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LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 instructions

Instructions for building the Shooterbot, Robogator, Color Sorter, and Alpha Rex.

Table of contents
Programming the NXT with Linux
Compiling an NXC program
1. Driving base
Building guide
2. Color detection
Building guide
3. Shooter
Building guide
4. Locate objects
Building guide
1. Jaws
Building guide
2. Eyes
Building guide
3. Legs
Building guide
4. Tail
Building guide
Color Sorter
1. Dispenser
Building guide
2. Color detector
Building guide
3. Sorting tray
Building guide
4. Color catapult
Building guide
Alpha Rex
1. Legs
Building guide
2. Arms
Building guide
3. Head
Building guide
4. Color sensor
Building guide

Programming guide
Programming guide
Programming guide
Programming guide

Test guide
Test guide
Test guide
Test guide

Programming guide
Programming guide
Programming guide
Programming guide

Test guide
Test guide
Test guide
Test guide

Programming guide
Programming guide
Programming guide
Programming guide

Test guide
Test guide
Test guide
Test guide

Programming guide
Programming guide
Programming guide
Programming guide

Test guide
Test guide
Test guide
Test guide

The instructions for building the four main LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 models are distributed only on software that
does not support Linux. The instructions are reproduced here.
Programming the NXT with Linux
The accompanying programs supplied here are written in NXC. NXC is a simple C-like programming language
supported by NBC. NBC allows you to write NXT programs and download them to the NXT. This configuration guide
for NBC on Linux is useful.
Compiling an NXC program
A typical command to compile and download an NXC program by USB would be

nbc -d -S=usb filename.nxc


Can you build and program a Shooterbot to guard your room while you are away?
1. Driving base
Building guide

Can you build a Shooterbot to move forward and then move back again?

Programming guide

Can you program a Shooterbot to move forward on the test pad and then move in reverse to its start position?
// shooterbot_1.nxc
// Move forward and then reverse.
task main ()

// Move forward at 75% power for 2 seconds
OnFwd (OUT_BC ,75); Wait (2000);
// Reverse at 75% power for 2 seconds
OnRev (OUT_BC ,75); Wait (2000);
// Brake
Off (OUT_BC);

Test guide

Download your program. Place the Shooterbot on the test pad and run the program.
2. Color detection
Building guide

Can you build a Shooterbot to test colors on the test pad?

Programming guide

Can you program a Shooterbot to move forward, find the red line, turn around, and then move back to its start
// shooterbot_2.nxc
// Move forward to the red line, turn around, and move back to the start
// position.
// Adjust this number to suit your surface / battery power
#define TURN_TIME 1750
task main ()
long t0, t1;
// Bring the color sensor on-line
SetSensorColorFull (S3);
// Record the time when the forward movement starts
t0 = CurrentTick ();
// Move forward to the red line
OnFwd (OUT_BC ,75);
t1 = CurrentTick (); // Record the time when the forward movement finishes
Off (OUT_BC);
// Turn 180 degrees to the right
OnFwd (OUT_C, 75); OnRev (OUT_B, 75); Wait (TURN_TIME); Off (OUT_BC);
// Move back to the start
OnFwd (OUT_BC ,75); Wait (t1 - t0); Off (OUT_BC);

Test guide

Download your program. Place the Shooterbot on the test pad and run the program.
3. Shooter
Building guide

Can you build the Shooterbot to shoot balls at objects? You will have to build the shooter on the front of your

Programming guide

Can you program Shooterbot to drive around and shoot while showing different colored lights?
// shooterbot_3.nxc
// Drive around and shoot while showing different colored lights.
#define BULLETS 7

