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CFC Youth for Christ

High School Club Activities Manual

(Year 2000 Edition)
CFC Youth for Christ has come to be relevant in the high
school desiring to be where the youth spend most of their time.
By establishing the YFC Club, the school opens to its students the
opportunity to experience knowing, loving and serving God in a
manner that blends well with the youths intense energy,
potential depth and vigorous dynamism.
The following modules were created as part of YFCs goal to
empower the members of the club and create a student-run
organization in the high school level. The modules have been
divided into three levels where the activities may range in depth
and answer a specific need which the core group or moderator
may want to address in the club. These levels are:

Being Called
Being Formed
Being Sent

: Modules that attract and excite

: Modules to deepen and form
: Modules to empower and

Each club session hopes to make God real to each member,

by harnessing their leadership skills, interaction with other
members and enhance their various talents. Each core group/
club moderator should not be limited by the activities in this
manual and must feel free to create new activities as long as
these are also documented so that other schools may also use
them. A suggested schedule is also provided for at the end of
the activity, however, these may be adjusted depending on the
time allotted for the club activities.

CFC Youth for Christ

High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

Modules that attract and excite
CFC Youth for Christ believes that Jesus Christ is the most
exciting person a young person can ever experience. He is the
best guide a young person should have in his Christian
life. Unfortunately, he is the most misrepresented, erroneously
packaged and misunderstood person who does not hold any
interest in the minds and hearts of todays youth. He is perceived
as boring, not cool and out of fashion.
The following modules were created to begin the process
of repackaging Jesus in the eyes of the youth. It aims to
project the Christian life as fun, exciting and highly attractive to
todays youth. Team building activities, workshops, and fun
games that are used to inculcate Christian values and
teachings. These modules are arranged in no particular order
and may be used to recruit, energize or build team spirit within
the club.

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

Build teamwork and realize the importance of communication
Bundle of drinking straw
Masking tape
Hanky for blindfolds
Picture of Eiffel tower
This team building activity can be played indoors.
1. The whole group can be divided into smaller groups with five members
2. Each member has a specific role:
a. Visionary
He will be shown what to do but he wont be allowed to tell the coach.
He can only use sign language to communicate what to do.
b. Coach
He will be the one who guides and instructs the builders. He can only
give verbal help; he is not allowed to do anything.
c. Builders
There will be two builders to a team. They are blindfolded as they do
their task. They are guided and instructed by the coach and assisted
by the builder-assistant. All they have to do is follow the coach
d. Assistant-builder
He is task to help the builder, but he can only hand them the materials
needed. He wont be allowed to help the builder. He will not also be
allowed to speak.
3. Here are the instructions.
a. The game master will gather all the visionaries from each team. He
will show them the picture of the tower.
b. The visionaries then will try to instruct their coach on what has to
be done without speaking. He can use sign languages or body
c. The coach now instructs the builder on what to do. The assistant
builder can only help in handling the materials but not in building the
d. Each team will be given 20 minutes for the activity. After 20 minutes
all towers will be brought in front and will be judged by the game

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
e. The group with the best looking tower wins.
4. Then time will be given to process the whole activity with the following
guide question.
a. What did you observe?
b. What did you learn from the activity?
c. Share to the group the importance of teamwork and communication

Opening Prayer
Wrap up/Closing Prayer 10



applicable to the following activities:
This Is My Course.
My Lips Are Sealed
Winning team


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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

Generate fun, physical fitness and teamwork.
8 pcs old tires
2 pcs sacks
20 pcs soft drink bottles
20 pcs drinking straw
2 pcs large tables
nylon straw
1. This activity must be played outdoors.
2. There must be at least 2 opposing teams. The number of team members
of the opposing teams should be equal. There must be at least 5
members in a team.
3. The course should be arranged in this order:
a. Limbo rock using nylon straw
b. Old tires
c. Tables
d. Bottles
e. sack
4. This is how the game is played:
a. Each member of the teams will line up.
b. When the game master says go!, the first member of each team will
go through the course.
c. They will lean backwards ala limbo rock under the nylon straw.
d. Then they will step through the holes of the old tires
e. Pick up the drinking straws then go under the table.
f. Insert the straws into the empty soft drink bottles.
g. Lastly, each member will hop their way back using the rice sacks.
h. He will tap the next member of the team.]
i. A member of the team will return the sack to its original position.
5. The first team to finish the course is the winner!

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CFC Youth for Christ

High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
Opening Prayer
5 minutes
Set up/Instructions
10 minutes
30 minutes
Clean up/Rest
10 minutes
Closing Prayer
5 minutes



Have an awareness of the Christian perspective of romantic love.
One speaker
One couple sharer
One youth sharer (can be boy or girl)- who is not in a relationship
1. The speaker will give the talk entitled When I Fall in Love
2. After the talk, the sharers will give their testimonies.
3. After the sharing, 15 minutes will be allotted for open forum. Club members can
ask either the speaker or the sharer regarding romantic relationships.
4. The club members are then asked to write a reaction paper regarding the
activity to be submitted next meeting.
Opening Prayer
Open Forum
Closing Prayer

5 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes


(grammar, choice of words)



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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)



Topic Outline
The speaker may ask someone to sing When I Fall In Love to start the
Then the speaker can start by sayingnakakakilig no?!!
Who among you here has a crush already? He/She can ask them to raise
their hands.
Falling in love is one of the most exciting and overwhelming experiences
in a persons life. True love has the power to transform us into a loving and
lovable person. It can bring out the best in us and move us to do great and
wonderful things. It is they key to a lifetime of happiness if we realize that it
is a gift from God who is the source of love and object of love.
For those who do not know the essence of love, it can also be ugly and
tragic. What starts out as a beautiful relationship can end up with lovers
hating and hurting each other. Good people, smart people, beautiful people
are not spared the danger of love.
Maraming suma cum laude ang nagiging sumanhonor student na
nagiging horror pagdating sa love. A lot of times people fall into the trap
that they always associate love with romancethat they dont listen to
parents or friends just because he/she wants to be with this person. But
in reality romance is just an icing on the cake it is not enough to sustain
the relationship.
We must really understand what love really is so that we may appreciate
it and truly experience the joy of loving.
1. Love is special, let us not cheapen it.

We cheapen love when we change boyfriend/girlfriend as if we are

changing clothes. Courtship in the malls also cheapen love.
Girls cheapen love when they dont put value to their yes.

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
Girls dont just say yes to every guy that come your way.
2. Love is beautiful, let us not make it ugly.

A dishonest relationship makes it ugly.

Avoid bawal na pag-ibig, hiram na pag-ibig.
An underground relationship does not give us peace.

3. Love is for a lifetime, let us not rush into it.

Having crushes and being attracted to the opposite sex are normal in
high school. But entering into serious relationship at this age is not
This is the stage of transitionphysical, emotional, biological, etc.
Feelings and emotion are very unstable at this point.
Love is an unconditional commitment that a person in his early teens
may be unprepared.
For love to be right and life giving one needs to be prepared for its long
term consequences. How do we prepare ourselves:
1. Build friendships to as many people as possible.

This widens your horizons and it also broadens your field of choice.
2. Be the best that you can be in all important areas in your life.

As a person, be beautiful inside and out.

Keep yourself clean.
Take care of your body.
3. Develop your talents.

Allow yourself to grow in your full potential.

4. Give your best in your studies.

Strive for excellence in whatever you are in.

5. As a Christian, be a good witness in your life and service.
6. Decide to love your family especially your parents.

How can you love someone you barely know when you cannot love the
people you go home to.
7. Develop your relationship with God.

At the moment, be satisfied with your life.

The speaker can now call on the sharers to give their testimony.

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
Love is good. Love is beautiful. It is God special gift to men. It can also be
forever but we must also realize that TRUE LOVE WAITS!!!!

1. Familiarity with all the other members of the club
2. Promote the idea that YFC club is essentially a good set of friends
1. Break up members into groups of 5 or 6.
2. Provide each one with a list of questions (see attached list)
3. Each person takes turns picking one question from the list. Questions
may be directed to one specific person or to the whole group.
4. The guideline for choosing the question is that the person asking must be
willing to answer the question himself.
5. All questions asked must be answered as honestly as possible.
6. After each person has had his turn bring the group together and process
the activity.
1. How did you feel answering/ asking the questions?
2. What did you notice about the choice of questions?
3. What did you learn from the activity?
1. The questions we chose can tell a lot about how much of ourselves we
reveal to others (especially when we hardly know them) and how much
we try to build relationships with them.
2. The more we are willing to invest/ risk in any relationship, the more we
also receive in return.
3. In this club, we need to share as much of ourselves as we possibly can to
make this club work, to mirror Jesus to those around us.
Opening prayer

5 minutes
35 minutes
15 minutes

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
Closing prayer

5 minutes


(Reproduce for the whole group)
1. Each one takes turns asking a question.
2. When choosing a question, make sure it is a question you dont mind
answering yourself. Questions previously asked cannot be asked again.
3. You may direct the question to one person in particular or to the whole
1. What are the whole names of your parents?
2. How many blue shirts do you have in your closet?
3. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
4. What is your favorite color and why?
5. Before joining YFC what other clubs did you consider joining?
6. What would you like to take up in college and why?
7. What college would you like to enter and why?
8. Define love? (seriously!)
9. Who is your favorite local actor/ actress and why?
10. What qualities are you looking for in your future husband/ wife?
11. What do you think is the greatest benefit of having YFC in your school?
12. How can you help make YFC grow in your school?
13. Do you think prayer is important? Why?
14. If you could choose the person you were to marry, who would it be and
15. How do you think can you be a source of joy to your family?
16. Would you ever consider becoming a nun or a priest? Why?

