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M3T Schools

primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Unit 1
The Sun and The wind.

7-put out
8-a play

The time or a place where events happen.

discuss things with loud voice.
cause harm by heating or fire.
piece of land between hills or mountains.
made of wood.
covered with plant material like straw, gay.
"Put out fire". To make it stop burning.
has characters (people) in the play.
to move by the force of air or wind.
short examination to measure the skills.
To give off light.

argue = discuss


weak .




dry .


= slip




= exhausted\ aweary


asleep .

Made of

= My bag is made of leather .

Made from =The cake is made from milk , eggs and butter .
Dry up

=We hang washed clothes in the sun to dry up .

Take off

= Take off your shoes before you get into the mosque .

Hold on

=It is very windy I must hold on to my coat .

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Language building
)1 A noun is a naming word ex: a tree - a man .
A proper noun is a special naming word . It must begin with a capital letter
ex. Mary Richard Thursday
)2 An adjective is a word that describes a noun . ex. Good tall fat
An adverb is a word that describes a verb or an action .
EX:1- He works hard .
2- They sing happily.

Past simple tense
It refers to an action that happened or occurred in the past .
Form -:
Regular form (v+ d ed or ied)
want wanted
love loved
hop hopped
study studied
pray prayed
Irregular verbs
Second form of the verb
EX: be
was, were
Bring brought
- Look at the list of irregular verbs
Negative form
Didn't + v. stem
EX: He had his lunch three hours ago .
He didn't have his lunch three hours ago .
Question form
Did + subject + v. stem
EX: When did he have his lunch?
Key words
Last , in the past , ago , yesterday , once upon time , this morning , in (1990- 2000,etc. )

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose the best answer:

1. Ali and Magda are often [ a greeting - arguing advising ] Each one of them thinks he is
right .
2. These desks are [ made of made up made in ] wood .
3. It's very hot in here , you can [ take in take care take off ] your coat
4. The wind [ shone blew flew ] hard last night . It was so windy .
5.The fire men put [ on out off ] the fire bravely .
6.What time [ does did was ] he come last night ?
7.We [ visited visit visits ] the zoo last Friday .
8.I [ am was were ] ill yesterday .
9. A plan is [ fastest fast faster ] .
10. Vegetables are [ good better best ] than sweets for our health .
11. Did you [ watch watched watches ] TV yesterday .
12. Once all the houses[ bought caught taught ] fire because they were all made of wood .
13. Elephant are [ smaller fatter taller ] than lions .
14. She [ doesn't didn't won't ] visit her aunt last week makes made will make ] a cake
two hours ago .
15. Mum [makes- made- will make ] a cake two hours ago.
16. He always [ discusses- argues speaks ] about the price.
17.Your pizza is [ large larger- largest ]than mine .
18. Don't play with matches ,or you may [ burn blow- tire ] your fingers .
19. The sun [burns shines gets ] brightly in summer .
20. Your shoes are muddy ,please take them [ on off of ] before you enter the house

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose the best answer:
1.He kept on laughing at her until made her [ crying cried- cry ].
2. She 's really tired . she can't work [no any never ]more .
3. please stand in the line and take your [ place turn time ]
4. Firemen are brave , they work hard to put [on out off ] fire .
5. All the people left the building .It's [ free empty full ]now
6.You should walk more [ quick quickly slowly ] to catch the school bus .
7. Don't open the door !It's [noisiest noisier noisy ] outside .
8. He 's excellent at English .He speaks English [ good better well ].
9. She forget the water in the kettle until it tried [ on in up ].
10.This exam is very easy .I can answer it [ easy easier-easily ].
11.Be [ careful careless carefully ] when you cross the road .
12. He is a good swimmer .He swims [ good bad well ].
13. He is quick in writing his dictation .He always writes [ quicker quickly quick ].
14. He works [hard hardly fast ] .He does lots of hard works .
15. Don't be [ slowly late early ] for your school bus or it will leave you .
16. I sleep early to wake up [ late early lately ].
17. People usually behave [ gentle gently gentleness ] with little children .
18. She entered the room [ nervous nervously loud ].

2) Underline the nouns and circle the proper nouns.


3- water
4- January
8- hat

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Re-write using the word(s) in brackets :
1. Ali does his homework every day .
[ last night ]

2. I met my friend yesterday .

[ who ]

3. I had dinner an hour ago .

[ not ]

4. He draws a picture every week .

[ last week ]

5. Yes , he played tennis yesterday .

[ did ]

6. Where are you ?

[ last Sunray ]

7. She bought a dress last week .

[ what ]

8. Hany went shopping by car .

[ How ]

9. She goes to the cinema every week . [ begin with yesterday ]

10. English is an easy language .

[ the ]

11. Yes , I was at the club yesterday .

[ were ]

12. He was short when he was young .

[ they ]

13. We study science every year .

[ last year ]

14. They ate fish yesterday .

[ not ]

15. He was a slow runner .

[ ran]

16. Ali was a good footballer .

[ played]
17. Her hand writing was bad
[ wrote]
18. He drove carefully
[ driver]

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Re-write using the word(s) in brackets :
1. Mona has bread and cheese every day .
[ yesterday ]

2. Noha bought some new shoes.

[ not ]

3. Sara ate six pieces of pizza .

[ How many ]

4. Salma is fat .
[ in the past ]

5. Ali went to school late yesterday .
[ not ]

6. She always gets up late .

[ yesterday ]

7. The turtle is not a fast animal

8. She was very rude

9. My brother sang loudly

10. My father was a very hard worker

2) put these verbs into negative:

1- The policeman caught the thieves last week.

