Richmond Va Financial Consultant

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Senior Consultant is the voice of the investment management consultant who has pioneered the

process, technology and methodology of high level, comprehensive, expert advice for the
institutional and high net worth markets and who is shaping the course of the financial services

Process and Technology

As an financial advisor, if you are trying to manage one objective - retirement, for example - for 500
of your clients, and you want to manage the investment values of risk, return, income and estate tax
efficiency, liquidity, cost structure and time (as required by ERISA and UPIA), and if you used the
20,000 investment options at your disposal, each having at least 100 description points, you would
have to manage a 7,000,000 dimensional equation with 49 trillion possible interrelated investment
outcomes. As human beings, we are only capable of thinking in 3-dimensions. When we try to think
in a 5th or 10th dimension, we can't fathom 25 or 100 possible interpolated outcomes, much less
the outcomes in this example.
Clearly, today's financial product and service menu has become mind-boggling. No one understands
it or can articulate it in its entirety. Investment management consulting provides you with the
process and technology that empowers you to articulate the entire financial product and service
menu of the financial services industry, in terms specifically meaningful to each of your clients.
Senior Consultant can help you understand the six financial services that comprise the Investment
Process required by ERISA and UPIA through which you can add value for each of the ten major
market segments of the individual and institutional investor markets. This is the science-based
process that is shifting the course of the financial services industry.

Market Growth
Fee-based advice is only economically viable to provide to individuals and institutions that have at
least $100,000 of liquid investable assets.

There are only 15 million U.S. households that have more than $100,000 in liquid investable assets.
Assuming the consultant can only advise 200 clients, there are only enough high net worth clients
to support 75,000 of today's 1,000,000 licensed financial service professionals.
There is a natural self-selection process occurring as the financial services industry moves toward
fee-based advice. It is not important that all financial advisors "get it" and evolve their practices
toward investment management consulting and high level advice because there is only enough
room for 7.5% of today's financial advisors. Though this market will double over the next ten years,
the only financial advisors who will participate are those who are prepared to provide high level,
comprehensive, expert advice.
The senior investment management consultant
market will grow from 5,000 consultants who
advise 25% of all U.S. assets today to 150,000
consultants who will advise 90% of all U.S. assets
by the end of this decade.

Advisor Economics
Commission brokerage rates have declined 53% since 1991 and investor research tells us it is
expected to decline 60% over the next three years. This means that over the next three years the
commission broker must become 2.5 times more productive, just to maintain current earnings. A
$350,000 commission broker who, ten years ago, would have been considered highly successful,
has now become just a marginal producer. Commission brokerage has become a commodity that
can be obtained for free. There is a compelling case to be made that the financial services industry
must aggressively move from commission brokerage to fee-based advice. Senior Consultant can
help you successfully make this transition.

One hundred percent of all investors prefer value to be added than not, and the transparency of
account performance, fostered by the internet, makes it clear to the consumer, who is adding value
and who isn't. The convergence of Nobel Prize-winning investment theory and advanced systems
technology today empower you to deliver an unprecedented level of professional investment and
administrative counsel. Senior Consultant helps you and your firm to understand the technology
that helps you to address and manage a broad range of investment and administrative values and
helps you compete on the basis of the value you add.

Practice Management
There are four levels of technology and a logical division of labor within a practice that must be
managed so the financial advisor can consistently provide high level, professional investment and
administrative counsel; maximize the transferable value of their practice and maintain continued
focus on the highest value activity of growing practice revenues. Senior Consultant provides insight
into how the industry's leading practitioners manage these issues.

Sales and Marketing

Senior Consultant and The Society of Senior Consultants are working with leading fiduciaries,
consultants, investors and consultant support organizations to create standards for professional
investment and administrative counsel for the ten major market segments of the institutional and
high net worth markets.

With Fortune 50 fiduciaries working with leading consultants to define high level advice, they gain
a mechanism by which to elevate the level of service they receive. Consultants, in turn, can more
readily differentiate their services and the broad range of values they add. Senior Consultant is a
catalyst for defining high level, world-class advice and can authoritatively articulate the tangible,
quantifiable values added through advice in highly meaningful ways for investors in each of the ten
major market segments. Senior Consultant gets into extraordinary depth on the value the
consultant adds, which is invaluable in building a practice.

Investment Products
A new generation of investment vehicles designed for use in portfolio construction and priced for
fee-based advisors is emerging. No other publication provides more in-depth coverage on folios,
ETFs, managed accounts, hedge funds, and investment innovation than Senior Consultant.

Mission Statement
The mission of Senior Consultant is to advance and elevate the practice of investment management
consulting so that all investors, both institutions and individuals, can gain access to the highest level
of professional investment and administrative counsel.

Giving a Voice to the Investment Management Consultant

Giving a voice to the almost invisible investment management consultant within the larger financial
services industry through the creation of Senior Consultant. Investment management consultants
constitute just one-half of 1% of all financial advisors but advise 25% of all U.S. assets. The
profound strategic implications of investment management consulting, its processes and
technology, are just now beginning to be understood by the larger financial services industry.

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