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

Introduction to the importance of personal identity
Paper & Pens
1. After praying, group all the members into groups of 5 or 6. Let them sit
on the floor around a circle.
2. Ask each one to think of an animal they can best identify with. (depending
on character of the group, you may use other objects such as fruits, cars
or trees)
3. Ask each one to write down the chosen animal on a small sheet of paper
and fold it. Put all folded pieces of paper in the middle of the circle.
4. Mix the pieces of paper around. Let the group leader pick out a piece of
paper and read aloud the animal written there,
5. The rest of the group then tries to guess who it is.
6. When they have made the right guess, let the person who chose the
animal share on why he/she chose that particular animal.
7. Everyone must have a turn in sharing to the group.
Opening prayer
Closing prayer

5 minutes
5 minutes
45 minutes
5 minutes

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

1. Realize how important communication is to any relationship
2. Not all communication is talking. The things that are left unsaid are just as
important in any relationship.
3. Learn about sensitivity
Pieces of paper (broken squares).
Patterns should be mixed.
Each envelope should contain shapes that should not form a square.
1. Everyone is divided into groups of 4.
2. Each person receives an envelope containing pieces of paper (cut in
different shapes but ultimately make a squarepatterns on the next
3. No one is allowed to talk. No one is allowed to ask for a piece from
another. Someone else must give you the piece you need. When a group
completes all the squares they should clap their hands together to signify
that they are finished. The first group to complete all the squares without
any noise wins.
4. Process the activity. The goal of this activity is to make the participants
realize the need for a clear goal, the sensitivity and team work necessary
to accomplish it.
1. What happened in your group? Direct the question first to the group that
finished first. Then direct it to the group that finished last.
2. What are the things you learned from this activity?
3. If you had to do it over, what would you do next time?

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
Opening Prayer and Introduction
10 minutes
20 minutes
15 minutes
Closing Prayer
5 minutes






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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

Ideal size: 4 inch squares

1. Enjoy working as a team
2. Learn the importance of team work
3. Have fun and excercise
4 field markers
Playing Area
: Open field.
Object of the Game : To capture all the members of the opposing team
1. Divide group into two teams: red team and blue team.
2. The teams go to opposite ends of the field and line up behind their
respective end lines.
3. The red team sends one member towards the blue team. Each member
of the blue team remains behind the end line with one hand extended
over the line. If any member of the blue team crosses the line without first
being touched by a red player, he must leave and join the red team.
4. The red player then touches the hand of one of the blue team members
and runs back to his own team. If the blue player tags the red player
before the red player crosses his own teams end line, the red player
becomes part of the blue team. If the red player returns safely, the entire
red team chases the blue player.
5. If one of the red team touches the blue player before the blue player
before the blue player crosses his own end line, he becomes a member of
the red team. If the blue player returns safely, the entire blue team
pursues the entire red team.
6. When all the members of the red team have either crossed their own end
line or have been captured the round is completed.
7. Once the teams are realigned, the procedure is repeated with a member
of the blue team opening the round. This alternation continues until all

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
the members of one team have been captured. A round ends when a
player has been captured. The only exception is when the entire team is
being pursued. In this case the round does not end until all the players
have been captured or have gone to safety.

1. Enhance creative abilities
2. Allow the members to interact with one another
3. Allow members to have fun and learn about the Bible.
Prepare scripture passages on pieces of paper.
1. Divide members into groups of 3 to 6.
2. Assign each group a scripture passage.
3. Give the groups 20 minutes to prepare a modern day version of the
passage/ parable.
4. After preparation, players return and perform the skits to each other.
Genesis 2:15-25
Luke 1:26-38
Luke 5:1-11
Luke 8:22-25
Matthew 6:1-15
Matthew 6: 16-21
Opening prayer
Explain Activity

5 minutes
10 minutes
20 minutes
20 minutes
5 minutes

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

1. Enhance the creative abilities of the members
2. Allow them to build relationships with one another.
plastic/ paper bags (one per group)
Assorted objects (household or personal objects)
1. Preparation: A paper bag for each group is filled in advance with 5
unrelated objects.
2. Divide members into groups of 3 to 6. A filled paper bag is given to each
3. The group is then given 20 minutes to prepare/ create a skit using the five
objects. Each skit should not take more than three minutes.
4. The objects may or may not be used for their normal functions. Each
object must be used and each member must participate.
5. Each group presents their skit.
Opening Prayer
Introduce Activity 10
Prepare skit
Present skit
Closing prayer

5 minutes

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CFC Youth for Christ

High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

Music (Guitar) Workshop
Instill the importance & significance of Music in Prayer & Evangelization
To learn the basics of Guitar-playing
Speaker - male or female, experienced/professional guitarist
Sharers - must be guitarists, should also be able to assist the Speaker in
teaching and demonstrating
One guitar per guitarist
Board/Writing Materials - Whiteboard & Marker or Blackboard & Chalk
Hand-outs of Guitar piece
1. Almost the whole session will be devoted to the Talk about Guitars &
2. Number of participants can be as much as the Speaker can handle.
3. All throughout the talk, Speaker will be demonstrating his points of
discussion with the help of his Assistant Guitarists.
Songs/Guitar Pieces will be chosen by the Speaker & his/her assistants
before the Session.
Opening Prayer
2 minutes
Talk Proper (including Demonstrations)
50 minutes
Final Instructions/Exhortation
6 minutes
Closing Prayer
2 minutes

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CFC Youth for Christ

High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

Music (Guitar) Workshop

Topic Outline
Music is the language of the soul. We have truly been blessed with the
gift of music. Not just in enjoying it through listening, but also by being able
to make music by playing our chosen instruments. Needless to say, to be
able to play music in praise of the Lord is the greatest calling for a musician.
However, unlike all other gifts presented to us, Music is a gift that needs
to be learned in order to appreciate it. While having technique is not as
important as playing with emotion and a deep sense of feel, we are all
compelled to learn and develop our own level of playing technique and
competence in order to develop emotion and feel. While we all cannot be as
talented as the likes of Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney or Eddie Van Halen, we
still can always make ourselves play better than ever simply by practicing
and by having even the simplest understanding of the guitar.
Basic Parts and Composition of the Guitar
1. Fingerboard
For acoustic guitars, the wood choice for fret boards are usually
rosewood and ebony bec. of their mellower tone though sometimes
maple is also used.
2. Frets
There are normally 20 frets installed in an acoustic guitar.
The 12th fret represents the octave which means that anything you play
from the 1st to the 11th can be doubled from the 12th fret onwards.
3. Strings

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

Come in different gauge or thickness.

The lighter the string gauge, the easier it is to finger chords but usually
produces thin and bright sound.
Medium or heavy gauge strings are harder to play but provide deeper
tone & louder volume.
How to play the guitar
1. Posture
There are several postures in playing. Some may require strict adherence
to be able to play certain types of music. However, all postures should
achieve the same result - and that is, comfort.
When seated, try to gain a comfortable position where the guitar is
perfectly balanced while still providing you with ease when fingering
When standing, adjust your strap to levels where it is most comfortable
for you to both strum and finger chords.
Music (Guitar) Workshop

2. Tuning
The rule is always... TUNE BEFORE PLAYING!
Not only do you play better when your guitar is in tune but singers also
sing better when accompaniment is in tune.
Always tune your guitar BEFORE you go on stage or in front of an
Remember that those people came to hear you play - not to listen to
you tune your instrument.
3. Strumming
The guitar is a Percussion Instrument.
This is because strumming patterns always fall in time w/ the beat of a
musical piece - whether it may be a slow ballad or a fast melodic jazz
4. The Basics:
a. Feel the beat of a song. Use your foot to keep time
b. The strumming motion varies from player to player and from song to
c. Hold the Pick properly
d. Wrist movements should be kept short for more control
e. Forearm and elbow support
f. Right hand coordination - just as important as the left hand
g. Pick attack for Dynamics
h. Palm Muting
i. Basic Down Stroke - dominant stroke which sets the pace
j. Upstroke - usually used for Filling the spaces left by the down stroke.
Too much of this results in a jerky tempo.
k. Combination Down and Up Stroke

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CFC Youth for Christ

High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
l. Maintaining the Rhythm. Patterns may vary per song but the beat or
rhythm stays the same except in songs wherein which it is specified
that the tempo will change from slow to fast.
5. Playing with Other Guitarists:
a. Tune all guitars to the same pitch before playing
b. Select one of the guitarists to take the role of dominant player. He/She
will be tasked to set the rhythm and pace for everyone to follow.
b. When positioned side by side, listen to the player on your left and play
along with his strumming pattern so as to ensure unity in strumming.
c. Practicing together helps you become more familiar with the
strumming preferences of your partners and vice-versa.
Being able to play the guitar is a blessing. Treat is as such. Regardless of
whether your a good guitar-player or a so-so one, understand that the true
joy of playing a guitar comes when you play from your heart and soul. Total
happiness is when you find the Lord touching your heart whenever you play
music in His praise.

Music (Voice) Workshop
Instill the importance & significance of Music in Prayer & Evangelization
To learn the basics of singing
Speaker - male or female experienced/professional singer/music
teacher/choir master.
Sharers - must be singers should also be able to assist the Speaker in
Karaoke - if necessary; Keyboards/Piano/Guitar - as per Speakers request
Board/Writing Materials - Whiteboard & Marker or Blackboard & Chalk
1. There will be a 15-minute Talk about Singing.
2. Participants should at least be able to carry a tune.
3. Number of participants should ideally be 20-30 or as much as the
Speaker can handle.
4. After the talk, Speaker assigns the participants to proper voice sections
(Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass) and groups them according to this.
5. Speaker can start teaching the Song (Musical Piece) to be sung.
6. After teaching the song, Speaker may now teach the choreography of the
Musical Number. (Optional)

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
7. Practice Session: Speaker polishes the Musical Number.
* Song/Musical Piece will be chosen by the Speaker & his/her assistants
before the Session.
* Costume & other props must be advised beforehand or may be
provided by the Speaker (if necessary)
* Participants may be left alone to practice.
Opening Prayer
2 minutes
Talk Proper
15 minutes
Teaching of Song
25 minutes
Choreography (Optional)
10 minutes
Final Instructions/Exhortation 5 minutes
Closing Prayer
2 minutes

Music (Voice) Workshop

Topic Outline
Music is truly the language of the soul. Man has always sought
consolation and refuge in music. Even in the Bible, God tirelessly speaks of
His unending love for us, His people and makes it most evident in Jesus, His
ultimate love song.
The choir has always fascinated man. He uses one to assist him in his
worship experiences, to give praise and thanks, and even to entertain him.
Many of us probably are not aware that our vocal chords is the greatest
instrument of all. So let us all try to use it in the best way possible... through
Assigning Singers to Proper Voice Sections
Voice-sectioning of every choir depends mainly on its composition,
whether it has an all-female, all-male or mixed groupings.
Singers in a choir are categorized into four basic voice classifications or
sections, namely: For the Ladies: Soprano (S) and Alto (A) and for the Men:
Tenor (T) and Bass (B).

