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First Quarterly Assessment

General Directions: Read carefully each item and follow directions as indicated. Write
the letter of the most appropriate answer on your answer sheet.
A. Basic Pointes to consider in Writing Process (1-3)
Directions: Complete the diagram by writing the three (3) basic points to consider
during the preliminary stage of writing process (1-3)




B. Special Terms
Directions: Match each term in Column B with the most appropriate description in
Column A.
___4. argument
___5. controlling idea
___6. mood
___7. opinion
___8. tone
___9. theme
___10. myth
___11. adaptation
___12. analects
___13. Catchy hook

A. what needs to be proven by facts
B. central idea of a work of literature
C. feeling created in a reader by a Literary work
D. a core idea or focus of a written work
E. contains the body evidence used to support a point of view
F. refers to the attitude of the writer towards his subject
G. the transfer of written work to a feature film
H. teachings presented in short passages and verses
I. stories about gods, goddesses, and heroes passed to

a mysterious
___14. Fallacy
argument or view
___15. Myth
___16. Persuasive essay
___17. Thesis statement

J. traditional story that is rooted in a particular culture, is

basically religious and serves to explain a belief,
natural phenomenon or a ritual
K. the statement experiencing the preposition
L. words that strongly appeal to emotion
M. erroneous appeal to emotion used



N. tries to convince readers to do something or to accept the

writers point of view

Most Important Elements in Persuasive Writing. Directions: Copy the letter of the
word/phrase that is best described by each numbered item.
A. central claim

B. evidences

C. conclusion

D. technique

18. restates the argument and expresses a call to action

19. the statement that asserts what the writer/speaker wants the reader/listener to
believe on or to do
20. contains the reasons, examples, statistics, opinions used to support a point of view
or stand

C. Grammar
Modals. Directions: Choose from the pool of answers the writers/speakers intention
as hinted by each underlined expression.
A. ability

B. necessity

C. obligation

D. willingness

21.Mav: Is this a challenge I must face?

22.Sol: Of course, you need to accept that as part of the bargain.
23.Mav: I dont believe I will do it now. After all Im not yet ready for it.
24.Sol: I believe you can do it if you try.
25.Its true, sorrows in life may bring despair.
26.We must find courage even in small things that we do.
27.We will endure even the greatest sufferings that will come our way.
28.Ordinary trials can be turned into extraordinary moments.
29.The price of a drink must be a great sacrifice.
30.You should think again before you ask to drink.
Pronouns. Directions: Determine whether each underlined word is used as an
intensive or reflexive pronoun. Write In if it is an intensive pronoun, and Re if it
is a reflexive pronoun.
31.The Greeks themselves felt at home with human Gods.
32.They knew how they amused themselves even in banquets.
33.Even Hera, the jealous wife herself could be feared.
34.You can see yourself more clearly.
35.Judge how much you know about yourself.
36.Life itself offers you many opportunities
37.Man himself is the solution to this fast changing world.
Expressions. Directions: Determine whether each underlined word is used as an
adverb/conjunctive adverb or conjunction. Write A if it is an adverb, and C if it is a
38.I have challenged her to a contest, but she, of course, will not come.
39.They were terribly afraid as they realized that they stood in the presence of
40.Surely, Athene herself must have taught her.
41.Arachne was immensely proud of her skill.
42.Therefore, when she heard them murmur, she would stop her work and turn
around indignantly.

