. I personally accompanied the Former Youth
and Sports Minister, the Late Francois Massaquoi to credit money from
Money exchanges on Broad and Carey Streets for the Lone Star to fund its
travels, that happened not once or twice but many times. Willis Knuckles
was always here and there begging for money from the Ministry of Finance
to get the Lone Star on trips to honor international matches, it has never
been milk and honey for the Lone Star as far as I was a sports writer and
commentator. I too was disappointed as some Facebookers were when I
read those Facebook posts and pre match analyses that wish Liberians
would leave the field ''licking their wounds and weeping'', but I remain
hopeful and optimistic despite my little fear for the Carthage Eagles. If
anybody is looking for a country where people are motivational, highly
spirited and are survivals, be my guest, I take to LIB. Oh yes, Liberians
know how to survive, they are never bending, they are a strong and proud
people with an attitude to fight the odds, come what may. James Debbah
and his technical crew along with the players did that on Saturday.
Debbah tactics on Saturday worked
Coach James Debbah deployed a very smart tactics on Saturday and that
paved off well. I was in Liberia in July and had seen the game against
Togo in Lome where we were defeated 2-1. That game made me to ask
and appeal to Debbah to include three Players. Francis Grandpa Doe,
Dioh Williams and Patrick 'Ronaldinho' Wleh. In my opinion, these three
highly experienced and talent players would have added more power to
the team's attacking machinery. At that time, I had seen Sekou Jabateh in
Monrovia, I am told he was injured, so I didnt think he would be fit for the
match, so I didnt mention his name among the three players I proposed.

Coach Debbah said he was building a team and he was adding on players
gradually as he moves ahead. True to his word, he added Grandpa Doe,
Sekou Jabateh and Omega Roberts, Omega Roberts didnt showed up for
Saturday's match, I am told he wrote a letter to coach Debbah explaining
the reasons why he couldn't make the team this time around. Omega is
a great lad with a promising future, he needs to be given a chance. On
Saturday, Debbah didnt field Jabateh and why the game was ongoing
some pessimistic Liberians starting posting that Debbah was wrong in
keeping Sekou Jabateh on the bench and that he brought in a local lad
called Oscar Dorley who replaced Zah Krangar. The kid was exceptional
and brilliant, he added more fire power to the match and the result was
gotten. Debbah worked the miracle.
In the conversation that have started coming, I just read one of my junior
colleagues who wrote that if Debbah is building a team, he needs to use
only local players, that is pure ignorance of what building a team means.
Building a team is a progressive term, that would include, some old
players, young players, local players and foreign based players. That is
why the LFA under President Musa Hassan Bility has made it his duty to
making all of the junior teams active, so that players will graduate from
the Under 16, Under 20, Under 21 to the Senior team, it is a process, not
an event. We need to give them a chance to grow gradually.

My appeal to LFA and MYS

It is my opinion and appeal the Liberia Football Association (LFA) and the
Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS) President Musa Bility and Minister
Lenn Eugene Nagbe to work closely with the technical staff of the Lone
Star in future games so as to give them financial support to host at least
two or three international preparatory matches before the team's next
match against Djibouti next year. The more test matches play, the more the
technical squad familiarizes themselves with their team and understand
the weaknesses and strengths of the players, the better, it will be for us in
the next few crucial games that are left to be won. We need a win again
Djibouti both in home and away, a win against Togo in Monrovia and a
draw or a win in Tunis. That should be our target. We cannot fail to do
any less.
Our investment into football as well as coordination has been very
low, we need to look at sponsorship from major concessions and other
companies as a way of bringing joy to the Liberian people. Corporate
social responsibilities can be extended outside concession areas to the
Lone Star as well, as even those in the concession areas celebrate when
Lone Star wins a match.
It is also my opinion that both the LFA and the MYS keeps Debbah and his
men for at least three years to enable them built a quality and winsome
squad like the so-called George Weah Eleven. Any attempt to break up
this current coaching staff will demolish the team and throw the entire
building process into jeopardy. Debbah is now getting comfortable and is
settling down gradually, I am sure he can achieve his best if he is allow to
function freely with all moral and financial support at his disposal.
Appeal to Debbah and crew:
Moving forward, Debbah and his technical team needs to understand that
the games ahead are more crucial as no team will want to lose a point or
a match. So the strategy should be more compact and tactical. Invite only
active players with clubs. The National Team is not a place for any clubless
player to seek his contract, it will be a disservice for any persons, LFA or
MYS officials to present you a list or names of players to be invited, do
your due diligence, if you ever attempt to bring in players without club,
you will do your country and people a complete disservice and betrayal.
In the past, Lone Star had had coaches who invited players who gave them
sneakers, headphone radio, laptops and other stuff. Those Coaches were
all unsuccessful, because they were inviting the inappropriate players. I
remembered a certain Liberian coach whenever he had the chance to be
given a coaching job, his son was number one on the list, but this very
son was not even a starting player on his local Liberian club. I am sure we
have passed that age and period, lets players be invited based on merits,
not favoritism.
I like to thank the LFA for giving Coaches James Debbah and Kelvin Sebwe
the opportunity to take a coach course in Germany. I hope the Ministry
of Youth and Sports can appeal to other friendly great football nations
through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assist other national team
coaches like Thomas Kojo, George Gebro, Vamah Kpoto, Jonah Sarweh,
Christopher Wreh and others to also get some international training, that
will add impetus and experience to their coaching career.
My conclusion
Let me conclude my cautioning both the technical staff and the players,
that though we won against the Carthage Eagles of Tunisian, that game
only prepared us for the big ones ahead. We have the bigger games yet to
come, we shouldn't be complacent and relax. The race is just beginning its
not over yet. The players shouldn't introduce the 'white chicken' scenario,
when it get praise, it rubs itself into the mud to chance its color. We need
to keep the flames burning, lets the red, white and blue keep flying high
over land, sea and mountains.
I have seen Lone Star almost entering the World Cup finals and got
shamefully beaten because of lack of focus and complacency. We all need
to learn from history which is our past, if any people fail to learn from
their past, they are prone to repeating the very mistakes over and again.
In union strong success is sure, with determination, we can prevail God
being our help. The miracle man, miracle did worked on Saturday, and
he deserves our praises and commendations while remaining cautiously
optimism and keeping the hopes alive.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Page 4 | Frontpage

The Reader's Page




Sylvester Moses Works at Self-Employed
Great victory, congrats Team Lone Star, Coach Debbah, Grandpa
Doe, Youth and Sports Ministry, and the fans; we're proud, and
Garrison F. Togba Jr. Proprietor at Garto Financial
Thank you, Frontpage Africa, for this impressive report.
Although, I was not at the game, your description of the game
itself as well as the pre and post game analysis give me an
appreciative understanding of the game. Thanks a million as I
look forward to reading your next Lone Star story.

Boima Gbelly Works at Self-Employed

Thank you plenty Lone Star for giving us victory! If nothing
good is happening in Liberia now, Thanks for making us happy.
We love you all!!!!
James Kollie Works at United Cerebral Palsy of Greater
Dane County (UCP)
Bravo!!!!! Lone Star, u made my weekend complete
Moses Kollie University of Liberia
Congratulations, Lone Star on your victory over Tunisia, keep
on the good works as we are with you forever, bravo again.

E Herodotus Payne Jr. Economist at Ministry of Finance

and Development Planning
Thank you President Sirleaf and the MFDP family for ensuring
the support and timely discharge of the players' per diem and
other necessary finances that kept the preparations on and
spirits high.

Simeon Humanitarian Simeon Chief Executive Officer at

Give Coach Debbah time and support!!! I'm optimistic him
will bring success, Before let I said his approaches is working,
Thank to the player's and more especially the Liberian peoples
for their supports,
Pius Torbor University of Liberia
Congratulations boys. It only takes hard work and
determination. Keep the courage and focus, with the needed
support you will succeed.

Emmanuel Blimie Park Center Senior High

Kudos! Way to go guys. Y'all just keep bringing us the goodies.
Hey grandpa, hats out to you. Remembered those days playing
against you and Papi on buduburam refugee camp...the power
of focus and hard work can take you anywhere. Not to digress!
Its official. I am on the ballet for Florida State Senate in 2016
after running successful campaigns for Obama, VP Biden, and
Charlie Crist. About me: or
Luther Tarpeh Oceanview Christian High school,
Rivercess, Liberia
Thank you Boys for your splendid performance against one of
Africa best teams. For a long time Liberians haven't had much
to laugh about. After the horror of Ebola and uncertainty we
can smile again. Thank you James Debah and your team of
coaches. We are with you. Let's unite and support the boys to
represent us at this coming nation cup. Congratulations! Lone
Star on the WAAAAY!