#define FLASH_DURATION 300

#define TURN_TIME 3000
int bullets_remaining = BULLETS;
bool fire = false;
task flashing_lights ()
int red_flashes;
while (bullets_remaining > 0)
// Alternate between the red, green, and blue lamps
SetSensorColorGreen (IN_3); Wait (FLASH_DURATION);
SetSensorColorBlue (IN_3); Wait (FLASH_DURATION);
// Indicate that no bullets remain
for (red_flashes = 1; red_flashes <= 10; red_flashes++)
(IN_3); Wait (FLASH_DURATION / 2);
SetSensorColorNone (IN_3); Wait (FLASH_DURATION / 2);
// Stop the program
StopAllTasks ();
task shoot ()
while (true)
// Check whether to fire a bullet
if (true == fire)
// Reset the 'fire a bullet' flag to false
fire = false;
// Decrement the number of bullets remaining
// To fire, make motor A do a single 360 degree rotation
RotateMotorEx (OUT_A, 75, 360, 0, false, true);
task move ()
while (bullets_remaining > 0)
// Do a random turn
if (0 == Random (2))
// Left turn
OnFwd (OUT_B, 75); OnRev (OUT_C, 75);
Wait (Random (TURN_TIME));
Off (OUT_BC);
Wait (1000);
fire = true;
Wait (1000);
// Right turn
OnFwd (OUT_C, 75); OnRev (OUT_B, 75);
Wait (Random (TURN_TIME));
Off (OUT_BC);
Wait (1000);
fire = true;

Wait (1000);
task main ()
// Make these tasks execute simultaneously after main () is finished
Precedes (flashing_lights, shoot, move);

Test guide

Download the program. Place the Shooterbot in the middle of the test pad and run the program.
4. Locate objects
Building guide

Can you build the Shooterbot to protect your room? You will have to add the Ultrasonic Sensor to your Shooterbot.

Programming guide

Can you program the Shooterbot to scan your room and detect objects? If an object is closer than 40cm, the
Shooterbot should shine a warning light and then shoot if the object does not move away.
// shooterbot_4.nxc
// If an object is to close, shine a warning light and then shoot if
// the object does not move away.


#define start_turning(power) OnFwd (OUT_C, power); OnRev (OUT_B, power);

task main ()
long t0;
int bullets_remaining = BULLETS;
SetSensorLowspeed (S4); // Bring the ultrasonic sensor on-line
SetSensorColorGreen (S3); // Set the lamp to show all-clear
while (bullets_remaining > 0)
start_turning (50);
until (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD); // Scan for close objects
Off (OUT_BC); // Stop turning
t0 = CurrentTick ();
while ((CurrentTick () - t0) < WARNING_TIME)
{ // Emit the warning - a flashing red lamp
SetSensorColorNone (S3); Wait (FLASH_DURATION);
SetSensorColorRed (S3); Wait (FLASH_DURATION);
if (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD)

RotateMotorEx (OUT_A, 75, 360, 0, false, true); // Shoot
Wait (1000); // Give motor A time to shoot
SetSensorColorGreen (S3); // Set the lamp to show all-clear
Off (OUT_BC); // Stop turning
TextOut (8, LCD_LINE4, "OUT OF BULLETS", true);
Wait (7000);
StopAllTasks (); // Stop the program

Test guide

Download the program. Place the Shooterbot in the middle of the test pad and run the program.

Can you build and program a Robogator that attacks objects and protects its territory?
1. Jaws
Building guide

Can you build a robot with jaws that open and close?

Programming guide

Can you program your robot to open and close its jaws?
// robogator_1.nxc
// Open and close the jaws
// Sample the motor rotation speed every this number of milliseconds
// The approximate 'degrees per second' rotation of motor A
long dps_a = 0;
task motor_speed_monitor ()
long mrc_a_0, mrc_a_1; // mrc == motor rotation count
unsigned long t_a_0, t_a_1;
while (true)
// Record the rotation count and the time
mrc_a_0 = MotorRotationCount (OUT_A); t_a_0 = CurrentTick ();
// Again, record the rotation count and the time
mrc_a_1 = MotorRotationCount (OUT_A); t_a_1 = CurrentTick ();
// Calculate the average rotation rate over that time interval
dps_a = ((mrc_a_1 - mrc_a_0) * 1000) / (t_a_1 - t_a_0);
task bite ()
while (true)
// Assume the jaws are closed to begin with - open them