2- The sun shone brightly yesterday.

3- Jill went to school last Friday.

4- He ate his sandwich three hours ago.

5- They ran very quickly to catch the bus.

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose the correct answer:
1- it is rude to.much with your parents.
2- The sun is in the
3-My father is not weak. He is
(kind- strong- bad)
4-The can blow.
(wind- sun- cloud) made of fire.
(wind-sun cloud)
6-The sun can .the dry grass.
7-the dry
8-the sun .. brightly yesterday.
(blew- shone- argued)
9-The sun and the wind decided to.a test.
(have make catch)
10- He felt hot so he took..his jacket.
11-In a football match, every team want to.the game.
12-I've finished. It's your ... now.
1) Put these verbs in the past:

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) write a question to each sentence:
A) ..?
Yes, I bought a book last week.
No, I didn't go to school yesterday.
Yes, Sara had a car 3 years ago.
2) Complete the following sentences using these words:
(donkey money honey chimney jockey monkey )
1- We spend.....................................
2- Bees make....................................
3- The...................... is a good horse rider.
5- Do you see the smoke coming out of the......................
6- The animal which likes bananas is the ........................
3) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
1- The wind ...................the trees over yesterday.
(blow blew blows )
2- Yesterday, my a big dinner.
(made makes making)
3- Yesterday, the sun ......................on the grass.
(shine shone shines )
4- The police ................... the thief last week.
(catch catches caught )
5- He ..................... a yellow bike last year.
(has have had )
6- Last Friday, I................... a big dog in the street.
(see saw seen )
7- I friend's mobile by mistake.
(take takes took )
8- My sister ......................her hand two days ago.
(burn burns burnt )
9- The man .................. on to his coat when the wind blew.
(hold holds held )
10- Did the wind ...................... the trees?
(blow blew blows )

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:
1- I didn't .................. him yesterday?
(see saw sees )
2-My brother didn't ..................... a mobile last year.
(have has had )
3- The sun didn't ................... a forest.
(burn burns burnt )
4- Did you .................. fish yesterday?
(eat ate eats )
5- He....................... to the cinema yesterday?
( went goes go )
2) Supply the missing letters:
3)A. write five nouns:
1- .......................

B. write five proper nouns:

5- ..

4) write an adjective to describe each of these:

1- ................ teacher
2- .................meal
3- .................snow
4- .................flower
5- .................ball

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Write a composition about how you spent last summer vacation .
1.When did you use to get up ?
2.What did you use to in the morning ?
3.What did you use to do in the afternoon ? 4.Did you use to read books? What were
they about ?
5. Did you use to help your mother? How did you help her ?
6.Did you use to take a nap ?
7.Did you go to the beach ?
8.What else did you use to do ?
9.How did you use to spend the evening ?
10.Did you use to stay up late ?


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Unit 2
1- volcano

= an opening in the Erath where hot liquid and ash are pushed out

2- pour out
3- lava

= come out quickly and without stop

= hot , liquid rock flowing out of a volcano .

4- dormant

= sleeping

5- active volcano

dormant volcano

6- molten rock

= liquid rock

7- magma
8- vent
9- crack
10- block sth
11- erupts
12- ash

= hot , liquid rock inside the earth

= hole in the top of a volcano
= a line that appears before breaking sth
= closes
= explodes
= dust

13- grumbling

= complain about sth

14- damaged

= destroyed

15- cello

= musical instrument with strings

II- Language building

1. singular
2. plural

only one thing

more-than one thing
2 . past continuous:
Form :
was , were + V + ing
I was sleeping when my phone rang .
While they were watching TV , the light went out .
Negative : was not , were not + v+ ing .
When my father came , I wasn't playing .
Question : Wh word + was , were + subject + ?
What were you doing when I phoned you ?
Keywords : while , as , when

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose the best answer:

1. Look at this glass ! It has a long [ track crack squeak ] it is going to split into two
pieces .
2. The [ magnet magma mango ] is the hot liquid rock inside the earth .
3. When magma flows out of a volcano , we call it [ magma lava blocks ] .
4. The Etna volcano [ interrupted erupted eruption ] in 2002 .
5. When a volcano is not active we call it a [ lazy dormant dreaming ] volcano .

What is the [ differ different difference ] between lava and magma ?


The pianos and [ cells cellos chilies ] are musical instruments .


The [ empire umpire vampire ] is someone whose job is to see players follow the

rules of a game .

After the volcano eruption , soon the lava was flowing [ up down in ] the mountain .


The [ volcano earthquake flood ] is an opening in the Earth where hot liquid and

ash are pushed out .


There are a lot of [ man men woman ] in the garden .


The [ mouse mice oxen ] are very small animals .


While I [ were was am ] playing , I fell down .


[ As When What ] he was singing , I asked him to stop .


What [ was were are ] you doing yesterday at 6 ?


Is there [ knives a knife spoons ] on the table ?


My father [ arrives arrived was arriving ] while I was sleeping .


