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ELIN SYN3000 Digital Synchronizing Relay

Practical Example of Use

OMICRON Test Universe

Manual Version: Expl_Syn3000.ENU.1 - Year 2013

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This manual is a publication of OMICRON electronics GmbH.
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OMICRON electronics.
Reprinting, wholly or in part, is not permitted. The product information, specifications, and technical data
embodied in this manual represent the technical status at the time of writing and are subject to change without
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We have done our best to ensure that the information given in this manual is useful, accurate, up-to-date and
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1 Synchronizer
Synchronizing relays are used to assist:

connecting a generator to the network or power grid

reestablishing the connection between two parts of the network

manually closing of breakers and

performing a synchronism check.

Synchronizing relays are designed to measure two voltages with respect to

phase angle, frequency, and magnitude to safeguard against the
interconnection of two unsynchronized systems.
Figure 1-1:
Typical tests for a
synchronizing relay


Synchronizing relays are also used in switching operations to link two parts of a
system which are already synchronously connected via other paths in the

OMICRON Test Universe

1.1 Application:
Connecting a Generator to the Grid
When connecting a generator to the network, the synchronizing relay has to
control starting up the generator and switching it onto the network at the right
point in time.
The relay commonly used for this duty gives a three-fold check:
1. phase angle difference,
2. voltage difference and
3. frequency difference.
The relay sends a close signal to the breaker when all of the values fall within
the set limits and maintain these values for a user-defined period of time. If any
of the conditions are not met, some synchronizing relays use adjustment
commands which are sent to the valve actuators of the generators in an attempt
to achieve the proper conditions. In other cases where the conditions are not
met, the relay provides a fault signal.

1.2 Example:
ELIN SYN3000 Digital Synchronizing Relay
Sample files:
Stored at: ...OMICRON Test Universe installation path\
Test Library\Samples\SW Manual Examples\Advanced Protection
Figure 1-2 shows a simple wiring diagram of how the ELIN SYN3000 Digital
Synchronizing relay might be employed to connect a generator to the power
grid. In this particular example, only one phase of the network power grid is used
as the reference. The reference phase is compared to a phase of the generator.


Figure 1-2:
Example of connecting
a generator to the power

The SYN3000 relay for this example is running in the mode for Generator to Bus
Bar or Power Line.
Table 1-1:
SYN3000 Relay

Relay Settings
SYS1: Maximum Synchronization

V1max = 110 V

SYS1: Minimum Synchronization

V1min = 90 V

Max. Diff. Volt inductive

+dVmax = 6 V

Max. Diff. Volt capacitive

-dVmax = 5 V

Max. Diff. Frequency High

+dfmax = 0.25 Hz

Max. Diff. Frequency Low

-dfmax = 0.25 Hz

Max. Permissible Phase Angle

PHImax = 3

CB Dead Time Compensation

tCB-comp = 100 ms

Voltage adaption

kv2 = 200 ms

OMICRON Test Universe


Emulation with CMC Test Set

In order to test the SYN3000 relay, the CMC test equipment needs to emulate
the environment where the relay is used. We will employ a CMC 256, although
a CMC 156 would also be sufficient.

Figure 1-3:
Simulation of
connecting a generator
to the power grid using
the CMC 256

One of the three CMC 256 voltage outputs represents the voltage phase
of the network power grid, a second one the voltage phase of the

Binary Output 1 is used for the SEL1 (Start and Release) control signal of
the relay, telling it when to attempt synchronization and when to stop.

Four of the CMC 256 binary inputs (inputs 1-4) monitor the adjustment
control signals from the relay to the generator for increasing/decreasing
the voltage or frequency of the generator.

A fifth CMC 256 binary input (input 5) monitors the circuit breaker (CB)
close command from the relay.

The CMC 256 also provides an Auxiliary DC voltage which can be used
to power the relay.


Note: Figure 1-3 does not show the computer or laptop that is connected to the
CMC 256 and runs the Synchronizer test module. Make sure that this is also
attached to the CMC 256 while wiring the relay.


