Interactive American History Websites

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Interactive Websites for American History

LCISD Social Studies

American Revolution -- The Road to Revolution: Test your knowledge about the American
Revolution, and see if you can navigate your way to independence. Every correct answer gets you closer to liberty! -- (1) Daily Life in the Colonies: Discover what rural life was like
on an 18th-century Colonial farm; (2) The Global Village: Find out what was happening in the world at the time of the
Revolution; (3) Military Perspectives: Compare the real-life differences between American and British soldiers. -- Famous Moments in Early American History: Each film in the 'Famous Moments'
series highlights a true story of historical significance, providing 'students' of early America with a better understanding
of the people, places and events of this important era. Of added interest for viewers, each film tells its story using
scenes and portraits from the Early American Digital Library. Many of the images are primary source documents--
engravings, woodcuts and drawings that date back to the early to mid-1800s. -- The Mount Vernon Virtual

Tour --Animated Atlas covering beginning of the war in April of

1775 when minutemen and other militias of colonists attacked a British expedition sent to Lexington and Concord. The
British retreated back to Boston, where they were held by the Americans. -- An Interactive Map of Paul Revere's Ride. --Listen to “Remember the Ladies” -- The lyrics in the song relate events and
conditions described by Abigail Adams in her letters. Each verse begins with "Dear John" to accentuate that it was
through letter writing that Adams was able to express her views. It is our great fortune that she provided us this legacy
of the insight of the times. -- Listen to “Jack Jouett's Ride” --The lyrics in the song relate Jack Jouett’s
ride to warn Thomas Jefferson that the British were coming! -- Our America: Revolutionary War-- This

website provides a variety of activities including: Learn About the Revolutionary War; Read Diary Entries From the
Time Period; Make Arts & Crafts; Write A Journal Entry; Design a Period Home Interior. -- Video clips on: Washington’s

Farewell--U.S. Senators read George Washington’s farewell address; Presidential Precedents--As the first President of
the United States, George Washington knew he was setting an example for every president to come; America’s First
Spymaster--The history of espionage in America goes all the way back to the Revolutionary War. -- Revolutionary and Colonial Historical Songs

13 Colonies -- America in 1607: Explore Jamestown and Explore

Werowocomoco (the capital of the Powhatan Chiefdom). -- You are the Captain of the Jamestown Colony: Can

you do any better than the real colonists? You will have a copy of the London Company's Instructions to help guide you.
Also, you can ask your fellow colonists and the Native Americans for advice. Be careful, though, because some advice is
better than others!

1 -- Experience Jamestown: Check out the following:
(1) Click on Stories of a Nation then click on View the Commercial at the bottom right (after the commercial is over
click on the X in the upper right hand corner of the commercial). Then, click on the different people to learn more
about Jamestown and the people that lived during that time period; (2) Make sure you are back on the original page,
then check out: Prequel: The Voyage; Episode 1: The Starving Time; Episode 2: The Virginia Indians. -- Play the Jamestown Interactive

Game: On the Trail of Captain John Smith. -- Virtual Jamestown: (1) Interactive map of John Smith’s

vogages; (2) Virtual Panoramas of John White's Village of Pomeiooc and Jamestown Fort; (3) Patterns of Settlement
Maps. -- Jamestown Live webcast: Click on LOG ONTO JAMESTOWN LIVE

and select Windows Users--High Speed to view the webcast. -- This online exhibit was created to explore the meeting of

these three worlds collide--Africa, America, and Europe. The story is presented in chapters that consist of a uniquely
illustrated narrative, important event nodes, an extensive bibliography with live links to other online resources, and--
perhaps most importantly – insightful video commentary from some of the most respected Jamestown historians alive
today. You can also use the teachers' guide that is included with this online exhibit to extend your exploration of this
interesting subject either on your own or as part of a curriculum. -- Secrets of the Dead: Death at Jamestown &