Festus Wongbay Student at Nimba County

I am glad to hear that my country won against Tunisia it is a
vision that Liberia will go for final.
Boima Williams Lincoln Technical Institute
Well. I must commend the Lone Star Team for a job well done
but I am not ready to celebrate yet, we have all seem this before,
first leg, we win by one or draw and on the return leg we are
eliminated, until we win away from home, I will only say Thank
You to the Players and Technical Staff for this much needed
victory and showing heart to defend our nation and making us
relevence and proud in African Football

DISCLAIMER: The comments expressed here are

those of our online readers and bloggers and do no
represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

Send your letters and comments to:




The Editor,

m I missing something here? For the past 8

months, our lard-ass lawmakers haven't passed
a single bill to improve the lives of ordinary
Liberians, but yet the President asking them to
stay an extra six weeks!...(Re"Liberia Legislature Extends
Session by Six Weeks")

For what?..... To do more goldbricking? Or call in sick?

Perhaps the President have faith that, in the next six weeks,
these good-for-nothing lawmakers will do something
good for ordinary Liberians.. But, do you think they'll get
any work done in those extra six weeks?
Please. If you want them to do something, you have to
bribe them, oops, I mean give them "cold water"!!
Otherwise, you should expect these clowns to do the same
damn thing they've been doing for the past 8 months..i.e
For your information, there's place called the Capitol
Building, where elected officials, wearing exotic Liberian
apparel go to do NOTHING, but (a) accept bribes, (b)
watch porn on government computers and (c) blow hot
air up our asses (engage in passionate debates), so people
can think that they're actually doing something! And the
Liberian media will cover them with a straight face!
But we all know that these elected officials are a joke.
To these clowns, it's not about doing what's good for the
country, it's more about lining their pockets and screwing
around on the job!
The longer you keep these clowns in session, the more
damage they will do to our country!
Tell them to get the hell out of the people's House!
Martin Scott
Atlanta, Georgia



The Editor,

iberia's former President Charles Taylor locked

up in his English prison cell and serving his 50year sentence with nothing but the very British
distractions of tennis and cricket on his television
must be thinking that Sudan's Omar al-Bashir is one lucky
bugger. After all, both of them earned their political stripes

running militias that killed and maimed tens of thousands

of civilians and both have faced charges of crimes against
There, the similarity ends.
This is not the headquarters of the ICC! Where was the
solidarity of African leaders when Nigerian police arrested
Taylor and his erstwhile brother Olusegun Obasanjo then
handed him over to the United Nations-backed Special Court
for Sierra Leone? Sudan's Bashir has skilfully linked the
charges against him by the International Criminal Court (ICC)
to African leaders' concerns about national sovereignty.
There is also the sense that the court is targeting Africa,
although most of the cases before it were referred by African
regimes keen to prosecute their armed opponents.
The Bashir conundrum has been bothering Hollywood stars,
African legal experts and academics who ply their trade in the
world's war zones.
It has divided opinion within the African Union (AU), and
now it seems most African leaders want to turn their backs
on the ICC.
When Bashir finally writes his memoirs on the long walk
from the barracks to the presidency, he may well include a
chapter called 'The Turbaned Pimpernel: How I Escaped the
Imperialist Clutches of the ICC.'
There is a growing view among African leaders that the
ICC is a tool of former colonial powers and rich Western
The current AU chairman is Robert Mugabe, who was present
at the AU summit in Johannesburg when Bashir made his
excuses and left in June.
"This is not the headquarters of the ICC we don't want it in
this region at all," Mugabe told the meeting.
That does not mean Bashir is much liked by other African
leaders. Some privately rail against the mass killings by his
regime in Darfur and the Nuba Mountains.
That is why AU leaders and the United Nations Security
Council insisted in late June that their joint peacekeeping
mission in Darfur be extended for another year despite
Bashir's lobbying to have it disbanded.
We Africans have a complicated relationship with our leaders,
dictators and life presidents. The question of impunity for
those who commit recurring crimes, such as those in Darfur,
needs tackling.
For the past decade we have heard about peace negotiations
in Darfur, but the killing goes on.
More than 300,000 are dead and millions are without shelter,
medicine and food.
There are still-trickier questions of guilt and accountability
for mass slaughter in Cte d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic
of Congo and Rwanda. How do we best serve the victims of
these crimes?
As you read this, the trial of Chadian former dictator Hissne
Habr accused of war crimes and torture is under way in a
special court in Senegal.
The court is a joint initiative between the AU and Senegal to
prosecute those responsible for mass killings during Chad's
civil war. It took years of lobbying to get this far.
Could the creation of this special AU court be a template for
the future? How would it be funded? What about the political
will to see it through? Which country would house such a
The AU is a brotherhood of leaders, so it seems highly unlikely
for sitting presidents to break ranks and end impunity. But
we must find answers to those questions of African justice.
Posturing on all sides helps no one, least of all the victims of
war crimes.
Farai Sevenzo
Filmmaker and broadcaster


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;

Samwar S. Fallah, News Desk Chief, 0886-527
Gboko Stewart, Copy Editor 0886 484974
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Henry Karmo, Reporter, henry.karmo@
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Al-varney Rogers, Reporter,, 0886-304498
Kennedy L. Yangian, Reporter, kennedy.yangian@ 0777296781
A. Macaulay Sombai, Sports Reporter, macaulay.sombai@, 077217428
Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753,

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Page 5

President Sirleaf yet to Submit Liberias Mental Health bill to Legislature

Al-Varney Rogers 0886304498

Monroviaight months now

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
announced during her
2015 state of nation address
that a draft mental health
bill will be submitted to the
legislature. It appears that
promise is farfetched.
The President named the bill as
part of her legislative agenda
for this year 2015 but the draft
bill is yet to leave the Executive
Mansion for the Capitol.
The Draft Mental health
legislation seeks to address
numerous challenges facing
people with mental illness.
This draft legislation mandates
integrated into the primary
health system, and that
consistent with the Basic
Health Package, services be
confidential and free of cost.
A decentralized approach in
which mental health treatment
is available at the local health
clinics and health centers,
county hospitals and tertiary
facilities will improve the
quality of life for all patients
and families. It will ensure
that people have access to
treatment as close to their
home as possible.
The draft bill is also seeking
to enable health workers to
more readily identify, monitor
and manage mental health
disorders and allows those

with both physical and mental

health related needs to be
treated in a seamless and
comprehensive manner.
It is also proposing increment
in educational opportunities
about mental health, and
helping to reduce the stigma
and discrimination associated
with mental illness.
The draft bill will also
minimize the cost of seeking
specialized care at distant
mental health facilities and
maximize resources by having
local providers treat common
mental diseases.
Despite the delay by President
Sirleaf to submit the draft
Mental Health bill the Pro

Tempore of the Liberian

Senate, Senator Armah Jallah
has vowed to support and
ensure the passage of the bill.
We have not received the draft
mental health bill, I pledge my
support to this legislation,
Jallah said.
Im going to remind the
President, put some pressure
on the president for this bill to
be submitted for enactment,
Senator Jallah said.
Several attempts in a week to
reach the president office to
provide clarity on the status of
the draft bill prove fruitless up
to press time.
Mental health has been a
low priority in resource-

poor settings. About half the

countries in Africa and a third
in the world do not have mental
health policies, and of those
that do, many have not been
revised in years according to
Furthermore, 28% of lowincome countries in the world
do not have budgets for mental
health, and in 37%, mental
health makes up less than 1% of
the overall health expenditure
(WHO Mental health Context).
Mental health resources are
extremely limited in Africa.
Cultivation for Users Hope
[CFUH] Vice President Sidney
Flomo said, the draft legislation
when passed will give voice to




If she does that she will be paying Dr. Randolph McClain and others for doing this country harm.
We cannot reward people for doing wrong. These people need to be investigated and the truth made
public for the people to know exactly what happened at NOCAL... This is synonymous to the Wall Street
approach. The collapse of Wall Street in the banking sector happened in a sporadic manner lawmakers
did not know about it until it happened. Rep. Gabriel Smith (IND-District#4 Grand Bassa County)

Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Monroviawo members of the

National Legislature
have criticized alleged
plans by President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to
mandate the payment of huge
severance benefits to officials

of the financially-ill National Oil

Company of Liberia (NOCAL).
Representatives Julius Berrian
(CDC-District #10 Montserrado
County) and Gabriel Smith
(IND-District#4 Grand Bassa
County) in separate interviews
with FrontPageAfrica Monday

said any payment of severance

to NOCAL officials could
undermine the investigation
into the alleged wasteful
spending of the companys
Representative Smith said

any attempt by President

Sirleaf to award people who
have allegedly depleted the
coffers of NOCAL will mean
she is compensating them for
committing wrong.
Representative Smith said: If
she does that she will be paying

mental health service users.