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

Sopranos are female singers with high voices preferable reaching notes
which range from C to G (middle Do to high Sol) with ease and clarity.
They are normally assigned the Melody part of the song.
Altos are female singers who sing the low female voices. Voice ranges
from G to D (low Sol to high Re)
Tenors are the male counterpart of the Sopranos. They must at least have
a voice range of A to G (lower La to middle Sol).
Bass are male singers whose voice range from F to E (lower Fa to middle

These voice ranges are the standard & common ranges. But really good
singers are not confined to them and rather have wider limits that can be
used for truly challenging pieces.
The indicator in assigning the voice section is determining in what limit
does the individual sounds better, or in what range does one produces the
clearer, warmer tones.
The most important factor to remember for success in choir singing is the
ability of the members to absorb and remember the notes to be sung by
their section and be able to sing these notes in harmony with the singers of
the other sections. This spells the big difference between an ordinary singer
and a good choir member.
We have learned basically all we need to know about singing. Now,
it is time for us to learn how to use it. Singing is meaningless if we do not
use it to its highest purpose. The purpose of which is to praise & worship our
Lord, the Giver of all our talents.


Praise and Fashion Workshop

1. Impart the meaning of real beauty
2. Teach proper hygiene & good grooming
Speaker - male or female should be experienced in the field of ramp
modeling &should look like a model
Two (2) Sharers - should be models themselves need not be as
experienced as the Speaker
Good Sound System (Karaoke), Tapes/CDs (Music),
Video Tape (Past Fashion Shows), Big/Spacious Venue

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
1. There will be a 15-minute Talk about Praise & Fashion & Good Grooming.
2. Participants: Minimum of 20pax; maximum of 50pax
3. Must be at least five feet four inches in height for women or 5 feet six
inches in height for men.
4. Has a pleasing personality and is photogenic.
5. Form lines of 10pax each (by height - smallest to tallest)
6. Have the participants walk across the room (back & forth) while the
Speaker corrects & improves their posture, gait, facial expression & overall look.
7. Speaker and/or Sharers demonstrate basic modeling patterns & poses.
8. Then he/she choreographs the Fashion Show.
9. He/She now discusses the correct way of dressing. (Ex. Mix n Match,
What Attire to Wear in a Particular Occasion, etc.) and Basic Grooming.
10. Speaker assigns the kinds of clothes (Beach Attire, Formals, Corporate,
etc.) to be worn by the models in the Show.
11. Run through the whole Fashion Show.
Opening Prayer
2 minutes
Talk/Video Presentation (if available)
15 minutes
Activity (Walking Session)
20 minutes
Teaching of Modeling Patternsto be used in the Show 10 minutes
Final Instructions (Kind of Clothes/Grooming)
10 minutes
Closing Prayer
3 minutes

Praise and Fashion Workshop


Topic Outline

Creative Evangelization
To teach attitudes and dressing patterns to members.
1. Begin with a story line w/ a Goal in mind
(e.g. to attract non-YFC to YFC; to advertise mission wear, etc.)
2. Choose appropriate models
a. check your audience

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

match w/ story line

models criteria:
at least 54 for women, 510 for men
slim figure
can be role model for other members
3. Choose songs that are interesting, positive and evangelistic



Role-Playing (Theme: Etiquette)
Instill proper decorum in the participants
To encourage creativity and imagination
Speaker - male (all boys); female (all girls); female (boys & girls) should
be a good example as a gentleman or as a lady
Sharers (Boy & Girl) personifies a gentleman or a lady.
A stack of 3x5 cards (or similar-sized pieces of paper)
Situations which are to be acted out per group are briefly described on the
3x5 cards.
1. Divide participants into groups of 5-10pax each.

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Each group takes turns in picking a card.

Ten (10) minutes will be allotted for each group to prepare to act out the
situation described on their card.
Each skit should not exceed three (3) minutes.
Following the time of preparation, the groups immediately begin with their
The non-performing groups will try to guess the different situations
After every skit, the Speaker discusses and explains the situations.

Opening Prayer
2 minutes
Introduction (Dynamics)
10 minutes
Group Presentations
15-20 minutes
Discussion of Each Situation per Skit
2 minutes
Talk Proper
30 minutes
Closing Prayer
2 minutes

Role-Playing (Theme: Etiquette)

Topic Outline
Etiquette is a set of rules that society has set up for the proper way to
behave in dealing with other people. What a person is, is of far greater
importance than what he/she appears to be. The knowledge of how to be a
gentleman and how to be a lady is essential to ones decent behavior, just as
clothing is essential to ones decent appearance.
What is a gentleman?
A gentleman is one that never takes advantage of the poor or the

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One who is not well off does not sponge, but pays his own way to the

utmost of his ability.

One who is rich does not make a display of his money or his possessions.
No gentleman goes to a ladys house if he is affected by alcohol.
A gentleman does not lose control of his temper.
A gentleman does not show a letter written by a lady, unless perhaps to a
very intimate friend.
a man of breeding does not slap strangers on the back nor so much as lay
his fingertips on a lady nor does he punctuate his conversation by pushing
or nudging or patting people.
A gentleman is considerate of the feelings of others no matter what the
position of the others may be.
A gentleman never takes advantage of anothers helplessness or
Lastly, one who not only respects the property of others, but demands
that they also respect those which are his.
The rules of convention says that a gentleman, whether walking with two
ladies or one, takes the curb side of the pavement, and that he should
never sandwich himself between them.
A gentleman should always offer to carry a ladys things

What is a lady?
A lady is much the same as a gentleman.
She is equally careful about her debts.
She is also always unwilling to take advantage of others especially if her
opposition is helpless or poor
A lady is considerate of others less fortunately placed, especially those
who work for her.
One of the tests by which to distinguish between the woman of breeding
and the woman merely of wealth is to notice the way she speaks to her
Should not refuse a gentlemans offer of help especially in carrying her
Role-Playing (Theme: Etiquette)

How a Gentleman and Lady should act:

1. On the Street and in Public
The most important rules of behavior in the street are those against
doing things that are noticeable.

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All people in the streets, or anywhere in public, should be careful not to

talk too loud.

Avoid conspicuous manners, conspicuous clothes, a loud voice,
Staring at people, bumping into them, talking across any one.
One should never call out a name in public, unless it is absolutely
Never take more than your share; whether of the road in driving a car,
of chairs on a boat or seats on a train, or food at the table.

2. In a Restaurant
when one lady, passing another seated at a table in a restaurant, stops
and shakes hands, the one who is seated does not rise unless she is
very young and the one passing is quite old. All the gentlemen at the
table of course rise and stand until the visiting lady has departed,
whether she is known to them or not.
(This detail of behavior is one that every lady should take seriously,
since every gentleman MUST stand as long as she stands. It doesnt
change the situation a bit for her to say Please sit down)
We can enumerate so many more instances and examples of how one can
be a gentleman or a lady. The most important thing to remember about
etiquette, is that, whether it be applied to a man or a woman, or to a halfgrown child, it is all about having the code of instinctive decency (honesty &
trustworthiness in every obligation), ethical/moral integrity (a delicacy of
motive and of fairness in judging the motives of others), self-respect and
loyalty (faithfulness not only to friends but to principles).

Dance Workshop

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1.To promote wholesome entertainment specifically, Dance.
2.To manifest creative evangelization in the form of Dance
Contemporary, Jazz, Ballet, etc.)


Speaker - male or female experienced/professional dancer, choreographer
& speaker should look like a model
Sharers - experienced/professional dancers should also be able to assist
the Speaker in choreographing
Good Sound System (Karaoke)/Audio Visuals - upon Speakers request
video of past shows, tapes, printed visuals
Board/Writing Materials - upon Speakers request:
Whiteboard & Marker or Blackboard & Chalk
Big/Spacious Venue
1. There will be a 15-minute Talk about the Techniques & Purpose of
2. Participants should at least be knowledgeable in dancing and/or
3. Number of participants should ideally be 15-20 or as much as the Speaker
can handle.
4. After the talk, the Speaker can start choreographing a dance number for
the participants.
It is optional for the Speaker to choreograph the participants in
(hiphop/jazz/contemporary, etc). The sharers may also assist.
Dance Music will be chosen by the Speaker & his/her assistants before
the Session.
Costume & other props must be advised beforehand or may be
provided by the Speaker (if necessary)
Participants may be left alone to practice.
Opening Prayer
2 minutes
Introduction (May be Visual/Talk)
5-10 minutes
Talk Proper
10-15 minutes
Choreography Session
30 minutes
Final Instructions
5 minutes
Closing Prayer
2 minutes
Maximum of 3 hours (w/ practice session)
Maximum of 1 hour (w/o practice session)

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Dance Workshop

Topic Outline
Dance, patterned and rhythmic bodily movements, which is usually
performed to music, often serves as a form of communication or expression.
Human beings express themselves naturally through movement. Dance is
the transformation of ordinary functional and expressive movement
into extraordinary movement for extraordinary purposes.
Dance can be art, ritual, or recreation. It goes beyond the functional
purposes of the movements used in work or athletics in order to express
emotions, moods, or ideas; tell a story; serve religious, political, economic, or
social needs; or simply be an experience that is pleasurable, exciting, or
aesthetically valuable.
Primary Elements of Dance


The use of SPACE

Floor patterns, the shapes of the moving body, and designs in space
made by the limbs
The use of TIME
tempo, the length of a dance, rhythmic variations, and the attitude toward
filling time, from taking one's time to making quick stops and starts
The use of the BODYS WEIGHT
Overcoming gravity to execute light, graceful movements, surrendering to
gravity with heavy or limp movements, or exerting the body's weight
against gravity with strength
The use of ENERGY FLOW
Tense, restrained, or bound movements or freely flowing motion.

