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This will directly load the table with A_AD_JAE_MAS table from the flat
file (MOE)and the logic works in the following way
1)Intialisation of the values and assign the field length for the values
and trim the extra spaces
2)all the values from file are concatenated to a string and checks for
the string against not equal to null and NRIC ,name or not null and
checks the table A_AD_JAE_MAS if the NRIC already exists using the
field id_exists_falg
3)If doesnot exist will do the conversion for citizen,country and check
course code for PS_A_AD_JAE_CRSE .A_AD_JAE_CRSE_CODE field equal to
4)Validate the addresses and insert the data to the master table
A_AD_JAE_MAS table
5) if the JAE_CRSE_CD course code equal to R and checks for the
condition if the course code is not duplicate then coursecode name nric
academic year details are inserted into PS_A_AD_JAE_ELGCRS
6)on whole A_AD_JAE_MAS table , A_AD_JAE_ELGCRS are inserted.

JAE Master Tape Enquiry component :

JAE MAster tap enquiry has personal details,results,choices,eligible
courses which is extract from the MOE file and the underlying record is

JAE-RP Successful Upload Process-sqr2 :

1)Intialize the values and checks for the any existing applicant in the
temp table PS_A_AD_APPL_JAE based on the course code not equal to
2)If the Course code not equal to flag y then we will read the master
3) we will map the subjects to their respective test components
4)calculate date of birth as per the format,
5) Calculate the applicant's ORD date in the required format
6)interface converted data and the values are read from the record

7) Calculate the adjusted Technical Aggregate and non technical

8) Calculate the adjusted HSC Aggregate and the adjusted Architecture
9) checking the NRIC and MILITARY STATUS From the
PS_A_AD_APPL_RECE tbl receipt , will insert the temp table
Tape Match Process:
The Tap Match process logic is as follows:
1)selects the admit type as JAE and checks for the following conditions.
2)checks for the Black list of NRIC details and inserts into the temp table
3)checks for the blacklist records get the details of name ,birthdate if the date of
birth exist and tap flag is NON-expolytechnic
4)get the details of student and check for the NRIC exists based on the tap
flags and students status from PS_A_ENRL_SBLVLTER and get the program
5)check s for the Premis NRIC details who has enrolled for JAE admit type and not
enrolled for the courses CEC,cems
6) checks for the NRIC in all poly from PS_A_AD_POLY_ALL and inserts in to the
temp table PS_A_JAE_JPAE_TEMP.
7)checks for the NRIC ,NAME,Birthdate from based on student status is active
,discontinued,withdrawn and related tap flags are checked.
8)after all the conditions are satisfied the tap flag is updated to NO
PS_A_AD_APPL_JAE.A_AD_match field
9)Clear the tap flags for the admit type JAE.
10)after successful insertion into the temp table and the reports gets printed.

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