Starting Synchronizer
Start Synchronizer in stand-alone mode from the OMICRON Start Page by
clicking S Y N C H R O N I Z E R .


Setting up the Test Object

For configuration of your relay under test, the correspondingly named software
function Test Object is used. Open Test Object with the pull-down menu item
P A R A M E T E R S | T E S T O B J E C T . Alternatively, click the Test Object icon in
the toolbar. In Test Object browse, access and edit the test object parameters.
A detailed description of Test Object and the closely related subject "XRIO" can
be found in section 3 Setting up the Test Object of the "Concept" manual, or in
the online help under the --- Test Object --- entry of the table of contents.
1. Enter the device settings for the ELIN SYN3000 relay as shown in table 1-2.

Table 1-2:
Test object device
settings for the

Device Settings




Device type

Digital Synchronizer

Serial/model number


Number of phases:

f nom

50 Hz

V nom

100 V (L-L)

2. Enter the system parameters for the ELIN SYN3000 relay as shown in
figure 1-4 and table 1-3. Figure 1-4 shows the standard page for the system

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 1-4:
Standard page for the
system parameters in
the test object
parameters dialog

Table 1-3:
Data for the test object
system parameters

Synchronizing Parameters
System 1
Rotation sense


Connected voltages


System 2
Rotation sense


Connected voltages


CB Closing Time
(from Test Object block "CB Configuration")

100.0 ms

Transformer group Phase shift




3. Enter the parameters for the synchronizing window for the ELIN SYN3000
relay as shown in figure 1-5 and table 1-4. Figure 1-5 shows the standard
page for the synchronizing window.


Figure 1-5:
Standard page for the
synchronizing window
in the test object
parameters dialog

Table 1-4:
Data for the test object
synchronizing window

Synchronizing Window
| f max |

30 mHz



Phi ()


-250 mHz


250 mHz

| f min|

30 mHz


-5 V

Phi tolerances: Relative




f tolerances: Relative



3 mHz

V tolerances: Relative



60 mV

Min Sync Time: Time

1.25 s

Min Sync Time: Tolerance


OMICRON Test Universe


Configuring the Hardware

Configure the hardware according to the wiring described in section
1.2.1 Emulation with CMC Test Set.
A detailed description of the Hardware Configuration can be found in the
"Concept" manuals section 4 Setting Up the Test Hardware, or in the online
help under the --- Hardware Configuration --- entry of the table of contents.
1. Click the H A R D W A R E C O N F I G U R A T I O N icon or select
2. In the General tab select the connected CMC test set and set the voltages to
"3 x 300 Vrms". The current outputs are "not used".
3. On the Analog Outputs tab (figure 1-6):

Assign "S1 V L1-L2" for the system 1 A-B phase voltage and "S2 V L1L2" for the respective system 2 A-B phase voltage.

The connection terminal on the relay can be specified in the third column.

Assign the crosses in the column for "S1 V L1-L2" and "S2 V L1-L2" to
specify which outputs of the CMC 256 are connected to which terminal of
the relay.

Figure 1-6:
Analog Outputs tab of
hardware configuration

4. On the Binary / Analog Inputs tab (figure 1-7):


Define the displayed names for the voltage signals. Assign "V<", "V>",
"f<", "f>", and "Close Cmd" for the signals coming from the relay.

The connection terminal on the relay can be specified in the third column.

Assign the crosses in the column for "V<", "V>", "f<", "f>", and "Close
Cmd" to specify which outputs of the CMC 256 are connected to which
terminals of the relay.