Dance and the Human Mind

Besides giving physical pleasure, dancing can have psychological effects.
Feelings and ideas can be expressed and communicated; sharing rhythms
and movements can make a group feel unified. In some societies, dancing
often leads to trance or other altered states of consciousness. These states
can be interpreted as signaling possession by spirits, or they may be sought
as a means to emotional release. A state of trance may enable people to
perform remarkable feats of strength, endurance, or danger, such as dancing
through hot coals. In some societies, shamans dance in trance in order to
heal others physically or emotionally. The modern field of dance therapy

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developed as a means to help people express themselves and relate to

Dance Workshop

The physical and psychological effects of dance enable it to serve many

functions. It may be a form of worship, a means of honoring ancestors, a way
of propitiating the gods, or a method to effect magic. Dancing is mentioned
in the Bible, and until the Middle Ages it was often a part of worship services
and religious celebrations. Although the Christian church later denounced
dancing as immoral, it continued to be important in various Christian and
non-Christian sects.
Dance and Society
Dance often occurs at rites of passage, or ceremonies performed when an
individual passes from one role to another. Thus, birth, initiation, graduation,
marriage, succession to political office, and death, may be marked by
dancing. Dance may also be a part of courtship. In some societies dances
may be the only events at which young people of different sexes can meet.
In contemporary society, dances also provide important occasions for young
people to socialize. Work too may be in the form of dance. Rhythmic
movements may make the work go more quickly and efficiently, as in
Japanese rice-planting dances. Dance is an art form in some cultures, and in
the 20th century some dances that originated as elaborate religious rituals or
court entertainments have been adapted to the theater.
As mentioned earlier, dance was often a part of worship services and
religious celebrations until, in the Middle Ages, the Christian church later
denounced dancing as immoral. Now, having the concept of creative
evangelization in mind, we believe that dancing is a very powerful tool which
we can utilize to its full capacity. So lets not waste any more time and let
us start transforming our ordinary functional and expressive movement
into extraordinary movement
for extraordinary
purposes; and
that extraordinary purpose is to use dance to bring others closer to God.

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Modules that deepen and form
The YFC Club aims to create a more stable Christian
environment for its members in the high schools. The structure
provided by the schools enables them to work within a fixed social
setting, which allows for a more concrete and consistent support
relationship among its members. As high school students, there
is a need to understand and fully grasp what is happening around
them. Given the right support, they will be given the chance to
realize their true identity as sons/ daughters of God, and their
significance in the world today.
The following modules aims to provide an opportunity for the
YFC Club members to see their roles as students, as children of
God and as members of society. It is YFCs mission to put
substance in the lives of each member and to instill in them the
values they need to live fruitful and meaningful lives. Although
there is no guarantee that they will lead perfect lives, it hopes to
equip them with the elements needed to make decisions, discern
for their future and face the challenges that life will bring.

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1. Introduce worship as part of the YFC culture
2. Make them understand and appreciate the different elements of worship.
Enclosed room
2 guitars
Speaker preferably one who can play the guitar
other band instruments (optional)
Song sheets in transparencies or in manila paper
1. The speaker should be able to practice session with the music ministry
before the club meeting.
2. The music ministry should play some gathering songs as the members
arrive to create the atmosphere.
3. The music ministry teaches/practices with the members the songs to be
used during the worship.
4. The speaker starts the workshop by explaining the importance of
worship. Then he explains the different elements of worship. As he goes
through the different elements, the speaker should ask the participant to
do it.
5. The workshop ends with a full worship.
10 minutes
Teaching of songs10 minutes
30 minutes
Closing Worship 10 minutes
For club meetings with prolonged hours, they can allot more time
for teaching of songs and for the closing worship.

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1. Make the members appreciate their family whatever state they are in.
2. Give members the opportunity to recall their perfect moments with their
3. Inspire one another through the sharing of their perfect moments with
their family.
One speaker
Family picture
1. The members should be assigned to bring a picture of their whole family
for this activity.
2. The core group should be able to identify sharer beforehand. They can
either get a member of the club or any YFC member who belongs to a
broken family but still decides to be happy or someone who experience a
loss of loved one.
3. After the Opening prayer, the leader calls on the speaker to give an
exhortation talk about the family. Then the speaker calls on his/her
4. Before the speaker ends his/her talk, he then ask the members to look at
the family picture that they brought and pause for a while to recall their
perfect moments with their family. The speaker guides the member as
they reminisce by asking questions like when did it happen, what
happened, recall the feeling they had during that moment. Then the
speaker ends by offering a prayer for the family.
5. After the talk, the members will go to their different groups to show their
family picture and share on when and what happened when the picture
was taken.
6. The members should be assigned to make a family album with the picture
of family members and short descriptions/captions to be submitted on the
next meeting.
Opening Prayer
Group Discussion
Closing Prayer

5 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
5 minutes

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Topic Outline
The family is so important to God that when He decided to come down
and become man, He came through a family. Jesus was born of Mary by the
power of the Holy Spirit and was raised as the son of Joseph.
In essence, God takes care of us through our parents. Our parents
support us through our growing years and play a major role in forming our
character. As we grow to be mature and responsible, our parents teach us
how to care of ourselves. As we finish our education, and become more
independent, our parents give us the support we need to start our careers
and start our own families. When we become parents ourselves, we pass on
the same knowledge and wisdom to our own children.


Parents and children spend less time together to communicate and build a
loving relationship with one another.
Values which we normally learn from our families are being replaced by
external factors; media, peer pressure and advertisements.
Misunderstanding and miscommunication between parents and children
due to fears brought about by an increasingly dangerous environment.
This cause rebellion and disobedience of children to their parents.
Parents demand for personal excellence and perfection fosters an
atmosphere of competition among siblings. This causes sibling rivalries
and resentments among them that they perceive biases or favoritism on
the part of the parents.
There is an increasing number of broken families and hurting people who
are afraid to love and receive love and to trust people.


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your parents and make a decision to love them unconditionally.

Forgive them for the hurts they have caused you.
3. Parents are not perfect so do not expect a perfect relationship. Some
have been broken during their childhood and may be experiencing
brokeness in the present relationship.
4. Be open with your communication with your parents. Treat them the way
you treat your friends. They are your friends and not your enemies.
5. Make a decision to be a loving presence to your family especially to your
brothers and sisters.

Decide to be happy. As you go through life, there will always be

difficult times. You can choose to be miserable everyday, or you can
choose to learn from the situation and remain optimistic that you will
eventually resolve your differences.
7. Pray for the family, that the Lord may guide all the members in building
up the relationship. Make God the source of your strength.

REMEMBER: When you engage in harmful activities out of rebellion

& disobedience, you not only hurt your parents, YOU ALSO HURT
YOURSELF and you suffer the consequences of your actions,
compromising your happiness and your future.
God has a beautiful plan for our families. Our family is the building block for
our future families.
No one is perfect. There are no perfect relationships not even with our
families. However, there are perfect moments with them. Moments when
we laugh together, we have fun together; we are there to support each other
in times of need. Perfect moments are good to look forward to, because we
know that after the darkness, God will bring us to the light.

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1. To impart to the members the value of compassion.

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2. To teach them to be more sensitive to the needs of others rather than
focus on what they want and what they need.
Outdoor venue
Picnic mats/sleeping bags that can accommodate the whole club
1. The leader should ask the members to bring food for this activity. They
can bring any snack and drink.
2. Before the meeting, the core group must fix the picnic place; they should
set the picnic mats and the table.
3. The activity should start with an exhortation using the story about the
difference between heaven and hell.
4. The leader instructs the members to go to their own group and for them
to put their food in one place. Then the leader now asks the members to
get food but they will not eat the food that they got. The member should
give the food to another member. The goal is for everyone to be able to
eat because someone shared a food to him or her.
5. The leader now gives time for the members to eat their food. The
members can play games, sing songs, and chat as they eat their food.
6. Before the club time ends the leader process the activity and closes it
using the story Not A One.
Opening Prayer
Picnic Proper
Closing Exhortation/Prayer

5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
10 minutes


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1. To make them aware of the different issues that confronts our society and
how it affects their generation.
2. To make the members have the burden to intercede for the world.
Laya video tape
VHS player
AVR (venue)
Pictures concerning drugs, crime, youth violence, corruption, abortion,
Articles regarding drugs, crime, youth violence, corruption, abortion,
Speaker preferably a prominent youth personality in school, in the area
but not necessarily a politician
Cassette player
Tape- When you believe, Heal the World
1. The core group must prepare an exhibit drugs, crime, youth violence,
corruption, abortion and environment to create an atmosphere for the
2. Show the LAYA video to introduce the talk.
3. The speaker gives the talk. The talk ends with a reflection.
4. Then the members are asked to write their reflection and submit it before
the end of the club meeting. Music should be played while the members
write their reflections.
Opening Prayer
Video Presentation
Reflection Writing
Closing Prayer

5 minutes
5 minutes
20 minutes
25 minutes
5 minutes

Note: The reflection paper will be the basis for grading the activity.
For club meetings with prolonged hours they can allot more time for
the talk and reflection writing


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1. Divide the members into smaller care groups which will serve as their
discussion groups in the Youth Camp and as their households later on.
2. Prepare the members for the Youth Camp.
3. Exhort the members to participate and invest in YFC and in the YFC Club.
Masking Tape
1. Ask the participants to divide themselves into groups of 5 (five) members
Take note of these groupings. It is likely that the groups they form are
with the people they can most relate with. It would be a good idea to
maintain these groupings the whole school year; during their Youth
Camp and afterwards to serve as households or care groups
2. Give each group an equal allocation of the materials. Limit the materials.
1 pc egg
2 pcs sheets of newspaper
2 pcs yard strip of masking tape
3. Instruct them that their main objective is to protect the egg in the best
possible way using only the limited materials that you have given them.
Tell them that the egg will be tested for quality control. It may be tossed
around and dropped later on. Encourage them to strategize and plan
together. Ask them to come up with a name for their group. Give them 3
minutes to do this.
During this time, go around and observe those who are actively
participating in the activity and those who are not. Note some names
of those who are involved. You can refer to them later on when
wrapping up the activity.
4. When the time is up, gather them and explain that you will call one group
at a time to challenge the egg they have prepared. Simultaneously,
have members of the group toss the egg to each other with a
considerable distance between them. Then, have each group stand in
front of the whole club to introduce themselves. Take the groups egg,
stand on a chair and drop the egg to the floor. Create as much suspense,
tension and excitement as you can. There will be 10 groups. Be conscious
of the time.