OnFwd (OUT_A, 40); Wait (100); // Wait > ROTATION_SAMPLE_RESOLUTION

until (10 > dps_a); // Wait until the jaws have opened and are practically still
Off (OUT_A);
// Close the jaws
OnRev (OUT_A, 40); Wait (100);
until (-10 < dps_a); // Reverse rotations are negative
Off (OUT_A);
task main ()
Precedes (bite, motor_speed_monitor);

Test guide

Download and run the program. Your Robogator jaws should open and close.
2. Eyes
Building guide

Can you make your Robogator see objects and attack them if they get too close?

Programming guide

Can you program your robot to bite when objects get too close?
// robogator_2.nxc
// Open and close the jaws when objects are close
// Sample the motor rotation speed every this number of milliseconds
// Bite objects which come closer than this
#define THRESHOLD 40
// The approximate 'degrees per second' rotation of motor A
long dps_a = 0;
task motor_speed_monitor ()
long mrc_a_0, mrc_a_1; // mrc == motor rotation count
unsigned long t_a_0, t_a_1;
while (true)
mrc_a_0 = MotorRotationCount (OUT_A); t_a_0 = CurrentTick ();
mrc_a_1 = MotorRotationCount (OUT_A); t_a_1 = CurrentTick ();
dps_a = ((mrc_a_1 - mrc_a_0) * 1000) / (t_a_1 - t_a_0);
task bite ()
SetSensorLowspeed (S4); // Bring the ultrasonic sensor on-line
while (true)

until (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD); // Scan for close objects
// Assume the jaws are closed to begin with - open them
OnFwd (OUT_A, 40); Wait (100); // Wait > ROTATION_SAMPLE_RESOLUTION
until (10 > dps_a); // Wait until the motor stops
Off (OUT_A);
// Close the jaws
OnRev (OUT_A, 40); Wait (100);
until (-10 < dps_a); // Reverse rotations are negative
Off (OUT_A);
task main ()
Precedes (bite, motor_speed_monitor);

Test guide

Download and run the program. Move your hand towards the Robogator's eyes. The Robogator's jaws
should start biting. Move your hand away and the Robogator should stop biting.
3. Legs
Building guide

Can you build a robot that can walk?

Programming guide

Can you program the Robogator to walk forward and start biting when objects get too close?
// robogator_3.nxc
// Open and close the jaws and walk forward when objects are close
// Sample the motor rotation speed every this number of milliseconds

// Bite objects which come closer than this
#define THRESHOLD 40
// Walk forward for up to this many steps when an object is close
// The approximate 'degrees per second' rotation of motor A
long dps_a = 0;
task motor_speed_monitor ()
long mrc_a_0, mrc_a_1; // mrc == motor rotation count
unsigned long t_a_0, t_a_1;
while (true)
mrc_a_0 = MotorRotationCount (OUT_A); t_a_0 = CurrentTick ();
mrc_a_1 = MotorRotationCount (OUT_A); t_a_1 = CurrentTick ();
dps_a = ((mrc_a_1 - mrc_a_0) * 1000) / (t_a_1 - t_a_0);
task bite ()
while (true)
until (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD); // Scan for close objects
// Assume the jaws are closed to begin with
OnFwd (OUT_A, 40); Wait (100); // Wait > ROTATION_SAMPLE_RESOLUTION
until (10 > dps_a); // Wait until the motor stops
Off (OUT_A);
OnRev (OUT_A, 40); Wait (100);
until (-10 < dps_a); // Reverse rotations are negative
Off (OUT_A);
task walk ()
int steps;
while (true)
until (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD); // Scan for close objects
// Walk forward while an object is close
steps = 0;
while (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD && steps < MAX_STEPS_FORWARD)
RotateMotorEx (OUT_BC, -100, 360, 0, true, true);
steps += 1;
task main ()
SetSensorLowspeed (S4); // Bring the ultrasonic sensor on-line
Precedes (bite, motor_speed_monitor, walk);

Test guide

Download the program. Place your alligator on the test pad and run the program.
4. Tail
Building guide

Can you build the tail and add sensors to the Robogator so it knows where its legs are?