Interactive Explore Jamestown. -- Animated Atlas: The Early Colonies: Jamestown

and Chesapeake Bay--This section illustrates the areas covered by the charters established by King James I in 1606 to
colonize Virginia, and the initial voyage which founded Jamestown.
content_type=Minisite_Video_Clips&content_type_id=54009&display_order=1&mini_id=54006 -- Video clips of the
following: Pocahontas Marries John Rolfe--Pocahontas, daughter of the chief of the Powhatan Indian confederacy,
marries English tobacco planter John Rolfe in Jamestown, Virginia; Save Our History: The Godspeed--A close look at
the construction of the Godspeed (replica) and her maiden voyage. --The Life of Pocahontas--This

is more of an elementary site. -- Investigating the First Thanksgiving: You will discover clues

about what really happened at the 1621 Harvest Celebration. -- Our America: Colonial Period-- This website

provides a variety of activities including: Learn about the Colonial Period; Read Diary Entries From the Time Period;
Explore a Related Activity about the First Thanksgiving; Make Arts & Crafts; Write A Journal Entry; Design a Period
Home Interior. -- A Colonial Family and Community: Be a

history detective. Go back in time and investigate the daily lives of the Daggetts, a colonial family from northeastern
Connecticut. Collect clues to uncover answers to 7 questions about colonial life in the 1700s. Then prove your skills as
a history detective by discovering "What's wrong with this picture?" -- Colonial House--Interactive History: A variety of

interactive activities on the Colonial Time Period including--
(1) Panoramic View of Colonial Houses and the Land (2) What was happening throughout North America in 1628?
(3) Would you have survived on the colony? (4) What kind of clothing did the colonists wear?
(5) Videos of how people struggled in the new world (5) As governor, you embark on a journey to the new world

(6) Other interactive activities-- ‘Tis a Very Dirty Manner of Life, Pilgrim’s Progress; Myth Conceptual Quiz, Cottage
Quest Quiz. --Think you've got what it takes to build a plantation
from scratch? Build, plant, harvest and survive in this highly engaging simulation. -- Colonial House--Media Gallery: From snapshots of the

training to vistas of the scenery to insights from the colonists, this section captures specific moments from the Colony
and the experience. Video and audio clips present the participants as they assess 1628 from a contemporary
perspective. Large-sized photos and captions demonstrate both the beauty and the drudgery of life on the Colony. And
a map, hand drawn by one of the colonists, portrays the Colony through the eyes of those who lived there. -- Colonial Williamsburg: A variety of slideshows of Williamsburg. -- Coins & Currency in Colonial America: In this

interactive, online exhibit, learn about varied coinage from all over the globe that influenced the currency we carry
today. A glossary, top ten FAQs list, timeline, relative scale and value charts, zooming capability and sidebars all add
layers of discovery to this expansive exhibit. -- Video Demonstrations of Early American Tools. -- You are the Archeologist: Two new interactive

archaeology modules have been designed to allow you to discover how archaeology is done at Jamestown Rediscovery. -- You be the Historian: See if you can figure out what life was like 200
years ago for Thomas and Elizabeth Springer's family in New Castle, Delaware. -- Colonial Period Game -- Colonial Life Game 1 --Colonial Life Game 2 -- Colonial and Revolutionary Historical Songs

Black History -- Jim Crow Simulations: Students and teachers can use

any one of these interactive modules to challenge and motivate students to learn more about this period in history.
Historical Simulations, Cognitive Organizers, Essay Questions in a writer's workshop format, mini quizzes, Primary
Source Material Analysis, and Prediction Centers create a well-rounded unit of study. -- Interactive Underground Railroad: You are a slave.
Your body, your time, your very breath belong to a farmer in 1850s Maryland. Six long days a week you tend his fields
and make him rich. You have never tasted freedom. You never expect to. And yet . . . your soul lights up when you
hear whispers of attempted escape. Freedom means a hard, dangerous trek. Do you try it? -- Rosa Parks: How I Fought for Civil Rights. -- Civil Rights Movement Game. -- Abolition Word Puzzle. -- Coretta Scott King Word Puzzle. -- Underground Railroad Song Samples. -- Culture and Change: Black History in America--Meet

famous African Americans, listen to jazz music, publish your own writing, and explore history with the interactive

3 --During the time of slavery, numerous brave Marylanders guided
slaves through to freedom through a unique collection of covert byways and secret hiding places. Take a closer look at
Maryland’s unique role in the Underground Railroad and gain a greater understanding of its citizen’s commitment to
liberty and civil rights for all. Create a secret quilt message in one section of this website. --Gullah Net -- In the past, people have described the Gullah
culture as quaint and the language as unintelligible. A closer look reveals a complex history and language with direct
links to West Africa that survived slavery and thrived on the Sea Islands of South Carolina and Georgia. The Gullah
experience has many variables that make it unique to each family and community. Activities include: Gullah Music--
explore the evolution of African music in America & Gullah Folktales--narrated folktales in English and Gullah. --Take virtual tours of historical places in South Carolina and learn about
important events from the civil rights movement. The modern Civil Rights Movement began in the 1940s and many
changes had taken place by the early 1970s, with the major events happening between 1954 and 1968. -- Learn about the Tuskegee Airmen, an all African American flying
squadron established in Tuskegee, Alabama in 1941. -- Lest We Forget--Triumph Over Slavery: Interactive Slideshow. -- Historical Freedom Stations Videos. -- Panoramic view of The slave quarters at the