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Notice that those who participated actively in the preparation are

the ones most excited and affected by the tossing and dropping of
the egg. They are more interested in what happens to the egg
because they took part in protecting it.

5. After each group has had their turn, ask them to check the condition of
the egg.
: Affirm everyone for a great time. Congratulate those who were able
to protect the egg. If there is time ask them how they were able to do
so. What strategy did they use?
6. Gather them together and get them to settle down for the wrap up.
Have you ever read the book, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint
Exupery? (This book is usually given as book report assignments for high
school students) In this book, the Little Prince was from a different planet and
had one rose that he protected and loved very much. Then, he came to earth
and saw a whole garden full of roses just like his rose. He was disappointed
to see that his rose was not as special and as unique as he thought. But, as
one other character in the book said,
Its the time you wasted on your rose that made it so important
It was funny to see all of you so excited and worked up over an ordinary
egg. Some were nervous, others were even shouting. (Mention some names
of those you noticed were particularly involved in the activity. For example,
look at ______. He was close to tears when the egg was being dropped and
tossed around! He was so involved in the planning and wrapping of the
egg) This is because you spent time on the egg. What made the egg
different from any other egg was the time and energy you gave into
protecting it. As with anything you will ever be involved in, you will only
get what you put in. You reep what you sow.
Here in the YFC Club, we, along with your moderators and your officers,
will try our best to make the whole year fun, exciting and meaningful. Just as
what the Christian life should be --- fun, exciting and meaningful. But, you
will have to be involved. You will have to give of your time and energy. Just as
with the egg.
We dont want to waste your time. We definitely dont want to waste ours.
The only way youll ever get anything out of (the Youth Camp or) this Club
this whole school year is if you give. Thats the irony of it. Its your call.

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Gathering/Opening Prayer
5 minutes
35 minutes
Processing the activity
15 minutes
Closing Prayer and announcements
5 minutes

1. Instill in the participants the value of excellence in service.
2. Enable them to experience teamwork and good fellowship among the
members of their group
3. Give them a chance to immerse themselves in their involvement with the
project and with YFC club.
cloth (banner size)
water based paint (different colors)
cloth rags/tissue paper
1. The activity will start with an opening prayer.
2. A short introduction to the activity will be given.
3. The membership will be divided into their small groups.
4. The materials will either be distributed to the members or the members
will be asked to provide for their own.
5. They will be instructed to come up with a name for their groups (if there is
no existing name) and use the paint to design the cloth.
6. The newspapers will be used on the floor to prevent any spillage and the
cloth rags/tissue paper to wipe any stray paint.
7. Making the design will not require any material other than the paint and
their bare hands (or feet).
8. At the end of the activity, they will hang up their banners and share it with
the rest of the class (description, meaning).
Opening Prayer
Introduction to Activity

5 minutes
5 minutes

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Activity Proper
Closing Prayer

20 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes



Topic Outline
Introduction to the Activity
(Dynamics of the Activity/Activity Proper)
1. Coming up with something as beautiful and as creative as our banners
requires full attention, planning and commitment. Being able to immerse
ourselves with the project allows us to not just desire to succeed but
experience the process that leads to success.
2. Since the beginning of time, leaders have been the people who create
order. For as long as we can remember, they have been seen as role
models. These leaders strive to lead excellent lives and are driven by the
passion to fulfill their responsibilities.
3. Many times, they lose whatever moved them in the beginning when all
the fame and success get in the way of their service. A number of great
leaders end up in defeat because their involvement is not as deeply
rooted. They easily lose focus and forget the reason why they began in
the first place.
1. Jesus Himself was motivated to live an excellent life. Despite all the
temptations from different elements in His surroundings, He held on to His
lifes mission.
2. Jesus was great enough to command people to follow His steps. He was
strong enough to force them to do what He wanted them to do. However,

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it was in His humble service that people were inspired to do as He did.
His simple ways touched their hearts and moved them to believe.
3. Even when He was recognized as the Son of God, He would take time out
to be with His followers. Even when He was glorified as the King of all
Kings, He would stoop low and on His hands and knees, humbly serve His
4. With Christs great love for the world, He was able to move entire nations
to follow in His footsteps. With His faithfulness, which He held on to even
until death, He changed human life as we know it.


Servant Leaders
1. Our mission as Youth for Christ members is very important indeed. We
are blessed as stewards of Gods creation and chosen to bring to those
who are not privileged enough, the message of Gods promise.
2. However, our service may be far greater than any worldly position but it is
in serving humbly that we achieve our goal. Christ, our model, showed us
that the key to happiness is in our humility and our willingness to serve,
even the lowest of our members. Once all our efforts are coming
sincerely from our hearts, our service becomes part of our nature and we
become deeply rooted in it.
3. Let us put our hearts and our souls in this mission. Let us get involved.
Let us immerse ourselves and keep in mind that our service is to love.
Ours is a great mission. His is the greatest of all love. Let us be inspired
to move our lives excellently towards Him in love, in the fulfillment of our
mission, and in the humblest of all services.

For extended club periods, the activity proper and/or the time for
sharing / discussion / exhortation may be lengthened.

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1. Help the members realize for themselves the value of honoring brothers
and/or sisters.
2. Aims to build and uplift lasting relationships through positive
encouragement and respect.
3. Serves as a venue for them to experience Christ within and in others by
imitating Him in the way that He showed His love for other people.
4. Instill in the participants, the importance of service and humility by
protecting the ties we establish with one another as brothers and/or
sisters in Christ.
durable paper
masking tape
tapes (on friends) for background music to be played during the activity
1. After the opening prayer, the leader/moderator/speaker shall give a short
exhortation YFCs culture of honoring.
2. Each member will be given a piece of paper and a ball pen.
3. The paper shall be carefully taped at the back of each student.
4. With their pen in hand, they will be given the chance to go around the
room and write on the paper taped to the back of their club mates.
5. They shall be instructed to write only what they feel will uplift or
encourage the person concerned.

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6. Songs about friends may be played throughout the activity.
7. After the given time, the members shall gather in their small
groups/households, for sharing.
8. They will be given the chance to share what was written guided by the
following questions:
a. What do you like best among those written?
b. How does it make you feel?
9. After the sharing/discussion, each group will decide on who to represent
the group in order to share it with the rest of the class.
10. Then the whole class shall gather into the big group for sharing and
Opening Prayer
5 minutes
5 minutes
Activity Proper
25 minutes
Group Sharing
10 minutes
Gathering & Exhortation
10 minutes
Closing Prayer
5 minutes


Topic Outline
Introduction to the Activity
(Activity Proper)
Experiencing Christ Within Us
We are privileged to be given all the blessings we enjoy now in our lives.
We have been given all the opportunities to grow and in the process serve
as an example for other people.
3. Christ effectively works through us whenever we achieve success in all
our endeavors (studies, relationships, other activities)
4. We are driven by the knowledge that other people support us.
5. We strive to do our best when we are aware that people appreciate what
we are doing.

Sharing Christ to Others

1. As Gods children, we have experienced the joy of serving in His kingdom.
We should take on the attitude of being an inspiration to other people, an
effective instrument in bringing others to Him.
2. This appreciation should not only be for ourselves but for others.

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3. People need affirmation from others in order for them to know that they
are affecting others in a positive way.
4. Through encouragement, we reinforce whatever good behavior they have
and provide a venue for them to properly channel their service to God and
to others.
5. Even in the event of something undesirable, we strive to see Christ in
every situation. Instead of noticing what is wrong, we focus on what we
can learn from what we do well.
Relating with Each Other as a Family in Christ
1. It is our duty to build lasting relationships with each other because we are
all working towards the same goal of sharing our experience of Christ to
2. It is our privilege to be serving Him in a manner that no other person can
unless he/she believes Christ exists within.
3. Let us uphold one of the best values YFC can instill in us, the value of
4. To honor is to recognize the significance of each other, the love of Christ
and the glory of God in each individual.

For extended club periods, the activity proper and/or the time for
sharing / discussion / exhortation may be lengthened.

1. Instill in the participants, trust and reliance on other people and most
especially on God.
2. Provide an opportunity for them to exercise their values in building
trustworthy relationships and in establishing authority figures, people we
listen to for guidance and for help.
3. See how they can find refuge in people and in their faith to get through
obstacles in the important stages of their lives.
Obstacle course (rope, chairs, etc.)


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1. The club activity shall begin with an opening prayer.
2. Then, a short introduction to the activity will be given by the moderator /
3. The students are grouped into households. Within the household, they
are further divided into pairs.
4. The groups shall be given blindfolds (one per pair).
5. An obstacle course should be prepared in advance by the service team.
The venue venue for the activity may be indoors (big classroom) or
outdoors (field).
6. For every pair, there shall be one barker and one blindfolded. The pair
can take turns in assuming each of the roles.
7. The object of the game is for the pair to get across the obstacle course
with one of them blindfolded and the other one barking instructions or
8. The first group to finish with all pairs successfully surviving the obstacle
course wins. A prize may be given for the winning household (to be
prepared by the core group).