The Cultivation for Users Hope
is a group comprising mental
health service user advocating
for improvement in the mental
health sector.
The draft legislation is
important to us; we will have a
voice like other disable group,
Flomo said.
Flomo said, the President
action of not submitting the
legislation is not in any way
discouraging them adding that
his group sees it as a challenge.
For us we do not feel
discourage, we see it as a
challenge and we will keep
pushing for it to be passed,
Flomo said. When it is passed
it will get the ball rolling.
The Institute of Medicine
estimates that while 50% of
affected persons are reached
by mental health services in
developed countries, this rate
drops to about 15% in lowincome areas.
Pro- Tempore Jallah averred,
that the mentally ill live and
eat just anywhere in complete
ignorance of all health rules
bearing upon their situation.
marketplaces, bus stops, street
corners, dilapidated buildings
are all their habitats.
Jallah added Their fate
generally has been one of
rejection, neglect, and unkind
treatment from members of
their communities.
Currently, the Grant Memorial

Dr. Randolph McClain and

others for doing this country
harm, we cannot reward people
for doing wrong. These people
need to be investigated and the
truth made public for the people
to know exactly what happened
For his part, Representative
Berrian accused the President
of involvement in the situation
at NOCAL because according
to him, she had a shadow
knowledge of what was going
on at NOCAL.
This is synonymous to the Wall
Street approach. The collapse of
Wall Street in the banking sector
happened in a sporadic manner
lawmakers did not know about
it until it happened, he said.
The lawmaker claimed that
most Liberians have lost their
jobs and scholarship due to the
situation at the oil company.
Recently in an endorsement
statement of the layoff at NOCAL,
President Sirleaf described the
steps as necessary to ensure
that NOCAL performs its
duties to manage and develop
Liberias oil resources, and to
rectify recent mistakes in its
The Liberian leader recalled
the caliber of companies that
were attracted to Liberias
acreage to pursue exploration
activities as also high, with
major exploration deals struck
between NOCAL and the worlds
top oil companies (Chevron and
Exxon Mobil) as well as the
largest signature bonus (US$50
million) ever for a Frontier

countrys only functioning

inpatient mental health facility.
Prior to the war, the
government first implemented
a formal mental health delivery
service in the 1960s after a
group of concerned Liberian
women fervently advocated on
behalf of the mentally ill.
The women mobilized support
from both national and
international sources, and
within a short time, garnered
enough funds and resources to
construct a modern psychiatric
facility outside Monrovia.
They built the center on a 90acre parcel of land donated
by a Liberian legislator, Ellen
Mills Scarborough, who was a
member of the group.
They named it the Catherine
Mills Rehabilitation Center in
honor of Mrs. Scarboroughs
mother, Catherine Mills.
Rehabilitation Center had
both inpatient and outpatient
services that catered to
mentally ill patients from
across the country. It had a
capacity of approximately
75 beds for admission as
well as a walk-in and referral
community mental health
facility in Monrovia.
The hospital hired international
psychiatrists from Canada,
Haiti and the United States to
manage the facility given the
dearth of trained local mental
health specialists. The first
indigenous psychiatrist joined
the staff in 1984.

country such as Liberia.

President Sirleaf underscored
that the execution of Production
with super majors and other
reputable international oil
companies also resulted in
significant interest in Liberias
hydrocarbon sector with record
licensing of seismic data and
related revenue; noting that
during this period, average
revenue generated, US$30.5
million, compared to average
annual revenue of US$4.5
million in prior years.
This, according to her, translated
into US$10.6 million annual
payments to the Governments
Consolidated Fund. The average
annual revenue for the sale of
seismic data/component for the
period 20102013 was US$15.6
million - a 300 percent increase
when compared to annual
seismic revenue generated for
earlier periods, she indicated.
The Executive Mansion quotes
President Sirleaf as stressing
that it was regrettable that,
commencing in the fourth
quarter of 2013, NOCALs
revenue for seismic data sale
began a precipitous decline,
during which total seismic
revenue fell by 29 percent from
the prior fiscal year and was
compounded by the Ebola virus
disease of 2014 that led to a
reduction in investor interest
across all economic sectors
for the impacted West African

Page 6 | Frontpage

Gbarnga, Bong Countyn Bong County, the

struggle for the Peoples
Unification Party (PUP)s
standard bearer ahead of
2017 presidential election has
reached feverish pitch.
FrontPageAfrica has gathered
that there are two aspirants
jostling for the coveted
position: the president of
Henrique Tokpa and Liberia's
Ambassador to the United
States of America, Jeremiah
And it appears all are set for
the ultimate battle, unless
of course, a last minute
consensus is contemplated to
pick a standard bearer for the
party among the gladiators in
the race.
unanimous that the two wouldbe aspirants are heavyweights
in their own right and possess
the clouts to lead the party into
the 2017 election.
As it were, there are two
options available for the
partys spinners in the county
as they strategize to lead
Bong County to a national
consultation process in 2017.
Many are recommending
to the party stewards to
prevail on the two would-be
contenders to select among
themselves with the aid of
key stakeholders, someone of
impeccable credentials, with
a clean record of service, who
also has serious grassroots
appeal for the race.
The second option, according
to citizens of the county, is to
allow the would-be aspirants
slug it out at the primary
where a standard bearer will
emerge in the end.
However, the partys top
hierarchy seems undecided
about which option to take
due to conflict of interests. As
the party weighs its options,
analysts advise it threads with
caution to avoid intra-party
Tokpa, whose tenure as
University expires at the end of
September, has been hovering
around the political scene in
the county since he lost the
December 14, 2015 Special
senatorial election special
He has also courted the

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ahead of PUP Primary, Who Becomes PUP Standard Bearer?

Selma Lomax,

friendship of many of the elite

members of the PUP including
(Margibi County) and Rep.
Prince Moye (Bong County
district two).
To an average Bongese
(citizens of Bong County),
Jeremiah Sulunteh should be a
household name having been
a former minister of Labor
and later minister of Post
and Telecommunications in
Liberia, positions he used to
educate students of the county
via his scholarship scheme.
Sulunteh seems to be cutting
his teeth at the highest political
echelon of the PUP, even as
many argued that he has been
out of the country for a while.
Sulunteh is said to have
a deep grassroots appeal
painstakingly built over the
years in the county, resulting
in a cult-like followership
across the county and that his
reported declaration for the
most coveted standard bearer
slot of the PUP was something
his army of supporters were
said to be anxiously waiting
However, his reported entrance
into the race for the standard
bearer slot of the PUP seems
to be upsetting the status quo
and even altered the political

calculation ahead of 2017 in

the county. He is believed to
be well knowledgeable of the
political arithmetic and that
his aspiration, which was
heralded with the unveiling
of a clear blueprint, had set
tongues wagging within the
It has also left other would be
aspirants for the PUP standard
bearer position in the county

apparently in a fix. The reason

is that it is the first time an
aspirant would come out with
a defined program aimed at
uplifting the standard of living
of the citizens of the county in
a clear term.
In his development roadmap,
he dazzled his supporters with
how he intends to move Liberia
forward through agriculture,

Since his rumored declaration,
pundits are arguing that
Sulunteh's acceptance rating
has surged tremendously,
grassroots where hundreds
of youths who were said
to have benefited from his

designed to take several job

seeker from the street, are
silently campaigning door-todoor for him.
Analysts are optimistic that as
the party stakeholders ponder
on the choice of who its flag
bearer will be, the odds right
now seem to favors him if the
outcome of a recent opinion
poll across the county is
anything to go by.
The Liberian Ambassador to
Washington had ranked higher
than Tokpa in almost all of Bong
County's 13 administrative
districts. Analysts attributed
this to the growing crave for
regime change by the citizens.
We need somebody of
political baggage; a name with
an impeachable standing," a
youth of Bong County who was
in attendance at the "home
coming" Saturday.
With such endorsement and
grassroots appeal, analysts
believe party leaders will not
have to wait so long to arrive
at the ultimate decision of who
becomes PUP standard bearer
from Bong County.