Programming guide

Can you program Robogator to protect its territory: lunge forward, bite, and crawl back?
// robogator_4.nxc
// When an object is close: open and close the jaws, walk forward,
// and then move back
// Sample the motor rotation speed every this number of milliseconds
// Bite objects which come closer than this
#define THRESHOLD 60
// Walk forward for up to this many steps when an object is close
// The approximate 'degrees per second' rotation of motor A
long dps_a = 0;
task motor_speed_monitor ()
long mrc_a_0, mrc_a_1; // mrc == motor rotation count
unsigned long t_a_0, t_a_1;
while (true)
mrc_a_0 = MotorRotationCount (OUT_A); t_a_0 = CurrentTick ();
mrc_a_1 = MotorRotationCount (OUT_A); t_a_1 = CurrentTick ();
dps_a = ((mrc_a_1 - mrc_a_0) * 1000) / (t_a_1 - t_a_0);
task bite ()

while (true)
until (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD); // Scan for close objects
// Assume the jaws are closed to begin with
OnFwd (OUT_A, 40); Wait (100); // Wait > ROTATION_SAMPLE_RESOLUTION
until (10 > dps_a); // Wait until the motor stops
Off (OUT_A);
OnRev (OUT_A, 40); Wait (100);
until (-10 < dps_a); // Reverse rotations are negative
Off (OUT_A);
task walk ()
int i, steps;
// Use the touch sensors to align the legs initially
OnFwd (OUT_B, -100);
until (1 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B); RotateMotor (OUT_B, -100, 45);
OnFwd (OUT_C, -100);
until (1 == SENSOR_2);
Off (OUT_C); RotateMotor (OUT_C, -100, 45);
while (true)
// Walk forward while an object is close
steps = 0;
while (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD && steps < MAX_STEPS_FORWARD)
RotateMotorEx (OUT_BC, -100, 360, 0, true, true);
steps += 1;
// Walk back to the original position
Wait (1000);
while (steps > 0)
RotateMotorEx (OUT_BC, 90, 360, 0, true, true);
steps -= 1;
task main ()
SetSensorLowspeed (S4); // Bring the ultrasonic sensor on-line
SetSensorTouch (S1); // Bring the touch sensors on-line
SetSensorTouch (S2);
Precedes (bite, motor_speed_monitor, walk);

Test guide

Download the program. Place Robogator on the test pad and run the program.

Color Sorter
Can you build and program the Color Sorter to sort balls by color?
1. Dispenser

Building guide

Can you build a dispenser that separates balls one by one?

Programming guide

Can you program the dispenser to tilt and dispense one ball at a time?
// colorsorter_1.nxc
// Dispense one ball at a time
// The number of balls to be sorted

#define BALLS 4
// Get the dispenser in a standard position
void reset_dispenser ()
OnRev (OUT_B, 80);
until (1 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
Wait (1000);
// Dispense one ball
void dispense_ball ()
reset_dispenser ();
RotateMotor (OUT_B, 60, 720);
Wait (1000);
task main ()
int i;
// Bring the tilting mechanism's touch sensor on-line
SetSensorTouch (S1);
i = 0;
while (i++ < BALLS)
dispense_ball ();

Test guide

Download your program. Place the Color Sorter in the middle of the test pad. Put a couple of balls in the
dispenser and run the program.
2. Color detector
Building guide

Can you build a color detector that can recognise the different ball colors?