What was happing [ as while when ] the photographer took the pictures ?


He was [ angry tired interested ] after his long walk .


The [ hero heroes heroin ] of the film were fantastic .


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term


1) Choose the best answer:

1. I usually go to the park [ in at on] Fridays .
2. Many tourists come to climb that high [ volcano mountain -earth ]
3. They finished building the house [on in out ] three months .
4. Active volcanoes pour [on out in ] lava and smoke .

A stone hit the window and made a long [ line crack -vent ] in the glass.


Great clouds of [ash smoke lava ] come out of the burning house .


Hot [ lava molten rock magma ]flew continuously out of the volcano .


Leave the cake you [ melt cool block ] for an hour at least before cutting it


[ Dormant sleeping Active ] volcanoes pour out fire and smoke all the time .


There was a broken tree across the road that [ blocked erupted flew ] the road

completely .

Let the clay cool , until it becomes [ hard hot soft ] .


The last time the volcano of Vesuvius [ poured erupted opened ] , it damaged

thousands of houses .
13. Our teacher drew a [ crack diagram piccolo ] showing how the blood flew through the
heart .
14. The hole is so [ shallow long deep ] that you can't see its bottom .
15. A bomb [ grumbled-exploded damaged ] at one of the most crowded malls ,last
morning .
16. He dropped the cigarette [ crack ash smoke ] on the carpet and burn it .
`17. She is always [erupting grumbling burning ]about her naughty son .
18. Many buildings were badly [damaged blocked exploded ] during the war .
19. [Piccolos Bamboos Flamingoes ] are large birds with pink feathers.
20. She is learning how to play the [cockatoo bamboo piccolo ].

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term


1) Choose the best answer:

1. Dad [ cut cutting was cutting ] his fingers , while he [ peel peeled -was peeling] the
apple .
2. The phone does not work , some one cut its [ fire wire tire ].
3. When mum [ drop dropped was dropping ] her ring , she [ was shopping shop went
shopping ].
4. Yesterday at ten o'clock , Sam [ read reading was reading ] the newspaper .

Sally [ baked baking was baking ] delicious looking pizza , last night .


Captain John is going to be the [judge umpire ruler] of these match.

2) Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:


She was writing the exercise . The light went out .

[ Join ]


I don't have to pay any money .

[ He ]


I usually go to the park on Fridays .

[ when ]

4- He cleaned his room . His mother was cooking. [when]
5- The girl was reading . Her father was watching TV. [while]
6-While he was running. The car hit him.


7-The bell rang. I was having a shower.


8-He was writing a letter when his sister called him. [what.?]


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1-Nina was listening to music when her father came.


2-The girl was eating her sandwich. Her mother was cooking.


3-My friend has a nice photo.


4-A white sheep stands in the field.


5-I don't have any cakes.


6-The dog didn't run fast.


7-I never play tennis.


8-A fox chases a mouse.


9-I want a tomato and an onion.


10-He watches a nice video every weekend .


11-His wife is a piccolo player.


12-Some thieves attack this farm.



M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1-A volcano erupted last winter.


2-A want to be a hero of this film.


3-She usually uses a sharp knife.


4-They were drawing pictures when their father came.



5-We were playing football when it rained.

6-He cleaned his car yesterday.

[at 4 o'clock]

7-We ate pizza with our friends last weekend.[Friday afternoon]

8-She wrote a letter yesterday.

[at 9 o'clock]

2) Match each word with it's meaning

1- erupts

a)hole in the top of a volcano

2- vent

b)hot, liquid rock inside the earth

3- magma


4- lava

d) hot, liquid rock flowing out of a volcano


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose the correct answer:
1- She was born ...................29th October.
(on in at )
2- His birthday is............Tuesday.
(on in at )
3- The fire burnt the house and left only....................
(lava ashes magma )
4- Magma is hot ................rock.
(damaged dormant molten)
5- Volcanoes ................... out fire, smoke and lava.
(pour move grumble)
6-The glass is about to break. There is a................across it.
(vent crack magma)
7-This volcano is not active. It is.....................
(lazy dormant dreaming)
8- All people live on the.....................
(earth mountains volcanoes)
9-..................... is hot, liquid rock flowing out of a volcano.
(Magma vent lava)
10- hot, liquid rock inside the earth.
(magma vent lava)
11- a hole in the top of a volcano.
(magma vent lava )
12- a mountain which can grow in a few weeks.
(vent magma volcano)
13- The volcano....................... lava a hundred meters into the air.
(damaged grumbled threw )
14- Don't touch a bomb or it will ........................and kill you.
(throw flow explode)


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1)put these verbs into negative:
1- Mount Enta was sleeping on 26th October 2002.
2- The volcano was grumbling yesterday, morning.
3- The volcanoes were throwing lava into the air.
4- He saw his uncle three days ago.
5- She bought a new skirt last week.
2)Put these words in the plural form:
1-Volcano ..





10-kangaroo ..



11-bamboo ..




5-domino ..



6-flamingo ..





8-cockatoo ..