McLeod Plantation on James Island in South Carolina. It show what the typical living space was like for rural slaves in
the South. Anywhere from 50-75 slaves lived on the property in the 26 slave dwellings that are believed to have
existed. -- Listen to the song "On An Underground Railroad" -- it provides a condensed

history of the underground railroad in the United States. -- American B. Johnson’s

(audio) speech “We Shall Overcome” -- It is dealing with civil rights. --Virtual Tour of Martin Luther King’s Home. --American Luther King’s

(audio) speech “I Have a Dream.” -- American

Luther King’s “I’ve Been To The Mountaintop” speech. --American F. Kennedy’s

(audio) Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. – Put the Civil Rights

Movement dates in order on the interactive timeline. -- Black History matching game.,28285,97501,00.html – Fight for Rights; History Challenge.

Civil War -- Who Am I? A History Mystery--Students select a

mystery character from the Civil War and examine objects that hold the key to their identity. -- A vast amount of activities that go along

with The Gettysburg Address and different events in the Civil War. Check out the VOA News Special English programs
-- where you can read the transcript and in many cases hear the audio. Make sure you click on Listen to Making of a
Nation to hear the story. -- A collection of songs which represents over four years of reading and writing
and recording. The songs fit together to tell the story of those three bloody days back in the sweltering heat of July,
1863, at Gettysburg. -- An interactive map of America on the Eve of

War. -- There are three sections: (1) Telling Details--Click on the highlights in each
image to learn more about the places, battles and daily life of the Civil War; (2) Telling A Story--Create a Civil War
story by mixing archival images, narration and music; (3) Image Browser--Browse through over 200 archival images
arranged by topic. Then continue your exploration of the archival images of the Civil War held by the Library of
Congress by using the website’s search form to explore the Library's complete online collection. -- Panoramic View of the Battlefield of Gettysburg--Over 975

individual snapshots were stitched together using Live Pictures Photovista to bring these 46 panoramic images.
-- The American Civil War: Surrender at Appomattox--Click on Listen to Making of a Nation to hear the story of the
surrender. -- Listen to "Kennesaw Line"--The lyrics in the song relate a story about two real
people who lived and fought in the Civil War.

Clothing 1700-1900 -- Clothing from the 1700’s through the 1900’s. -- Clothing from the 1800’s.

Depression Era -- Breadline--Interview with

John Takman--with audio clip excerpt. -- Video clips of the

following: (1) Franklin D.Roosevelt gives fireside chat on Dust Bowl; (2) Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers first inaugural
address at the height of the great depression; FDR repeals prohibition; Depression Era Gangsters, Prohibition & Al
Capone; Bonnie & Clyde shot dead.

Economics -- A game about international trade.

Erie Canal -- A tour of the Erie Canal.

Explorers -- Explorers – Game 1 -- Explorers – Game 2

Columbus --Click on Christopher

Columbus to learn more about him.

Conquistadors -- All the World is Human-- Activities on Cortez,

Pizarro, Orellano, and Cabeza de Vaca.

Marco Polo -- In the Footsteps of Marco Polo--Make sure you click

on The Journey to travel Marco Polo’s route. -- The Marco

Polo Odyssey--A video created by a National Geographic team that followed Marco Polo’s route.

Vikings -- How do we know what we know about the Vikings? Sail the
stormy seas of the North Atlantic in your own longship and retrace the voyages of discovery and settlement to
find the answers. Follow the path of the Norsemen from their homelands in Scandinavia to the shores of the
New World to see how recent advances in archeology, saga studies, history, environmental studies, and even
human genetics are changing our understanding of the Vikings, their neighbors, and their descendants. -- Play the game of 'Viking
Quest', which takes you back to AD 793. Can you build a ship, cross the seas, loot a monastery and return home
to claim your prize? Your chief has set the challenge, it's up to you to respond. -- Vikings Word Puzzle -- Viking Name Converter -- Nova Online: The Vikings--Several parts to this site: (1) Explore a
Viking Village; (2) Who Were the Vikings? (3) Secrets of the Norse Ships; (4) The Viking Diaspora; (5) Write Your
Name in Runes; (6) Build a Tree-Ring Timeline. -- The Lost Vikings of Greenland--Check out: (1) Life in

Greenland; (2) Homestead Ruins. -- Tour of a Viking Ship.

