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Waiter: Good afternoon, Amore Restaurant, how may I help you?
Kevin: Good afternoon. I would like to make a reservation for two, please.
Waiter: Certainly. Is it for tonight, sir?
Kevin: Yes, tonight at 7:30 pm. Is it possible?
Waiter: Just a minute, Sir. I will check.
Waiter: Hello, Sir. Yes, we have an available table for two, for 7:30 pm tonight. May I have your name, please?
Kevin: Its Kevin Smith.
Waiter: Alright, Mr. Smith. May I have your contact number, please?
Kevin: Sure. Its 0815-13534243.
A: Thank you, Sir. I look forward to see you tonight.

B. Taking Order (Pemesanan)W : (Present the menu from the right side) Excuse me, this is your menu Sir/Madam.
What would you like to order Sir/madam?
G : hmmm, what dou you recommend?
W : I suggest to have Nasi Bakar Ala Chef Pratama
G : Indonesian food?
W : Yes, it is. Its a roasted rice, served with sate and sambal terasi.
G : It sounds good. Ill try it.
W : Certainly, Sir. And what would you like to drink, Sir?
G : I want to have ice tea.
W : Sure, and whatr you like for dessert, Sir?
G : Well let me have apple pie.
R : Alright, may I repeat your order? (Repeating the order)After a couple of minutes
W : Enjoy your drink (for drink)
Enjoy your meal/food (for food)
C. Asking if Everything is all right (untuk menanyakan apabila ada hal lain)
W : Is everything alright, Sir? or is there anything else I can do?
G : No, Its fine.
D. Clearing Up (bersih2 setelah selesai makan)
W : Are you finished with your meal, Sir? or May I take your plate please?
G : Yes, Im done.
E. Asking the bill/check
W : Here is your bill, Sir. thank you for your coming, and dont forget to visit us sometime, Sir.
G : Keep the change. It is for your good service.


Percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris harus sering dilakukan agar meningkatkan kemampuan kita dalam
berbahasa Inggris. Percakapan atau dialog dapat dilakukan oleh dua orang atau lebih, dimanapun dan
kapanpun. Berikut merupakan salah satu contoh dialog bahasa Inggris di kantor pos.
Dava : Good afternoon, Sir. (Selamat siang, pak)
Counter Clerk : Good afternoon. Can I help you? (Selamat siang. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?)
Dava : I want to send this parcel, please. (Saya mau kirim bingkisan ini)
Counter Clerk : Do you want to send it by letter post or parcel post? It'd be 20 $ by letter post, and 25 $ by
parcel post. (Anda mau mengirimnya dengan pos surat atau pos bingkisan? Harganya 20 dollar untuk pos
surat dan 25 dollar untuk pos bingkisan)
Dava : You'd better send it by letter post. It might be quicker. (Lebih baik kirim dengan pos surat. Mungkin akan
lebih cepat)
Counter Clerk: Okay if you want send it by letter post. Anything else I can do for you? (Oke, jika Anda mau
mengirimnya dengan pos surat. Ada yang bisa saya bantu lagi?)
Dava : Yes. Could you weigh this letter, please? (Ya, tolong bisakah anda menghitung berat bingkisan ini?)
Counter Clerk: It's just over 15 grams. It'll cost you 30 $. Here're the stamps for the parcel and the letter. Will
you affix them, please? (Beratsnya sekitar 15 gram. Harganya 30 dollar. Ini perangko untuk bingkisannya dan
Dava : All right. (Baiklah)
Counter Clerk: Let me first give you the receipt for the parcel. Here's the receipt. And here's the postal
stationery. (Saya berikan tanda terima untuk bingkisannya dan ini alat tulisnya)
Dava : Thank you, Sir. Can I leave the parcel there on the desk in front of you? (Terimakasih pak. Bisakah saya
tinggalkan bingkisan ini di depan meja Anda?)
Counter Clerk : Yes. (Iya)
Dava : Thank you very much. Good bye. (Terima kasih banyak. Selamat tinggal)

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