Opening Prayer

5 minutes

Obstacle Course

5 minutes
30 minutes

Gathering & Exhortation

Closing Prayer

15 minutes
5 minutes

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Topic Outline

Introduction to Activity
(Dynamics of the Activity/Activity Proper)

Trust & Reliance

1. We go through life without fully knowing what will happen next. We may
prepare for lifes challenges but there is always a big part of our future
that we have no control of. We try so hard to put our life in order but
everything but we still are not guaranteed of a 100 %, risk-free operation.

2. We dream of big things, things that are bigger than us. However, most of
the time, we lose ourselves in the pressure on ourselves. Spiritually,
physically and emotionally, we get tired. We run out of motivation and we
lose hope.

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3. God knows that we love to think big all the time. Theres no objection to
that . He created us to be dreamers. He wants us to go beyond what is
normal and step up tp the challenge of something better. But He also
wants us to recognize His hand in whatever we do.

Who do I Listen to?

1. This is why He placed us in the care of people who will love us; people
who will always be there by our side to get us through lifes obstacles. He
gave us important people to aid us in the significant stages of our lives
(studies, friendships, relationships, love life, career).

2. Aside from the people around us , He never fails to give us directly what
we need support, guidance and strength. He uses other people to give
you this but at the same time, He wants us to rely on Him too.

3. We have to recognize God as the highest authority and that He can speak
to us in many ways, most especially in prayer. We have to be patient and
to remember to be sensitive to His word.

What happens if I do not listen?

1. The most obvious thing that can happen to us if we do not listen is that
we can get hurt. We can stumble, we can bruise ourselves, and we can fall
down and fail.

2. Not listening means not accepting Gods will for us. We have to remember
that it is not His will to torture us but to purify us. Once we get through

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the obstacles, we shall come out stronger and better individuals. This is
His What He wants for us.

Gods Will

1. We know that we have listened to God and His will when we are blessed
with peace.

2. We know that we have overcome our trials when we are happy about
ourselves and about what we have done.

3. We believe that it is God who worked in us when we emerge as stronger

and better individuals. This is His will. Let us continue to pray that may
only his will always be done.

For extended club periods, the activity proper may be lengthened.

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1. Emphasize on the value of leading excellent lives.
2. Make them realize the importance of giving everything they can in every
responsibility that is given them.
1. Generate excitement from the members by setting the mood. Arrange the
venue like that of a funeral. Put up curtains, candles and flowers around
your activity venue. If possible set up a lectern. This will help them have
fun while taking the activity seriously.
2. After the opening prayer the leader introduces the activity.
3. Ask them to write their eulogies. As much as possible make them picture
the event. At the moment of their death, someone will come up in front of
everyone and give a eulogy. Ask them, If you were to write this eulogy,
what would be in it? Then, tell them to write it. Tell them that the eulogy
should only be 2 intermediate pad pages long.
4. Clarify that you are giving them only 15 minutes to do this and that they
will be asked to read this later on. It is important to tell them this so that
they will know what to expect and be able to pace themselves.
5. After the 15 minutes are up, ask them to divide into their smaller
groupings (their care groups) and have them share. Each one must be
able to share in this discussion. Again, tell them that they only have 10
minutes for this. Every once in a while announce how many more minutes
they have left.

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6. When the 10 minutes are up, gather them together and tell them to
choose 1 or 2 from their groups to share in the big group. If time permits,
you can choose additional sharers. You may also ask for volunteers. Pray
and be open to the Lords prompting. He may be leading someone to
7. After this sharing, wrap up the activity.
Opening Prayer
Introduction to the activity
Writing of the eulogy
Small group sharing
Big group sharing/Wrap up
Closing Prayer

5 minutes
5 minutes
15 minutes
10 minutes
20 minutes
5 minutes


Topic Outline
Introduction to the Activity
1. As young people, we have so many dreams and aspirations. We plan to
succeed in life, earn money, establish a career, and live a stable and
contented lifestyles when we grow old.
2. However, we do not know if we can, live to see all our dreams come to
reality. What if we never get the chance to succeed? What if tomorrow,
we get into an accident and all our chances of leading wonderful lives are
suddenly put to a halt?
3. Pretend you died, what do you want people to hear or to say about the life
you led? Given these circumstances, write a self-eulogy of how you want
to be remembered.
(Activity Proper)
Life is Short
1. Life is not forever. Before you know it, it has gone. We live our day to day
lives not fully aware of the things to come. We may have dreams and

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aspirations but we do not fully know if we will be able to live long enough
o see all these plans come to life.
2. Many people take for granted the time that they have now to live out
even part of their dreams thinking that there will always be time to do it
3. if the of the house knew that the thief would come by night around the
certain hour, he would stay awake to prevent his house to be broken
into (Mt 24:43)
Leading Excellent Lives Now
1. We may be thinking, how significant am I that I have to do now what I
want to do in the future just to feel I am prepared for death? Every
person is significant and we affect each others lives in a manner we
cannot fully grasp. We do not know it but this early in life, we are creating
experiences and rich memory banks for each other.
2. This is why it is important for us to see what we have to at least strive for
excellence in what we do now in order to actualize even part of our
dreams and help them come to life.
3. We dont have to wait forever in order to realize that we should leave our
mark now and succeed in all our responsibilities as students,
sons/daughters, friends, brothers/sisters.
Giving Our All
1. Stay awake, then, for you do not know on what day your Lord will
come. (Mt. 24:42)
2. Let us not waste our time. Let us avoid regret while we still can. Let us act
now and believe that the Lord has placed us on this earth for a reason.
That purpose is meant to be served now and believe that the Lord has
placed us on this earth for a reason. That purpose is meant to be served
now, not yesterday, not tomorrow.
3. We study not just for ourselves but for the possibility that we can help
others more effectively. We finish our household chores not for ourselves
but for the fact that we can be excellent mothers and fathers in the
future. No matter how difficult the task is, we strive to put our efforts into
it because we know that it will benefit other people more than it will
benefit ourselves.

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4. And if we are not able to reach the dreams we have set for ourselves, we
shall be at peace knowing that the lives we led were made excellent.

For extended club periods, the activity proper and/or the time for sharing
and discussion may be lengthened.

1. Instill the participants faithfulness in God and of His faithfulness in us.
2. Realize that God is in control.
3. Recognize the plans that He has for us.

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1. The members are advised to submit a pair of scissors, glue, masking tape,
string, pictures (of their friends, their family or their household) and other
materials during the club meeting before this activity is scheduled to be
given. These will be given back to them the next meeting in preparation
for the graded activity which will be announced to them.
2. After the opening prayer for the meeting itself, the
moderator/leader/speaker will have to explain that the service team was
not able to bring the materials therefore they have to do without them.
The activity to be done is a poster essay on whatever topic they like to
3. The small groups shall not be given any art materials except for glue and
a piece of newspaper wherein they will place their poster essays. They
can only go out into the field to look for their materials.
4. They shall be given enough time to look for materials and to come up with
their poster essays.
5. At the end of the activity, they will all gather and a short exhortation shall
be given.
Opening Prayer
Activity Proper
Gathering & Exhortation
Closing Prayer

5 minutes
35 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes



Topic Outline
Introduction to Activity
(Dynamics of the Activity/Activity Proper)
Living Controlled Lives
1. We are taught to always be prepared for we know not what will happen
next. This trains us to have foresight in preparation for our future.

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However, most of the time, we are caught up in planning and in making
our plans work that we lose the spirit of adventure and taking risks; we
fail to see Gods plan for us.
2. Whether it is for a particular situation or the state of our lives, we focus on
what we think is right and we think should take place.
3. Most of the time, we are not adventurous. We take control of everything
that we are blinded by what the world see fit for us and not what God
wants for us. In effect, we limit ourselves to the possibilities of this
worlds standards and not of Gods.
4. Oftentimes, we forget that we are here to carry out not our own plans but
Gods plans for us. Our purpose is not for self-gain but for Gods glory.
5. The dreams that we have, we dream them not because we want them but
because God wants us to set a standard of dreaming excellent things. If
ever these things do not fit into His plans, He has His own way of showing
us that.
God is In Control
1. The more engrossed we are in doing one thing, the more blinded we
become that we fail to see the bigger picture, we fail to recognize that
each task is an adventure.
2. If only we could go out of our comfort zones and explore our environment

To teach the members the value of forgiveness, humility and the healing
power of prayer.

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1. The talk is meant to lead the members into the prayer-healing session
later on. Since the prayer session may take much of the club time, it is
advisable not to have a game or activity for this meeting.
2. Arrange the seats in a circle wherein everyone is inside the circle. The
speaker can move around inside or sit with the group. It would be good for
the group to be in this arrangement so that there will be no need to break
the momentum and go straight to the healing session.
3. Music can play a big part in this activity. Invite a music team to assist or
prepare songs that can help the members into a prayerful mood during
the prayer-healing session. Reflection songs may be a big help as well.
Also, jubilant praise songs may be played for the mini worship after the
prayer-healing session.
Opening prayer
Talk proper
Healing session
Closing prayer

5 mins
30 mins
20 mins
5 mins



Topic Outline

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If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a
noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and
understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to
remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have,
and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant
or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it
does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things,
believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (RSV 1
Corinthians 13:1-7)
Being in YFC is exciting. You get to meet many different people and travel
to different places. You get to learn and do things you have never done
before, like perform, model or act. You get to help people and serve your
brothers and sisters. But above and beyond all these things, is love. Without
love, none of these things we do in YFC means anything.
But, its not always easy to love.
a. When we are judged or misunderstood.

When people criticize you for something that you did, it hurts. You
begin to feel alone. You want to hit back.
We have to remember that hitting back never solved anything. It
only makes things worse.
Realize that we have to forgive just as Christ did when people
treated Him wrongly.

b. When the people depend on disappoint us.

Your friends, group mates, even your leaders can disappoint you. It
hurts doubly to be put down by someone you rely on and trust. You
can get disillusioned and angry and forget to love.
Understand that people make mistakes. No justification here, just
compassion and understanding, just as Christ did.


Choose to forgive.

