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Results will be displayed in both table and graphical presentation.



The result follows the theory regarding the angle and the idea of
biomechanical lever system in human motion. Movement of our arm is
based on the third class lever where the effort (or the force generated)
is located between the fulcrum and the load. Think of a forceps to
exemplify such lever.

Figure 1 Measurement of Forearm Length

The figure above shows the approximate length of the lever in this
experiment. Medial epicondyle is approximated to be the location of
the fulcrum; elbow joint or articulation cubiti while the middle of the
palm is approximated to be the point where the weight of the load will
act on. The point of effort is the radial tuberosity located at the radius

Figure 2 Diagram of the lever

Note the actual direction of force. Contraction of biceps brachii muscle

will produce a force in that direction hence the actual force needed is

always larger than is needed. In this experiment, we estimate the

distance of effort from the fulcrum to be 2.54 cm in fully extended arm.
Using below figures, we can see as the angle of flexion increases, the
distance of the load and the effort to the fulcrum will decrease. As the
load becomes perpendicular to the joint; at 90 angle, there will be no
more moment produced and hence there is no rotational force
produced at this angle. It is the position where the arm is at
mechanical advantage but it is the position where the arm has the
lowest length-tension advantage since the muscles at this angle is
already at its limit of shortening. Similarly, at angle 0, muscle is at the
length-tension advantage since it is in this position that muscle is
already at its maximum length. However, at this angle, if we were to
follow the trend, should have the lowest resistance to load as it has the
least mechanical advantage because of the maximum distance of load
to fulcrum and will produce the greatest moment of the force. It is
concluded that the mechanical advantage overrides any length-tension
advantage in the contraction of biceps brachii muscleii.
The possible explanation of the decrease in resistance after 90 flexion
is because of the occurrence of moment of the force while at 90, the
force present is only compressive force which acts on the bone (radius
and ulna).

Barrett KE, Barman SM, Boitano S, Brooks HL. Ganongs review of medical physiology. 23rd ed. New York: Mc Graw
Hill Companies, Inc.; 2009
Marieb EN, Hoehn K. Human anatomy & physiology. 7th ed. New Jersey: Benjamin Cummings; 2007. p. 230-260

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