Figure 1-7:
Binary / Analog Inputs
tab of the hardware

5. On the Binary Outputs tab (figure 1-8) configure output 1 for the SEL1
control signal of the relay.
Figure 1-8:
Binary Outputs tab of
the hardware


OMICRON Test Universe


Verifying the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC

At this point in time, it is prudent to check the physical wiring one more time to
make sure that it corresponds to section 1.2.1 Emulation with CMC Test Set
on page 6. In any event, the physical wiring should be in agreement with the
hardware configuration.
1. Verify that the voltage inputs of the relay are connected to the corresponding
voltage outputs of the CMC according to our configuration shown in 1-6.
Ensure that the voltage "inputs" of the relay are properly grounded according
to their configuration.
2. Verify that the binary control signals of the relay are connected to the
appropriate binary inputs of the CMC according to our configuration shown
in 1-7.
3. Verify that the start signal of the relay is connected to the appropriate binary
output of the CMC according to our configuration shown in 1-8.


Defining the Synchronizer Time Settings

1. Select the Settings tab in the Synchronizer Test View.

Figure 1-9:
Settings tab for

2. Enter appropriate values for the SYN3000 relay for the pre-synchronization
time, the post-synchronization time, the maximum synchronization time, and
the delay time between test points.
The minimum post-synchronization time is defaulted to the CB closing time,
which was configured as part of the test object.
Table 1-5:
Time settings


Time Parameters

1.000 s


100.0 ms


60.00 s


200.0 ms


The values entered in the Settings tab determine how long it will take to test a
single test point. If synchronization is achieved between the two systems, the
total test time for a test point is:

Delay time (if not the first test point)

+ the pre-synchronization time
+ the synchronization time
+ the post-synchronization time
= total test time

During a test when synchronization is achieved, the synchronization time will be

less than the maximum synchronization time. The minimum postsynchronization time should be equal to or larger than the CB closing time. The
CMC does not output any voltages during the delay time.
If synchronization is not achieved, the total test time for a test point is:
Not Synchronized: Delay time (if not the first test point)
+ the pre-synchronization time
+ the max-synchronization time
= total test time


OMICRON Test Universe


The Function Test

The intent of the Function tab is to exercise the circuit breaker (CB) closing
functionality of synchronizing relays. You can use individual test points or a table
of test points.
Depending on the synchronization conditions defined in the test object and the
values of a test point, the Synchronizer test module calculates the expected
behavior (nominal response) of the synchronizing relay for this specific test
point. If the measured behavior of the relay meets the expected nominal
response, the test point is assessed as "passed". If it does not meet this nominal
response, the test point is assessed as "failed".
The test points are output by the CMC test set for specific periods of time. The
output times are specified in the Settings tab.
The synchronization conditions are defined in the Synchronizing Window tab
of the test object (P A R A M E T E R S | T E S T O B J E C T , "Synchronizer" block) as
a voltage versus frequency test area, the so-called "synchronizing window".
When a test point lies inside of this window, Synchronizer expects the CB close
command of the relay to occur within the maximum synchronization time. When
a test point lies outside of this window, Synchronizer expects the CB close
command not to occur during the maximum synchronization time. For a detailed
description, please refer to "Calculation of the nominal response in the Function
tab" in the Test Universe Online Help for Synchronizer.
Some synchronizing relays only release the CB close command if the
synchronization conditions are met for a certain time. This minimum
synchronization time can be defined in the Synchronizing Window tab of the
test object. If a minimum synchronization time has been defined, this is also
considered for the calculation of the expected nominal response of the relay. For
a detailed description, please refer to "Calculation of the nominal response in the
Function tab" in the Test Universe Online Help for Synchronizer.

If the time to reach synchronization is very long:

If f of a test point is 0 and Phi is 180, the time required to reach
synchronization (i.e. to reduce Phi) is infinite. Consequently, it is impossible to
reach synchronization during the maximum synchronization time. If f is very
small and Phi is very high (towards 180), the time required to reach
synchronization depends on the actual values of f and Phi. In this case it is as
well necessary to consider the f and Phi tolerances set in the test object. For
a detailed description, please refer to "Calculation of the nominal response in the
Function tab" in the Test Universe Online Help for Synchronizer.
There are three primary ways to get test points into the table.



1. Enter the information into the respective text boxes for V, f, Phi (),
or V, f, Phi (), or a combination of the two.

V, f, Phi ():

Represent the difference between the System

1 reference value and the System 2 test point.