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Realize however that forgiveness is the only way we can ever have peace.
No one has ever lived a happy peaceful life in anger and pride.
a. Seek to understand.
When someone wrongs you, seek first to understand that persons
situation. Give him/her the benefit of the doubt. Rather than
indulging in your anger and contaminating everyone else with your
anger, go find solutions.
b. Loving and being right
It is more important to protect your relationships than to have the
last say.
Everything you have ever and will ever learn in YFC is as important as
learning to love
Loving even when you are hurt, even when the person does not
deserve it.
Jesus loved us beyond measurement, without limit, even when we
didnt deserve it.
At this point we will take time to pray for each other. Many of us have been
judged and hurt, and many of us have judged and hurt others as well. And
so we must pray that the Lord will give us the humility to accept our
weaknesses and give us the grace to forgive to love and to refresh us to
serve anew next year.
1. After a song that can create the proper environment for prayer, the
speaker (or team leader) will lead the participants into a general prayer of
healing, forgiveness and the grace to serve in and out of love.
2. After the general prayer, the participants should be encouraged to go
around praying-over and ministering to each other. During this time,
participants may take the opportunity to repair damaged relationships
or resentments by asking to be prayed over or by personally asking for
forgiveness if the persons involved are present.
A few reflective songs may be sung by the music team during the pray-over
which will end with a time of exuberant worship.

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1. To teach and pass on the YFC culture of brotherhood/sisterhood in
friendship. (walang iwanan)
2. To exhort each one to become a better friend to others
The activity should be held in an area with enough space for racing, and
where the members can make noise.
Candies or chocolates as prizes
1. Divide the group into 2 groups of 25 members each. You can put care
groups together to form the bigger group.
2. Ask them to form a straight line with their hands on the shoulder of the
person in front of them. Then ask them to form a circle by having the first
person in the line reach out for the shoulder of the last person in that
same line.
3. Then instruct them to bend their knees and sit or lean on the lap of the
person behind them. This will be the basic stance for the whole activity.
Explain that the objective of the game is to keep the circle intact in that
4. While in this stance, each group will follow your instructions for
movement. You can make them move 3 steps back and 5 steps forward.
You can also ask them to move sideways, from left to right. You can even
ask them to go around.
Make sure each person is really leaning on the lap of the person
behind him/her. It is so easy to get away with just bending their knees.
The success of the activity lies in that they rely on each other to
maintain the circle. It is important that you make sure they follow the
5. It would be more exciting if you keep score. Award a point to a group for
each time that group accomplishes your command without breaking the
circle. In the same way, deduct points from the group that breaks the
6. Then, for the final contest. Stand up on a chair and hold out a
handkerchief. Designate a starting line and at your signal have both

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groups race to get the handkerchief from your hand. They should still be
in the basic stance.
Ask everyone to form a circle and sit with them in the circle. Tell this
A few years ago at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine
contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the
starting line for the 100-yard dash. At the gun they all started out,
not exactly in a dash, but with the relish to run the race to the finish
and win.
All, that is, except one boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled
over a couple of times, and began to cry. The other eight heard the
boy cry. They slowed down and paused. Then they all turned around
and went back. Every one of them. One girl with Downs Syndrome
bent down and kissed him and said, This will make it better. Then
all nine linked arms and walked together to the finish line.
Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for 10
In your own words, give this exhortation.
In YFC, when we talk about friendship, we mean brotherhood/sisterhood in
Christ. We may be different in many waysin the way we think and do
things, in the things we like and dont like. Many times these differences can
and will get in the way of our friendship. But, one thing we definitely have in
common is how much Jesus Christ loves us --- to death.
Jesus is the foundation of our friendship. The reason why you people are
together now is because He made it that way. That is why, we should make a
commitment to care enough to go back for someone who has fallen behind,
to care enough to stop whatever it is were doing and to see and attend to
one who has been hurt. Because thats how Jesus defined friendship --laying ones life for a friend ( ). In YFC, others will come first. We will think
of our friends before we think of ourselves.
Being alone is a painful experience. It is everyones fear to be rejected
and unwanted. Thats why we try so hard to fit in.
Let us make it our prayer that in this YFC Club, we will be known for being
real friends to each other and to other people --- where everyone will have a
place, where everyone will belong, no one will be judged or laughed at or

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made fun of --- that you will be known to have true friendships. Comrades.
Kasangga. Kakampi.
That is how they will know you are mineif you love one another (

Then, ask them to lay their hand on the person to their right and pray for
them. Make a commitment to that person that you will be a real brother or
sister, the way God intended you to be. Pray that they be real friends to the
people around them.
Gathering/Opening Prayer/Worship
5 minutes
20 minutes
Processing of activity and Pray Over
30 minutes
Closing Prayer/Announcements
5 minutes

Modules to empower & commission
God has called us in Youth for Christ to a highly evangelistic life.
We are called to make a radical response to Jesus directive stated
in Mt. 28:19 Go out and make disciples of all nations.
Therefore, YFC club aims to bring its members into the level of
being empowered and commissioned to share Christ to their
fellow students in their own school.
Being sent means
To inspire the members with the vision of witnessing and
sharing Christ in the local school by addressing the following:
a. school issues (e.g. cheating, excellence in studies,
integrity, sexuality)
b. work with the poor (e.g. resource generation)
c. evangelization (e.g. youth camps)
To give young people a sense of purpose & mission, as
they see themselves being used by the Lord to make a
difference in the lives of other students in their local school.

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To Train and equip them with the necessary skills in order to

translate this vision into productive outputs by using the
following modules
An evaluation and/or report can be done after each module in
order to gauge the effect on the local school. Each module is
independent and therefore, can stand on its own.

Impart to the participants the importance of planning
Understand the different elements of a good plan
Give the Pep talk
Divide the whole group into five small groupings
Assign a special project that the group can take on
Explain the time table
Let the group plan for 30 minutes
Opening Prayer
Pep Talk
Actual planning
Closing Prayer

5 min.
20 min.
30 min.
5 min.


The projects should be able to address certain issues in the school

campus that YFC is against or stands for. (e.g. cheating, purity, integrity)

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It is up to the group how they will address the issue that they chose. (e.g.
cheating is the issue, coming up with flyers and distributing them is the
The project should be achievable in three weeks time
The project should not involve outside resources


Topic Outline
There are a lot of good ideas and good plan that we have seen gone to
waste. Which makes us wonder why? God gave us the gift of intellect for us
to be able to be excellent in everything that we do. He wants us to be
successful but He does not want to spoil us by doing all the work for us! We
have to do our share. Any successful activity can be attributed to good
planing techniques or process. The process of planning is as important as
the idea itself. The process actualizes the idea!
Characteristics of a Good Plan
1. Is Organized
A good plan must be very well organized and easy to understand. Clearly
define the different stages, establish the strategies and actions, and state
the responsibility for the completion of each action.
2. Fulfills the needs of the group
The members must receive the some benefits like learning new skills or
simply enjoying the satisfaction of helping others.

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3. Offers the opportunity for each member of the group to
contribute with his skills
Each member must be able to identify some activities in the plan to which
he can contribute his particular talents. Al task must be divided among
the members according their abilities, skill, and desires. Avoid
overloading some skilled members and leaving others who want to help
without anything to do.
4. Is achievable
achievable. Members of the group must believe in the possibilities and
success of the plan. They must be able to see the goals and the final
results they will help to achieve.
5. Is simple
The language of the plan must be simple to be readily understood by
every member of the team without consulting a specialist.
6. I clear specific and precise
The plan must indicate quantities, deadlines, quality responsibilities, cost

7. Is flexible
Things may change after the plan is completed. The plan must be flexible
to adapt to changes.
8. Must be complete
The plan must include all possible details. Nothing should be left to the
imagination or chance. All circumstance must be considered.
After the plan has been completed, it should be offered to the Lord for He
is the source of all wisdom. Since we can never be 100% sure that we are
doing His will, we have to invoke Gods presence in everything that we plan
to do. So that God will bless us and if the plans are not according to His will,
then He will just redirect us. (Prov. 3:6)

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1. Develop managerial skills among members
2. Impart to the participants the different techniques of a good project
1. Present to the group an on-going project
2. Point out the date of completion and where the progress is at of the
3. Give the pep talk
4. Ask the group to come up with individual suggestion on how the project
could be managed more efficiently.
5. Ask randomly two or three groups, depending upon the time to share their
Opening Prayer

5 min

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Song review
Pep Talk
Group discussion
Group reporting
Closing Prayer

5 min
20 min
20 min
5 min
5 min

1. Chose a case study that is fairly simple given the time constraint of the
2. Let all members pass their suggestions and give comments then return
their papers the next meeting
3. If they have an on-going project the better.


Topic Outline
It is important that the project is properly managed for it to achieve its
goals and objectives. Just like a huge luxury liner on a journey to a particular
destination. If the captain does not know how to manage the trip then the
ship cannot reach its destination or if ever it can reach its destination it
would have taken them quite a while. This is the reason why it is important
for us to be good project managers as early as now if we want to be
successful in our studies or even for our future career
Critical areas for good project management
1. An over-all goal should be known
2. Specific objectives (key result areas) should be identified to achieve the
overall goal of the project distributed in a time line

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3. The specific objectives should follow a logical build up pattern
4. The resource for the project should be identified
How to manage the project
1. Deadlines are important. If one deadline is not met then the whole
project is affected.
2. Motivate the people who are working. Rally them to the final goal of the
project and that their contribution is as important as the highest -ranking
worker is.
3. Make adjustments after evaluating the progress of the work
4. Being early, from the deadline is not always good. Timing is important.
5. Know in advance the needs of the project at a particular time of the work
6. If there are delays, try to address the problem without affecting other key
result area. Isolate the situation
7. Be flexible in the unexpected results or unexpected difficulties.
Attitude of a good project manger

Be patient. Since you are following a programmed work schedule, do not

allow panic to set in.
Yes to Gods direction. Yielding to His leading which simply means one is
open and obedient.
Keep your cool. Situation may get out of hand. It is important for people
to see that the manager is composed in times of difficulties.
Do not be overconfident although we have to trust that God has prepared
a victory for us

Individuals who have good discipline, dependable and can see things in
perspective, makes good project managers. All can become one, we just
have to be true to our dependency upon God and have the confidence that
God is always with us!