Government -- Interactive Constitution -- U.S. Presidents-- Click on a presidential number to learn more.

6 -- Election and Politics – Comic Strips, Vocab., Puzzles, etc. -- A game on the Bill of Rights. -- Presidents–-Hangman -- Presidents Game 1 -- Presidents Game 2 -- Presidents Game 3 -- A game over the three branches

of government. -- The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden--

Interactive Activities--(1) The President Has Many Roles; (2) All the President’s Children; (3) Children Write to the
President; (4) The President’s Seal; (5) Polling: Your Opinion Counts. --Declaration of Independence-- Like pilgrims flocking to a

holy site, more than a million people each year visit the Rotunda of the National Archives to see the Declaration of
Independence. Some are startled by its worn appearance, so unlike the pristine copies hanging in elementary schools
across the country. When Americans think of the Declaration, they often have in mind a much more legible copy called
the Stone Engraving made in 1823 and used as the model for countless classroom posters. But Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler
and Kitty Nicholson know differently. These National Archives conservators have examined every letter and smudge and
crease of the original, documenting the effects of two centuries of loving but imperfect handling. In this interactive,
pore over the faded original yourself, compare it to the Stone Engraving, and read the conservators' notes detailing
some of the damage done. -- If You Were President, How

Would You Run the Country? -- The Democracy Project--Three Interactive Parts: (1) Be President for a Day; (2) How
Does Government Affect Me; (3) Step Inside the Voting Booth. -- Tour of the Federal Government--There are interactive quizzes

at the end of each section. --The Duties of the Three Branches of Government -- A variety of quizzes from

Immigration -- Immigration: Stories of Yesterday and Today-- Find out what

it means to come to the United States as an immigrant from the early 20th century through the early 21st century. -- Listen to "Immigration Island" from the point of view of a new immigrant to
the America. --An interactive tour of Ellis Island. -- Our America: Turn of the Century-- This

website provides a variety of activities including: Learn About the Turn of the Century; Read Diary Entries From the
Time Period; Make Arts & Crafts; Write a Journal Entry; Design a Period Home Interior; Explore Related Activities
About--(1) Immigration; (2) Women’s Suffrage.

7 -- Listen to "Lady off the Shore"--The lyrics relate immigrants reactions to
seeing the Statue of Liberty.


Anasazi -- This site presents a three-dimensional reconstruction of a Great Kiva,

an architectural feature found in many prehistoric Anasazi communities in the Southwestern United States. -- Anasazi Digs--Site Photographs

Aztecs -- Interactive Timeline of Aztec Conquest

Incas -- Interactive Timeline of Inca Conquest

-- Project Inca--Stepping through the portal,
you arrive at the Axis of Time, a place where time ceases to exist. By making use of the
special field-interfering properties of this place, time traveling is rendered possible by
stepping into sub-portals. This is a daring venture into unknown realms and presently non-
existing territories. Nevertheless, with the TIME machine and the Incan journal in hand, you
muster your courage and proceed on.

Mayas -- Secret of the Maya Glyphs--Learn about the Mayas

through this interactive journey. -- Explore the collapse of four ancient civilizations.

You'll learn what happens when a society collapses and how archaeologists find and interpret evidence. You
can visit the Maya city of Copán and search for clues to its collapse. You can also try your hand at "garbage-
ology" and study what trash can tell us about a society. --Reading Maya Hieroglyphs--No one studying Maya

hieroglyphs would get very far without being able to read the 19 numbers that form the base of their
numbering system. Can you figure out their numbering system? -- Take a Journey through Tikal. This travel site explores the
ancient Mayan ruins of Tikal in Guatemala, a city that flourished over 2,000 years ago in Central America. -- Image mapping of the different sites within the Mayan ruins.

Pueblo -- Prehistoric
Pueblos--Join research teams in New Mexico to learn about Native American people who lived there many years
ago. This mission involves looking at the homes of Native Americans who lived over 1,000 years ago. -- Canyon Rock Art--

Join research teams in Utah to learn about Native American people who lived over 2,000 years ago. We can
study these people by looking at the over 300 rock art paintings that still exist today.

General -- Decipher the imagery in a buffalo hide

painting to understand the buffalo’s role in the lives of American Indians who live on the northern plains. -- Join Earthwatch

research teams in northwest Washington State as they interview tribal peoples, early settlers, farmers, and
fishers on their memories of fishing the Skagit River. ---- Listen to "Fight No More Forever" --The lyrics in the song relate the
struggle the Indians had with the whites.