M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Unit 3
Clever Polly
New Vocab.
1- Slice: a flat thin piece of food that has been cut from a larger piece.
2- Pie : a baked pastry filled with fruit vegetables or meat .
3- full of empty
4- inside
5- greedily (adv) = sb who wants more & more of anything
- greedy (adj.)
6- slink / - slunk slunk = to walk a way from somewhere quietly so that you are not noticed
7- escape = run away
8- snarled = to make an angry sound
9- marvelous = fantastic
10-tiny bit = a very small piece .
11- a stove = the top part of the cooker
12- saucepan = a round metal pot used for cooking .
13- burn burnt burnt = to destroy with fire
14- tongue = the soft part inside your mouth that issued for tasting and speaking
15-howl = a long loud cry made by a wolf or a dog .
16- delicious: having a very pleasant taste or smell.

Language building
Direct speech is when we write the exact words someone said.
Ex. Ali said to Omar " I'm hungry."
If the same person goes on speaking, we:
write new speech marks.
Use a capital letter.
Don't begin a new line.

Language structure:
Past Continuous
Ex. Yesterday afternoon, I was doing my homework.
While my mum was cooking, my father came.


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1. Dogs usually [ smile snarl snare ] when they are angry .
2. The ice-cream was so [ awful delightful delicious ] that we ate it all.
3.That [ greedy greed greedily ] boy ate so many cakes that he got sick .
4. She was so embarrassed that she [ slink slunk slang ] out of the room . She didn't want
to be noticed .
5. The thief [ escaped slipped slept ] when he saw the policeman .
6.This pie is full [ of up off ] meat .
7. Don't play with matches . You'll [ burnt burn born ] yourself .
8.The soup was so hot that it burnt my [ tongue teeth ear ] when I tasted it .
9. The dog [ howled huddled humbled ] when it saw the thief .
10. While Polly was cooking , the doorbell [ ring rang rung ] .
11. My mum put the money [ inside outside on ] her purse .
12. Hamdy [ said told say ] that he did his H. W .
13. The wolf told Polly that he [ is was were ] going to eat her .
14. May I have a slice of [ juice cake sugar ] ?
15. When the rat saw the cat , it ran [ into out inside ] of the house .
16.She told me that she [ can will would ] visit me the day after .
17. While Nada and Maha [ was were have ] sleeping , they heard a loud noise .
18. Were you [ sleep sleeping slept ] when I knocked on the door ?
19.[ What While When ] she was running , she fell down .
20. They said that they were studying [ now then that ] .
21-Polly was [eating-cooking-playing-] when the door bell rang.
22-Dogs usually [snarl-smile-snare] when they are angry.
23-[wives-knives-wolves] are wild animals that like dogs.
24-the wolf came back a [month-week-year] later.

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1-This soup smells [delicious-bad-nasty] . I want to eat it all.
2-That [greed-greedily-greedy] boy ate so many cakes that he got sick.
3-She was so hungry , so she ate six[packets-slices-bottles] of pizza.
4-Polly was making a [cake-toffee-salad] when the wolf came the third time.
5-Thank you , I can't eat anymore I'm [hungry-thirsty-full up].
6-The weather was [bad-cold-marvelous], so we decided to go on a picnic.
7-I was talking on the phone [while-as-when] he came in.
8-He broke his leg [while-and-when] he was skating.
9-The thief [snarled-slunk-howled] silently through the house.
10-She put a pan of water to boil on the [stove-oven-tray].
11-These sweets are very [delicious-sticky-bad] They stuck on my hand.
12-Mum put the money [inside-outside-on] her purse.
2)Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1-She came back home her mother was making a cake. [while]
2-He went to school. He met his teacher.
[Just as]
3-While she was going to work , she saw an accident.

4-Hany is 10 years old. Mona is 6.

[not as young]

5-They were playing music when I saw them.


6-An iron is used for ironing clothes.



M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term


1)Give one word:

1-A baked pastry filled with fruit, vegetables or meat
2-Something fantastic
3-The top part of the cooker
4-To make an angry sound
5-Somebody who wants more and more of anything
6-A round metal pot used for cooking


1)Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Rehab: Hello! Sarah
Sarah: new dress?
Sarah: yes, I like it so much.
Sarah: I bought it from a shop near my house .
Sarah: It cost L.E. 150.
Rehab: ..?
Sarah: Yes, there were different colours and sizes.

1) Choose the correct answer:

1- He can answer all the questions. He is very............................
(strong clever delicious)
2- I like this food very much. It is very.......................
(clever slunk delicious)
3- There were some apples..................... the table.
(on in at)
4- He wants to eat. He is very..........................
(clever angry hungry)
5- She cut a big..........................of cake for me.
(half piece pace)
6- He needed money so he asked his father......................some.
(for about to)
7-The flower.......................... good.
(smells tastes slinks)
8- You smell with your .........................
(mouth eye nose)
9- He ate a big .........................of the cake.
(slice packet parcel)

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose the correct answer:
1- He doesn't want to eat because he is too........................
(full hungry empty)
2- He didn't want anyone to see him so he ......................... out of
the back door.
(showed slunk burnt)
3- The thief can't ...........................because the police are everywhere.
(escape stick - drive)
4- I like fish very much. Its my............................. food.
(delicious favourite - sticky)
5- The food is cooked on the.........................
(stove kitchen cupboard)
6- I like this food because it has a good..........................
(saucepan spoon taste )
7- We eat rice and soup with a ..............................
(saucepan spoon stove )
8- Mum cooks the soup in a .......................(saucepan fork spoon)
9- You can taste food with your .............................
(stove nose tongue )
10- The cat was afraid so it ran ......................... of the house.
(away out up)
11- Honey is a
(sticky salty tiny )
12- This animal is very small. It is ...........................
(tiny sticky enormous )
13- The food was so hot that it ......................... his mouth.
(cooled dried burnt )
14- when the wolf ate the hot food, it .............................
(howled burnt cheered )

2) Write a composition not less than ten sentences about your school .