Alpha Daffae Senkpeni,

intensifying in the
port city of Buchanan
over the purported
resignation of Grand Bassa
County Superintendent Madam
Etweeda Cooper. Sources say
she reportedly tendered her
resignation to President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf late last week.

Officer Eddie Williams told
morning that Superintendent
Cooper was in her office
carrying out her regular work.
Up to where we sit the
Superintendent is still in her
office, Williams said. Shes
expected to attend a workshop
this morning and later meet

with Mittal Steel and other

companies today. Mr. Williams
assured that his office will
make an official statement
about the matter in the coming
Though an official statement
has not been made to the
media about her speculated
resignation, insiders say shes
citing legislators interference
as justification for her
Madam Cooper has since this
year come under extreme
pressure and criticisms from
several members of the Grand
caucus over alleged corruption
and disrespect to members of
the county legislative caucus.
Representative Hans Barchue
(Electoral District #1) said

in early June this year that

the lawmakers are finding it
difficult to work with Madam
Cooper because of several
issues including alleged fraud
and disrespect for caucus
On the other hand, Cooper
has accused the lawmakers of
demonizing her administration
and interfering with her
the separation of power
amongst the three branches
of government which she said
disallows interference.
The news of the purported
resignation of Superintendent
Cooper comes as auditors
from the Ministry of Internal
Affairs complete an audit of the
administration over the usage
of county funds. The auditors
are expected to complete the

audit this week, a source told

Sources say discrepancy in
the implementation of several
projects including roads, clinic
and schools prompted the
audit. The administrations
report at the re-convened 7th
county sitting in July this year
was described by many as
unreal, with some delegates
rejecting the report.
the county say though
Superintendent Cooper has
the right to resign her post
but they prefer that she holds
on until the pending audit
report before tendering her
resignation. Some say it casts
doubts over her credibility
especially with clouds of
administrations reputation.

The lead advocate of the

Aggrieved Bassa Citizens (ABC)
says the information about
Coopers resignation is a
very good news for the county
because of her bad governance
and alleged mismanagement of
the county resources.
Duben Cleon in 2014 led the
ABC in an unsuccessful protest
demanding the resignation of
Superintendent Cooper and
her Assistant Superintendent
for Development Adonis Z.
Greaves over alleged misused
of the county funds intended to
fight Ebola.
It will send a signal to the rest
of the county leadership and
serve as a deterrent to others
who are carrying out bad
governance in the county, he

Tuesday, September 8, 2015



Monroviaearly five years

alleged immolation
of Patrolman Amos
Tutu of the Liberia National
Police (LNP), Criminal Court
A, at the Temple of Justice has
started hearing into the case.
Defendants Kwame Akakpo,
Aaron Lackey, Nicholas Wleh,
Michael Davis and Patrick
Davis are expected in court
while Paul Andrews and
another named Mitchell Davis
both of whom are at large were
all indicted for murder.
At the hearing, only two of the
defendants namely Nicholas
Wleh, and Aaron Lackey were
seen in their Orange jumpsuits
portraying that they are
defendants from the Monrovia
Central Prison.
It was a scuffle between the
team on the admission of
prosecution first witness to
take the witness stand but
the Presiding Judge Blamo
Dixon granted the prosecution
request for its witness to take
the stand.
Police Chief of Crime against
person Abu Daramy put on
the standby state lawyers told
the court and the jury that on
February 27, 2010 about 9:00
pm the late Amos Tutu, Chief
Inspector of the Police Support
Unit (PSU) allegedly shot and
killed Preston Davis.
He added that the incident
followed a scuffle between
both men over alleged rent
fees for an apartment allegedly

Bettie K. Johnson/

owned by the late Davis at the

Capitol bye- pass.
According to witness Daramy:
Chief Tutu was fully attired
in police uniform bearing the
Flag and Seal of the Republic
of Liberia, to include a Black
Beret, Pistol with serial number
#92fs/mm, a black steel baton,
a blue PSU Uniform suit, along
with accessories and a pair of
jungle boots.
Further probing into the
allegation, Police said Officer
Tutu had gone to inquire from
the late Davis about an amount
of money allegedly paid to him
[Davis] sometime in July 2009,
as rental fees for an apartment,
but that he [Davis] could not
make the apartment available
nor a refund of the money.
This, according to the witness
between the two men and
degenerated into fistfight,
during which Davis was

reported to have retreated into

his house, took a piece of gray
galvanized pipe (4ft. 4inches
long, 6inches wide) and struck
Tutu on the left side of his head
as well as the upper arm.
The late Amos Tutu was left
with no alternative but to pull
out his service arm and fire
the late Preston Davis in the
left side of his chest cavity, and
that the bullet exited through
the back, resulting to the death
of Preston Davis instantly, the
witness added.
The situation became tense
to the extent that defendant
Kwame Akakpo went to
Aaron Lackey, one Mitchell, to
be identified as well as Paul
Andrews, who is said to be at
large, and several other street
gasoline sellers, informing
them that a police officer had
shot and killed private Preston
As a result of Davis death, the

Ministry of Health & Social Welfare

P.O. Box 10-9009
1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia
West Africa

Public Service Announcement

September 4, 2015

It has come to the attention of the Ministry of Health that some

unscrupulous individuals are requesting the transfer of funds from
accounts of the County Health Teams to other accounts without the
approval from authorities of the Ministry of Health. Also, the names of
some officials of the Ministry of Health are being used to extort scratch
cards from individuals.

The Ministry of Health wishes to inform the public that the Ministry
has a system in place to conduct its financial transactions in line with
standard Operating Procedures of the Office of Financial Management
where requests for financial transaction procedures are followed in line
with sound financial management. The Ministry of Health des not effect
transfers of funds from one account to another without the necessary
documentations and authorization from officials of the Ministry of
Therefore, the Ministry of Health herewith warns those unscrupulous
individuals to desist form their criminal acts as the MOH will not
hesitate to prosecute anyone caught in those criminal activities. The
public is requested to report to the nearest police anyone involved in
these misguided activities
Rev. John B. Sumo
Director, National Health Promotion Division

Prosecution witness stated that

the within named defendants,
along with one Pvt. Patrick
Davis of the Armed Forces of
Liberia (AFL) who was then
assigned at the Binyan Kesselly
Military Barracks surrounded
and restrained the movement
of the late Officer Tutu in an
attempt to disarm him.
disclosed that Pvt. Patrick
Davis of the AFL engaged the
deceased at a very close range
and subsequently grabbed
victim Tutu at his waist and
succeeded in throwing him
down while defendant Lackey
allegedly spilled half gallon of
gasoline on his body and Paul
Andrews, now on the run,
allegedly struck the match and
set the officer ablaze.
Pvt. Patrick Davis of the AFL
was caught in the fire, from
which he was quickly rescued
by his colleagues, while Tutu


was surrounded by thugs,

who, according to the witness
prevented any assistance and
criminally allowed him to burn
to death.
When the victim was burning,
the herein defendants and
others to be identified,
prevented and threatened
to harm anyone who would
attempt to rescue the victim,
Daramy said.
An eyewitness interviewed
by the police to establish
circumstances that led to
the burning of officer Tutu
alleged that after the arm
was discharged, Lackey, one
of the defendants, who was a
gasoline seller was seen with
a half jar of gasoline running
to the scene of the shooting
He further disclosed that
Nicholas Wleh one of the
defendants was arrested 4
days after the incidence when
the investigation received a tip
off that the defendant Lackay
had fled Monrovia and went
Bong County where he was
arrested and brought back to
Monrovia for investigation.
Defendant Wleh. having to be
the first person to arrive on
the scene after the shooting,
restrained the movement
of the officer by calling on
other crowd until the other
defendants can arrive on the
scene, while defendant Lackay
took a half gallon of gasoline
wasted it on the officer at
which time the officer was set
ablaze, they circled him till he
was burned to death, Witness

Page 7

Daramy said.
He told the court that
photographs were taken of the
crime scene including residue
of the officer burn holster and
uniform as well as the body of
On the cross, the Prosecution
witness responded that he did
not watch the clip that was
televised by Power TV but was
informed by people, When we
contacted Power TV for copy of
the clip, they refused.
He further disclosed that there
was no autopsy done on the
body of the deceased but an
inquest was conducted on the
body to determine the cause of
Witness Daramy attributed
the death of the PSU officer
to burning based on physical
evidence and wounds after
he was pronounced dead on
arrival at the J.F.K medical
defendants were not tortured
neither were they arrested
because they were selling
gasoline on the bye-pass.
represented by Atty. Arthur
Johnson while the Prosecution
was represented by Atty.
Adelyne Cooper and Samuel
Francis Korkpor has denied
the request of the defendants
to allow Atty. Elisha Forkeyor
to join the defense team in
the case, adding that the
two defendants are no more
indigents and requested that
they collaborate with the
public defender assigned in
Court A rather than dictating
to the judiciary on the kind of
lawyer they want for their trial.