Programming guide

Can you make a program that can tell the difference between the colors of the balls?
// colorsorter_2.nxc
// Dispense one ball at a time - display the color of each ball
// The number of balls to be sorted

#define BALLS 4
// Get the dispenser in a standard position
void reset_dispenser ()
OnRev (OUT_B, 80);
until (1 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
Wait (1000);
// Get a ball into the dispenser slot
void load_ball ()
RotateMotor (OUT_B, 60, 360);
Wait (1000);
void dispense_ball ()
RotateMotor (OUT_B, 60, 360);
Wait (1000);
void show_color ()
string ball_color = "";
switch (SENSOR_3)
ball_color = "BLUE";
ball_color = "RED";
ball_color = "GREEN";
ball_color = "YELLOW";
ball_color = "NONE";
// Show the ball color
TextOut (30, LCD_LINE3, ball_color, true);
Wait (1000);
task main ()
int i;
// Bring the tilting mechanism's touch sensor on-line
SetSensorTouch (S1);
// Bring the color sensor on-line
SetSensorColorFull (S3);
i = 0;
while (i++ < BALLS)
// Show the number of balls left to sort
TextOut (0, LCD_LINE1, "Balls remaining: ", true);
NumOut (50, LCD_LINE3, BALLS - (i-1));
reset_dispenser ();
load_ball ();

show_color ();
dispense_ball ();

Test guide

Download your program. Place the Color Sorter in the middle of the test pad. Run the program.
3. Sorting tray
Building guide

Can you build a sorting tray that allows the Color Sorter to sort the four different colored balls into their own

Programming guide

Can you program the sorting tray to spin around and place balls of the same color in the same basket?
// colorsorter_3.nxc
// Place balls of the same color in the same basket
// Assume there are no balls remaining after this number of retries
#define RETRIES 2
// Reset the dispensing tray and the basket when these are set to true
bool reset_dispenser_flag = false;
bool reset_basket_flag = false;
// Get a ball into the dispenser slot
void load_ball ()
Wait (2000);
// Shake up the balls in the dispenser
RotateMotor (OUT_B, 90, 400);
RotateMotor (OUT_B, -90, 400);
Wait (500);
void dispense_ball ()
RotateMotor (OUT_B, -90, 360);
Wait (1000);
// Show the color of the ball on the NXT display
// Return the value of the color of the ball to the calling task
string show_color ()
string ball_color = "";
switch (SENSOR_3)

ball_color = "BLUE";
ball_color = "RED";
ball_color = "GREEN";
ball_color = "YELLOW";
ball_color = "NONE";
// Show the ball color
TextOut (30, LCD_LINE3, ball_color, true);
Wait (500);
return ball_color;
void align_basket (string ball_color)
if (ball_color == "YELLOW") {
RotateMotor (OUT_C, 30, 90);
}else if (ball_color == "GREEN") {
RotateMotor (OUT_C, 30, 180);
}else if (ball_color == "BLUE") {
RotateMotor (OUT_C, -30, 90);
// Get the dispenser in a standard position
task reset_dispenser ()
while (true)
if (true == reset_dispenser_flag)
// Get the dispenser into a standard position using the touch sensor
OnRev (OUT_B, 80);
until (1 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
reset_dispenser_flag = false;
task reset_basket ()
while (true)
if (true == reset_basket_flag)
// Get the basket into a standard position using the touch sensor
OnFwd (OUT_C, 30);
until (0 == SENSOR_2); // Unset the touch sensor if it is set
until (1 == SENSOR_2);
Off (OUT_C);
RotateMotor (OUT_C, -30, 30);
reset_basket_flag = false;
task main ()

int i;
string ball_color;
// Bring the tilting mechanism's touch sensor on-line
SetSensorTouch (S1);
// Bring the sorting mechanism's touch sensor on-line
SetSensorTouch (S2);
// Bring the color sensor on-line
SetSensorColorFull (S3);
StartTask (reset_basket);
StartTask (reset_dispenser);
while (true)
// Clear the display
ResetScreen ();
i = 0;
// Reset the positions of the dispenser and the baskets in parallel
reset_dispenser_flag = true;
reset_basket_flag = true;
// Wait until the reset tasks are both finished
until (false == reset_dispenser_flag && false == reset_basket_flag);
load_ball (); // Place a ball in the dispenser exit slot
ball_color = show_color ();
// Check for a ball in the dispenser exit slot
} while (++i < RETRIES && "NONE" == ball_color)
if ("NONE" == ball_color)
// Assume no balls are remaining
TextOut (0, LCD_LINE3, "*** FINISHED ***", true);
Wait (4000);
align_basket (ball_color);
dispense_ball ();
StopAllTasks ();

Test guide

Download your program. Place the Color Sorter in the middle of the test pad. Run the program.
4. Color catapult
Building guide

Can you build a color catapult that throws balls in different directions?