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Unit 4
Restaurant & recipes
1- Restaurant

: a place where we eat outdoors .

2- Recipe : a set of instructions for making sth as a food dish from various ingredient .
4- Menu

: a list of the food that you have at any restaurant .

5- Starters

: a small amount of food that you eat as the first part of a meal .

6- Main course

: the main dish in a meal .

7- Desserts

: something sweet that is eaten after the main part of a meal .

8- Roast (adj.)

: cooked in an oven or over a fire .

9- A lamb

: a baby sheep .

10- Teaspoon
11- Tablespoon
12- Pepper

: a small spoon used to stir tea .

: a large spoon used for serving food .
: crushed black powder used to give spicy taste to food .

13- Parsley

: green herb with curly leaves that are used for decorating food .

14- Peel

: to remove the skin of fruit or vegetable .

15- Chop

: to cut something into pieces with a knife .

16- Mash

: to crush cooked food so that it forms soft mass .

17- Stir
18- Tray
19- Celebrate
20- Baguette
21- Delicious
22- drain

: to mix a liquid by moving a spoon in circular way .

: a flat object used for carrying drinks .
: to enjoy an occasion .
: a long thin white stick of bread .
: tasty .
: to remove the water from it .

23- Oiled

: to put oil on it .

24- sprinkle

:to drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface .

25- Grill

: direct heat , especially under a very hot surface in a cooker.


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Language building :
A proper noun begins with a capital letter.

Proper nouns are : people's names [ Norhan ], days of the week [ Tuesday] , months of the

[ February ] , names of restaurants [Pizza Hut ], titles of books [ Macmillan].

Infinitive of purpose
It's used to show why we do the action.
(to + infinitive )
e.g Dad went to the hospital to visit his sick friend.


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose:
[ Mash Smash Danish ] the potato with the butter and black pepper .
the [ menu recipe recite ] of potato nests ?


Do you know


The [ dessert starter main course ] is the sweet that is eaten at the end of the meal .


A [ Kid Calf lamb ] is a baby sheep .


[ Peel Smash Chop ] the potatoes first before frying them .


[ Parsley Pepper Baguette ] is very spicy .


The cake was very [ delicious horrible awful ] that I ate it all .


[ Who Why Where ] do you need a knife ? To chop onion .


You can have roast chicken as a [ main course starter dessert ] .


[ Sunday Mary Pizza ] isn't a proper noun .


You can have [ an ice cream pizza vegetable soup ] as dessert .


How [ many often much ] do you eat fish ? Once a month .


What would you choose from the [receipt menu recipe ] ?


They went to the restaurant to [ make soup buy fruit have a meal ] .


I like eating [ roast rest rosette ] chicken .


[ How When Why ] did he visit you ? Yesterday .


Harry went to a [ rostra restaurant roast ] to have a birthday meal .


[ Where Whale How much ] does this car cost ?


[ Who Whose Where ] is it ? Noha's .


[ Tray Stir Start ] the sugar in tea .

21. Do you know the [menu recipe- baguette] at the restaurant?

22. We drink soup as a [ main course- desert- starter ].

We put [ parsley- baguette- salt ] on the food to decorate it.


I like eating the meat of the [ lamp- lamb- lion]


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

2) Rewrite the following sentences
1. We go to the library to borrow books


2. He eats fish once a week ?

[ how]

3. The doctor looked after sick people.

[ What]

4. No other boy is taller than my brother.

[ tallest ]

5. Sarah sat on her chair.


6. Dad bought two cupboards.

[How many]

7. Me and my family went to the beach in the bus. [by]
8. The camel has big ears.


9. Snakes crawl in a slow way.

[ slowly]

10. she was badly hurt in an accident.

[ were]

11. Salma is watching T.V now.

[ an hour ago ]

12. Dad paid 60 pounds for buying meat and vegetables . [How much]


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Complete the following dialogue
Nermeen: How did you spend your weekend?
Maha: ...................................................................................................................
Nermeen: Who went with you to the funfair?
Noha: ..
Nermeen: ...
Noha: We went by car.
Nermeen: Did you enjoy your time there?
Noha: ..

2) Comprehension
The children learned about animals in Africa through reading. They wrote about them.
Leopards are good climbers. They hunt at night and they climb trees quietly. They catch
monkeys and other animals when they are sleeping in the branches. Crocodiles are the best
hunters in the rivers. They have strong mouths with lots of teeth. They have strong tails, too.
They hit animals into the water with their tail.
Answer the following questions
1- How did the children know about animals?

2- Are leopards good climbers?

Choose the correct answer
3- Leopards [can't climb trees- are dangerous- are quiet].
4- Crocodiles live in [ trees- caves- rivers]

3) Write a composition not less than ten sentences about your favourite sport .