Latitude/Longitude -- Find Your Longitute--Want to understand why it is that having

a precise timepiece (also known as a chronometer) helps you determine your longitude? Get lost on the high seas, and
find out.

Maps -- Animated History of

European Mapmaking: Explore the changing European view of the world in the animated history of maps across the
centuries. Each map tells a unique story of contemporary knowledge, full of belief and prejudice. --Maps
that can be printed out--Make sure you click on the pdf at the bottom and print (that will give you the best copy). -- provides a wide variety of maps that you can print. -- Learn American geography with

the Where's That US State game. -- The GeoSpy Game--The GeoSpy Agency needs you. Help them identify
continents, countries, states and provinces. -- Practice games (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and quizzes

(intermediate, advanced) for the political world, physical world, and historical world.

Pirates -- High Seas Adventure

Salem Witchcraft --Salem Witchcraft Hysteria--Experience the

trials . . . Will you survive? --Secrets of the Dead: The Witches Curse--Interactive


States & Capitals --All About Texas…On this site you can play games, explore the Texas Capitol,
and learn all about your state government. Take a look at Senate Kids and Senate Jr. -- Another site with information on the 50 states.

9 -- A variety of games dealing with the U.S. map. -- Another interactive map of the U.S.

War of 1812 -- Ft. McHenry

Slideshow -- Preserving the Star Spangled Banner: You Solve

the Mystery--Unravel the history of the Star-Spangled Banner, the flag that inspired our national anthem, by
investigating clues hidden in the flag.

Westward Expansion -- A word puzzle over the westward migration. --Animated Atlas: Growth of a Nation. This site shows the growth of the
United States from the original thirteen states in 1789.

Oregon Trail -- Historic Sites on the Oregon Trail: Take a tour of the Trail. -- Fantastic Facts about the Oregon Trail: Strange and Unusual
but Always True!

Lewis & Clark -- Fill Up the Canvas: River of Words--

Exploring with Lewis and Clark--interactive timeline of events. --Discovering Lewis & Clark: A vast

amount of interactive materials on Lewis & Clark. -- Lewis & Clark: When Thomas Jefferson dispatched

Lewis and Clark to find a water route across North America and explore the uncharted West; he expected
they'd encounter woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and a mountain of pure salt. What they found
was no less surprising. See it all on our journey: journal entries, historical photos, drawings, and more. -- Go West Across America with Lewis & Clark: Wild rivers--Rugged
mountains--An unknown continent to explore. This great American expedition will face them all. And, they
need your help on this incredible journey. -- Lewis & Clark: Into the Unknown--On April 7, 1805, the
Corps of Discovery left Fort Mandan, where they had spent the previous winter, and headed west. On their
maps, the land that Lewis and Clark was headed toward was indicated by a vast, blank space and the word,
“Unknown.” From that point forward, every trail the Corps walked, every corner they rounded, was new. No
one had any idea of what was to come, or what to expect. -- Interactive Trail Map: This map traces the Corps of

Discovery's historic journey west (in red) and trip home (in blue). Click on any of the eleven states to read
excerpts from the Lewis and Clark journals, discover which Native American tribes the Corps of Discovery
encountered in that region, and find information about Lewis and Clark bicentennial events and related
organizations in that state.

10 -- You’re on the Expedition of the Century: It is 1804.
U.S. President Thomas Jefferson has asked Meriwether Lewis to lead an expedition across western North
America—unknown territory for all but Indians. The goals: map the rivers, make friends with natives, open the
West to trade, and look for a Northwest Passage (an easy water route from coast to coast). Lewis and his
colleague William Clark have chosen a special team for the journey, and you’re invited! --watch video clips from the Ken Burns PBS documentary:
Lewis and Clark, The Journey of the Corps of Discovery. View glimpses of Montana along the Lewis and Clark
trail and see the route as it exists today. --short video

clips: Check out the following--Extreme History: Lewis and Clark Canoe--Extreme History takes a log and
makes a canoe out of it; Lewis and Clark-Blades: Extreme History takes a stab at learning what kinds of blades
were used; The Presidents: Jefferson’s Presidency--A brief look at the presidency of Thomas Jefferson.