V, f, Phi ():

Represent actual values to be output for the

System 2.


Means that the test points are stored in the test

document as a percentage relative to the
synchronizing window.

Once the information for a test point is acceptable, click the A D D button.
2. Position the mouse pointer in the synchronization graph (to the right).
Right-click at a point to obtain a context menu. One of the items allows
you to add that test point to the test table.
3. <Ctrl> + left-click adds a point to the table immediately.
The test table has a context sensitive menu that is accessible with a right mouse
click. An important feature is being able to show or hide columns to help control
how much information is displayed to the person testing.
The synchronization graph also has a context sensitive menu that is accessible
with a right mouse click. It allows you to select points for the test table, test points
directly, and to zoom in the various areas. It can also be used to display grid lines
to aid in test point selection.

Displays the voltage and frequency parameters of the

selected test points.


The specified point is added to the test table.


Permits a given area of the dV / df plane to be enlarged

for more refined selection of test points.


Permits a given area to be viewed in context with

neighboring areas of the dV / df plane. This is mostly
used to obtain an overview of the dV / df plane.


Changes the mode for zooming.


Permits the entire dV / df plane to be viewed. It zooms out

on the chart and includes all defined test points.


Displays the markings for the dV axis and the df axis of

the dV / df plane.


OMICRON Test Universe

Step 1: Defining the FunctionTest

1. Select the Function tab in the Synchronizer Test View.
2. Add test points to the test table using the Q U I C K T E S T button.
The Q U I C K T E S T button places test points at the positive and negative
tolerance values of the upper and lower V and f positions, for a total of
3. Remove the four test points from upper and lower V position (where f = 0),
because the SYN3000 relay requires a frequency deviation to work properly.
Test points can be removed individually or as a group by highlighting them
and clicking the R E M O V E button. Use <Ctrl> + left-click to select multiple test
points. All test points for a test can be removed with the R E M O V E A L L
4. Add eight other test points on either side of the f = 0 boundary. Place some
of them within the synchronization window and some outside, as shown in
the figures 1-10 and 1-11.
"Relative" checkbox:
If this option is selected, the test points are stored as a percentage relative to
the synchronizing window. The checkbox toggles between relative and
absolute and applies to each individual test point and not to the whole table.
Figure 1-10:
Test points for the
Function tab in



Figure 1-11:
Synchronization graph
for FunctionTest in


OMICRON Test Universe

Step 2: Running the FunctionTest

1. Once an adequate number of test points have been defined, you can run
through them in sequence. Select the P L A Y button.
2. The test points are output by the CMC test equipment for specific periods of
time as specified in the Settings tab (refer to section 1.2.6).
Figure 1-12:
Test points and their
assessment in the
Function tab after
running the test

After outputting the appropriate voltages for a test point, the test point is
assessed as either passing (green "+") or failing (red "x"). The assessment is
based on the expectations for the test point. Some points are expected to
achieve synchronization (Nominal Response: Sync) while some are not
(Nominal Response: No Sync).
For example, test points within the synchronizing window should achieve
synchronization in the specified period of time if the relay is working properly.
Likewise, test points outside of the synchronizing window are expected to
exceed the maximum synchronization time without achieving
synchronization. If these expectations hold true after outputting the
appropriate voltage to the relay, the test point passes.
In addition to the assessment in the test table, test points are assessed as
either passing (green "+") or failing (red "x") in the graph. Again, the
assessment is based on the expectation.