1. Exhort the members to become leaders in their own respect
2. Understand true leadership
1. Ask the group to name great leaders that they know
2. Give the talk
3. After the talk, ask them to get their pens and paper
4. Read to them this verse: Pro. 26:6-7
5. Ask them to answer in a few sentences the following:

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a. Are we like the one who is being referred to by the verse?
b. Are we being asked to lead but refuse to?
c. Not sure what you should be doing with your life? Stay put,work hard,
take time for God and leave your future to the Lord.
d. After the reflection, announce that each one will take turns as heads to
lead the households. Announce the plans of the club as far as
households are concern.

Topic Outline
Lets take a look at the important balance between natural and spiritual
leadership. A leader, obviously, must have some God-given natural qualities
that cause others to respond to his or her influence. At the same time, the
Christian leader must possess a marked degree of Spirit-directed humble
devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ...before he falls into a self-appointed,
ambitious individual who simply loves the spotlight (give examples).
A true and safe leader is likely to be one who has no desire to lead, but is
forced into position of leadership by the inward pressure of the Holy Spirit
and the pressure of external situation (give examples like David, Moses, Paul
etc.) It might be a fairly reliable rule of thumb that the man who is ambitious
to lead is disqualified to lead. God makes it His responsibility to prepare,
nurture, train and promote certain people into leadership. Thats His
business, not ours. (Read Jer. 45:5)
All of us here are gifted, capable and qualified to lead, but God has not yet
promoted you. A warning against selfish ambition: Quietly and in subtle
ways you can manipulate others to notice you, to be impressed with you.
God knows what He is doing. You just remain faithful, flexible, available and
humble. God is preparing you as His chosen arrow, He will reach for you at
the precise moment and launch you to that place of His appointment!

1. Learn the skill of gathering information
2. Exhaust all possible ways to reach the goal.

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
1. Divide the whole group into smaller groups of 3-5 members each.
2. Each group should think of the most pressing and relevant issue in their
3. Each group should formulate a set of at least 5 questions that can verify
the issue at hand.
4. Questions must:
a. be either answerable by yes/no or quantifiable
b. simple, easy to understand & straight to the point
5. At the end of the period, each group reports on the issue they chose and
the set of questions discussed.
6. Each group should implement their survey in their school. They will be
given two weeks to report their findings.
Opening prayer
Giving of instructions
Groupings & Brainstorming
Closing Prayer

5 minutes
5 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes

Exclusive Relationships among High School boys
Sample: 3rd year Ateneo high school boys

Are you in a relationship right now?

If yes, is she your first girlfriend?
How many girlfriends have you had?

1. Bring Christ back in His central place in our lives
2. Market the best product in the world Jesus Christ through creative
strategies & techniques.

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
Talk outline- Marketing essentials to Christian life
1. Give pep talk.
2. Divide the whole group into 5 small groups of 10 members each.
3. Each group is required to come up with a 3-minute commercial about
Jesus (either a skit or a jingle).
4. At the end of the period, each group presents their commercial.
Opening prayer
Pep Talk
Closing Prayer

15 minutes
20 minutes
20 minutes
2 minutes



Topic Outline
Christ has lost His central place in peoples lives. Most people especially
the young think of Him as the consolation of the dying, the sick and the

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
People, who claim to represent him, misrepresent him by the negative
image people project about Him. Christian brothers molesting boys, Jimmy
Swaggart seen in a prostitution den etc, are just some concrete examples of
people who misrepresented Jesus. As a result, people get turned off.
Jesus has lost ground. No television shows or movies are made about
Him. Less and less people talk about Him. Fewer books written about Him
are becoming bestsellers. Jesus has lost His centrality in homes, schools,
offices and the mass media.
Our goal is to bring Christ back in His central place in our lives. Our
methodology is to market the best product in the world Jesus Christ through
revolutionary techniques.
We are all marketing people. Whether it be in sharing and idea with a
friend, asking a girl out or convincing our parents to buy us a cellphone, we
are unconciously marketing ourselves or our ideas with others.
CFC is geared towards the work for total human liberation. We are
establishing a church of the home and a church of the poor through our work
of evangelization and social communications. The community is coming up
with a lot of exciting and radical strategies to win the world for Christ. We
want to create more excitement in the church today.
1. Product

We have the best product of all Jesus Christ

We offer new life, new hope and new opportunities

2. Promotions

Through our different programs and activities (youth camp, power

camp, conferences, etc) we should be able to project an exciting
Christian life.
Do you strongly believe in the product, enough to die for it.
There is a lot of competition in a world which is after material success
and comfort, we need to make our lives attractive so that others will
choose to live the way we do.


3. Place/Distribution

The best way by which we can market Christ is through the way we
live. Are we becoming good witnesses of Christ?

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)

We are the best distribution network of Jesus Christ

We need to convert our 1Million strong membership into effective
evangelizers who are in touch with people
4. Price
The product is free for our taking but we need to spend our whole lives
telling others about Jesus. He is too good to be kept to ourselves.
The only way by which we can get more of Him is by sharing Him with
The way we live our lives is our best marketing tool. Invest on worthwhile
and meaningful relationships and activities. Do not rest until your goal is
done. If people see you, will they follow you?

1. Awaken the students consciousness of the issues affecting them.

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
2. Train the students to voice their ideas and make a stand for a cause.
3. Present their ideas creatively.

1. Talk - FREE YOUR MIND! LETS GET LOUD! (Growing with the vision)
2. Newspaper, Magazines (pre-assigned)
3. Pen
4. Paper
1. Give the pep talk.
2. Divide the whole group into 5 small groups of 10 members
3. Each group should come up with a proposition based on the magazines
and newspaper issues they have scanned. Examples of which are :
a. No to pre-marital sex
b. No to drugs
c. No to abortion
d. No to teen-age marriages
e. Yes to YFC!
f. No to cheating!
4. The group discusses among themselves. At the end of the period, they
should be able to write a persuasive paragraph on the issue stating their:
a. purpose (e.g. To persuade the students to say no to drugs)
b. audience (e.g. High school students of SHS)
c. opinion
d. evidences
5. The paragraph should end with a strong conclusion, restating their main
idea and moving their audience to action.
6. The group comes up with a creative way of presenting this for 10 minutes,
(e.g. video presentation, survey says, poster making) after two weeks.
7. At the end of the period, the group submits to the moderator their plan of
action and time table. This project should be achievable in three weeks
Opening prayer
3 minutes
Pep Talk
15 minutes
Group Discussion
40 minutes
Writing of persuasive paragraph
Submission of plan of action & timetable
Closing prayer
2 minutes


Topic Outline

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
Our job... to take territories from Satan and bring them back to the Lord.
God is truly making us an army.
Ezekiel 37: 1 and ff The Valley of Dry Bones
We used to be a valley of dry bones but through Gods anointing we have
become a vast army ready to conquer the world for Him. Yes! Thats what
are! - a VAST ARMY!
Paradise lost
Problem: We didnt see things the way God wants us to see them.
(State basic issues in the newspaper or magazines to clearly describe
No value for life - abortion, violence
No value for marriage - pre-marital sex
Paradise Regained
(How do we grow with the vision?)
1. Claim that the victory of God can happen now and for the rest of our lives.

Deal with all the basic issues of our lives. (e.g. family, friends, lovelife)
2. Believe that you are anointed! Because of this, we are accountable for
every soul that we tried and we didnt try to get.
3. Do not waste time. Whenever we waste time, we waste every single drop
of blood that Jesus shed for us.
4. Believe in the cause of Christ - that God has a beautiful plan for us. And
He can restore that plan by cooperating with Him in making this world a
better place to live in our own small ways as YFC members.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy in believing so that you may
abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13


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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
1. Know how to develop a talk
2. Be able to share and speak in public confidently
Talk outline SPEAKERS WORKSHOP (How to give a talk)
1. Give the pep talk
2. Divide the whole group into 10 small groups of 5 members each.
3. Assign a particular topic to each group (e.g. purity, simplicity, obedience,
loyalty, self-respect, honesty, beauty, love, happiness, courage).
4. Give the members time to write down their topic or talk outlines.
5. Then, they will gather into their small groups and share1 by 1 in five
minutes (1 minute intro, 2 minutes body, 1 minute conclusion) what they
have written.
6. One or two sharers from the small groupings can be asked randomly by
the facilitator to share to the bigger group.
7. The facilitator gives an evaluation of the sharings.
Opening prayer
2 minutes
Pep Talk
10 minutes
Gather into small groups
2 minutes
Writing down of talk
10 minutes
Sharing in small groups 25 minutes
Sharing to the big group
10 minutes
Closing prayer


SPEAKERS WORKSHOP (How to Give a Talk)

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CFC Youth for Christ

High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
Topic Outline
Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an
example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (1
Tim 4:12)
1. Begin with the end in mind.
a. Know what your talk is all about.
b. Stick to your outline. Dont lose the message by putting too many
2. Internalize the talk understand it.

a. Speak from the heart.

b. Understand your audience.
3. Prepare your outline
a. Come up with stories, anecdotes that might help illustrate your point
b. Make your outline personal
dont preach
share. People are not looking for teachers but witnesses.
4. Pray. Let the Holy Spirit guide you.


1. Speak to the audience
a. establish eye to eye contact
b. generate good rapport
2. Clarity
a. number your points so the audience would know where you are
b. speak clearly with enough volume and modulation
c. avoid jargons
3. Tailor fit your talk
a. according to age group, social status
b. no green jokes
4. Posture
a. be confident
b. avoid mannerisms
c. walk around

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High School Club Activities Manual (2000 Ed.)
5. Time
a. be conscious of the time
6. End with a high note

Good speakers are made not born.

Stage fright is natural. Trust in the Lord.
Dont impress. Its not your goal to make people cry.
Love the people youre speaking to.

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