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Unit 5
Journey to Jo'burg
1- Jo'burg

: Johannsburg

2- journey (n)

: a long trip from one place to another , usually on land .

3- decide (v)

:1. to think about two or more things and choose one of then
2. to make up your mind

4- tire (n)

: the thick rubber ring that fits around the outside of a wheel .

5- tar (n.)

: a thick black sticky liquid that becomes hard when it's cold , used for

making roads .
6- steel (n.)

: a very strong metal used for making knives , tools and machines .

7- railway (n)

: the metal lines on which trains travel between one place and another.

8- glint (v)

: to shine with small bright flashes of light .

9- sigh (v.)

: to breathe out heavily to show that you are tried , sad or disappointed

10- confident (adj.) : feeling or showing that you are sure about something .
11 - set off

: to leave on a journey .

12- suggest (v) : to say an idea that you have for somebody to think about it .
13- scratchy (adj.) : making a sound by rubbing a surface with something sharp .
14- roar (v.)

: to move making a loud , deep sound .

15- stabs of hunger : a sharp pain because of not having enough food to eat .
16- flop down : to move or fall in a sudden careless way because you are very tired.
17- skim (v.)

: to move quickly over or past something almost touching it .

18- gaze (v.)

: to look steadily for a long time .

19- fenced off

: to separate one area from another with a fence .

20- insist (v.) : to say strongly that you must have or do something .
21- afford (v.)

: to afford sth means that you have enough money to pay for it .

22- sweat (n.) : salty liquid which comes out from the skin when you're hot .

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

23- skid (v.)

: usually used about a vehicle or wheel to slip or slide sideways without any

control .
24- mutter (v.) : to speak in a low , quiet and often angry voice that's difficult to hear .
25- sack (n.)

: a large bag made of paper or plastic and used for carrying or

storing things .
26- wedge (v.) : to force something or somebody to fit into a small space
27- hedge (n) : a row of bushes or trees planted close together at the edge of a garden . \ or
field to separate one piece of land from another .
28- sledge (n)

: a vehicle without wheels that's used for carrying people or things on snow

and pulled with dogs .

29- shiver (v.)

: to shake slightly because you're cold or frightened .

30- pane (n.)

: a piece of glass for use in a frame of a window .

31- parcel (n.) : Something that's wrapped in paper and tied to be sent or given to somebody.
32- postmark (n) : a mark over a stamp on a letter or parcel that says when and
where it was sent.
33- stamp (n.) : a small piece of paper that you stick onto a letter or parcel .
34- knit (v.) : to make something with wool using two long needles or a special
35- finely (adv.) : in a good way.
36- wrap (v.) : to put paper or cloth around somebody or something as a cover .

Grammatical structure
Should / ought to
- We use " should " and " ought to" give an advice .
1- We should clean our teeth after every meal people shouldn't tell lies .
2- We ought to clean our teeth after every meal people oughtn't to tell lies .



M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose the correct answer :


My father got me some books to read [ in on at ] my journey .


The cow looks [ sick happy beautiful ] , you should call in the vet .


The car raised a cloud of [ gas mosquitoes dust ] as it went down the road .


In Canada , there is a [ building railway post office ] which goes across the Rocky

mountains .
5. Kate studies hard . She feels [ confident sad good ] that she can pass the exam

We set [ of on off ] at 3 o'clock this morning .


Many people die of [ hunger playing sweat ] every year .

8. The desert [ moved stretched roared ] away into the distance as far as the eye could see
. 9.

The other team is very good so we can't afford [ to on at ] make any mistakes .


I was covered in [ sweet sweat wheat ] after playing football .


The farmer carried heavy [ boxes bottles sacks ] of flour .


Large [ sledges hedges bridges ] are often pulled by dogs .


The grass was covered with [ snow sweat frost ] in the early morning .


I'm going to take this [ parcel present postman ] to the post office .


The man hurried [ at because to ] catch the bus .


The road was a track [ make by made by making by ] car tires .


She [ used to used uses ] to be in our class , but she isn't any more .


I'm [ glad sorry afraid ] to hear that he's feeling better .


The children played us a [ dune tune ball ] on their guitars .


You shouldn't drive when it's [sunny cloudy foggy ] .


[ You should Should you You should never ] eat lots of fruit and vegetables .


He [ should shouldn't oughtn't to ] wear a seatbelt while driving .


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose the correct answer :
1. We have decided [ on- to- from ] spend our holiday in Alex.
2. The village is two miles away [ until- from- in ] the sea.
3. We won't start [ by- until- out ] Bob comes.
4. Can I drive you home ?

It's [ by- up- on ] my way.

5. Can't you slow [ about- up- down ]a bit? You're driving much too fast.
6. There are many items to choose from. I can't [ skid- decide- glint ].

Mothers [ should- shouldn't- can't ] look after their children.

8. Big boys [ should shouldn't- can't ] hit little boys.

9. The little girl was [wrapping- shivering- skimming ]with cold.
10. If the road is icy, it's easy to [ pin- skid- roar ].
2) Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :
1. Why don't we go to the cinema .
[ let's ]
2. You should read the questions carefully .
[ shouldn't ]
3. It was raining when my father came .
[ while ]
4. While I was having breakfast , my sister phoned from Mexico . [ when ]
5. I can't understand you . You're speaking quickly . [ slowly ]
6. The journey by train was quick .
[ arrived ]
7. There aren't any famous volcanoes in Japan .
[ some ]
8. It's the duty of people not to tell lies .
[ people ]
9. I think you are too fat .
[ should ]
10. She was watching T. V while her brother was doing his homework .
[ What ?]