General -- Our America: Westward

Expansion-- This website provides a variety of activities including: Learn about the Westward Expansion; Read
Diary Entries From the Time Period; Make Arts & Crafts; Write A Journal Entry; Design a Period Home Interior;
Explore a Related Online Activity: Lewis & Clark. --Join Gouverneur Warren on his 1856

expedition into the American frontier and identify the specimens he sent back to the Smithsonian for study and
classification. -- Building a Sod House:
Imagine that you’re a settler on the open prairie. You’ll need to build a home for yourself and your family! -- Animated Atlas: Expansion West and the

Mexican War: Preview of California video clip.

World War I -- Soldiers' Stories: Many of those

who fought in World War One wrote down their experiences, giving a sense of life as a soldier on the Western Front.
Their words offer an insight into the noise, terror, friendship and loss witnessed by many. Here, actors give voice to
the diaries, letters and memories of some of those who fought in the trenches of France. A comprehensive informative page with lots of awesome

information on WWI. -- Animated Map: Battle of the

Somme--The Battle of the Somme was one of the most significant campaigns of World War One, as the Allied forces
attempted to break through the German front line in northern France, 1916. This interactive map shows the victories,
defeats and painful stalemate, and how the lessons learned paved the way for victory on the Western Front in 1918. -- World War I Trench Virtual Tour

Animation--Also, on the right under the heading--Interactive Content, check out the following: Dogfight Over the
Trenches Panorama; Dug-out Entrance Panorama; Dug-out interior Panorama; Front Line Trench Panorama. -- World War One Movies:

Contemporary photographs, dramatized diary readings and interviews with veterans exploring key themes of World War
One. -- A variety of interactive activities for WWI. -- The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century -- this
site has a wealth of information including video and audio clips.

11 -- Weapons of War: Mark 1 Tank--
Designed to break the stalemate of trench warfare, tanks made their first faltering appearance at the Battle of Flers-
Courcelette, 15 September 1916. How did the guns operate? How was the fuel stored? What were conditions like
inside? Find out with this animated version of a Mark 1 Tank. -- The Western Front--1914-1918 Animation--Pinpoint key locations

along the Western Front, watch the general movements of both sides and view the battles of Ypres, Verdun and the
Somme in more detail. -- Eyewitness to Your ringside seat to history - from the Ancient
World to the present. This is history through the eyes of those who lived it. This site has a variety of information on WWI. Also,
check out what it has for other time periods including the Civil War, Old West, WWII, etc. -- WWI Video

and audio clips: George V on WWI and its aftermath, James W. Gerard on the German American peril; WWI naval
activity, WWI ground troops in action, WWI tanks in action, WWI German troops in Chateau-Thierry, The Lusitania.

World War II -- A comprehensive informative page with lots of awesome

information on WWII. -- Genocide Under the Nazis: There is a lot here--make sure you
check out the following: Genocide Under the Nazis Timeline, Interactive Maps of Auschwitz, Aerial Reconnaissance in
World War Two Gallery, and Child Survivors of the Holocaust (audio clips). -- Our America: World War II-- This website provides a

variety of activities including: Learn About War World II; Read Diary Entries From the Time Period; Make Arts & Crafts;
Write A Journal Entry; Design a Period Home Interior; Explore Related Online Activity: World War II Remembered. -- World War II Movie: D-

Day--Also, on the right side, under the heading Interactive Content, check out: Voices of Dunkirk, Battle of the
Atlantic, Advertising and Information Posters Gallery, WWII Movies--The Bombers and the Bombed, Dunkirk, Evacuees,
SOE. -- Audio clip of Churchill: “We shall

fight on the beaches . . .” -- Multimedia Maps and Time Line. Photos, footage,
firsthand accounts, and narration bring the attack on Pearl Harbor in Oahu, Hawaii, to life—moment by moment, target
by target. -- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has joined with Google in an
unprecedented online mapping initiative. Crisis in Darfur enables more than 200 million Google Earth users worldwide
to visualize and better understand the genocide currently unfolding in Darfur, Sudan. The Museum has assembled
content—photographs, data, and eyewitness testimony—from a number of sources that are brought together for the
first time in Google Earth. -- Virtual Reality Movies: Auschwitz -- Eyewitness to Your ringside seat to history - from the Ancient
World to the present. This is history through the eyes of those who lived it. This site has a variety of information on
WWII. Also, check out what it has for other time periods including the Civil War, Old West, WWI, etc. -- Elie Wiesel: "The Perils of

Indifference" delivered 12 April 1999, in Washington, D.C.