Programming guide

Can you program the color catapult to throw balls of the same color in the same direction?
// colorsorter_4.nxc
// Chuck balls of the same color in the same direction
// Assume there are no balls remaining after this number of retries

#define RETRIES 2
// Reset the dispensing tray and the catapult when these are set to true
bool reset_dispenser_flag = false;
bool reset_catapult_flag = false;
// Get a ball into the dispenser slot
void load_ball ()
Wait (2000);
// Shake up the balls in the dispenser
RotateMotor (OUT_B, 90, 400);
RotateMotor (OUT_B, -90, 400);
Wait (500);
void dispense_ball ()
RotateMotor (OUT_B, -90, 360);
Wait (1000);
// Show the color of the ball on the NXT display
// Return the value of the color of the ball to the calling task
string show_color ()
string ball_color = "";
switch (SENSOR_3)
ball_color = "BLUE";
ball_color = "RED";
ball_color = "GREEN";
ball_color = "YELLOW";
ball_color = "NONE";
// Show the ball color
TextOut (30, LCD_LINE3, ball_color, true);
Wait (500);
return ball_color;
void align_catapult (string ball_color)
if (ball_color == "RED") {
RotateMotor (OUT_C, 30, 45);
}else if (ball_color == "YELLOW") {
RotateMotor (OUT_C, 30, 90);
}else if (ball_color == "GREEN") {
RotateMotor (OUT_C, -30, 45);
}else if (ball_color == "BLUE") {
RotateMotor (OUT_C, -30, 90);
// Get the dispenser in a standard position
task reset_dispenser ()

while (true)
if (true == reset_dispenser_flag)
// Get the dispenser into a standard position using the touch sensor
OnRev (OUT_B, 80);
until (1 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
reset_dispenser_flag = false;

task reset_catapult ()
while (true)
if (true == reset_catapult_flag)
// Get the catapult into a standard position using the touch sensor
OnFwd (OUT_C, 30); // Unset the touch sensor if it is set by moving toward the front si
until (0 == SENSOR_2);
OnFwd (OUT_C, -30); // Move back until the touch sensor activates
until (1 == SENSOR_2);
Off (OUT_C);
RotateMotor (OUT_C, -30, 15); // A slight adjustment for perfect alignment
reset_catapult_flag = false;
task main ()
int i;
string ball_color;
// Bring the tilting mechanism's touch sensor on-line
SetSensorTouch (S1);
// Bring the sorting mechanism's touch sensor on-line
SetSensorTouch (S2);
// Bring the color sensor on-line
SetSensorColorFull (S3);
StartTask (reset_catapult);
StartTask (reset_dispenser);
while (true)
// Clear the display
ResetScreen ();
i = 0;
// Reset the positions of the dispenser and the catapult in parallel
reset_dispenser_flag = true;
reset_catapult_flag = true;
// Wait until the reset tasks are both finished
until (false == reset_dispenser_flag && false == reset_catapult_flag);
load_ball (); // Place a ball in the dispenser exit slot
ball_color = show_color ();
// Check for a ball in the dispenser exit slot
} while (++i < RETRIES && "NONE" == ball_color)
if ("NONE" == ball_color)

// Assume no balls are remaining
TextOut (0, LCD_LINE3, "*** FINISHED ***", true);
Wait (4000);
dispense_ball ();
align_catapult (ball_color);
// Fire the catapult
OnFwd (OUT_A, 100); Wait (500); Off (OUT_A);
OnFwd (OUT_A, -100); Wait (500); Off (OUT_A);
// Move the catapult back over to the front side, ready for resetting its position
if (ball_color == "GREEN") {
RotateMotor (OUT_C, 30, 45+90);
}else if (ball_color == "BLUE") {
RotateMotor (OUT_C, 30, 90+90);
StopAllTasks ();

Test guide

Download your program. Place the Color Sorter in the middle of the test pad and make sure the axle is
placed in the centre. Run the program.