Monrovia he
BWI Alumni
Benoni Urey's final
decision to re-direct to the
administration of the institute,
hundred thousand Liberian
dollars) that he pledged to the
associations project last year
through his representative, Mr.
Emmanuel Lomax.
In a statement, the alumni
association said after a series
of meetings and extensive
consultations, it has resolved
to abandon the matter and
move on as a way of putting
the long-running controversy
to an end.
members of the alumni
association as saying that
as products of Liberias
premier institution that was
set up to train middle-level
technicians for the growth and
development of the whole of
Liberia, BWI graduates have
always endeavored to maintain
a cordial relationship with the
public; and the association has
no intention to abandon that
The association says it wants
to continue to maintain such
good relationship with all in
society including Mr. Urey.
The association says its only
disappointment in the entire

pledge saga was that prior

to Mr. Urey's decision in the
end to re-direct the money
to the BWI administration,
the alumni association was
belittled and denigrated so
much by Mr. Urey and his
representative, Mr. Emmanuel
Lomax, as if it was wrong to
remind them about a voluntary
pledge they had made openly.
Whatever the case, by issuing
this press statement, the
association said, it is putting
behind every disappointment
associated with the pledge.
And it asks its members across
the country and everywhere to
see this decision in good faith.
the public that the BWI
Alumni Association and the

are inseparable; and that the
growth of the institute is what
is paramount to both.
The release disclosed that
as part of the partnership
between the institute and
alumni, the associations guest
house under construction on
campus is intended to benefit
the school directly.
concludes, the BWI Alumni
Association wishes to state
in clear terms that it has
explicit confidence in its
current leadership that was
overwhelmingly elected and is
proud that this leadership has
successfully steered the affairs
of the association for more
than four years now.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


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Tuesday, September 8, 2015



Hit by new wave of refugees, Germany warns EU partners



police chief has resigned after reports stated that

he compared black people to monkeys following the
arrest of black woman.
Police Chief Marvin Hoover is said to have imitated a
monkey when officers told him that the woman they arrested
had threatened to sue them for discrimination.
An official report into the incident alleges that Hoover beat his
chest like Tarzan after describing the woman as an animal.
The officers in Clatskanie, Oregon, filed a complaint that has
resulted in Hoover, 56, resigning from his post.
Officer Dustin Stone said in his complaint, that was seen by U.S.
station KOIN 6: I relayed several of the arrestees remarks such
as, When you look at me, my black and my nappy hair, all you
see is animal.
Chief Hoover interrupted me and said, Thats what she is.
Hoover then apparently began acting like a monkey, placing
his hands under his armpits and scratching them and making
monkey noises, according to Officer Stone.
He added: As Chief Hoover was comparing African-Americans
to monkeys, I began to become extremely uncomfortable.
I have never been in a work environment where a manager,
especially an executive officer, is openly racist.



ATHENS/BEIRUT/MOSCOW (Reuters) he United States has asked Greece to deny Russia

the use of its airspace for supply flights to Syria, a
Greek official said on Monday, after Washington told
Moscow it was deeply concerned by reports of a
Russian military build up in Syria.
The Greek foreign ministry said the request was being
examined. Russian newswire RIA Novosti earlier said Greece
had refused the U.S. request, quoting a diplomatic source as
saying that Russia was seeking permission to run the flights up
to Sept. 24.
Russia, which has a naval base in the Syrian port of Tartous, has
sent regular flights to Latakia, which it has also used to bring
home Russian nationals who want to leave.



Paris (AFP) resident Francois Hollande said Monday France would

take in 24,000 refugees over the next two years and
proposed to host an international conference on
Europe's worst refugee crisis since World War II.
Hollande told reporters the European Commission was
preparing to unveil a proposal for mandatory quotas for EU
states to relocate 120,000 refugees, "which for France will
represent 24,000 people. We will do it."
"The issue of refugees and displaced people is first and foremost
an issue that affects southern countries... It affects Africa, the
Middle East but also other continents including Asia," the
president said at his bi-annual press conference.
"We will propose to host an international conference on
refugees in Paris."
European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker will unveil
proposals for mandatory quotas on Wednesday.

BERLIN/MUNICH (Reuters) truggling to cope with a

record influx of asylum
seekers, Germany told
its European partners
on Monday they must take in
more refugees too, saying the
burden could not fall on just a
few countries.
Chancellor Angela Merkel,
speaking after a weekend in
which 20,000 migrants made
their way to Germany from
Hungary by train, bus and on
foot, described the events of
the past days as "breathtaking"
and tried to reassure German
citizens that the crisis was
"I am happy that Germany has
become a country that many
people outside of Germany
now associate with hope," she
said at a news conference in
Berlin. "This is something to
cherish when you look back at
our history."
But she and her vice chancellor,
their message of optimism
with a warning to European
Union partners who have
resisted a push from Berlin,
Paris and Brussels to agree
quotas for refugees flowing
in mainly from Syria, Iraq and
"What isn't acceptable in my
view is that some people are
saying this has nothing to do
with them," Merkel said. "This
won't work in the long run.

There will be consequences

although we don't want that."
Gabriel said that if countries in
eastern Europe and elsewhere
continued to resist accepting
their fair share of refugees,
the bloc's open border regime,
known as Schengen, would be
at risk.
"This would be a dramatic
political blow for Europe, but
also a heavy economic blow,
also for those countries that
are saying they don't want to
help now," he said.
Only months after Europe
narrowly averted a Greek exit
from the euro zone, the refugee
crisis has emerged as the bloc's
biggest challenge.
President Jean-Claude Juncker
is due to unveil new proposals
on Wednesday on how to
distribute refugees among
member states.
An EU source told Reuters
that under his plan, Germany
would take on more than
40,000 and France 30,000 of
the 160,000 asylum seekers
the Commission says need to
be relocated from Italy, Greece
and Hungary, the main entry
points to the EU for refugees
arriving by sea and land.
The 160,000 that Juncker
wants to redistribute within
the EU are just a fraction of
the hundreds of thousands
of refugees and economic
migrants from Asia, Africa

and the Middle East who have

reached Europe this year
on leaky boats across the
Mediterranean or over land
through the Balkan peninsula.
Germany has announced it is
letting Syrians seek asylum
regardless of where they enter
the EU, suspending normal
rules and accelerating a flow of
migrants north and west from
the edges of the bloc.
Just last month, more than
reached Germany, which is
preparing for 800,000 this
year, around one percent of its
population, a move with little
precedent for a large Western
Britain would resettle 20,000
refugees from Syria over the
next five years, Prime Minister
David Cameron announced,
responding to a growing public
clamor for his government to
do more to help.
Dramatic images from last
week, especially a photograph
of a Syrian toddler drowned on
a Turkish beach, have created
new political pressure to open
doors, even in countries that
argued previously that taking
in too many migrants could
make the problem worse by
encouraging others to make
dangerous voyages.
Pope Francis called over
the weekend for Christian
continent to offer sanctuary.