Figure 1-13:
Test points assessed as
passed in the graph of
the Function tab

3. Verify that the Synchronoscope is displayed by selecting

4. When you highlight individual test points from the test table, the
synchronoscope shows the Phi () at two different points in time: when the
CB Close command was issued and when the CB actually closed.
The Phi () refers to the phase angle difference between the reference
system and the test system.
In this manner, you obtain a visual image of the phase difference between
system 1 and system 2 when the CB close command is issued (blue arrow)
and finally executed (red arrow).
Figure 1-14:
Synchronoscope for an
individual test point


OMICRON Test Universe

The reference frequency can be set to either system 1 or system 2 and

defaults to system 1. To change the reference system, use the context menu
in the synchronoscope (right-click).
When system 1 is the reference and f1>f2 for subsynchronous operation, the
arrow for the phase difference rotates clockwise. When system 1 is the
reference and f1<f2 for above synchronous operation, the arrow for the
phase difference rotates counter-clockwise.
The synchronoscope can be detached from the status bar and placed as a
toolbar anywhere on your desktop. To do so, click and hold the left mouse
button on the small arrow in the upper left-hand corner of the
synchronoscope. While still holding the mouse button down, drag the
synchronoscope until it detaches from the borders of Synchronizer and
becomes its own toolbar. If you single click the small arrow in the upper lefthand corner, the synchronoscope can be expanded to fill the entire status
bar, or contracted back down to a smaller size.

Step 3: Defining the test report

Select P A R A M E T E R S | R E P O R T . A dialog box appears where you can define
the scope of the report.
A detailed description about defining test reports can be found in the "Concept"
manuals section 5.2 Test Reports.
Select V I E W | R E P O R T to display the test report.




The Adjustment Test

The intent of the Adjustment tab is to exercise the actuator commands issued
from the synchronizing relay to the generator that control the voltage level and
frequency. You can use individual test points or a table of test points.
The Synchronizing Window tab of the test object (P A R A M E T E R S | T E S T
O B J E C T , "Synchronizer" block) defines the voltage versus frequency test area
and their respective tolerances, the so-called "synchronization window".
When a test point lies outside of the outer tolerance border of this window and
the relay is told to start:
1. The relay issues the appropriate commands (V>, V<, f>, f<) to bring the
generator (system 2) into synchronization with the reference network
(system 1).
2. The Synchronizer test module detects these binary signals and changes the
voltage outputs for system 2 based on the defined generator model.
The V/t and f/t values of the generator model define how the CMC varies
the system 2 outputs.
3. The synchronizing relay should issue its control signals until the system 2
output has been brought within the synchronizing window.
4 a) If so, the relay can issue the CB close command and the Synchronizer
software enters the post-synchronization mode.
b) If no CB close command is received within the maximum synchronization
time, the Synchronizer software issues the Release command.
5. The Synchronizer test module evaluates the time (t sync) elapsed between
the Start command and the CB close command. It is important for the test
point pass/fail assessment to know the voltage, frequency, and phase angle:

when the Start command is issued to the relay,

when the relay issues the CB close command,

when the CB actually closes.


OMICRON Test Universe

When a test point lies inside of the synchronization window and the relay is told
to start:
1. The Synchronizer test module verifies that extraneous commands
(V>, V<, f>, f<) are issued.
2 a) Because the test point is within the synchronizing window, the relay can
issue the CB close command and the Synchronizer test module enters
the post-synchronization mode.
b) If the CB command is not received within the maximum synchronization
time, the Synchronizer test module issues the Release command.
3. The Synchronizer test module evaluates the time (t sync) elapsed between
the Start command and the CB close command. It is important for the test
point pass/fail assessment to know the voltage, frequency, and phase angle:

when the Start command is issued to the relay.

when the relay issues the CB close command.

when the CB actually closes.

The test points are output by the CMC test equipment for specific periods of
time. The output times are specified in the Settings tab (refer to section 1.2.6).
In the Signal View you can view the exact behavior of the binary signals for a
specific test point.



Step 1: Defining the Adjustment Test

Note: If you have previously defined a FunctionTest (refer to section 1.2.7) and
you want to enable an Adjustment Test, you must

either delete the test points defined on the Function tab (and, if available,
the test results)

or open a new test (F I L E | N E W ) and define the test object parameters

and the hardware configuration again (refer to sections 1.2.3 and 1.2.4).

1. Select the Adjustment tab in the Synchronizer Test View.

2. Add test points to the test table. Only four points are going to be defined here
to demonstrate this.
Place two of them within the synchronization window near the
synchronization window boundaries and two outside, as shown in figure 1-15
and figure 1-16.
The three primary ways to get test points into the table.