Alpha Rex
Can you build and program the Alpha Rex to walk?
1. Legs
Building guide

Can you build a pair of legs that can walk?

Programming guide

Can you build a pair of legs that test walk in place, and then walk forwards and backwards?
// alpharex_1.nxc
// Walk in place, and forwards, and backwards.
// Three directions for walking
#define INPLACE
#define FORWARDS 1
#define BACKWARDS 2
// Get the legs in a standard position
// Motor B & touch sensor 1 ---> right leg
// Motor C & touch sensor 2 ---> left leg
void reset_legs ()
if (1 == SENSOR_1)
OnFwd (OUT_B, 50); Wait (300);
until (0 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
OnFwd (OUT_B, 50);
until (1 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
if (1 == SENSOR_2)
OnFwd (OUT_C, 50); Wait (300);
until (0 == SENSOR_2);
Off (OUT_C);
OnFwd (OUT_C, 50);
until (1 == SENSOR_2);
Off (OUT_C);

void walk (int direction, unsigned long duration)

unsigned long t0;
reset_legs ();
Wait (2000);
RotateMotor (OUT_B, 70, 45); // Put right leg down
RotateMotor (OUT_C, -70, 150); // Put left leg up
t0 = CurrentTick ();
switch (direction)
while (CurrentTick () - t0 < duration)
OnFwd (OUT_B, 70); OnFwd (OUT_C, -70);
while (CurrentTick () - t0 < duration)
OnFwdSync (OUT_BC, 50, 0);
while (CurrentTick () - t0 < duration)
OnRevSync (OUT_BC, 50, 0);
Off (OUT_BC);
task main ()
// Bring the touch sensors on-line
SetSensorTouch (S1); SetSensorTouch (S2);
walk (INPLACE,
5000); Wait (2000);
walk (BACKWARDS, 5000); Wait (2000);
walk (FORWARDS, 5000); Wait (2000);

Test guide

Download the program. Place the Alpha Rex on the test pad. Run the program.
2. Arms
Building guide

Can you build the Alpha Rex with a pair of arms and moveable hands?

Programming guide

Can you program the arms to move back and forth while the hands open and close?
// alpharex_2.nxc
// Move the arms back and forth
task main ()
while (true)
// turn right - open left hand
RotateMotor (OUT_A, 100, 2*60);
// back to center
RotateMotor (OUT_A, -100, 2*60);
Wait (1000);
// turn left - open right hand
RotateMotor (OUT_A, -100, 2*60);
// back to center
RotateMotor (OUT_A, 100, 2*60);
Wait (1000);

Test guide

Download the program. Place the Alpha Rex on the test pad. Run the program.
3. Head

Building guide

Can you build the Alpha Rex to see? You will have to build a head on it!

Programming guide

Can you program the Alpha Rex to move forward when it sees an object?
// alpharex_3.nxc
// Move forward when an object is visible
// Walk forward when objects come closer than this
#define THRESHOLD 50
// Three directions for walking
#define INPLACE
#define FORWARDS 1
#define BACKWARDS 2
// Get the legs in a standard position
// Motor B & touch sensor 1 ---> right leg
// Motor C & touch sensor 2 ---> left leg
void reset_legs ()
if (1 == SENSOR_1)
OnFwd (OUT_B, 50); Wait (300);
until (0 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
OnFwd (OUT_B, 50);
until (1 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
if (1 == SENSOR_2)
OnFwd (OUT_C, 50); Wait (300);
until (0 == SENSOR_2);
Off (OUT_C);
OnFwd (OUT_C, 50);