Hungary's prime minister

Viktor Orban, a right-wing
populist whose hard line
during the crisis has drawn
both praise and criticism,
reiterated his opposition to
quotas on Monday, calling this
debate premature. Juncker's
proposal would exempt the
main entry countries Hungary,
Greece and Italy from taking
relocated refugees.
"As long as Europe cannot
protect its external borders it
makes no sense to discuss the
fate of those flowing in," Orban
said, defending a planned
package of laws that would
allow the army to be deployed
to defend Hungary's southern
Rich and welcoming Germany
has become the preferred
destination for most migrants.
Other countries have resisted
taking in refugees, with
Poland arguing that it is
already burdened by an influx
of people from Ukraine, and
Slovakia saying it preferred to
accept Christians.
Officials in Bavaria, the
southern German state that
has become the entry point
for migrants arriving from
Hungary via Austria, said 4,000
were expected to have arrived
in Munich by late on Monday
evening. Another 1,500 were
on trains heading on to cities
elsewhere in Germany.
German and Austrian officials
appear to have been caught off
guard by the numbers.
"It has now reached a volume
that is already considerable,"
president of the government of
Upper Bavaria, told reporters
at Munich train station. "We
will still do our best to create
new places but we are pushing
against the limits now."
He said buses that could take
1,000 people north to cities
like Dortmund, Hamburg,
Braunschweig and Kiel had
been made available, but
that migrants had also been
streaming out of temporary
accommodation facilities on


LONDON (Reuters) ritish Prime Minister

pledged on Monday
to take in up to
20,000 Syrian refugees over
the next five years, responding
to a growing public clamor for
his government to help those
fleeing civil war in the country.

"We are proposing that Britain

should resettle up to 20,000
Syrian refuges over the rest
of this parliament. In doing
so, we will continue to show
the world that this country
is a country of extraordinary
compassion," he said in a
statement to parliament.
Cameron has been under

pressure to take in a far

greater number of refugees to
help with the wider migrant
crisis that has seen hundreds
of thousand of people arrive in
mainland Europe.
The figure is still well below
the numbers being taken
by some other European

Germany expecting to receive

around 800,000 refugees and
migrants this year.
Britain has so far taken in only
216 Syrian refugees under a
U.N.-backed relocation scheme
and about 5,000 other Syrians
who have made their own way
to Britain have been granted
Cameron said the refugees
would be taken from camps
in Syria and neighboring
countries. Since 2011, millions
of Syrians have been displaced
by civil war, with more
than 4 million ending up in
refugee camps in surrounding
countries like Turkey, Jordan
and Lebanon.
"We will continue with our
approach of taking refugees
from the camps and from
elsewhere in Turkey, Jordan
and Lebanon," he said. "This
provides refugees with a more
direct and safe route to the
United Kingdom."

Tuesday, September 8, 2015




Johannesburg (AFP) gypt crushed Chad

5-1 while title-holders
Ivory Coast missed
talisman Yaya Toure
when held 0-0 by Sierra Leone
in 2017 Africa Cup of Nations
qualifiers Sunday.
Gambia and the Central
African Republic shocked the
Democratic Republic of Congo
2-0 in other matchday 2 games.
Libya fluffed two penalties
when losing 2-1 to Cape Verde
and Benin and Mali drew 1-1 in
a west Africa showdown.
Emerging young star Bassem
Morsi scored a hat-trick as
Egypt replaced Nigeria as
Group G leaders with a show of
force in N'Djamena.
Mohamed Salah and Kahraba,
real name Mahmoud Abdel
Moneim, got the Pharaohs'
other goals and Nadjim Haroun
scored for Chad.
Morsi struck twice during
a first half that ended with
the visitors leading 3-1 and
completed his hat-trick with
the last goal on 62 minutes.
Record seven-time African
champions Egypt are chasing a
place at the Cup of Nations in
Gabon after failing to qualify
for the past three tournaments.
They have shown a clinical
streak in qualifying under
Valencia manager Hector
Cuper, trouncing Tanzania
3-0 three months ago in the
opening round.

Monrovia ice President Joseph

congratulated the
Team, the Lone Star for the
Victory over the Eagles of
Tunisia and urged them to
continue to work together in
order to bring more victories
to the Country in future
Vice President Boakai who
took the kickoff before the
Liberia Tunisia Match said
he was greatly impressed
by the level of coordination
among the players of the
Lone Star during the match
and admonished the team
to use the victory over the
Tunisians as a starting point
for a revived national team.
Vice President Boakai made
the remarks in a statement
issued by his Office Monday
to thank the national team
following the defeat of the
North African team before
a record crowd of Liberian
He urged all Liberians to
continue supporting the
Lone Star wherever they
are even, as the national
team prepare for their next

Egypt have six points, threetime champions Nigeria four,

Tanzania one and Chad are
pointless with just the group
winners guaranteed a finals
disappointing start to their
defence of a title won in

February after a penalty
shootout against Ghana.
An Elephants team lacking
unavailable Toure and injured
striker Wilfried Bony struggled
in heavy, wet Port Harcourt
conditions against combative

A home fixture for Sierra

Leone, it was switched to
southern Nigeria because of
the Ebola epidemic.
The match marked the debut
of Michel Dussuyer as coach
of the Ivorians after fellow
Frenchman Herve Renard quit
to join Ligue 1 outfit Lille.


Sudan head Group I -- the only

mini-league containing three
nations -- with three points
followed by Ivory Coast and
Sierra Leone with one each.
Vincent Aboubakar was the
Cameroon match-winner for
the second matchday running
with his mid-second half goal
sufficient to beat Gambia in
rain-drenched Banjul.
Four-time African champions
Cameroon top Group M with
six points, Mauritania have
three and Gambia and South
Africa one apiece.
recovered from a matchday
1 mauling in Angola three
months ago to upset 2015 Cup
of Nations bronze medalists
DR Congo 2-0 in Bangui.
Both goals came during the
opening half with Vianney
Mabide converting a penalty
and Junior Gourrier doubling
the advantage of the hosts.
Angola are the Group B
pacesetters with four points,
Central African Republic and
DR Congo have three each and
Madagascar one.
Ryan Mendes scored in the final
minute to grab a 2-1 victory for
Cape Verde over Libya, who
staged the home fixture in
Cairo because of post-Moamer
Kadhafi-era violence.
Carlos da Graca put the island
state ahead in the second half
and Almaetasm Al Mosrati
levelled four minutes from
Libya failed to convert two
penalties with Hamdo Al
Masri and Mohamed Zubya the
Abdoulaye Diaby put Mali
ahead in Cotonou and Jordan
Adeoti equalised before halftime for Benin.
Mali top Group C with four
points followed by South Sudan
(three), Benin (two) and 2015
Cup of Nations semi-finalists
Equatorial Guinea (one).






helsea midfielder
has called for an
end to the jeering
of Gerard Pique from
sections of Spain fans,
stating that the whole
team are affected by it.
Pique has been singled
out largely for his proCatalan political views
as well as sly digs at Real
Madrid, but Fabregas feels
that Clasico-related issues
should be left well away
from the national team.



uventus and France

star Paul Pogba has
hailed the maturity
of "little old man"
Anthony Martial following
his move to Manchester
United .
The 19-year-old completed
a sensational deadlineday transfer to the Red
Devils from Monaco for a
fee which could reportedly
rise to 59 million (80m)
including future bonuses.



match in the African qualifier
series. He praised the unity
of Liberians in their support
of the national team and
called on all citizens to move
on in oneness as the nation
continues its reconciliation

process. He commended
the Coach of the National
Team and other officials as
well as the Liberia Football
Association for the victory.
It can be recalled that Vice
President Boakai in July

solicited support for Liberian

football teams from soccer
clubs in the United Kingdom
through the Reverend Trevor
Cockings of His Charity in the
UK. He spoke of training and
equipment for the Liberian

teams, a release from the

Office of the Vice President
said. Vice President Boakai
is a diehard fan of the soccer
club Arsenal.

Page 11

insists that he
will not be
satisfied solely
with breaking England's scoring
record againstSwitzerland on
Tuesday, and says that the
country should "get behind"
team-mate Harry Kane.
The Manchester United and
England captain moved level
with Bobby Charlton on 49
goals for the national side
during Saturday's 6-0 Euro
2016 qualifying win over San
Marino and could break new
ground against Switzerland at
dominated discussion in recent
weeks, Rooney is eager to
break the record as soon as
possible but insists that he
plans on passing the 50-mark.

