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Recognition for Unit of Competency

Unit Number:
Teaching Section:


Unit Name:

Assess compliance with food safety programs

Tourism and Hospitality

Step 1: Read the unit competency requirements (If you have the skills/knowledge to meet these elements, go to step 2)
Unit Descriptor:

This unit covers skills and knowledge required to assess compliance against an approved food safety program where the program is
supported by a prescriptive template or tool or where compliance is checked against a food safety program that has been validated by a
technical expert.
- Licensing/certification requirements - Licensing and registration arrangements are determined by system owners.
- Application of the unit - This unit may apply to regulatory, commercial or internal auditors.
When applied to assessing compliance of food safety programs in low risk food businesses or processes, the following unit must be pre or
co-assessed with this unit:
- FDFFSCOMA - Communicate and negotiate to conduct food safety audits
When applied to assessing compliance of food safety programs in medium risk food businesses or processes, the following units must be
pre or co-assessed with this unit:
- FDFFSCOMA - Communicate and negotiate to conduct food safety audits
- FDFFSCHZA - Identify, evaluate and control food safety hazards
When applied to assessing compliance of food safety programs in high risk food businesses or processes, the following units must be pre or
co-assessed with this unit:
- FDFFSCOMA - Communicate and negotiate to conduct food safety audits
- FDFFSCHZA - Identify, evaluate and control food safety hazards
- and any unit/s relevant to the specified high risk business or process.

1. Plan the audit

Unit Number: FDFFSACA

Unit Name:
Assess compliance with food safety programs

An audit plan is developed to meet the audit scope. The plan is capable of delivering the required
outcomes within resource and time allocations and includes:
- audit purpose, scope and relevant template/s or approved food safety program
- activities and responsibilities
- audit timing (as required by legislation and/or client)
- timetable for each stage of the audit
- resource requirements
- personnel required to participate in the audit
- reporting requirementsaudit follow up and completion procedures
Communication protocols are established to facilitate the effective exchange of information and suited to
the auditee environment


Recognition for Unit of Competency

2. Review and assess food safety programs

The documented food safety program and related procedures and pre-requisite programs are assessed
to confirm that legal and client requirements are addressed as determined by the audit scope
The food business method of identifying and analysing food safety hazards is reviewed to establish that:
- templates or the approved food safety program are correctly selected to meet audit scope
- templates or the approved food safety program are appropriately adapted to suit the needs of the
business without adversely affecting food safety
Documented verification records are reviewed to confirm that the requirements of the food safety program
are being met
Corrective actions required where processes are identified as not meeting targets or critical limits are
assessed to confirm they meet the requirements of the template or food safety program
Food safety pre-requisite programs are assessed to confirm they are appropriate for the food
business/industry sector to maintain a safe food environment
Food safety program documents are reviewed to confirm currency, accuracy and adequacy to facilitate
maintenance of an adequate food safety program

3. Review and assess implementation of food safety


Evidence is collected and assessed to confirm that:

- documented programs and procedures are working effectively, reflect actual practice and are
consistently applied
- food safety monitoring and corrective actions are carried out according to procedure
- food safety pre-requisite programs are effective and consistently followed
- food safety records are completed and provide an accurate record of events
- records are accessed and analysed to confirm effective program maintenance in accordance with the
template or food safety program
- food safety skills and knowledge of food business personnel is commensurate with their work role
- procedures to internally monitor, assess, update and improve the food safety program are implemented

4. Manage the audit process

Audit progress is monitored against the audit plan and any variation to plan is identified and addressed
Circumstances requiring the audit plan to be adjusted are identified and negotiated in a timely manner
Audits address audit scope and are conducted within time and resource constraints to meet quality and
professional standards
The audit process is reviewed to identify opportunities for improvement

Unit Number: FDFFSACA

Unit Name:
Assess compliance with food safety programs


Recognition for Unit of Competency

5. Consolidate audit outcomes

Audit evidence is analysed and assessed to identify any areas of non-compliance with legislation and/or
client requirements as appropriate to the audit scope
Non-conformities are identified and classified as agreed by the audit plan
Non-conformities are reported in accordance with agreed client and/or legislative requirements
Audit reports and/or certificates are prepared and submitted or presented as required to meet regulatory
and client requirements
A corrective action implementation plan defining proposed actions and timelines developed by the auditee
is reviewed by the auditor to confirm that template or food safety program requirements are met
Audit findings are reviewed to confirm that evidence is sufficient as defined by the template or approved
food safety program

6. Confirm and close out corrective actions

Unit Number: FDFFSACA

Unit Name:
Assess compliance with food safety programs

Implementation and effectiveness of corrective action is monitored and verified against the template or
the approved food safety program
Audit records are maintained to record corrective actions


Step 1:

Read the unit competency requirements to determine if you meet the skills/knowledge required.

Step 2:

Complete your personal and unit details on the yellow Enrolment Adjustment Credit Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
form (PDF 204KB)

Step 3:

Sign the Student Declaration

Step 4:

Collect your evidence for recognition providing as much detail as possible.

Use the Recognition e-kit for Students (PDF 1, 683KB) to help you.


Recognition can only be granted for a full unit of competency. If you can meet most of these elements but not all, contact
the appropriate teaching section to discuss gap training.

Evidence may include:

Qualifications and/or formal statements
o List your qualifications and/or formal statements relevant for this unit.
o Copy of your testamur eg: Statement of Attainment, Certificate, Diploma and etc.
Professional Development and Training
o List any other training and development activities completed at work,
eg: Staff Development Activities, Training Sessions, One to one training by a qualified senior staff member.
Work Experience
o List your membership of organisations, voluntary work, and community work or self-employment/home business.
o Membership certificate/s
o Reference letter/s from clients.
Other Experience and Skills
o List what you do, or have done at work that meets the unit description. eg: activities, duties, projects, and etc.
o Letter of confirmation from your employer
o Duty statement
Return your application to: The Recognition Officer, 51 Wentworth Road, Strathfield 2135.

Version 5.1


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