until (1 == SENSOR_2);
Off (OUT_C);
void walk (int direction, unsigned long duration)
unsigned long t0;
RotateMotor (OUT_B, 70, 45); // Put right leg down
RotateMotor (OUT_C, -70, 150); // Put left leg up
t0 = CurrentTick ();
switch (direction)
OnFwd (OUT_B, 50); OnFwd (OUT_C, -50);
until (CurrentTick () - t0 > duration);
OnFwdSync (OUT_BC, 50, 0);
until (CurrentTick () - t0 > duration);
OnRevSync (OUT_BC, 50, 0);
until (CurrentTick () - t0 > duration);
Off (OUT_BC);
reset_legs ();
task main ()
SetSensorTouch (S1); SetSensorTouch (S2); // Bring the touch sensors on-line
SetSensorLowspeed (S4); // Bring the ultrasonic sensor on-line
reset_legs ();
Wait (500);
while (true)
until (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD);
walk (FORWARDS, 5000); Wait (2000);

Test guide

Download the program. Place the Alpha Rex on the test pad. Run the program.
4. Color sensor
Building guide

Can you make the Alpha Rex detect colors by adding the Color Sensor?

Programming guide

Can you program the Alpha Rex to ask for the green ball and then identify it? The Alpha Rex should identify and
reject balls in other colors.
// alpharex_4.nxc
// Ask for a green ball

// TODO Use a voice to ask for a green ball when nxc adds
// support for sound files on Linux
// Ask for a ball when an object is closer than this
#define THRESHOLD 50
// Three directions for walking
#define INPLACE
#define FORWARDS 1
#define BACKWARDS 2
void drop_ball ()
RotateMotor (OUT_A, -100, 2*60); Wait (800);
// back to center
RotateMotor (OUT_A, 100, 2*60);
// Get the legs in a standard position
// Motor B & touch sensor 1 ---> right leg
// Motor C & touch sensor 2 ---> left leg
void reset_legs ()
if (1 == SENSOR_1)
OnFwd (OUT_B, 50); Wait (300);
until (0 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
OnFwd (OUT_B, 50);
until (1 == SENSOR_1);
Off (OUT_B);
if (1 == SENSOR_2)
OnFwd (OUT_C, 50); Wait (300);
until (0 == SENSOR_2);
Off (OUT_C);
OnFwd (OUT_C, 50);
until (1 == SENSOR_2);
Off (OUT_C);
void walk (int direction, unsigned long duration)
unsigned long t0;
RotateMotor (OUT_B, 70, 45); // Put right leg down
RotateMotor (OUT_C, -70, 150); // Put left leg up
t0 = CurrentTick ();
switch (direction)
OnFwd (OUT_B, 50); OnFwd (OUT_C, -50);
until (CurrentTick () - t0 > duration);
OnFwdSync (OUT_BC, 50, 0);
until (CurrentTick () - t0 > duration);
OnRevSync (OUT_BC, 50, 0);

until (CurrentTick () - t0 > duration);

Off (OUT_BC);
reset_legs ();
task main ()
SetSensorTouch (S1); SetSensorTouch (S2); // Bring the touch sensors on-line
SetSensorLowspeed (S4); // Bring the ultrasonic sensor on-line
SetSensorColorFull (S3); // Bring the color sensor on-line
reset_legs ();
Wait (500);
while (true)
until (SensorUS (S4) < THRESHOLD);
// Display a message
TextOut (0, LCD_LINE1, "
TextOut (0, LCD_LINE3, "
TextOut (0, LCD_LINE5, "

*** GREEN ***

", true);
", false);
", false);

// Wait until a ball is placed in the right hand

Wait (2000);
ResetScreen ();
// Do a dance
walk (INPLACE, 5000);
// Release the ball
drop_ball ();
// Move forward
walk (FORWARDS, 5000);
// Drop the ball
drop_ball ();
// Move back
walk (BACKWARDS, 5000);
Wait (1000);

Test guide

Download the program. Place the Alpha Rex on the test pad. Before running the program, the Alpha
Rex's hands should be closed and pointed forward (do this by turning the gear on the right side of its
back). Run the program.

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