Page 6b
12 | Frontpage

Tuesday, September 8, 2015



A. Macaulay Sombai,

sombaifrontpageafricaonline. com 0777217428

Monroviahe Progressive Youth for Change (PYC) Sunday

certificated the political leader of the Movement for
Progressive Change (MPC), Simeon Freeman through
a one day football and kickball tournament held in the
LPRC community in Gardnersville, Montserrado County.
The organization certificated Freeman for what it termed his
numerous contributions towards the community fight against the
deadly Ebola virus.
Madam Siane Kekula who spoke on behalf of PYC said her
organization unanimously decided to certificate Freeman forf
seeking the interest of the masses.
Madam Kekula said: We at the level of YPC strongly believe that
Mr. Freeman has been a robust voice of the opposition camp,
championing the cause of the masses and his critical argument on
national issues such as the national budget, the state governance,
in the education as well as the health sectors are work worthy of
We have decided to give Honorable Freeman recognition while he
is still alive because of invaluable contributions he made towards
the fight against the Ebola virus disease. He was instrumental in
helping to defeat the virus.
Furthermore, the organization mentioned that Freeman is one
of the renowned businessmen in Liberia and has provided job
opportunities for hundreds of Liberians thereby helping to
reduce the unemployment rate in the country.
As owner of the DS TV Company, the Presidential aspirant is
commended for supplying safe drinking mineral water for the
Liberian populace at an affordable price in the midst of scarcity of
safe drinking water, the PYC stated.
The PYC said it looks forward to Freeman continuous commitment
in advocating in the interest of the suffering masses and should
always engage in a venture that would improve the livelihood of
the Liberian people.
Mr. John B. Barlone who spoke on behalf of Freeman at the
program, described the honor bestowed on the MPC political
leader by the organization as a sign of respect and gratitude and
said he hopes that the PYC would continue to keep the youth of
their community together and to always remember the opposition
leader kind gesture toward the community.
Mr. Barlone told the people of the community that as the 2017
presidential election draws nearer, electorates should plan who
to follow before the polling time.
He vowed that the MPC Presidential aspirant is with the people
and that he will always be with them but asked them to remain
united and be part of their party.
What you have done here today shows that you are all ready to
give your support to Honorable Freeman and I am urging all of
you to inform your parents, friends and family members about
the MPC leader political ambition which is surely in the interest
of all Liberians, he said.
The tournament was played between the Shoe Factory community
and the LPRC community.
The LPRC community won both trophies after a 6 to 2 home runs
victory in the kickball and 5-4 victory during penalty kicks in the
football version.

Monrovia he
Patriotic Alliance of
Liberia (PAL), Mr.
Korva M. Jorgbor, has observed
that the Standard Bearer of
the ruling Unity Party (UP),
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
and the incoming Standard
Bearer, Vice President Joseph
N. Boakai, deviated from their
campaign promises in which
they assured Liberians of their
governments (Unity Partyled) will operate within the
framework of good governance.
During the campaign trails,
President Sirleaf and Joseph N.
Boakai claimed to be the best
candidates and gave no credit
to past governments regarding
good governance.
President Sirleaf and V.P.
Joseph N. Boakai professed
to be the hope and aspirations
of the Liberian people thereby
promising that when elected,
their government would deliver
the goods and services through
transparency, accountability,
effectiveness and the respect
for the rule of law among
to authority as President
and Vice President of the
Republic, we inherited lots of
problem regarding economic
recovery, health care delivery
coupled with infrastructure

development, road network

and corruption.
On May 28, 2014, President
Sirleaf addressed the nation on
the state of economy linking
the continual post-conflict
recovery process. President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has again
pledged to the Liberian people
that our economy will be
restored to its full potentials.
This effort is already underway
with the direct leadership.
It will require the various
branches of our government
continuously working together
for the common good of those
we were elected to serve. It
will require new thinking and
strategic repositioning. It will
require new and more robust
partnerships with civil society
and the media. And it will
require understanding from our
citizens to whom we owe so
that those promises were
misleading and do not reflect
the realities, instead creating
more rooms for the public
to divert attention from the
in their administration.
can be recalled that former
President Taylor introduces
Vision 2024 and that vision
failed the Liberian people. And
yesterday, President Sirleaf and
the incoming Standard Bearer
of the ruling Unity Party

(UP), Vice President Joseph

N. Boakai, introduced Vision
2030 - this vision is yet to be
Upon the ascendency of
President Sirleaf and Vice
President Joseph N. Boakai
to authority as President and
Vice President of Liberia
in 2006, President Sirleaf
said corruption will be
public enemy # one. Today,
corruption is the Unity
Party-led governments best
friend. While Vice President
Joseph N. Boakai is waiting
to succeed President Sirleaf
come 2017 general and
presidential elections, will
his administration perform
better then President Sirleafs
Boakais administration be
free from corruption? Will his
administration be free from
tribal sentiment or kinsmanship?
The Patriotic Alliance of
Liberia (PAL) notes that the
behavior of President Sirleaf
and V.P. Boakai contradicts
their campaign speeches during
the 2005 and 2011 general and
presidential elections. For
example, salaries for Executive
appointees are unreasonably
higher than those of Civil
Servants in keeping with
established structure. Besides,
Executives appointees receive
luxurious transport facilities
while Civil Servants have
access, in rare cases, to bus
service for employees.
administration is the worst
in the history of Liberia; the
culture of self-centeredness
by public servants especially
those who ascended to high
positions in the past regarding
the distribution of the nations
wealth and misapplication of
public funds for personal gains
are still the hallmarks of their
The distribution of revenues or

earnings of the nation through

budgetary allocation in terms
of remuneration facilities,
there are unscrupulously high
disparities between politicians
and civil servants.
government spoke of rightsizing the workforce by
retirement, redundancy, ghost
names and others. The true
nature of the Civil Service
Reform Policy was to rightsize civil Servants; increases
salaries and improve the
condition of service for bonafide Civil Servants; improve
the capacity of civil servants
and deliver quality goods,
efficient and effective services
to the Liberian people. This
government implemented the
reform policy in the opposite
direction, which is the downsizing not the right-sizing
Step taken in this direction in
some ministries and agencies
of government are rather
replacements of people on
the basis of favoritism, party
affiliation and nepotism with
no consideration of merit and
Today, the conditions of civil
servants are yet to be improved;
moreover, most civil servants
cannot deliver quality service
because there is no capacity
building for majority of them
The Patriotic Alliance of Liberia
(PAL) is calling on Liberians
to open their eyes comes
2017 general and presidential
elections by electing the
rightful personality to serve
as president for the Republic
of Liberia. It can be recalled
that during the 2006 general
and presidential elections,
Liberians spoke of individuals
who have worked with the
international community as
the best alternative to serve as
President of Liberia.



ichel Desaedeleer,
was arrested in
Spain this week, pursuant to
an European arrest warrant.
He is suspected of having
participated, with former
Liberian President Charles
Taylor and the Sierra Leonean
rebels of the Revolutionary
United Front (RUF), in
enslavement as a crime against
humanity and pillage of blood
diamonds as a war crime
in the district of Kono in the
Eastern part of Sierra Leone
between 1999 and 2001.
Several citizens of Sierra
Leone, victims of enslavement
during the civil war, filed in
Brussels in January 2011 a
criminal complaint against
Mr Desaedeleer who resides
in the United States. They are

represented by the Belgian

lawyer Luc Walleyn. This
Belgian authorities
culminated in the issuance
of a European arrest warrant
in 2015. The Centre for
Accountability and Rule of Law
(CARL) in Freetown, Sierra
Leone, and Civitas Maxima
(CM) in Geneva, Switzerland,
partnership for several years
on this case to document
crimes and assist the victims
to obtain justice.
During the civil war in Sierra
Leone (1991-2002), the RUF
used civilians as slaves in the
district of Kono to mine in the
diamond pits. The proceeds of
the forced labor were brought

to Charles Taylor in Monrovia,

Liberia, and then sold on the
international market.
This is the very first time that a
businessman has been arrested
for his alleged involvement
in the international crimes of
both pillage of blood diamonds
and enslavement of civilians.
Ibrahim Tommy, Executive
Director of CARL, said today
from Freetown: This is another
significant step forward in our
collective efforts at ensuring
accountability for the crimes
that occurred during the
conflict in Sierra Leone. No one
should be allowed to get away
with participating in serious
offenses such as enslaving
people and forcing them to
mine for diamonds.
This case will also help to shed
light on the otherwise discreet
drivers of the infamous blood

diamond trade in Sierra

Leone". Alain Werner, the
Director of Civitas Maxima
added in Geneva: This is a
landmark case, the first of its
kind, and it will help to raise
awareness of the pivotal role
played by financial actors in
the trade of mineral resources
that fuel armed conflicts in
Africa and elsewhere.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Memorial Service

of the
Late Reverend
Napoleon Nathaniel Brathwaite IIIl


Page 6a

In LRA nips receipt syndicate

Kennedy L. Yangian 0777296781

A memorial service remembering the life of the late

Reverend Napoleon Nathaniel Brathwaite IIIl will
be held on Saturday, September 12th at the Peaceful
Baptist Church in Flahn town Battery factory, lower
New Georgia; at 10:00 o'clock a.m. The late Reverend
Napoleon N. Brathwaite was the Special Assistant to
the Chief medical Officer, Mrs Bernice Dahn. He was
also the Pastor of Peaceful Baptist Church. Reverend
Brathwaite was born on December 25th, 1959 in
Gbarnga, Bong County unto the union of Napoleon
Nathaniel Brathwaite and his consort Esther. He
died in his 54th year on September 24th, 2015. He
was buried at the Tinker town cemetery off the
Robertsfield highway.