Reading and Literature. Directions: Read each of the following short passages
carefully and copy the letter of the word or phrase that best completes each numbered
Exploring the Sea of Goodness by Lee Emm
1) Do you believe that a sea of goodness is possible in this world? 2) I always
believe it is possible. 3) Doing something good, no matter what the consequences
are will always make me contented and secure.
4) There are a lot of ways I can do such, especially in doing something
good for other. 5) The steps are easy but zealousness, humility and consistency
are the subtle ways. Here are the simplest ones:
6) The first one is I imagine that I am in the place of the other person Ill do
good to. 7) Next, Ill imagine how shell feel and react. 8) That way, Ill think doing
good to significant others which will make me at least a better person. 9) That will
make me be grateful that I have done something good.
10) With this simple notable ways I can prove to myself, to others and to God
that I can explore the sea of goodness in the ever challenging world. 11) How about
you, you can explore it also? 12) I bet you can!
43. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. _____.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 10
d. 12
44. Exploring the sea of goodness, means you are practicing _____.
a. conscientiousness
b. humility
c. righteousness
45. The word subtle in Sentence 5 means ______.
a. clear
b. practical
c. refined
d. strained
46. The kind of evidence used by the writer to support her stand is through _____.
a. anecdotes
b. examples
c. statistics
d. video
47. The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage make
is to __________.
a. bring out the best in you
b. stand up for ones belief
c. struggle against the odds
d. take strength to bear up the odds
1.) The best way to overcome a disability is to face in head-on and not to let it
prevent you from achieving great things. 2) This is the lesson I draw from the
lives of two people whom I admire the musician Stevie Wonder and the trackand-field star Jackie Joyner-Kersee . 3.) Respect them for their courage and
strength in overcoming obstacles. 4.) Both are African American with
disabilities who defied obstacles in order to be successful in their fields. 5.)
They taught me never to give up no matter how intimidating the obstacles I
face in life.
48. The word fought is a/an ____________ of the word defied in sentence no. 4.
A. connotation
C. opposite
B. denotation
D. symbol
49. This passage would most probably interest a/an __________.
A. adolescent
C. child
B. adult
D. old man
50. The passage is most probably a part of a/an____________.
A. anecdote
C. letter
B. autobiography
D. persuasive essay
51. To support his claim, the writer uses___________.
A. facts
C. reasons
B. opinion
D. statistics
52. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point is
through appealing to _____________.

A. emotion
C. reason
B. moral
D. both A and C
53. The expression to throw back your shoulders means____________.
A. exercise your shoulders
C. ignore your problems
B. forget your responsibilities
D. show your feelings
54. The passage appeals more to the sense of ________________.
A. feeling
C. sound
B. sight
D. taste
55. Most probably, the writers purpose in this passage is to ___________.
A. express a feelings
C. reveal the truth
B. give an advice
D. win others approval
An excerpt from: RABII BEN EZRA
By Robert Browning
Then, welcome each rebuff
That turns earths smoothness rough,
Each sting the bids nor sit nor stand nor go!
Be our joys three parts pain!
Strive, nor count the pang; dare, never
Grudge the three
56. The word in the poem which is opposite of acceptance is ___________.
A. bids
B. pangs
C. joys
57. Lines no. 5 appeal more to the sense of __________.
A. feeling
B. taste
C. sight
D. pride
58. The tone of the poem is more of _____________.
A. admiration
B. inspirational
C. criticism

D. rebuff

D. pride

If you have endured a great despair,

Then you did it alone.
Getting a transfusion from a fire,
Picking the scabs off your heart,
Then wringing it out like a sock
-from: Courage by Anne Sexton
59. The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life ___________.
A. contentment
C. fear
B. courage
D. hoplessness
60. The word in the poem that gives hint to the mood it evokes is ____________
A. aspired
C. sink
B. sail
D. succeed
61. The figures of speech used in the poem is ______________.
A. alliteration
C. personification
B. metaphor
D. simile
62. The last two lines of the poem express_____________.
A. arrogance
C. optimism
B. courage
D. warning
1.) Its true! At certain points in our lives, we stop and ask this question: How
do we turn challenges to opportunities? 2.) Yes, its not easy, but that doesnt mean
it is impossible to do.
3.) This means that we need to remember the important ways to put into
action. 4.) Of course, the first thing to do is to reflect not in thoughtlessness but we
need to start to focus and analyze the competition taking place between the positive
and negative limits of our emotions. 5.) Eventually, we as, How do we feel about the
challenge? 6.) Do we feel hopeless, angry, jealous, worried, inadequate, insecure,
fearful, or do we feel their negative counterparts? 7.) Its silly to allow them to
overrule our outlook in life. 8.) We must envision always that progress and success
come to those who adhere to practice hard work, determination, courage,
perseverance, humility, consciousness, justice, self-confidence, trust, respect, love
and other potent secrets of inner strength and success. 9.) We need to be realistic

63. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. ____.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. 9
64. The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage make
is to ________.
A. bring out the best in you
C. struggle against the odds
B. stand up for ones belief
D. take strength to bear up the
65. To predict is a/an _________ of the word envision in sentence no. 8.
A. connotation
B. denotation
C. opposite
D. symbol
66. This article/passage would most probably interest a/an _______
A. adolescent
B. biography
C. personal essay D. persuasive
67. The passage is an example of a/an __________.
A. anecdote
B. opinion
C. reasons
D. statistics
68. The writers comment/opinion about challenges and opportunities is best supported
by ________.
A. facts
B. opinion
C. reasons
D. statistics
69. The strongest evidence used by the writer to support his opinion about turning
challenges to opportunities is stated in Sentence no. _________.
A. 3
B. 6
C. 7
D. 9
70. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point is
through appealing to __________.
A. emotion
B. moral
C. reasons
D. both A and C
71. The fallacy committed is Sentence no. 7 is __________.
A. attacking the person
C. hasty generalization
B. bandwagon
D. plain folks


If I were a man, a young man, and knew what I knew today,

I would look into the eyes of Life undaunted
By any fate that might threaten me,
I would give to the world what the world most wanted--Manhood that knows it can do and be;
Courage that dares, and faith that can see
Clear into the depths of the human soul,
And find God there and ultimate goal
--from: If I Were A Man, A Young Man by Ella wheeler
The passage appeals more to the sense of __________.
A. feelings
B. sight
C. sound
D. taste
The writers attitude towards inner strength is best describe as __________.
A. administration B. criticism
C. inspiration
D. support
Most probably, the writers purpose in this passage is to __________.
A. express the feeling
C. reveal the truth
B. give an advice
D. win others approval
The last five lines of the poem express more of a/an __________.
A. call to validation
C. inspiration
B. humility
D. invitation

Directions: Read the following passage carefully, and copy the letter of the word or
phrase that best completes each numbered item.



FACE IT, Nobody Owes You A Living.

What You Achieve, Or Fail To Achieve In Your Lifetime
Is Directly Related To What You Do Or Fail To Do.
No One Chooses His Parent Or Childhood,
But You Can Choose Your Own Direction.
Everyone Has Problems And Obstacles To Overcome,
But That Too Is Relative To Each Individual.
You Can Change Anything In Your Life
If You Want To Badly Enough.
Excuses Are For Losers! Those Who Take
Responsibility For Their Actions
Are The Real Winners In Life.
Winners Meet Life Challenges Head On
Knowing There Are Guarantees, And Give It All They've Got
And Never Think It's Too Late Or Too Early To Begin.
76. The word in the
poem which is the opposite of help is _________.


A. direction
C. overcome
B. obstacles
D. relative
Line no. 9 suggests that everything is subject to __________.
A. begin
B. change
C. meet
D. overcome
As hinted in the poem, the author has a/an__________.
A. come that way
C. negative
B. indifferent
D. positive
The tone of the poem is more of __________.
A. Admiration
B. criticism
C. inspirational
D. pride
The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is __________.
A. contentment
B. courage
C. hope
D. joy
The word in the poem that gives the best hint to the mood it evokes is __________.
A. carved
B. changed
C. guarantee
D. overcome
The predominant poetic device used in the poem is __________.
A. alliteration
B. metaphor
C. paradox

Part III Process

Logical Organization (72-75)
Direction: Arrange the following sentences logically to form a coherent paragraph.
_____83. Because we started it all, only we can correct it by having
humility and discipline.
_____84. We must do real work, and show to the world what we are made of.
_____85. We really deserve the kind of leaders we have.
_____86. If we are unhappy with the entire situation, we have ourselves to look into.
Logical Organization. (76-79)
Directions: Arrange the following sentences logically to form a coherent paragraph.
_____87. Lets ask help from other students to repair the existing damage.
_____88. Encourage all to maintain cleanliness and beauty of our surrounding.
_____89. We can restore the beauty of this wall.
_____90. First, lets raise funds for the repair.
Composition Writing (Nos. 91-100)
Imagine you are sales representative persuading the consumers to buy the latest
gadget or product youre promoting/selling. Write a paragraph convincing the public

about the advantages of buying the gadget. Convince them using the persuasive
techniques you know. You will be given ten (10) points for this task.

PREPARED BY: The Transformers and The Butterflies

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