Enter the information into the respective text boxes for V, f, Phi (),
or V, f, Phi (), or a combination of the two. Once the information for a test
point is acceptable, click the A D D button.

Position the mouse in the synchronization graph (to the right). Right-click
at a point to obtain a context menu. One of the items allows you to add
that test point to the test table.

<Ctrl> + left-click adds a point to the table immediately.

Figure 1-15:
Adjustment tab with test


OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 1-16:
Synchronization graph
for the test points

Step 2: Running the Adjustment Test

1. Once an adequate number of test points have been defined, you can run
through them in sequence. Select the P L A Y button.
2. The test points are output by the CMC test equipment for specific periods of
time. The output times are specified in the Settings tab, refer to section
Figure 1-17:
Test points assessed in
the Adjustment tab

In addition to the assessment in the test table, test points are assessed as
either passing (green "+") or failing (red "x") in the graph. Again, the
assessment is based on the expectation.



Figure 1-18:
Synchronization graph
showing the movement
of the test points to
within the
synchronization window

The synchronization graph contains useful graphical information about what

happened to the test points. In particular, it shows how the test points were
moved before synchronization was achieved.
The test points that were outside of the synchronization window resulted in
the relay issuing the appropriate commands to raise or lower the voltage and
to increase or decrease the frequency. These commands were interpreted by
the Generator Mode of Synchronizer to control the physical output quantities
of system 2.
When the synchronizing relay is working properly, the test points are moved
into the synchronizing window until synchronization happens.
If synchronization happens within maximum synchronization time, the test
point passes. Otherwise, it fails.
When an individual test point is highlighted in the test table, its corresponding
starting and ending points are highlighted in the synchronization graph along
with the adjustment control migration path.
3. Verify that the Synchronoscope is displayed by selecting
V I E W | S Y N C H R O N O S C O P E . Highlight individual test points from the test
table so that the synchronoscope shows the Phi () at two different points
in time: when the CB Close command was issued and when the CB actually


OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 1-19:
Synchronoscope for an
individual test point

Step 3: Defining the test report

Select P A R A M E T E R S | R E P O R T . A dialog box appears where you can define
the scope of the report.
A detailed description about defining test reports can be found in the "Concept"
manuals section 5.2 Test Reports, or in the online help under the --- Test
Reports --- entry of the table of contents.
Select V I E W | R E P O R T to display the test report.




Creating an OCC Test Document

If previously saved, the two test files for the SYN3000 relay (e.g.
SYN3000_function.snc and SYN3000_adjustment.snc) can be
embedded in a Control Center (OCC) document in order to create an automated
test document that performs both the FunctionTest and the Adjustment Test.
To create an OCC document:
1. Start the Control Center either with an empty document or a template.
2. Click the T E S T O B J E C T toolbar icon or select I N S E R T | T E S T O B J E C T
to open the dialog for the test object specific data and specify the parameters
for your relay under test.
3. Click the H A R D W A R E C O N F I G U R A T I O N toolbar icon or select
I N S E R T | H A R D W A R E C O N F I G U R A T I O N to open the dialog for the
hardware configuration and specify the hardware configuration as described
in section 1.2.4.
4. Select I N S E R T | T E S T M O D U L E . . . to open the dialog for the
Synchronizer test objects.
IMPORTANT: Select "Create From File" in this dialog box.
Browse to the directory where the test files (e.g. SYN3000_function.snc
and SYN3000_adjustment.snc) are stored and select one of them.
5. S E L E C T I N S E R T | T E S T M O D U L E . . . again. Select "Create From File" in
this dialog box. Browse to the directory where the test files (e.g.
SYN3000_function.snc and SYN3000_adjustment.snc) are stored
and select the other file.
6. At this point, you have a basic, no-frills OCC test document that can run both
the FunctionTest and the Adjustment Test. You can provide further
customization to this OCC test document.


OMICRON Test Universe



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