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :
1. He behaves badly .
[ should ]
2. She stepped on the stage . She was confident of herself . [ confidently ]
3. The plane flew very low over the treetops .
[ skimmed ]
4. Ton has a hobby . He collects stamps .
[ Tom's .. ]
5. I advised him not to leave his keys in the car . [ ought to ]

6. I can't see the blackboard when I sit in the back row .[should ]
7.I need to improve my English . [ ought to ]
8. There's no food in my house and some people are coming to dinner tonight .
[shouldn't ].
2) Write a composition not less than ten sentences about your visit to Alexandria last


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term


2) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues

A- Jane : Hello ! ...?
Kate : I'm packing for my holiday .
Jane : ...?
Kate : I'm going to the seaside , near Alex .
Jane : ...?
Kate : Oh , yes , I am . I always take a camera on holiday .


Tom : Hi Peter ?
Peter : I cut my finger .
Tom : Did you see a doctor ?
Peter : .
Tom : ?
Peter : He put a plaster on it .


Harry : .?
Sally : Yes , it's mine . I sold my old computer and bought a new one .
Harry : .?
Sally : I'm going to type up a research for my teacher .
Harry : ?
Sally : It's about dolphins .


Shop assistant : ..?

: Yes , have you got any pencil holders ?
Shop assistant : Yes , we have .?
: I'd like something red to match my room .
Shop assistant : What about these ?
: Yes , they are nice . I think I'll


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Unit 6
A long Journey
New Vocab.
1- journey : the act of traveling from one place to another .
2- the UK : the country of the great Britain and Northern Ireland .
It's an appreciation of the word the United Kingdom .
3- dear
: used at the beginning of the letter to greet a person you're writing to .
4- pack
: to put clothes and other possessions into a bag before travelling.
5- cross off : to remove someone or something such as a name from the list by
drawing a line through it .
6- too much : more than is needed or wanted .
7- suitcase : a flat bag with a handle for carrying clothes and things while travelling .
8- locked
: to fasten with a lock .
9- watered the plants: to pour water on plants or soil that they've growing in .
10- wait for : to stay some here without doing anything until somebody or something
happens or comes .
11- miss
: to arrive too late to get on a bus , train or a plane .
12- late
: arriving after expected time .
13- get on
: to enter a public vehicle or to seat oneself on a plane train or a bus.
14- check in : to show your ticket at the airport so that you can be told where
you'll be sitting and so that your bags can be put on the plane .
15- check in ( desk ) : the place at the airport where you show your ticket .
16- seat
: a piece of furniture that has been designed to sit on .
17- get off : to leave a public vehicle [ train , bus , . ] { opposite . get on }
18- landed : to put on land to settle down . { opposite . take off }
19- code : a system of words , letters or numbers which is used to represent a
message in a secret form or short form .
20- wondered : to express a wish to know about something or to ask yourself a question .
21- astronaut : a person who travels in a space craft .

I haven't played tennis for years.

She writes a letter to her mother .
My parents are waiting for my brother at the airport .
Our plane flies above the clouds .
The teacher didn't cross Aly's name off the list .
Maha tells me everything about her life .


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1. I like this dress . I think I will buy it .
2. I promise I will study hard .
3. Mum will punish me if I break the glass .
4. I will be a doctor when I grow up .
General future
5. I'll help you wash your car .
6. I ma going to travel to Alex . = I've already packed my suit case .
7. It's cloudy today . It is going to rain .
prediction with evidence

Shall : is used mostly in questions , suggestions and offers .

e. g : Shall 1 make some coffee ?
[ offer ]
( suggestion ) : I've got no money . What shall I do ?
: Normally we use shall only with I and we .


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term


Adj. ending in( e )


er + adj. + than
cleaner than

the + adj. + est clean
the cleanest




Adj that have one vowel before the last letter ,



Adjectives that end with (y) after a consonant




Adjectives that are longer than one syllable







M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Choose :
1.We saw the girls [ play are playing playing ] football as we drove past the field
2. This side of the river is not as [ deep deeper deeply ] as the other side .
3.I'm sorry but Mr. Mohammed won't be able to help you . He's gone abroad
[ of on at ] holiday for two weeks .
4.The boy got [ on off up ] and kindly offered his seat to an old man .
5.You won't believe what happened ,

I [ lost missed locked ] the plane .

6.He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks [ the happiest happy happier ] today .
7.Our team [ played play will play ] the match tomorrow after noon .
8.Will you go out tonight ? No , I [ will shan't won't ] .
9. Mona [ learns will learn was learning ] English next year .
10.What is the [ good better best ] way to spend the week end .
11. Hazem is telling me [ for with about ] a trip he's going to make with his family .
12. We went [ in at on ] holiday to Alex last summer .
13. I've been waiting [ for on at ] the bus for half an hour .
14. The River Nile [ tours pours powers ] its water in the Mediterranean sea .
15. Kim [ received did sent ] a letter to her friend yesterday .
16.It was an [ exciting exited happy ] journey .
17. Before going to the super market , make a [ code list suitcase ] of things to buy .
18. Maha , couldn't close her bag , she packed it [ two too to ] much .