12 -- WWII Movies -- A series of
movies telling the stories of some of those caught up in the devastating events of WWII. Also, on the right under
Interactive Content, check out: Voices of Dunkirk, Battle of the Atlantic, Advertising and Information Posters Gallery. -- The Battle of the Atlantic

Game: Play the game as a 'Senior Officer Escort'. In charge of the destroyers and corvettes tasked with defending the
increasingly important convoys, you will need to learn about the tactics you can use to outwit German U-boats, and
discover the strengths and weaknesses of both friend and foe. Have you got what it takes to lead a convoy across the
perilous North Atlantic? -- Voices of D-Day: Listen to the voices of eight

people who experienced D-Day first-hand. -- Animated Map: The Fall

of France (Dunkirk)--Even though millions of French troops were manning the defensive Maginot Line in early 1940,
Hitler's brilliant blitzkrieg strategy caught the Allies by surprise, and Germany occupied France within six weeks.
Follow the progress of the German forces as they cross the border, occupy Belgium and the Netherlands and trap the
Allied forces at Dunkirk. -- Interactive Map of Auschwitz:

This interactive map explores the complex and surprising evolution of Auschwitz, the scene of one of the worst crimes
in human history. This was where more than a million men, women and children, most of them Jews, were murdered
by the Nazis during the course of World War Two. -- Animated Map: Operation

Overlord-- Winston Churchill said that Operation Overlord was 'undoubtedly the most complicated and difficult' ever
undertaken. With nearly three million troops involved, it was an incredible feat of organisation - and the first step
towards the liberation of Western Europe and the defeat of Nazi Germany. Follow the Allies as they land on the
Normandy coast on 6 June 1944, that will forever be known as D-Day, and then track their hard fought campaign to
liberate Paris. -- Animated Map: The Burma

Campaign-- Track the progress of the Burma Campaign - from the rapid Japanese victories of 1941, to the desperate
battles for the Indian towns of Kohima and Imphal. Then follow the course of the Allies as they drive the Japanese
forces out of Burma in late 1944 and 1945. After atomic bombs were dropped by the Allies on the Japanese cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese government finally surrendered on 14 August 1945. The longest British and
Commonwealth Campaign of World War Two was over. -- Animated Map: The Battle of El

Alamein-- For three years, Axis and Allied forces chased each other over the hostile terrain of the North African desert.
The tide turned in the Allies' favour at the Second Battle of El Alamein in 1942. British General Montgomery spent
months building up an overwhelming advantage in men and armor, before launching his attacks against Field Marshal
Rommel's German and Italian troops. Follow the battle that signified 'the end of the beginning' of World War Two, as
the Allies force the decisive breakthrough in the North African Campaign. -- Animated Map: The D-Day Landings--

After much of Europe had been occupied by the Axis powers for four years, the Allies finally launched their campaign
to liberate Western Europe, codenamed Operation Overlord, on 6 June 1944. Over three million service personnel were
involved and it all hinged on the success of the Normandy Landings on D-Day. If the German troops were able to
prevent the initial landings, the campaign to liberate Western Europe would fail and German occupation would
continue for another year. Join the Allies as they build up to and execute the largest assault landings ever undertaken
in the course of human history. -- Animated Map: The Italian

Campaign-- After the defeat of the Axis forces in North Africa, the stage is set for the Allies to re-enter the occupied
European mainland. American and British forces agree that an invasion should take place in Italy, hoping that a defeat

would lead to the fall of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Follow the Allied forces as they invade Sicily and battle their
way into Italy, all the way from Salerno in the south to the Alps in the north. -- Animated Map: The

North African Campaign-- The war in the desert made Bernard Montgomery one of Britain's most famous generals, and
gave the German General Erwin Rommel the nickname 'Desert Fox'. Follow the three years of battles in the North
African desert, and see how Axis and Allied forces chased each other across this hostile terrain. -- Great Escape: Inside Tunnel “Harry”--Against incredible

odds, the Allied airmen imprisoned at the Nazi POW camp Stalag Luft III secretly engineered these and other
technological marvels 30 feet underground in the three escape tunnels they named "Tom," "Dick," and "Harry." They
used only tools that they could manufacture themselves out of tin cans, and they scavenged building materials at great
risk. When they were done, the airmen carried out one of the greatest mass escapes of all time. Through this
interactive map, drawn after the war by one of the POWs, Ley Kenyon, explore the remarkable story of Harry, the 300-
foot tunnel that 76 men snuck through during their infamous getaway on the night of March 24-25, 1944. -- Send A Coded Message: With 159,000,000,000,000,000,000

possible settings and an ingenious way of scrambling messages, the Enigma was indeed a powerful enciphering
machine. NOVA's Virtual Enigma is very much like the real thing. It uses three virtual rotating wheels that operate in
the same way that the original did. These can be set to over 17,000 possible settings, or "keys." You can use the
machine to encrypt a message using any one of the possible keys. -- Fire a Torpedo: Check out the following--How a Torpedo