In Memory of
Mrs. Sharon Shamoyan
December 18, 1969 September 8, 2014

Monroviahe Liberia Revenue

Authority (LRA) has
revealed that it has
uncovered a fake
receipt syndicate that caused
the entity a loss of US$1.7m
in revenues.
The LRA said the syndicate, in
recent times, was discovered
investigation carried out
by the LRA and the Liberia
National Police (LNP).
LRA Security Investigator,
Chief Sam Gaye, briefing
reporters Monday evening at
the LRA ELWA Headquarters
stated that the receipt
scandal was done in the form
where the perpetrators of
the act will purchase a US$5
receipt from the LRA office
take it away and turned
the US$5 receipt to US$50
on a fake receipt that looks
identical as the LRA Revenue
Five defendants have been
arrested after the scandal
was discovered and charged
including economic sabotage,
forgery, counterfeiting as
well criminal conspiracy and
facilitation the LRA authority

Those arrested and currently

detained at the Monrovia
Central Prison have been
identified by the LRA as
Kpanah Allen who has been
named as an employee of the
Ministry of Transport, Parker,
Dentor, Konah and Charles
Four other defendants linked
to the receipt scandal but are
still at-large according to the
LRA are Immigration officer
Peter Weah, claimed by the

LRA as the brain behind the

receipt racket scandal. Others
are Theo Wallace, William S.
Kollie, Tarries.
We dont know how many
receipts is out there, criminal
conspiracy is a serious issue.
We will not rest until all of
those involved in the acts are
arrested, Gaye said.
Gaye has warned businesses
operating in the country to
come directly to the revenue
department and pay their tax

rather than giving it to the

wrong person.
Gaye continued that the role
played by the Ministry of
Transport employee Kpanah
Allen in the receipt scandal
is to take taxes from the taxpayer and give them quick
fake revenue receipt for
motor vehicle registration.
who should be helping to
collect revenues to enhance
development, are the ones
working with criminals to
defraud government of its
needed revenue.
LRA legal consultant Alex
Duncan vowed that those
arrested will be tried by the
Circuit Court in Montserrado
County and that the entity
will pursue the case from the
Circuit Court to the Supreme
Court for the final judgment.
In the case where a bail bond
could filed by the defendants
for a temporary release Atty.
Duncan stated the legal team
of the LRA will go after the
validity of any bond that
may be filed on behalf of
the defendants for their
temporary release.


Edwin G. Genoway, Jr (231886458910)

Monroviahe National Association

of Telecom Consumers
order establishing regulatory
surcharges for both incoming
and outgoing international
voice traffic.
The group described the
action as unfair to the telecom
consumers in Liberia, saying
the current economic crises in
Liberia can permit the common
man to afford such tariff.
We are therefore calling on the
LTA, the national Legislature,
Ministry of post and
implementation of this Order
until a proper consultation is
done; to be headed by NATELCO,
the direct representative of
the consuming populace, the
National Chairman of NATELCO,
Barthalomew Wilson noted.
It can be recalled that on the
31st of July 2015, the Liberian
Telecommunications Authority,
through its board chair (Madam
Angelique Weeks) issued an
order establishing regulatory
surcharges for both incoming
and outgoing international
voice traffic.
According to the terms of this
regulation, all international calls
originating from Liberia shall
incur a regulatory surcharge of
US$0.05 per minute to be paid
to the LTA by the originating
service provider.
NATELCO is a local telecom

Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, the worlds weary trouble
and trails are past. In silence she suffered, in patience she
bore; till God called her home to suffer no more
Yes, it was one year ago today, when on Monday, September 8,
2014, we received a phone call to inform us of the devastating
and sad news. How-be-it, one year on, many, many pleasant
memories replace our feeling of loss and sadness when a
merciful and loving God, and your savior Jesus Christ, said,
Well done, my good and faithful servant. Leave the valley of
tears and suffering and come to Me for everlasting peace and
eternal salvation and be freed from pain and suffering.
Gods love has heal our sorrows and His peace replaced our
heartaches with warm and loving memories. Each time we
look at your photograph, you seem to be saying to those left
behind, Do not cry. I am only sleeping. We will one day meet
in Gods eternal kingdom.
No one knows our heartaches. Only those who have lost
can tell of the grief that we bear in silence for the one we
loved so well Sharon, Shasha, Shakush, Mamie as you were
commonly called, Rest in Peace!!!
From J. Wesley Washington

consumer rights group that

is not pleased with the LTAs
action by issuing such order. The
National Chairman of NATELCO,
Barthalomew Wilson, at news
conference said it is unfair to
the Liberian people that are
struggling to meet up with the
current economic situation the
country is faced with.
What concerns us most is the
manner and form in which this
regulation was issued and the
overall trigger down effect it
is sure to pose on the over 2
million consumers, majority
of whom survive on oversea
support from family members
and relatives especially during
difficult times like this, he
Wilson said the Ebola outbreak
has caused economic burden
for the people, We all know
the Economic burden the
Ebola crisis has incurred on
the livelihood of our people;
in a Country where there is a
complete economic devastation,
with basic institutional collapse,
the least we want to see is any
regulation/order that will add
to the suffering of the people
who are still striving to recover
from a period of chaos and
dissolute hardship, he said.
Wilson told journalists that
the issuance of this order
contravenes all procedures
and processes as enshrined in
Articles 11 (4) and (5) of the
The act states that the LTA shall
conduct a process of public
consultation appropriate to the
circumstances and shall take

account of the results of the

public consultation in the final
exercise of its authority.
It further states, at the
conclusion of the Consultation
Process, the LTA shall publish a
brief report on the results of the
Consultation Process.
But Wilson said the LTA is failing
to take into consideration all
of the steps embedded in the
telecommunications act prior to
the issuance of the order.
He said the order is an indirect
attempt on the part of the
LTA and Service Providers to
imposed financial burden on
consumers who, by extension,
will suffer the trigger down
effect of the regulation, thereby
contradicting the preamble of
the Consumers Bill of Rights
which states The Liberia
Telecommunications Authority
maintains that The Consumer is
King and that it is the obligation
of all service providers to
respect and uphold the rights of
the consumer
He said any attempt for
recommendation; the NATELCO
will have no option then to seek
legal Remedy.
In reaction, the Director of
Public Affairs at the LTA, Jarsea
Burphy welcomed the groups
claims and encouraged them to
advocate on behalf of consumers
that suffer high tariff locally.
She said the groups attention
should focus on service
providers that charge US$0.25
per minute on local calls, saying
that is expensive than the

international calls tariff.

She told FrontPageAfrica that
NATELCO should prevail on
service providers that are
charging huge tariff locally
among themselves. If they
really want to talk for the
masses, as they said, then let
them advocate on the peoples
behalf to reduce the local tariff
of US$0.25 per minute the
service providers are charging
among themselves, she noted.
Burphy said the LTA is in the
interest of all Liberians, and as
such the LTA will do all it can
to regulate properly so that the
people can get better service.
She however boasted that
Liberia still has the cheapest
international calls tariff, saying
international calls tariff is
cheaper than local calls tariff.


VOL 9 NO.136








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