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

1) Re-write :
1. They had a big party yesterday .
[ tomorrow ]

2. Dad came from abroad last Friday .

[ next Friday ]

3. Summer is hotter than winter .

[ as as ]

4. Ali was carrying a pile of books .

[ what ?]

5. They don't have any sandwiches .

[ some ]

6. She will go to Sharm El-Shieikh next month .

[ not ]

7. Your bike is faster than mine .

[ slower ]

8. No one is more beautiful than Sally .

[ Sally ]

9. Everest is the highest mountain in the world . [ No .. ]

10. It's necessary to leave early for school .

[ must ]

11. The fisherman caught a big fish .

[not ]

12. She planned to go for a picnic on Friday .

[ going to ]

13. I prefer this chair to the other one .

[ comfortable ]

14. It's better for you to see a dentist twice a year . [ should ]

15. As I was reading , the light went out .

[ when ]

16. Grandma will buy some strawberries .

[ not ]

17. It's a good idea to go for a walk in the country . [ ought to ]

18. We intend to move into a new flat .

[ going to ]


M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

Supply the missing parts :
: , Aliaa ?
: I'll spend it on my grandfather's farm .
: ?
: It's in 10th. of Ramdan city .
: ?
: I'll go their with my family .
: ..?
: I don't know when I will come back .

: This big pyramid was built four thousand years ago .

: ..?
: Cheops the Great Pharaoh built it .
: ?
: To bury the dead bodies of the king and queen in .

C)Put these sentences into negative form:

1- The clever girl new the answer quickly.
2-The player fell down in the match yesterday.
3-He was riding a horse in the pyramids 2days ago.
4-They were eating outside yesterday, evening.
D) Write a question to each sentence:
a) .....?
He went to school by bus.
They were studying science at 5 p.m. yesterday.
No, she wasn't making a cake yesterday evening.
Yes, We were swimming at 6 p.m. yesterday.

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term


A) Choose the correct answer:

1- Kim and her family .. a long journey to the UK.
(do make travel)
2- They are staying .their friends.
(on with their )
3- They are watching TV..three hours.
(since for from)
4- .me about your journey.
(Tell Say Talk )
5- When did the planethe airport?
(leave live love)
6- Do you get..early?
(on off up)
7-We have breakfast the morning.
(on in at)
8- I have lunch .four oclock.
(on in at)
9- Mum a list of things to buy before going shopping.
(did made drew)
10- Will you help me .my suitcases?
(pack book back)
11- She crossed the things she bought..the list.
(over away off )
12- Mum .the window as the wind was blowing strongly.
(blocked locked unlocked)
13- Those people are waiting..the bus.
(to with for)
14- Most plants die if you dont ...them.
(move wait water)
15- They were late so they ..the plane.
(wasted lost missed)
16- They are going holiday next month.
(on in at)
17- What time did you get ..the plane?
(in on at )
18- Is youron the plane comfortable?
(chair seat bench)

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term


A) Underline the correct word(s) in brackets:

1-The children were happytheir way to their mother.
(in on at)
2- The lorry was carrying.of oranges.
(sacks wedges tires)
3- He was running so there was .on his body.
(sweet sweat sweater)
4- As she was alone, she was singing to the silence.
(damage break glint)
5- This road from Cairo to Alexandria.
(affords reaches stretches)
6- He cant to buy a new mobile because he doesnt have enough money.
(afford reach stretch)
7- Her mother doesnt ask her for help but sheon helping her mother.
(agreed accepted insisted)
8- When we were swimming, some birds across the tops of the waves.
(flopped gazed - skimmed)
9- He didnt seem to know me so me when we first met.
(noticed saw gazed)
10- They felt tired so they sat under a tree to have a
(rest stay flop)
11- ...last We finished our homework.
(In On At )
12- The Childrendown from the top of the hill.
(glint flop skim)
13-Her gold ring .on her finger.
(glints flops skims)
14- I cant follow you. Slowplease.
(out off down)
15-The children have no food so they are feeling sharpof hunger.
(steps stabs stops)
16- I cant see well because the window glass of my car is
(clear tar scratchy)
17- Cars and lions....
(crack cry roar)
18- A is a kind of car that has four wheels.
(train truck bus)

M3T Schools
primary Stage (4), Language Section, Macmillan , First Term

19- Lets .at the side of the road.

(walk to walk walking)
20-They set.their journey eastwards.
(up off down)
21- Before you get on the train , You must buy a .
(ticket direction grassland)
22-She is studying hard so she is of her success.
(doubtful confident leading )
23- They turned in the .of the shopping mall.
(direction recipe position)
24- Cars run fast on roads.
(dusty bumpy tar )
25- Farmers live in
(villages cities capitals)
B) Supply the missing letters:
1- brdg
2- he..g
4- sled.
5- viage
C) Complete the sentences with words in the box:
Sledge bridge hedge fridge
1- We will have to cut the in the garden.
2- stuck in the snow.
3- We keep cheese in the..
4- The man was fishing under the .
5- A .. keeps food cold.
6- A ... is used for moving on snow.
7- A goes across a river.
8- A is a long line of bushes.


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