Works, Firing Procedures, Sink the Ship. -- Bombing Nazi Dams Interactive -- Hitler’s D-Day Defenses Interactive -- Eleanor Roosevelt’s Tour of the South Pacific. -- Listen to the song “Pearl’s Harbor.” -- Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Pearl Harbor Address to

the Nation. -- Word puzzle over World War II. -- Auschwitz Maps and Plans: Check out the Interactive Map. -- Children of WWII: Check out-- A War Time Home,

Rationing Challenge, Evacuees’ Letters, Research Room.

Miscellaneous -- American Rhetoric -- Amazing site that contains all kinds of speeches--This site
contains: Online Speech Bank, Top 100 Speeches, Speech of the Week, Most Requested Speeches
• Check out the Online Speech Bank--Under the Speech Index, you will need to look for first name, ie: Look
under Abraham for Abraham Lincoln. -- Check out

the videos, speeches, etc. on the website. -- Under Subcategory, choose a topic, ie:

Revolutionary War to find a whole variety of games. -- Games for a variety of history events.

14 -- Interactive History Quizzes -- Child Labor Around the World -- Word puzzle over the Civil War Reconstruction period. -- America on the Move -- It explores major changes in American

society and culture through the history of transportation and travel. Check out the following: (1) The Bigger Picture--
Witness the evolution of transportation and its impact on American culture from the early 1800s to the Twenty-first
century; (2) Working on the RxR--In 1920, one in every ten Americans made a living by working on the railroad. Click
on the thumbnails to see some of the jobs that were critical to keeping the trains running. -- Word puzzle over the Roaring 20’s. -- Vocabulary activity over the Gold Rush. -- This site shows the different weapons

through time. -- Mt. Rushmore Interactive -- Word puzzle over the Industrial Revolution. -- Travel back in time to visit five of the families

that lived at 16 Elm Street in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Use the clues they left behind to decide in which time period
you’ve landed. -- Teddy Roosevelt: An American Lion Webcast--Click on 300k to

watch the webcast and learn more about the interesting life of Teddy Roosevelt from the experts. --This
Day in History video clips--A variety of clips on various years/topics throughout history. -- Harry S. Truman: "The Truman

Doctrine" speech. -- Winston Churchill: Famous Iron Curtain speech. -- John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address. -- video clips of

the following speeches: (1) George H. W. Bush on the Persian Gulf War in 1991; (2) Earl Warren addresses the
Republican National Committee in 1952; Newt Gingrich addresses the 104th Congress in 1995; Gerald R. Ford pardons
former president Richard Nixon in 1974; Robert F. Kennedy announces assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.; Franklin
D. Roosevelt asks Congress to recognize state of war with Japan on Dec. 8, 1941; Bill Clinton Delivers State of the
Union Address in 1997; Mohandas Gandhi speaks to press in London in 1931. -- General Douglas MacArthur:

Thayer Award Acceptance Address. -- Video clips

of the following: Gerald R. Ford pardons former president Richard Nixon; Betty Ford delivers President Ford’s
concession; Nelson A. Rockefeller sword in as vice president; Gerald Ford: Obituary; Gerald Ford: Son and Daughter
Memories; Gerald Ford: Defends Nixon Pardon; History’s Mysteries: Assassinations--First Ford Attempt; Gerald Ford:
Cold War vs. War on Terro.

15 -- Barbara Jordan: 1976 Democratic National
Convention Keynote Address. -- Space Shuttle “Challenger”- Tragedy

addressed by Ronald Reagan. -- Space Shuttle “Columbia”- Tragedy addressed

by George Bush. -- Take on the mission to disarm the world of

nuclear weapons! You have eight "Peace Doves" to help you, each able to disarm one of the eight countries possessing
nuclear weapons. -- Find out how museum conservators work to save

objects, photographs, and other materials for the future. -- Thomas Edison changed our world! His genius

gave us electric lights in our home and an entire system that produced and delivered electrical power. In this activity
you can make your own light bulb, and then learn more about this creative genius. --Time and

money are running out and the developer's diggers want to move onto the site of a dig. Experience some of the
realities of being an archaeologist by playing Hunt the Ancestor.


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